I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 565 Immortal Bridge

Chapter 565 Immortal Bridge

"Behind the Scenes" was released in the United States.

The movie that was originally scheduled to premiere on a small scale, because Zhou Yun became popular in the United States and became the center of the topic, and the Los Angeles screening of "Behind the Scenes" became a big hit, so Pai Mengqi arranged for "Behind the Scenes" to be directly screened on a large scale .

Zhou Yun is not in the United States, so he doesn't feel too strongly.

But Shi Luoqi and Xue Qin flew to the United States immediately after participating in the Lingjun Award to cooperate with the publicity.

The box office was released on the opening day, and "Behind the Scenes" got a box office of 213 million US dollars.

For Chinese films, this achievement is considered to be a very good achievement in recent years.

It was also a huge surprise for Paimonchi.

It won the distribution rights of "Behind the Scenes". Although it was not the price of picking up cabbage, it was basically negligible compared to the cost of making a movie by itself.

Pimchi was a big surprise with a $213 million debut.

In fact, looking at this number alone, it is not a very high box office result in the large-scale screenings in North America.

It's just that everyone doesn't dare to have too high expectations for the box office performance of Chinese-language movies in the United States. Therefore, under such low expectations, this box office performance is particularly outstanding.

More critically for Pamonge, after the premiere of "Behind the Scenes", the audience's evaluation of the film was very good.

Since this film carries the label of the Cannes Film Festival, many viewers thought that this film was a literary film of the European kind. Movie.

Such word-of-mouth made them hopeful for the follow-up box office.

In any case, the movie "Behind the Scenes" is definitely going to make money.

Pai Munch was delighted.

While happy, they also deepened their dissatisfaction.

Because Zhou Yun didn't come to cooperate with the propaganda.

If Zhou Yun stays in the United States during this period of time and cooperates with a series of publicity, the box office results will be even higher given Zhou Yun's current attention in the United States.

The reason why Zhou Yun did not go to the United States is because she will soon join the filming of "Deep Sea".

Before that, there is still a lot of backlog work to be done.

This included shooting for eight magazine covers.

Zhou Yun stayed in the studio for nearly four days before finishing all the shooting.

In addition, Zhou Yun also shot several large advertisements for endorsement brand new products.

These are all debts owed in the past.

After Zhou Yun paid off these debts, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Too tired." She sighed to Zhou Lan.

Zhou Yun rested at home for two days and is about to join the team.

Before joining the group, the cast of "Deep Sea" suddenly changed.

An actor on Yue Hai's side was suddenly replaced by an actor named He Wenyun.

"Why did you change actors suddenly?" Zhou Yun asked Zhou Lan on the phone.

Before turning on the machine, the actor suddenly changed, which is not a good omen.

Generally speaking, unless the original actors suddenly have problems and cannot come, and they find someone to rescue them temporarily, they will generally not be replaced.

Of course, there is another situation, that is, someone forcibly cuts off the beard and squeezes out the original actors.

This is uncommon, but it happens all the time.

Even when it was turned on and filming started, someone was replaced.

Zhou Lan said: "I heard it was meant by an executive at Yue Hai. Maybe this He Wenyun is related to that executive? I can't tell, but this girl is really good at acting. Xu Jinbo took a part of this girl Show me the video of the audition, it’s better than the one I appointed before, I’ll send you my email, can you take a look?”

"it is good."

Zhou Yun downloaded the video in his mailbox, watched it again, and found that it was indeed as Zhou Lan said.

This actress named He Wenyun performed even better.

In the play, this character is a "villain" type character.

She was very bad. She had a false friendship with Zhou Yun and Yu Chu in the early stage, but she had been playing tricks on these two people behind her back. She didn't want them to live better than her. In the later stage, Zhou Yun and Yu Chu lived together. When encountering many difficulties, she not only did not lend a helping hand, but even worsened the situation, taking all the resources in their hands into her own.

For such a role, the more exquisite the acting skills, the more dramatic it will be.

Because in this script, there is no discussion about why this character is so bad, but an established and innate label, so the actor must act purely and act like that bad character Is born ordinary.

He Wenyun in the video has a kind of bad nature.

Zhou Yun watched the video, so he didn't say anything.If the actor they temporarily changed was someone who didn't know how to act, she might not be able to forget about it.But since this person can act and act so well, it is impossible for her to meddle in this other's business even if she has overtaken the actor of another person, Yue Hai.

The actress who was replaced posted a Weibo, crying about her grievances about being temporarily replaced without naming her name.

This actress is not well-known, and her Weibo fans don't have five figures, but it doesn't cause much discussion and attention.

It's just that someone guessed that this drama is "Deep Sea", because this person posted on Weibo before that he is about to act in a drama with the new best actress, and this year's new best actress so far is Zhou Yun and Yin Yin Lin and Lin, when she posted on Weibo, the Lingjun Award had not yet been awarded, so it was Zhou Yun.

