I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 564 The new business map

Chapter 564 The new business map

Windsor suddenly walked past them angrily.

Zhou Yun asked in surprise, "What happened to her?"

"Sasha!" Wen Bing chased after her, grabbed Windsor's wrist, and said helplessly, "You misunderstood, I don't know that person just now, just to say hello, don't be angry."

Windsor shook off Wen Bing's hand in dissatisfaction, and said, "Do I need to give you a hand to say hello? Wen Bing, don't take me for a fool!"

Wen Bing: "That's not what I told her to put her hand on me. You saw it before I had time to react. Otherwise, I would definitely have asked her to take her hand away."

Windsor: "I don't believe you!"

There was an argument between the two for a while.

Everyone around looked at them.

Wen Bing grabbed Windsor's arm with both hands, lowered his voice, and said, "Can we talk about it when we go back? So many people are watching now."

With red eyes, Windsor stopped talking.

The brief quarrel between the two was just an episode, and it passed away soon.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi witnessed the whole process, a little dumbfounded.

Especially Zhou Yun.

She actually understood the whole process, and because she understood, she felt helpless.

In a sense, she can actually understand Windsor's thoughts and behaviors.

Any woman who sees her man having ambiguous actions with another man, no matter where the initiative is, if the man doesn't get rid of the ambiguity immediately, the woman will always be angry.

However, being angry, Zhou Yun still doesn't agree with Windsor having an outburst in front of so many people.

Now that Wen Bing explained the whole story, anyway, this is a matter between two people, and there is no need to make a fuss in front of the public.

Zhou Yun doesn't like his own affairs to become someone else's after-dinner melon.

After a while, Zhou Yun saw Wen Bing standing alone in a corner, holding a glass of wine in his hand, frowning and sipping.

"Are you in a bad mood?" Zhou Yun walked over and asked.

Wen Bing turned his head to look at her, and said, "Didn't you see everything just now, and you asked knowingly?"

"Your eyes are so sharp, even I know it by the side." Zhou Yun complained, "But, what's going on?"

Wen Bing: "Oh, let's not mention it, it will make me angry."

"If you don't say it, don't you feel more suffocated in your heart? Is someone deliberately teasing you?"

"I didn't know what she was, so she suddenly raised her hand and put it on my shoulder, which surprised me. I didn't expect to be bumped into by Windsor." Wen Bing said annoyed.

"There are too many women around you who are trying to think of you."

"Don't talk about that, what about you? Why aren't you with Song Chi?" Wen Bing asked.

Zhou Yun said: "He's chatting with other people, I'm here to chat with you, I guess you'll be in a bad mood."

"Forget it, there's nothing to talk about, I'd better stay alone for a while." Wen Bing said, "You don't need to waste time with me here."

"Accompanying you is a waste of time." Zhou Yun was talking, when suddenly, Windsor appeared again.

She laughed, and said in a tone of voice, "Xiao Yun, why are you talking to Wen Bing here? The light is not good in this corner."

Zhou Yun turned around, smiled at Windsor, and said, "Because there are few people here, I can talk."

Windsor hit Zhou Yun's ball of cotton with a gun and stick, and was discouraged.

"What are you talking about?" Windsor asked.

Zhou Yun smiled, put on a casual pose, and said: "What else can I say, let's talk about the filming later, what else do I have to talk about with him besides this."

Windsor gave her a suspicious look.

Seeing this, Wen Bing was afraid that she would make trouble again, so he hurried forward, took Windsor's hand, and said, "It's getting late, let's go back."

Windsor said dissatisfiedly: "How long have you been here, why do you want to go back?"

Zhou Yun didn't care to listen to the conversation between these two people, so he took the initiative to interrupt them and said, "Talk slowly, I'm going to find Song Chi."

After Zhou Yun left, Wen Bing looked at Windsor and asked, "Are you guilty? Why did you drag me back as soon as I came?"

Wen Bing was a little annoyed by Windsor's words.

"You are enough, don't be suspicious when you see a woman next to me, okay?" Wen Bing said impatiently.

