I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 563 The Final Prize

Chapter 563 The Final Prize
The presenter of the Best Actress award today is Song Chi.

Before the awards were announced, the topic had already become a hot topic on the Internet.

Many netizens are looking forward to this scene.

Therefore, when the award ceremony was about to enter the Best Actress award and suddenly entered the commercial, everyone suddenly wanted to curse.

Hurry up and present the awards, they want to know if Zhou Yun can receive the best actress trophy from Song Chi this time!

Whether Zhou Yun can win the award has attracted too many people's attention.

In particular, Zhou Yun's achievements in the awards this year are too strong. He has already won the Best Actress in the Aoki Award and the Best Supporting Actress in the Tensi Award. If he can successfully win the Best Actress in the Lingjun Award this time , Zhou Yun will receive the third important performance award this year.

This will be the moment of apotheosis.

Fans of Zhou Yun wanted to see this scene very much.

Not to mention, Zhou Yun is very promising this time.In terms of nomination performance, her performance in the two films "Days" and "Behind the Scenes" is very good no matter which awards ceremony she puts on.If Zhou Yun can win the awards tonight, the three domestic film awards, Zhou Yun will be able to win two this year.

Unlike playing games, the entertainment industry does not have a clear leaderboard.

Whoever ranks first and who ranks second has a clear ranking.

In the entertainment industry, who has a higher status and who has more power to speak is affected by too many factors, and it is impossible to rank high and low. However, everyone is very clear about one thing, the number of awards is comparable.

The three awards, who has won the Grand Slam, and who has won the second seal, these are the things that fans of each family like to compete with each other every time they start a battle.

Therefore, if Zhou Yun can win the Lingjun Award for Best Actress, then she is not a leader among the younger generation. In the entire Chinese film circle, her achievements can be ranked in the front.

After all, most of the actresses who have won the best actress trophy can only win that one in their lifetime.

This time, the ones who competed with Zhou Yun for the best actress were Cheng Rina and Yin Lin.

Cheng Rina had been shortlisted for the Aoki Award with Zhou Yun before, and that time the Aoki Award was given to Zhou Yun.

It's hard to say whether the Lingjun Award will be given to Cheng Rina this time.After all, Cheng Rina's strength is very strong. Although the popularity and box office of her shortlisted film this time are not as good as "Days", it is also a well-recognized masterpiece in the industry.And Yin Lin was shortlisted for this award by relying on the comedy movie "Bad Woman" released in July this year.

Yin Lin is also an actress who has been in the industry for more than ten years and is not well-known.But "Bad Woman" made her an overnight hit when she was in her thirties—it really was an overnight hit. The movies that anyone is watching have a box office hit of one billion in the summer.This also made Yin Lin, an actress with superb acting skills, known to audiences across the country at once.

In fact, in the eyes of people in the industry, it was Yin Lin who could really pose a threat to Zhou Yun.

On the one hand, Yin Lin has deep qualifications and has never won an award. She has a long-standing hairstyle and is exactly the type of actor that the Lingjun Award likes to commend.On the other hand, Yin Lin's "Bad Woman" is the only movie that can compete with "Days" and "Behind the Scenes" in terms of box office and popularity. Even in terms of box office results, "Bad Woman" is even better. high.

Zhou Yun and Yin Lin have never dealt with each other, but Zhou Yun also went to see "Bad Woman". She also likes this movie very much, especially the character played by Yin Lin. N men maintain an ambiguous relationship with a vicious woman.

Zhou Yun himself knows that, in comparison, "Bad Women" must be liked by more people than "Days" and "Behind the Scenes". The former is not only well filmed, but also closely related to the real life of many women. The movie empathizes with those situations, just like the "33 Days of Broken Relationship" back then, how many people have had the Huang Xiaoxian filter since then, and it has continued to this day.

No matter how well "Days" and "Behind the Scenes" are filmed, they are still literary films, telling something in a humane and implicit way, not direct enough, and not laid out in front of the audience.

Works have always been like this. Most of the time, personal expression and public preferences are in a relationship of deviation.

