Chapter 568 Wine

Yu Chu stayed in Zhou Yun's room for a while, and when Zhou Yun finished stretching, he asked, "Would you like to have a drink together?"

Zhou Yun was a little surprised and asked: "What's the matter? Tomorrow the script will be read, and today I'm dragged to drink, are you afraid that you won't get up tomorrow?"

"Have a drink, there's nothing you can't get up to." Yu Chu said, "It's not to get myself drunk."

Zhou Yun thought about it and went with Yu Chu.

"Be clear first, just drink a small cup." Zhou Yun said to Yu Chu, "Never drink too much."

"I'm not an alcoholic, so you're still worried that I'll make you drink too much?" Yu Chu clicked his tongue, "I've never seen you so grumpy before."

"I want to make it clear first, I'm afraid I can't help but drink too much." Zhou Yun sighed, "I also like to drink a couple of glasses now."

"Are you alone?"

"Well, alone." Zhou Yun nodded.

"Wow." Yu Chu looked at Zhou Yun in surprise, "I knew you liked to drink, but I didn't expect you to be able to drink by yourself. Is it because the pressure has increased?"

"No, it's just that I habitually want to take a sip before going to bed." Zhou Yun said, "Maybe it's a psychological effect, and I feel that I can sleep more comfortably this way."

Yu Chu nodded and said, "It's understandable, after all, the pressure you have to face every day is much greater than ours."

"Haha, you are the first person to tell me that I have to face a lot of pressure every day. In the eyes of others, I am the luckiest person. I should not be stressed or tired. I I have already got opportunities that too many people do not have, if I am still complaining about being tired and pressured, it will be too unfair to others."

But Yu Chu said: "If you lose the right to complain just because you got a better opportunity than others, wouldn't that be more unfair to you? Could it be that your opportunity was stolen from others? People who are not in the right mindset will find fault with others."

Zhou Yun: "Don't say that."

Yu Chu: "That's right."

"It's easy to offend people." Zhou Yun said again,
Yu Chu asked in surprise, "You are not the person who is least afraid of offending people."

"I'm just not afraid of offending a certain person, but your words are easy to shoot a large area." Zhou Yun laughed.

The two found a bar near the hotel, went in, and found a seat to sit down.

The waiter went to take their order, recognized them, his eyes widened with excitement, and he almost yelled.

Yu Chu quickly made a booing gesture to her.

"When you leave later, can I take a photo with you?" the waiter lowered his voice excitedly and asked.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Of course, but please keep it secret for us."

The waiter nodded immediately when he heard that his request was granted.

The two ordered a glass of wine each and sat down.

It's very lively around.

Yu Chu said to Zhou Yun: "Yesterday, Yin Zhou came to see me again."

"What?" Zhou Yun didn't hear clearly, the surroundings were a bit noisy.

Yu Chu had no choice but to whisper to Zhou Yun's ear and said, "Yin Zhou has come to look for me again."

Zhou Yun was taken aback and looked at her in surprise, knowing why Yu Chu asked her out for a drink today.

"What is he looking for you for?" Zhou Yun asked, "Isn't it because he wants to get back together with you?"

"No, how is it possible!" Yu Chu said, "As long as he stays in that company, there is absolutely no possibility for me and him."

Zhou Yun asked: "Then why is he looking for you?"

(End of this chapter)

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