Windsor said angrily, "Am I suspicious? Is it because I am suspicious, or do you like attracting bees and attracting butterflies?"

Wen Bing's tone became a little more serious, "When did I attract others? They came to me, and I can still hang a sign on my chest and write a scroll on it, right?"

"Can't you just keep them away from you? You don't know what those people think about you? You're just pretending to be stupid!"

Wen Bing sneered, "Really? What does Zhou Yun think about me then? Does she like me or has a crush on me? She talks to me here, and you are also jealous. Is there any woman you are not jealous of?"

"No! As long as it is a woman who is close to you, I am jealous! I am jealous because I love you. I want to find a woman who is not jealous. That's fine, just find someone who doesn't love you!" Windsor wrote Bing gave a vicious push, and walked away angrily.

Seeing this, Wen Bing subconsciously raised his leg and took two steps, trying to chase, but stopped again.

I don't know how many times it is.

It's like this every time, one runs, one chases, one loses his temper, and the other coaxes others.

Getting tired and tired.

Wen Bing looked at the crowd in front of him, the brilliant lights embellished the enthusiastic smiles on everyone's faces, wearing gorgeous clothes, talking and laughing.

Wen Bing suddenly felt bored.

He wiped his face and prepared to leave.

He walked through the crowd, and many people greeted him and wanted to chat with him.

Normally, he would still stop and chat with someone.

But he was really not in the mood today, so he walked straight ahead.

He saw Windsor standing in front of Yao Yuanfeng, smiling and joking with the people in that circle, smiling very heartily.

Wen Bing withdrew his gaze, not wanting to look any further.

"Director Wen Bing." A woman's voice reached his cochlea from the noisy environment.

Wen Bing stopped.

Why is this voice so familiar?

He turned his head and saw her face.

He Wenyun.

The role played by Zhou Yun in "Days" is called He Yun.

Zhou Yun knew that this person was based on Wen Bing's ex-girlfriend, but she didn't know that the name He Yun also came from Wen Bing's ex-girlfriend.

Wen Bing looked at He Wenyun in surprise, as if someone had tapped a certain acupuncture point on the soles of his feet, a strong and irritating numbness rushed straight to the top of his head.

"You—" Wen Bing was suddenly at a loss.

He Wenyun nodded politely to Wen Bing, smiled, and said, "Long time no see."

"Didn't you go to America?"

"I'm back." He Wenyun said, "Please give me more advice in the future."

Wen Bing didn't understand why she said that.

However, facing his ex-girlfriend, Wen Bing was like a helpless child for a while, not knowing what to do.

"You're back, what are you doing now?" he asked.

At the beginning, he wrote the movie "Days" to He Wenyun and wanted He Wenyun to act in it.

It's just that he broke up with He Wenyun before the movie started.

If it weren't for this, this movie would not have reached Zhou Yun's head.

He Wenyun said: "Of course I'm still an actor, I just came back from filming in the US."

At that time, He Wenyun got a good opportunity, she gave up "Days" without any hesitation, and went to the United States.

Now it's finally back.

Wen Bing once hated her for this, but in the end he found that he still couldn't hate her.

Now that they meet again, Wen Bing can't remember his anger and sadness at the beginning.

He Wenyun said: "I haven't congratulated you yet, the first film has achieved such an excellent result. Look, I told you that you will definitely succeed."

Wen Bing lowered his head and smiled.

At that time, she did always encourage him.

Everyone may have experienced a dark moment in their life.

During Wen Bing's darkest moment, the only one who accompanied him was He Wenyun.

"Would you like to have a drink together?" He Wenyun asked.

Wen Bing hesitated for a few seconds and said, "I won't go, I'm too tired today, I'll go back and rest first."

He Wenyun didn't bother, she nodded and said yes, "Then we will see you next time."

Wen Bing felt even more strange.

Why did He Wenyun say that they will see each other next time?

Even if He Wenyun came back, she would have nothing to do with him.

What's there to see?

Wen Bing murmured in his heart and left here.