Song Chi has been invited backstage to prepare for his appearance.

Zhou Yun went to say hello to Shi Luoqi and Xue Qin. He was too busy before and didn't have time to say hello to them.

Yin Lin suddenly walked towards them.


Zhou Yun and Yin Lin had never dealt with each other before, and this was the first time they met.

"Sister Luo Qi, Director Xue Qin, Xiaoyun, hello." Yin Lin said to them generously, "I am Yin Lin."

"You are dressed so beautifully today!" Shi Luoqi hugged the other party in surprise.

Yin Lin wore an indigo blue dress today, decorated with broken diamonds, swaying and shining like a starry sky.

"Not as beautiful as you." Yin Lin said, "I'm so happy to meet you today. I really like your "Behind the Scenes", especially after knowing the things behind the production of this movie, I think it's so amazing."

"We also really liked "Bad Women,"" Shirouqi said with a smile.

Several people exchanged pleasantries, and the boss of the film and television company came to talk to Shi Luoqi and Xue Qin.

Yin Lin looked at Zhou Yun, smiled at her, and said, "I finally see you, I like you so much."

"Thank you Sister Lin, I like you too." Zhou Yun responded generously, "I went to see "Bad Women" in July, and you were dazzling in it."

"I should thank you. After it was released, you also helped us recommend this movie on Weibo." Yin Lin said, "Can I give you a hug?"

"Of course." Zhou Yun was flattered and hugged Yin Lin.

There are people taking pictures nearby.

Yin Lin said: "I am very glad to have the opportunity to meet you this time. I like your acting style very much. I will definitely cooperate with you once I have the opportunity."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded, "I also want to cooperate with you, Sister Lin. I don't have my mobile phone with me now. When I go back later, I'll ask a friend to introduce you and add you as a WeChat friend, is that okay?"

"Of course no problem." Yin Lin nodded.

The two had a friendly exchange.

The host reminded me to go back to my seat, and the awards ceremony will continue.

Zhou Yun returned to his seat in the front row and sat down.

As the background music sounded, the host invited a singer who was shortlisted for the theme song of the movie to sing for everyone.

After Zhou Yun enjoyed the performance, Song Chi appeared.

The corner of his mouth was slightly raised, and he came out of the backstage with a high spirit.

There was applause from the audience.

He has been debuting for a long time, and almost everyone in the entertainment industry knows him. He has no restraint, but looks like a master, graciously raising the envelope in his hand to greet everyone.

Zhou Yun sat under the stage, looked at Song Chi, and couldn't help smiling.

Song Chi is really handsome.

Especially on this occasion, the formal attire is straight, the eyebrows are handsome, handsome and at the same time exudes sexy charm.

Zhou Yun rarely saw this side of Song Chi.

Only on this occasion can we see each other.

Wen Bing said in her ear: "Your boyfriend is really handsome. I see many women with straight eyes."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Then why don't you write a play for him?"

Wen Bing shrugged and said, "I don't like men, and I don't have the desire to create."

Zhou Yun: "Write a drama like "One Mountain and Two Tigers", an action drama."

"That's not interesting. I'm going to shoot "The Female Assassin" next time. Before that, I don't plan to write this kind of drama anymore. I've run out of inspiration." Wen Bing said.

"Actually, Wen Bing, why don't you consider making mature scripts? You don't necessarily have to write the scripts for every play you own. You are a director, not a screenwriter."

"I've been watching it too, but I haven't seen a script that is particularly suitable and I have the desire to make it." Wen Bing said, "The key is that the director is tied to Xindun, and I can only work in Xindun. If you choose among these projects, the range of choices is too narrow.”

The two chatted for a while, and Song Chi was about to open the envelope and announce the final ownership of the best actress tonight.

A camera shoots at Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun kept a smile on his face, waiting for the result.

Song Chi opened the envelope and took out the letter paper with the results from it.

There was a look of surprise on his face.

The look of surprise fell in Zhou Yun's eyes, making her immediately understand that the winner should not be her.

If she was the winner, Song Chi shouldn't be surprised.