Combining the release times of several Weibo posts, someone guessed that this drama is "Deep Sea".

Because of this, this Weibo was monitored by Zhou Yun's network public opinion monitoring team and reported to Zhou Lan.

Zhou Lan sent it to Xu Jinbo immediately and asked him to deal with it.

This is Yue Hai's own fault, let Yue Hai handle it by himself.

To avoid being boycotted because of this incident affecting the reputation of "Deep Sea".

In order to calm things down, Xu Jinbo directly contacted the actress with a new play, and the actress gave up.

But why the sudden change of actors?
Even if the actor's acting skills are good, this is not the reason for a crew to change actors now.

Zhou Lan went to inquire about it, and learned a piece of news. It is said that He Wenyun is an actor that Yue Hai's boss personally dug back from the United States, and she is also an actress who will be highly praised in the future.

Zhou Lan felt strange when he heard it, and asked, "Since you plan to praise this person, why did you let her play a supporting role in "Deep Sea"? The first five episodes are not counted."

Xu Jinbo said: "People fell in love with this role and directly said that they wanted to play it. Our boss asked us to coordinate. Alas, this matter has been rushed, and I know it, but I also understand the above meaning. Unable to defy."

"Understood, I just want to find out who this person is from." Zhou Lan said, "Don't be someone who is not easy to get along with on the set, and make preparations in advance."

"That shouldn't be the case. I heard from colleagues in the company that this girl has a high emotional intelligence."

"is it?"

"Well, he is a person with the art of getting along." Xu Jinbo said, "Besides, whoever dares to make trouble in front of Zhou Yun now, you can rest assured that no one will dare to do so."

"Every time someone calls me this package, it doesn't take long for one to pop up immediately."

Zhou Lan was also helpless.

In fact, the most critical issue is that whether it is Su Yan or Xu Siyao, the two people who have real conflicts with Zhou Yun, neither of them has their careers slumped because of their conflicts with Zhou Yun.On the contrary, although Zhou Yun opened the distance with them by relying on his own strength, their development is also going up, but the speed is not as fast as Zhou Yun.

Like Su Yan, now he has completely left his former opponent Liu Qingqing behind.As for Xu Siyao, not to mention, the biggest bonus of the drama "Settling the Storm" is that she got it.

After all, in the entertainment industry, as long as you make a fuss and don't step on the red line, the more you do it, no matter whether you have a good name or a bad name, someone will buy your popularity because you are popular.

In this era, red has traffic, and traffic can be realized.

You say it can't be changed?That is, you have not found a way to realize it.

Zhou Yun is ready to join the group.

Before joining the group, Zhou Yun met with the boss of Baiqiao Films under Wen Bing's matchmaking.

Baiqiao Films is an experienced film company, but the company is small in scale. It produces about two to three films with an investment of over [-] million yuan, and five to seven films with an investment of over [-] million yuan.

"If the movie "Fairy Bridge" wasn't because of my contract issue, I would be very interested in being a director." After several people sat down together, Wen Bing mentioned this again, "I really really want to be a director." I like this story based on ancient legends and monsters, and it just so happens that the protagonist of this movie is a female goblin, so I thought at the time that, in fact, if Zhou Yun came to play it, it should be very good, and it is a screen image that Zhou Yun has never had before."

The boss of Baiqiao Films is named Bai Yicheng.

The company is wholly owned by him and has never been listed.

Bai Yicheng looked at Zhou Yun with just the right amount of enthusiasm on his face, and said, "If Ms. Zhou is interested in our movie, that's of course very good. We also very much hope to have an actress like Ms. Zhou join us. This way our films don’t have to worry about the box office.”

Zhou Yun came with Zhou Lan.

Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan looked at each other and smiled, and then said to Bai Yicheng: "How dare you say that, it's just that Wen Bing strongly recommended this script to me, so I also want to have a face-to-face chat with you. Jointly produce this movie with several other companies, or is Baiqiao a company to make the round?"

Bai Yicheng: "I would like a company from Baiqiao to make the round, but it's very difficult to do so. We must cooperate with other companies."

Zhou Yun nodded and said: "You say that, I know it in my heart. Frankly speaking, I read the script and I am really interested in this movie, but I am very worried about the final effect of this movie. According to my In fact, the special effects of this movie are very important. Whether it can present the world in the script determines the visual effect and quality of the movie. If it is to be done well, it should cost a lot of money. .”

"Yes, but if you are willing to participate in the performance, I believe there must be many people who are willing to invest." Bai Yicheng said.

Zhou Yun smiled, "Why do we let people who don't know how to invest and interfere in the production of this movie? I actually have an idea that I want to communicate with Mr. Bai."

Bai Yicheng nodded and said, "Please tell me."

(End of this chapter)

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