Zhou Yun found Song Chi and whispered, "I plan to go back first, I'm tired."

Song Chi nodded and said, "My side is almost there, let's go together."

The two made an appointment to leave together.

As soon as he went out, he was slapped by the paparazzi squatting at the door.

Both Zhou Yun and Song Chi felt helpless.

Zhou Lan and the others helped fend off the paparazzi and escorted Zhou Yun and Song Chi into the car.

Zhou Lan said: "Xiaoyun, don't forget, we are going to the company together tomorrow to meet He Yong."

Zhou Yun nodded and said yes.

How to continue the cooperation in the next step, He Yong finally has new news.

If it continues to drag on, the contract between Zhou Yun and Chengqian Entertainment will expire.

Of course, He Yong would not want such a situation to happen.

Song Chi had to go back to the crew to film, so he set off in a hurry the next morning.

Zhou Yun accompanied him to have breakfast, and then fell asleep again, woke up at nine o'clock, tidied himself up briefly, and went downstairs.

She drove to Chengqian Entertainment by herself, and took the internal elevator to the floor where He Yong's office was located.

When He Yong's secretary saw her coming, he immediately stood up, showed a charming smile, and said, "Miss Zhou, you are here. Mr. He and Director Zhou are waiting for you inside."

Director Zhou, Zhou Lan.

In the past two years, Zhou Lan has been continuously promoted in the company.

Zhou Yun smiled at the person, thanked him, and walked into the office.

When someone went in, the door closed, and He Yong's secretary let out a small scream.

She exchanged glances with the second secretary on the other side.

"So beautiful."

The second secretary said: "Don't you think she has become beautiful again? There is a saying that redness nourishes people. This sentence is really true. Look at Zhou Yun's whole body. Years ago, he was just a nobody."

"Stop saying that again."

The two chatted and laughed.

After about two disappeared, Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan came out of He Yong's office with satisfied smiles.

He Yong came out with them.

"Let's have lunch together." He Yong said, "I've already made a reservation."

Today's negotiation went very smoothly, Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan were naturally happy to give He Yong this face.

Today's negotiations, the two sides initially reached a consensus.After Zhou Yun's contract expires, Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan will set up a studio, and Chengqian Entertainment will continue to cooperate with them in the form of shares.Of course, the form of cooperation is more than that simple.Chengqian Entertainment will continue to provide Zhou Yun with various services such as public relations, publicity, and business matchmaking. Zhou Yun needs to bring Chengqian Entertainment’s contracted actors to a film and television drama that is less than four, or two dramas that are less than six. movies.

This was nothing to Zhou Yun. Yu Chu, Lu Zhongting, and Huang Zicheng were all signed actors of Chengqian Entertainment. Chengqian Entertainment didn't decide which actor Zhou Yun would bring, it was Zhou Yun's own decision.

In addition, Zhou Yun will also get the shares of Chengqian Entertainment - this is of course not free, but it is a very cost-effective deal for Zhou Yun.In order to keep Zhou Yun in Chengqian, Chengqian Group was very sincere.On the day when Zhou Yun holds shares, her identity will change a lot. She is no longer a signed artist of Chengqian Entertainment, but a partner.In other words, in the eyes of others, she is the boss.Similarly, the better Chengqian Entertainment develops and earns more, the more Zhou Yun's dividends will be.

Chengqian Entertainment hopes that through this method, Zhou Yun can bring more resources back to Chengqian Entertainment.

Three people sat down in the restaurant.

He Yong said with a smile: "If another actress won the Lingjun Award for Best Actress yesterday, sitting here today, I would definitely not be able to bear the excitement and joy, but I think you just wished you hadn't won the Lingyun Award yesterday." It’s as simple and ordinary as eating a bunch of barbecue on the side of the road. I often wonder, Xiaoyun, are you from time-traveling like those people in time-traveling novels? Otherwise, why would you be like this? You are not mature enough for your age, and you have a good eye for acting, which is well received and acclaimed."

Zhou Yun asked: "Mr. He, are you serious? Me, time travel?"