Who would that be?

Is it Cheng Rina, or Yin Lin?
Song Chi opened his mouth: "The winner of this year's Lingjun Award for Best Actress is Yin Lin, "Bad Woman"!"

From where Yin Lin was, congratulatory voices could be heard from the surrounding people.

There was thunderous applause.

Zhou Yun turned his head and looked at Yin Lin with everyone, applauding her heartily.

"And—" Song Chi's voice suddenly sounded again.

Everyone was taken aback, even Yin Lin, who was full of excitement, was also taken aback, and looked back at Song Chi who was standing on the stage.

Song Chi laughed and said, "Zhou Yun, "Behind the Scenes."

The audience boiled instantly!

Wen Bing was the first to stand up, smiled at Zhou Yun in disbelief, and said, "This is a double-yolk egg opened tonight! Congratulations!"

Zhou Yunren was in a daze, looking at Wen Bing in a daze and bewilderment.

Everyone around turned to congratulate her.

These voices buzzed in her ears.

Wen Bing stretched out his hand and waved in front of Zhou Yun, saying, "Wake up, you've won the prize!"

Zhou Yun suddenly came back to her senses, opened her mouth in surprise, surprise shot out from her eyes.


Surprises gushed out of Zhou Yun's heart like waves.


Zhou Yun looked up at Song Chi.

Song Chi smiled at her, and raised the envelope in his hand, as if to say, he confirmed it, without being dazzled, that there were indeed two winners written on it.

At this moment, Zhou Yun couldn't help covering his face with his hands.

Wen Bing stood aside, smiling and applauding.

Yin Lin got up from her seat and walked over here.

She smiled and stretched out her hand several meters away, making a gesture of holding hands.

Zhou Yun handed over his hand, and Yin Lin looked at each other and smiled.

Yin Lin probably never thought of this result.

Yin Lin said to her: "Let's go, let's go to the stage to accept the award together."

Zhou Yun covered his chest with the other hand, and whispered, "It's such a surprise!"

Yin Lin nodded: "Yes, I'm so surprised, I dare not think so in my dreams."

Double-yolk eggs are not uncommon in the history of award presentations. The three major film festivals have not only opened double-yolk eggs, but the probability of this happening is too low.

No winner dared to conceive of this situation until he actually faced it.

Zhou Yun and Yin Lin walked onto the stage holding hands.

When it was time to present the awards, Zhou Yun and Yin Lin gave way to each other and let the other come first.

Because the presenter was Song Chi, Zhou Yun felt that he had to be humble at this time.

Yin Lin gave way twice and then accepted.

After Song Chi presented the awards and congratulated them, he retreated to the side, leaving the two of them to give their acceptance speeches.

Zhou Yun asked Yin Lin to speak first.

"It's really a huge surprise." Yin Lin said with emotion in the first sentence, "This is the first time I have been nominated for the Lingjun Award, and it is also the first time I have won the trophy for Best Actress. If a year ago Someone told me that I will be able to stand on the podium of the Lingjun Award a year later, and I will definitely regard this person as a liar, it is too impossible."

"However, the movie "Bad Woman" made this impossible possible, thank you everyone who supported me, thank you to the director Huang Wen who saw me, chose me, and firmly let me play this movie, if not You, it is impossible for me to appear in this movie, I am sorry, because I am not a well-known actor, so you have been under a lot of pressure, fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission."

The people in the audience applauded after hearing the words.

In the film industry, there are always a very small number of people who are seen. There are a lot of people. They work hard every day and do their jobs well. However, luck may not have fallen on them. .Even if they stayed up all night or worked hard, they never encountered their own drama.

Every truly successful person has gone through the stage of obscurity.

What Yin Lin said, basically every actor has encountered it.

The reputation is not big, so it is not recognized by investors.

Not a star, no matter how mature your acting skills are, you have to face the question of "can you carry the box office".

Film is art, and it is also an industry that has to talk about money and profitability.

No actor dares to say that he is a performing artist, so he doesn't have to think about whether he makes money or not.

