I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 566 Sudden Awakening

Chapter 566 Sudden Awakening
"Now there is no director for "Fairy Bridge", I would like to recommend Director Jiang Xin to be the director of this film, and at the same time, let Director Jiang Xin's company participate in the production of this film, and at the same time, cooperate with Xindun To produce this movie, of course, Baiqiao is the undoubted master position."

Zhou Yun expressed his thoughts, "In this way, the financial pressure on your side will be greatly reduced, and risks can also be shared."

However, Bai Yicheng's face suddenly changed, and he directly refused, saying, "Miss Zhou, I would rather find investors from outside for this film than to produce this film with other film and television companies."

Zhou Yun was a little surprised.

In the business world, many things are discussed, and Zhou Yun rarely encountered such a situation that he didn't even intend to talk about it.

There is no room for it.

Zhou Yun asked: "Mr. Bai, may I ask why? Frankly speaking, "Xianrenqiao" is a project with great box office prospects, but you also know that if there is no strong distribution, it will actually suffer a lot when it is released in theaters. If there is no good schedule and screenings, the enthusiasm for watching movies will also be weakened."

This is why Zhou Yun proposed to let Xindun enter the game.

On the one hand, in this way, Wen Bing can justifiably be the producer.

On the other hand, with the escort of the release of New Shield, the film will not suffer in this regard when it is released.

After all, although Baiqiao is an established film company, none of the films produced in recent years have been particularly popular. This is related to the type and quality of the films they produce, but it is also related to their theatrical distribution capabilities.

For many movies, you don't know why they can get such a high box office. In fact, if you carefully study the schedule, study the publicity, study the schedule and screenings on the day of the premiere, you will know why.They are escorted by strong publicity and distribution capabilities. A [-]-point work has an [-]-point reputation, and an [-]-point reputation plus a [-]-point film scheduling guarantee. The box office will go up immediately. There are a lot of comments, and the topic is high, and then word of mouth spreads on social platforms, good and bad, and people talk about it. People who see it may be attracted by something, and they also buy tickets to watch this movie. Roll like a snowball.

Movie box office has never been a linear growth trend.

It doesn't equate to objective box office expectations.

Without a good publicity release, before you get word of mouth, it will pass the screening period and be released directly.

Bai Yicheng's attitude was very firm and he would not let go.

"Our Baiqiao never co-produces with other companies." Bai Yicheng said, "I would rather the box office of this movie be lower, but this movie should belong to our Baiqiao completely."

Zhou Yun couldn't laugh or cry, he didn't know what to say.

A boss can say "I would rather the box office of this movie be lower", so what else can she say?
Zhou Yun thought for a while and asked, "Then, Mr. Bai, I want to ask, who do you plan to hire as the director? Now Wen Bing will definitely not be able to be the director."

Bai Yicheng said: "There are so many domestic directors, we can always find the right one. Don't worry about that. We have made films for so many years. We will definitely be able to find a suitable director to take over this project. To be honest, you suggested that Jiang I have some concerns about Xin being the director, he used to only make TV dramas, but if he is suddenly asked to make such a blockbuster movie, does he have the ability?"

In fact, Zhou Yun had prepared for this question before coming, but the communication with Bai Yicheng just now made Zhou Yun feel less interested.

Bai Yicheng has a very secret but existing arrogance in him.

He has a kind of pride as an old filmmaker. For a famous director like Director Jiang Xin, you can certainly question that he has no experience in directing movies, but the sentence "before I only made TV dramas", the contempt for TV dramas in the tone, It has been impossible to hide.

Zhou Yun began to hesitate whether he really wanted to act in this movie.

Although the script is good, is Baiqiao the company capable of making this movie?

Or, was it badly filmed?
Zhou Yun is not so confident.