"Haha." He Yong waved his hand, "Of course I'm joking, but your choice is too accurate. Do you know how many people have asked me what projects you have next? As long as it is a project you participate in, everyone will be different." Take a look, almost everyone believes in your vision [-]%, and the play that you fancy to star in will become an SSS-level project on the platform in a blink of an eye, or a project that the cinema has been waiting for early. You can combine "Days" and Literary films such as "Behind the Scene" that are not favored by the market have sold hundreds of millions of box office, and in the eyes of many people in the industry, you have become a myth."

Zhou Yun: "Don't flatter me, I know my weight."

He Yong laughed and said, "I'm not flattering you, I'm just relaying how people in the industry see you now."

"Then maybe I should hold a class for everyone?" Zhou Yun joked.

Zhou Lan finished sending the message on his mobile phone, turned off the screen, laughed, and said, "It's a waste of time to attend class, why don't you give a lecture."

Zhou Yun nodded, "You can't do free work, you have to pay for knowledge. Since the audience is big bosses, how about selling a ticket for [-] yuan?"

Zhou Lan looked at He Yong and asked, "Mr. He, if it's this price, are you willing to buy a ticket?"

He Yong: "As long as it is the price you offer, I will definitely accept it."

A few people started a boring coloratura.

He Yong spread his hands and said, "It's unbelievable to see you get to where you are today so quickly. I talk a lot more nonsense, but I have entered this industry and run thousands of entertainment companies for so long. In this era, I can You are the only one who has embarked on a legendary road."

"Great success in a very short period of time can easily give people the illusion of a legend." Zhou Yun said, "In fact, what I fight for is not the day and night, but the long flow of water."

He Yong nodded.

"Your mentality is very stable, even more stable than mine."

Zhou Yun shook his head, "You must not say that, I am ashamed."

He Yong said: "Now you are a well-deserved first sister of Chengqian Entertainment, no one can compete with you."

"Isn't Mr. He pushing Zhang Mo recently?" Zhou Lan suddenly mentioned, "When Xiao Yun and Zhang Mo were filming together, he praised him very much."

He Yong glanced at Zhou Lan with a hint of gratitude in his eyes.

Zhou Yun caught the eye contact between the two, and asked, "Do you two have anything to tell me?"

Zhou Lan smiled, and took the initiative to speak, "He always wants to ask you for help, but he didn't think about how to tell you, so let me tell you, just say what you have to say, there is nothing wrong with it, He wants to help Zhang Mo fight for a TV series following director Jiang Xin, but Zhang Mo is not well-known now, and there are many people to compete with. He is afraid that Zhang Mo will not get enough attention even if he goes to the audition. You and Jiang Isn't the director a very good relationship? Mr. He wants you to talk to Director Jiang, give Zhang Mo a chance, and see if Zhang Mo can get the chance to perform."

Zhou Yun was a little surprised, and asked, "Is Director Jiang going to shoot another TV series?"

"Director Jiang has seven or eight projects in progress." Zhou Lan said with a smile, "Mr. He is looking at a project with the theme of suspense and detective in ancient costumes."

Seeing that Zhou Lan had finished the matter in a few words, He Yong was a little helpless for a while.

"Zhang Mo's acting skills are really good. If he can shoot some big directors' dramas, he can get more play." He Yong said, "But the film and television dramas we have produced are basically commercial themes. Zhang Mo's It's a waste of acting skills to play these dramas, if he is lucky enough to be able to play the male lead in a drama directed by Jiang Xin, his future development will be much smoother."

Zhou Yun understood what He Yong meant.

The film and television industry does see his background.

You are the protagonist of the director's film, well, everyone will give you the opportunity because they believe in the director's vision.

Zhou Yun said: "I will go to Director Jiang to mention this matter, it's just a formal audition opportunity, it's no problem."

He Yong nodded.

"The first cut of "Under Dress" has been completed." He Yong said suddenly, "We plan to broadcast it during the winter vacation."

Zhou Yun was a little surprised and asked, "So fast?"