A director who dares to use an unknown actor, the courage behind it, only those who have really experienced the difficulties and hesitation in making a decision can understand what this move entails.

When Zhou Yun heard what Yin Lin said, he couldn't help being moved by Director Huang Wen's courage.

"In the field of film, I am a newcomer, but because of the love of everyone, I am so lucky to be here." Yin Lin said, her voice choked up, "I know, there are actually many people who work harder than me." Actors, may still be acting in small theaters and stage plays that not so many people watch, and may continue to play some very small, ordinary or even only a few lines of roles. At this time last year, I also still I have been through all this, but I have never regretted choosing to be an actor. I have embarked on this path. No matter how difficult it is, I also love the art of acting. I hope that no matter when and where, we will persevere, and I will continue Come on, thank you."

Yin Lin's acceptance speech is finished.

She turned her head, smiled at Zhou Yun with tears in her eyes, and asked her to go over.

Zhou Yun walked to the front of the microphone and looked back at Yin Lin.

She took a deep breath, looked at the crowds of people sitting under the stage, and said, "Sister Lin's words just now moved me so much that I didn't know what to say."

Everyone encouraged her with applause.

She smiled and said "thank you".

"Actually, after listening to Sister Lin's words just now, I have been thinking that if I hadn't been so lucky to have encountered the two plays "Days" and "Behind the Scenes", if I hadn't been so lucky, before I had acted in a movie, I was favored by brother Shen Yao and got the chance to star in "Warm Little Pony". If I debut for five or ten years and still don't get popular, and still don't get any good acting opportunities, will I be like Miss Lin? Persist until today?"

The audience listened quietly to Zhou Yun's words.

Everyone can also tell that Zhou Yun's words were really moved.

"I don't know, I even think that I may not be able to persist today." Zhou Yun said with some shame, "I didn't choose this industry because I love acting, so I often feel guilty and ashamed. In front of everyone here, I I feel sorry. Why can I be supported and encouraged by everyone who has not given and loved for a long time? I always feel that I am not qualified and have no confidence. This industry has given me too many honors. I'm often terrified."

"But every filmmaker I met didn't underestimate me, neglect me, or look down on me because of these things. On the contrary, you always spared no effort to help me, encourage me, and support me." Zhou Yun seriously Said, "Whether it's directors like Jiang Xin, Cong Lan, Xue Qin, Wen Bing, or seniors like Lili, Teacher You, and Brother Yao, or like-minded partners like Gu Huaichun, Zhang Mo, and Yin Zhou. Guys, you never talk about me or look at me differently because of things other than acting. I often hear people say that I am a talented actor. I often think, if I didn’t meet these people, would I still be With the talent you mentioned, if it weren’t for the performance environment you created for me, sister Luo Qi and Xue Qin, would I have been able to perform the play "Behind the Scene" so happily? If not everyone told me this When the play is unreliable and don't affect my reputation, Song Chi firmly told me to believe in my heart, believe in my choice, and not be afraid of failure. Do I have the courage to take on the play "Behind the Scene"? There are always a lot of worries, questions, and hesitation, and I don’t know what to do, but because of these people I met, no matter how confused I am, I also know that the big deal is to fail once. When making movies, don’t be afraid of failure. Because accepting it may fail, so I got this trophy today, and I sincerely feel that I am worthy of this trophy. In the end, I am very happy to win this award with Sister Lin. Sister Lin told me before that I must give it a chance in the future. We cooperated once, and now I want to say, Sister Lin, if we have a chance in the future, let’s win prizes together again!"

Zhou Yun finished his acceptance speech.

Everyone stood up and applauded them.

Yin Lin and Zhou Yun hugged and congratulated each other on stage.

Song Chi walked up to Zhou Yun and said, "Go down and hug again, you two, the reporters are still waiting for you to come over and interview you!"

Zhou Yun and Yin Lin smiled and walked off the stage arm in arm.


This is a result that no one expected.

How many people predicted that either Zhou Yun would make it to the top, or Cheng Rina would win this round by relying on her qualifications and reputation, or Yin Lin would overwhelm Zhou Yun by relying on the box office performance of "Bad Woman" and the audience's reputation.