Bai Yicheng said: "Miss Zhou, actually I understand that you want to make this movie better, but shooting a movie and releasing a movie is not that simple. As an actor, you just saw a lot of things on the set One aspect of the film production process, and many other aspects are fields that you don’t understand. We, Baiqiao, have been in this industry for so long. No matter how the industry changes, we will always stand here, relying on our understanding of a Project control ability and rich production experience, I know that you are now the time when all film companies want to cooperate with you, and we, Baiqiao, are also very willing to cooperate with an excellent actor like you, but I don’t like to do it for you , an industry, it is better for each to perform its duties.”

Zhou Yun laughed.

"I understand what Boss Bai said, I was the one who said too much." She smiled at Bai Yicheng, "Boss Bai should be busy too, so I don't want to bother you."

Bai Yicheng nodded and got up to see off the guests.

The two sides talked a little unhappy.

Wen Bing never thought that the final situation would become like this.

Zhou Yun shrugged his shoulders with Wen Bing and said, "I'll go back first."

Wen Bing smiled bitterly and said, "I didn't expect him to have such an attitude."

"It doesn't matter, different companies have different ideas, I just go to like-minded people." Zhou Yun said.

Wen Bing nodded.

"There must be other good projects."

On the way back, there were only Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan in the car.

Zhou Lan opened his mouth and said, "Bai Yicheng is too afraid. Baiqiao is not big. If Jiang Xin's company and Xindun are allowed to enter the game, it is unknown whether this project will be firmly in his hands by then. , I can also understand his concerns, but in this era, if you want to make a blockbuster film, it is difficult to rely [-]% on one company to do it. Make the cake bigger. The script of "Fairy Bridge" is indeed suitable to be developed into a fantasy blockbuster, and can even be made into a movie universe, but the premise of all this is based on the premise of having a powerful company as the master Come on, Baiqiao doesn't have this strength."

"Yes." Zhou Yun said, "It's a pity, if this project is done by Xindun, the prospect will be very good."

"The current blockbusters produced by Xindun are still based on traditional themes such as action and adventure, and have not produced any special effects blockbusters." Zhou Lan said, "Of course, in fact, there is no special effects blockbuster in China that has made a name for itself. From this, Hollywood has created a complete industrial chain."

Zhou Yun said: "Since this is the case, I will give up "Fairy Bridge". If the final effect of this movie is not guaranteed, and the filming effect is rubbish, it will definitely not be good by then."

"Actually, I think "Fairy Bridge" is still a good project." Zhou Lan said, "It's just that it's not the best choice for you. If this kind of fantasy blockbuster can't get more than one billion It’s a drag on you at the box office.”

"Do you have any idea?"

"If you don't act, I want to fight for Wang Jing." Zhou Lan said, "Anyway, the script of this movie is really good. Even if the final special effects are not particularly good, I think the box office results will not be bad. This is a good opportunity for Wang Jing, she has never acted as a heroine in a movie, if she can win, she can also go to a higher level."

Zhou Yun thought for a while and said, "Ask Wang Jing for his opinion. I don't think Wang Jing might want to act in this movie."

During this period of time, Zhou Yun and Wang Jing often attended events together, and she could feel that Wang Jing already regretted not accepting the movie directed by Zhong Heping.

After being nominated for the Lingjun Award and going to Los Angeles to experience an honor trip, Wang Jing's mentality changed.

Zhou Yun felt that now Wang Jing should be eager to win the award, or that Wang Jing has now seen the real glorious moment of the movie, and she is eager to usher in that moment again.

Zhou Lan was very perceptive, and asked, "Do you think Wang Jing doesn't like movies of this level anymore?"

Zhou Yun hesitated for a moment, "Actually, you can't say that you don't like it, just like if you have the best one, can you still accept a defective product?"

"Especially, this is still a film that I rejected." Zhou Yun said, "Sister Lan, maybe we didn't mean that, but you recommended "Fairy Bridge" to her, and she knew it was a film that I rejected , will she feel that you are belittling her by giving her something I don't want?"

Zhou Lan woke up suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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