He Yong nodded, "This kind of modern fashion drama doesn't need to spend too much time in the later stage, and the editing is faster."

Zhou Yun: "Okay, I will cooperate with the publicity when the time comes."

"I was afraid that you would not be able to do publicity at that time." He Yong said helplessly, "At that time, you were filming the suspense drama directed by Jiang Xin."

Zhou Yun reacted abruptly.


Zhou Lan said: "Xiaoyun's schedule is indeed too tight, but it doesn't matter. "Under Dress" is a group play, and there will be no shortage of artists to cooperate with the promotion."

"The biggest star has not appeared, and no amount of publicity is enough."

He Yong said: "If possible, I really hope you can take less scenes."

Zhou Lan: "Mr. He, if Xiaoyun misses one play, the company's revenue will be reduced by ten to twenty million yuan. Are you willing to do that?"

He Yong said: "If you are willing to take more business or variety shows when you are filming, you will already earn double the money."

"But that's not what we wanted." Zhou Lan said, "Zhou Yun was able to get to where we are today because we were unwilling to do those things, and Li Ci, who was popularized by you, is now getting a bad reputation. , the endorsements also stopped renewing their contracts one by one, Mr. He, what we are fighting for is a steady flow of water."

He Yong shrugged.

"Everything you say is right now."

"You can't say that."

During this lunch, Zhou Yun sincerely felt a certain loss in He Yong.

what is it then?

He Yong in the past was cold and selfish, but you never saw him admit defeat.

He strategizes and swears, and every word he says, regardless of whether the sentence is correct or not, you can hear the strong self-confidence and undoubted aura behind his words.

But now he actually said with dismay: "Everything you say is right now."

Zhou Yun almost thought he heard it wrong.

The person who didn't even open his eyes to look at her at first compromised in front of her in this way.

It's not a compromise due to sympathy, hypocrisy and obedience, but a compromise that really loses a kind of heart.

Zhou Yun felt incredible.

However, in Zhou Lan's view, there was nothing strange about this.

"In the past, he could tell who was popular and who was not. He held thousands of entertainment resources. Even when Wei Ruxue and Ning Yao were in the company, he was the one who had the right to speak, because Every subsequent fact proved that what he said was correct, and his judgment was correct." Zhou Lan said, "But you are like a bug, completely beyond his judgment, and he thought you were wrong at first. You will be popular for a long time, but it is only a short-lived popularity, but you are getting more and more popular. Later, he thinks that you are just a star who follows the traffic route. It will take ten or eight years to get to the status of Ning Yao and Wei Ruxue, but Your acting skills are outstanding, and your vision is so good that he can't doubt it. You have surpassed many people that we can't even imagine with a speed that can't be imagined. , has been widely recognized, which has completely exceeded his assumptions about you, and thus undermined his confidence in his own judgment."

Zhou Yun thought about it, maybe this point started from the movie "Behind the Scenes".

At that time, He Yong was also a staunch opposition party, and he strongly opposed Zhou Yun to act in this movie, thinking that Zhou Yun was destroying himself.

But the later results surprised everyone.

Zhou Yun: "Why should he underestimate himself in this kind of matter, he is still capable, decisively abandon Li Ci, and absolutely push Zhang Mo, just for this alone, he is already much more courageous than the bosses of many other brokerage companies. "

"But you are Chengqian Entertainment's biggest wrist. You are the one that Chengqian Entertainment can't afford to lose, and it should be his greatest work. But in your work, he didn't do anything. You today Everything he has achieved has nothing to do with him, of course he will have no confidence in front of you." Zhou Lan said, "No matter how popular Wei Ruxue is, no matter how big the Ning Yao award is, he has confidence. Why? Because Wei Ruxue The big hit movie was chosen and talked about by him personally for Wei Ruxue. He personally went to talk to the director about Ning Yao's award-winning movie. Behind their success, there are his actions, but your success It has nothing to do with him."

Zhou Yun: "When you say this, it seems that he is very sad."

"It's really sad." Zhou Lan said.


"Sister Lan, you're really bloated."

Zhou Lan laughed.