Who knew that in the end, a double yolk egg broke out in the Lingjun Award.

The acceptance speeches of Zhou Yun and Yin Lin were spread on various social media on the Internet in a very short period of time.

Whether it is Yin Lin's insistence or Zhou Yun's "I'm worth it", they have sparked extremely heated discussions on the Internet.

And not long after the two won the awards, the winner of the best actor was also announced, and the winner was Liang Yuanpu who starred in "The Name of the River" with Yang Xi.

When Zhou Yun heard the news in the interview room, it was from the reporters.

The reporter said: "Xiaoyun, Liang Yuanpu, who you co-produced with before won an award, do you have anything to say to him?"

She and Liang Yuanpu made the movie "One Mountain and Two Tigers", but she only had a cameo role, and she didn't cooperate much with Liang Yuanpu, and the two of them were not very familiar with each other.

But during the few days of cooperation, Liang Yuanpu gave her a really good feeling, he is a dedicated actor with superb acting skills.

"Congratulations to Teacher Liang." Zhou Yun said with a smile, "It seems that "One Mountain Two Tigers" has become the biggest winner."

"Yeah, I wonder when "One Mountain, Two Tigers" will be released?" A reporter asked.

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "I haven't heard the news yet."

After the interview, Zhou Yun was going back to the venue, and met Liang Yuanpu who was going to the interview room in the corridor.

Seeing her, Liang Yuanpu was the first to congratulate her.

Zhou Yun also laughed and said, "Congratulations, Teacher Liang!"

Liang Yuanpu's manager said: "Mr. Liang, Xiaoyun, take a picture with the two of you?"

Zhou Yun asked: "Is it going to be posted on the social platform later? Should I wait for Sister Lin to come together? She is right behind me."

After Zhou Yun finished speaking, he looked back and saw Yin Lin and her team coming out of the interview room behind.

"Sister Lin!" Zhou Yun shook his hand, "Teacher Liang asked us to take a photo together!"

Yin Lin came over quickly, and said to Liang Yuanpu respectfully, "Mr. Liang, hello!"

Liang Yuanpu smiled implicitly and said, "Let's take a photo together."

"it is good."

The three of them took a picture together in the corridor.

After Zhou Yun and Yin Lin left, Liang Yuanpu's manager sighed, "This Zhou Yun is really amazing. He is so young and has won so many awards, yet he is still so thoughtful."

When he said that he wanted to take a photo together, Zhou Yun's first reaction was to ask Yin Lin to join him.The reason is the same, if Liang Yuanpu's team posts the group photo on the social platform, with the popularity of the awards ceremony tonight, this group photo will definitely become a hot search, the so-called group photo of the actor and actress.If there is no Yin Lin in the group photo under this topic, Yin Lin will definitely feel uncomfortable.

Yin Lin would not know that this group photo was taken by Zhou Yun and Liang Yuanpu when they met in the corridor. She would only know one thing, that she was not included in this group photo.

Liang Yuanpu said: "When we collaborated before, she has already shown a maturity beyond her age, and this is not the first time you have seen it."

The manager said, "Although I've seen it before, I still find it unbelievable. How old is she? Twenty-four or twenty-five?"

"You are young anyway."



Zhou Yun didn't know that Liang Yuanpu and his manager talked about her so much after she left.

She returned to the venue and sat down in her seat.

At this moment, the awards ceremony has come to an end.

The best director award was just being presented on stage.

Both Wen Bing and Xue Qin were shortlisted for the Best Director Award, but they have little hope of winning the award.

Sure enough, the names read out by the presenter were not the two of them, but Lu Xingxing, the director of "The Name of the River".

After the best director award is awarded, there is the final award, the best picture award.

Both "Days" and "Behind the Scenes" were nominated for Best Picture.

Zhou Yun didn't know if this award could be given to one of the films.

In fact, the hope of "Behind the Scenes" should not be small. After all, it won the jury award at the Cannes Film Festival, and the award at this international film festival is full of gold.