But in any case, today's negotiations went smoothly.

A consensus was reached in private, and we only need to discuss the details on the bright side.

Just leave it to Sister Lan to take care of it.

Zhou Yun will join the filming of "Deep Sea" soon.

"Deep Sea" is Yue Hai's self-produced drama with two heroines.

In addition to their two dual heroines, there is also a main male character who is inextricably linked to the roles of the two of them.

This role, Yue Hai's fat water does not flow to outsiders, gave them a new actor, Xin Zhike.

Xin Zhike and Xu Siyao are filming "May You Half the City Misty Rain", and will not join the group until the end of October to film "Deep Sea".

But that's okay, after all, the main roles of "Deep Sea" are Zhou Yun and Yu Chu.

Since Yu Chu signed with Chengqian Entertainment, under Zhou Lan's arrangement, her work has suddenly increased.

Going on shows, shooting magazines, going to live broadcasts, attending various business dinners, walking the red carpet, etc.

Yu Chu's exposure suddenly rose, and he entered the field of vision of many people.

Yu Chu is not a newcomer anymore. Her parents' gambling debts made her attract the attention of the people of the whole country at that time, which made her not a blank slate. She has attracted many fans.

So, now that Yu Chu's vision is developing, her fans are also very happy.

Zhou Yun's fans know that she has a good relationship with Zhou Yun, and they will be filming together next time, and they are willing to help Yu Chu say something. When Zhou Yun is not doing public activities, they will help shout when they see Yu Chu's public activities Two sentences—of course, it will still carry Zhou Yun's name.

However, Zhou Lan didn't give Yu Chu any marketing topics, and she didn't want to put labels on Yu Chu.

According to her plan, Yu Chu didn't want to take the Huadan route, just act in a serious way, just follow the actor's way.

What happened in Yu Chu's house will always be with her, and it's not easy for her to follow that idol route, so she might as well calm down and shoot more scenes.

Fortunately, Yu Chu didn't need others to urge her now, she cared about herself very much.Whether it's taking acting classes to improve her acting skills, or other tasks, she completes them with dedication and meticulousness.She has a very correct attitude towards work now, and everyone who has worked with her praises her for being a good partner.This kind of impression is very important for an artist who is not a wrist.Right now, the entire entertainment industry is a little nervous, and everyone is unwilling to cooperate with those who are not easy to work with—of course, if you are a big star, it’s a different matter.

The director of "Deep Sea" approached Cui Xidong, a senior director who has worked with Yue Hai many times.

Cui Xidong was confirmed by producer Xu Jinbo and Zhou Yun.

When Xu Jinbo introduced Cui Xidong to Zhou Yun, he said, among other things, Cui Xidong is a very calm and down-to-earth director in filming.

Before that, Xu Jinbo also sought out several well-known directors in the industry, but on the one hand, their own schedules were already very tight, and on the other hand, Yue Hai still wanted to get more benefits for himself in this film. , so, in the end, Cui Xidong was decided.

Cui Xidong is calm and down-to-earth. From another perspective, he is obedient and easy to control.

Although Yue Hai wanted to cooperate with Zhou Yun so much, he didn't want "Deep Sea" to become Zhou Yun's monologue.

In the drama "Deep Sea", apart from Zhou Yun and Yu Chu, Yue Hai stuffed nearly ten contracted actors in it. inside.

When Zhou Yun saw the cast, he immediately felt emotional: "I don't think I acted in a drama, but in an annual meeting jointly held by two companies."

Zhou Lan also couldn't laugh or cry.

However, there is no way.

It is impossible to pursue art in all plays. In many cases, under the premise of ensuring a pass, factors such as favors and exchange of interests must be considered.

Zhou Yun and Yu Chu asked Xu Jinbo and Cui Xidong to meet.

Xu Jinbo always supported her very much in front of Zhou Yun, no matter what he had to ask Zhou Yun for his opinion.

Zhou Yun was a little annoyed by Xu Jinbo's gesture, as if she was a very controlling person who wanted to control everything.

But she can't say anything about others. If they respect her opinion so much, can she still have an opinion?
Isn't that too ignorant?

But Xu Jinbo still has an advantage in the end, he will not dictate the script.

Zhou Yun is really afraid of encountering that kind of unreliable producer, who will add scenes for a certain well-known actor, and then modify certain plots out of "market considerations".

What a drama should look like should be decided before the script is finished. Don’t wait for the script to be finished before commenting. This will only change it into a four-dimensional image.

This time they met, Zhou Yun really felt why Xu Jinbo recommended Cui Xidong as the director so strongly before.

After Cui Xidong sat down, he didn't talk much, and rarely expressed his opinions.

But he has a skill, his ability to understand is particularly strong.

No matter what Zhou Yun said, sometimes she couldn't find a good way to express it, but Cui Xidong was able to ask her straight to the point if she wanted to say XXX.

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

The story of "Deep Sea" is about the difficulties faced by two young women in their respective lives, and the mutual support in the difficulties.

Zhou Yun took a fancy to this script at the beginning, because he liked the creation of suspense in this story, and the sympathy and mutual care between the two women shown in this story.

Zhou Yun has already filmed many dramas with different themes, but this is the first drama about life, especially modern life - "Under the Dress" is not counted, after all, "Under the Dress" is a film to be precise. In this workplace drama, a lot of space is focused on the fashion magazine industry rather than the real life situation.

"As for Xiaoyun, you said that you may have to ask for leave in the middle, it's okay, I will coordinate." Xu Jinbo said, "Let's try our best to finish filming this movie before December, what do you think? Your agent told me , You still have a movie directed by Jiang Xin to film."

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded, "I try not to ask for leave, mainly because the movie "Behind the Scenes" will be released in the United States soon, and there will be some promotional activities after that, so I still want to attend as much as possible. Especially in November, so if possible, I hope to put my plays in the front as much as possible, especially my one-man shows. See if I can make overall arrangements for group B and shoot my plays in the front as much as possible. Hurry up? I can also shoot at night, as long as I can sleep six hours a day."

When Xu Jinbo heard this, he was of course happy.

I’ve only seen actors asking for leave continuously, which led to extended shooting time, but I’ve never seen actors actively rushing to catch up with the schedule.

After all, if you extend the shooting time by one day, you need to invest a lot of money.Even if Yue Hai is willing to invest this money for Zhou Yun, as a producer, Xu Jinbo of course hopes to save more costs.

The reason why Zhou Yun wanted to catch up so much was because of "Behind the Scenes".

If he can free up some time, Zhou Yun still hopes to make more contributions to the public relations trip of "Behind the Scenes" to the Olympics.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The last time Chinese-language films received so much attention in the United States was more than ten years ago.

Like Wang Jing, he will fly to the United States immediately after filming "The Story of Youth", and will participate in a series of promotions with You Jiang under the arrangement of Pai Mengqi's PR director.

Pai Mengqi has been connecting with Zhou Lan, trying to make Zhou Yun more cooperative.

In the United States, every year from October to January is the unshakeable awards season, and it is also the craziest time for Olympic public relations.

This time, Pamonchi believes that "Behind the Scenes" is very likely to be nominated for a best international film, and even a best film nomination is possible.

It just so happened that Paimonchi didn't have any better cards to play on the table of best international film, so he naturally focused on "Behind the Scenes".

Pai Mengqi even promised Zhou Lan that as long as Zhou Yun cooperates with Pai Mengqi to participate in the public relations activities of "Behind the Scenes", it may be a bit difficult to nominate the Oscar for Best Actress, and there will definitely be a lot of Zhou Yun in the Sentinel Awards. It is very beneficial to increase Zhou Yun's popularity in the American film industry.

And under the influence of Hollywood media, increasing Zhou Yun's popularity in the American film industry is equivalent to increasing Zhou Yun's international popularity.

The best directors in the world will pay attention to a Chinese actress named Zhou Yun.

This happens to be the new career map that Zhou Yun needs to focus on developing in the next stage.

(End of this chapter)

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