However, the best picture award was a big surprise and was given to "Twilight".

No one expected this result.

After all, even if "Days" and "Behind the Scenes" don't win the award, there are still two very pure art films "The Name of the River" and "The Artist" competing for this award.

In contrast, the movie "Twilight" is too "chicken soup".

Zhou Yun himself is not particularly optimistic about this movie.

The Best Picture Award was a big upset, and it became the focus of discussion after everyone left.

Yao Yuanfeng organized a party and invited many people, including Zhou Yun and Song Chi.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi went together, and they talked about winning the award for "Twilight" in the car.

"Maybe the jury thinks that "Twilight" is more humanistic." Song Chi speculates why it won the award, "Most of the jury this year are old-timers, and the theme of the movie "Twilight" happens to be life of the elderly."

Zhou Yun said: "Although this movie is very touching, it is really chicken soup and too sensational."

"I agree with that too." Song Chi smiled, "Actually, it's a bit like "The Balcony."

Song Chi was going to play "The Balcony" before, but because of a car accident, Chen Jing was asked to replace him.

Zhou Yun said: "I personally think that "Behind the Scenes" should actually win the award the most."

"This movie has a very distinctive personality. In fact, if it wasn't for the award at the Cannes Film Festival, it would not be in line with the taste of the Lingjun Award." Song Chi said, "The Lingjun Award still prefers serious and humanistic themes."

Zhou Yun nodded.

"On the contrary, they didn't choose "Days", but chose "Behind the Scenes" as your award-winning work today. In fact, you can see the preferences and tendencies of the Lingjun Award." Song Chi said, ""Days" is better than "Behind the Scenes". But also personal, personal, very auteur film."

Zhou Yun: "A good movie should not be divided into personalization or popularization, an author's movie or a commercial movie, a good movie is a good movie, and it has nothing to do with these."

Song Chi: "That's what it says."


"But you have gained a lot tonight. To be honest, when I opened the envelope on the stage and saw two names, I was shocked. I thought I had taken the wrong envelope." Song Chi said, "I also confirmed that the double yolk egg was awarded tonight. I guess it will take a long time for people to talk about it."

"I think so, but it's pretty good. In fact, it's not bad for Sister Lin to win this award. I can share one with you. I'm very happy." Zhou Yun said.

"I saw you and Wen Bing chatting when I was presenting the awards on stage, what were you talking about at that time?" Song Chi asked.

"At that time?" Zhou Yun thought back for a moment, "Oh, we were talking about what he planned to shoot later."

"Hey, I feel like he wants to leave New Shield now."

"Huh?" Song Chi was a little surprised.

"He has taken a fancy to a project of another company, and they also want to invite him to be the director, but his contract with Xindun requires him to film for Xindun first." Zhou Yun said, "He can only give up that project."

Song Chi pondered for a moment, then said, "What kind of contract did Xin Dun sign with him?"

"I don't know that."

"Actually, if Yao Yuanfeng is smarter, he should take the initiative to adjust the contract with Wen Bing at this time." Song Chi said, "Wen Bing's first film was so successful, he can't take the contract of a new director. Restrain Wen Bing, otherwise there will be many conflicts between the two sides in the future, which will affect the long-term cooperation.”

"I think so too, but I might not be able to tell Yao Yuanfeng about this."

"Yao Yuanfeng is a person who doesn't want to be offended by others. You should leave this matter alone. Wen Bing really can't stand it. He will definitely talk to Yao Yuanfeng. Now Wen Bing is not an unknown person. Get what he wants."

At this time, the two of them arrived at the party organized by Yao Yuanfeng.

The two got out of the car, and never mentioned what was discussed in the car just now.

Zhou Yun was congratulated and cordially communicated by everyone.

She did not expect to see Windsor here.

She hasn't seen Wen Bing's girlfriend for a long time.

Windsor was wearing a dress, as if she had completely changed from the first time I saw her.

Her makeup is beautiful, and her gestures are full of enthusiasm and confidence.

"Xiao Yun, congratulations, you won another Best Actress! The grand slam is about to come!" In the crowd, Windsor exclaimed, rushed up unexpectedly by Zhou Yun, hugged Zhou Yun, and was so affectionate It seemed that the two of them were best friends who talked about everything, and Zhou Yun's pupils trembled in fright.

Zhou Yun said thank you.

Windsor took Zhou Yun's hand and said, "You don't even know. When I was watching the live broadcast of the award ceremony, I was almost so nervous that my heart beat so fast. Although I know you will definitely win the award, I am still nervous and happy for you." excited!"

Zhou Yun thought to himself, I didn't even know that I would definitely win the prize, you are too much.

"However, this time the judges are really, they even opened a double yolk egg. Let me say, that Yin Lin is not as good as you at all."

Zhou Yun quickly denied it, "Don't, don't say that, Sister Lin has acted very well, and she deserves the award."

She wanted to get rid of Windsor as soon as possible, and she was really afraid that this person would say some alarmist words again.

However, Windsor kept holding Zhou Yun's hand and talking non-stop.

Zhou Yun can't just push people away, after all, she is Wen Bing's girlfriend.

Zhou Yun didn't want to add to his troubles.

If it is because of the bad relationship with Windsor that it will affect the subsequent cooperation with Wen Bing, Zhou Yun feels that this is not worth the loss.

not worth it.

Fortunately, Yao Yuanfeng came soon.

He still congratulated Zhou Yun in an exaggerated manner, and said loudly: "When did our actress come? Why didn't anyone tell me? Congratulations, congratulations, it's amazing, this year I won Aoki, and I won again. With Lingjun, the last Feijing Award is just around the corner!"

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Then I hope "Female Killer" can help me get a Feijing Award back."

"Haha, I'll work hard." Yao Yuanfeng said.

He suddenly whispered in Zhou Yun's ear: "I heard that you are in contact with a Hollywood movie?"

Zhou Yun thought he was referring to the Chinese warrior.

"Oh, no, I denied it a long time ago. I won't act in that movie about Chinese warriors." Zhou Yun said.

Yao Yuanfeng glanced at Zhou Yun, "Are you still hiding it from me? I've already heard the rumors. Are you talking about a new movie with Merandu?"

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

She didn't expect Yao Yuanfeng to hear this letter.

You know, she kept this news secret all the time, and made sure that no news would be leaked after signing the contract.

It's because I'm afraid that someone will hear the wind and make trouble.

How did Yao Yuanfeng know?
Yao Yuanfeng chuckled, and said: "I have cooperated with Merandu before and invested in their movies, so it is not surprising that I have received such rumors, but your news is really tight, if it is not because of I have a close cooperation with them, and I am planning to participate in the casting of this movie, but I really haven't heard any rumors."

"We only contacted you not long ago." Zhou Yun said.

"You don't need to explain to me, I know why you hid this news." Yao Yuanfeng said, "But as long as you confirm your participation, I can invest with confidence."

"Don't invest just because I want to act. It's also the first time I've worked with them. Who knows what they'll turn out. There are also a lot of bad movies made in Hollywood."

"You are the protagonist, the number one protagonist, I know." Yao Yuanfeng said, "Just for this, I must also support it. Chinese people star in A-level blockbusters in Hollywood, not A-level blockbusters with an Asian background. , behind this represents a kind of historical significance.”

Zhou Yun didn't expect Yao Yuanfeng, a businessman, to say such a thing.

"I will help you keep this news secret."

Yao Yuanfeng winked at her.

Zhou Yun was really hungry.

She left Yao Yuanfeng, trying to find something to eat for herself, but was always stopped by someone.

At this moment, Song Chi came over with a plate of dim sum, handed it to her, and said, "You must be hungry, right? Eat some to fill your belly. I'll cook some porridge for you when I get back later."

Zhou Yun asked with a smile: "How do you know I'm hungry? I have a good heart."

Song Chi: "If you don't know this, I'll be your boyfriend for nothing."

 A very fat chapter. I was too busy a few days ago. I will make a big update today.

(End of this chapter)

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