Chapter 569 Alone

"He wants to go home."

Yu Chu's words made Zhou Yun very puzzled and found it strange.

"No, he wants to go home, why tell you this?"

Yu Chu: "What I mean is, he doesn't want to do this business anymore. There have been some changes in his family recently."

"An accident?" Zhou Yun asked suspiciously, "What accident?"

"His father is seriously ill, and the family has been hiding it from him until recently." Yu Chu said, "He has been suffering recently and doesn't know what to do. His father's illness needs a lot of money, but he Now as an actor, he can't make much money, so he is hesitating whether to give up his career as an actor and go home to run his father's factory."

Zhou Yun was a little dazed.

Because this is the first time she heard about it.

She didn't know before that such a big thing happened in Yin Zhou's house.

"It's the first time I've heard of it." Zhou Yun didn't know what to say for a while, "Actually, the first movie I was serious about was filming with him, although he rarely said so himself, But I can tell that he likes acting very much, he often plays against me in private and discusses how to act, it would be a pity if he stopped being an actor."

Yu Chu: "Yes, that's what I told him too. I know how much he loves being an actor. His luck is not very good. He is not like Gu Huaichun who became a leading actor as soon as he debuted. Even if he plays with you After "The Eighth Heartbeat", Yue Hai didn't pay much attention to it, so he asked Xu Siyao to act in the second part of "The Eighth Heartbeat" with Xu Siyao just to make money. He doesn't care about the quality or whether he is suitable for him. Whoever pays the highest salary can let him act in any movie, do you know? The reason why he was able to persuade Yue Hai to let him act in the movie "Words of Fallen Leaves" is that I promised Yue Hai that I could reduce half of the salary to act in another self-produced drama."

Zhou Yun was shocked when he heard what Yu Chu said.

Yin Zhou came to play "Words of Fallen Leaves". From the perspective of the outside world, this was an opportunity he could only dream of. Who would have thought that he would have to sacrifice other interests of his own for this opportunity.

Zhou Yun couldn't believe it.

Could it be that after Yin Zhou got the invitation for the movie "Words of Fallen Leaves", did Yue Hai not agree with him to act?

"Yin Zhou never told me this."

Yu Chu: "How could he tell you that he's the kind of person who doesn't like to cause trouble for others. In fact, if you think about it, if he wants to act in "Words of Fallen Leaves", he will take the initiative to call you, at least he can get you a lot of money." A chance to audition, but he has never done it. In fact, I told him that if he wants to act, he can tell you, please help introduce it, but he said he didn’t want to give it to him. You make trouble, he doesn't want to make trouble for anyone."

Zhou Yun let out a sigh of relief.

"He...has he made a decision?"

Yu Chu shook his head, "Not yet, he's still hesitating, but his subsequent work has basically stopped, and he's going home today."

"Such a big thing happened in his family, and there is no news about it."

"The company is also keeping him a secret, and they don't want everyone to know about it." Yu Chu said, "Yue Hai has always been quite black-hearted, and you know it too."

"I do know." Zhou Yun said, "I have always disliked Yue Hai as a company. When I worked with "The Eighth Heartbeat", I was very unhappy with it, so for a long time, I didn't work with Yue Hai again. It’s been a long time since we’ve collaborated on “Deep Sea” again.”

"I heard that when you asked them to let me act in the same play, you must have encountered a lot of opposition, right?"

"Well, but that's what I told them at the time. If they want me to act in this play, they must agree to let you act in this play." Zhou Yun said, "When you and Yin Zhou fell in love, After the matter was known to them, they have done so many excessive things to you, which is what you deserve, and they should compensate you."

"I don't want their compensation. They gave me compensation. What is this? Is it settled? I can't forgive those people." After Yu Chu finished speaking, he sneered, "What's more, since that incident , They actually think that Yin Zhou usually works too little, so he has time to fall in love, let him spin like a spinning top, there is no day off for a day, and the work schedule is full."

Hearing what Yu Chu said, Zhou Yun couldn't help sighing.

She could tell that Yu Chu still liked Yin Zhou in his heart, otherwise, he wouldn't have remembered so many things about Yin Zhou, let alone fight for Yin Zhou.

After Zhou Yun and Yu Chu finished drinking, they took a photo with the waiter and returned to the hotel.

She was thinking about what Yu Chu had told her, and after thinking about it, she felt that she couldn't remain indifferent.

She remembered that during the filming of "The Eighth Heartbeat", she met Yin Zhou basically every day.

In the beginning, Gu Huaichun's dog temper made them disagree with each other and hate each other, and Yin Zhou was often the mediator in the middle to ease the relationship.

At that time, Zhou Yun felt that Yin Zhou was a very gentle person.

Later, maybe it was because they were really congenial, Zhou Yun became closer to Gu Huaichun, but gradually drifted away from Yin Zhou.

It wasn't that there were any misunderstandings or conflicts, nothing like this happened at all, but after the filming, they rarely contacted each other, and gradually became less close.

Unlike Gu Huaichun, who still has something to say from time to time.

This is still the case when shooting "Words of Fallen Leaves".Zhou Yun and Yin Zhou always talked and chatted on the set, but once the film was off, they seldom interacted with each other.

Zhou Yun didn't know why this was the case, he could only say that she and Yin Zhou really didn't have the fate to be friends.

But this does not mean that Zhou Yun is indifferent to Yin Zhou's affairs.

Zhou Yun still cared about Yin Zhou.

She looked at the time. At this point, Yin Zhou should not be asleep yet.

So Zhou Yun called Yin Zhou.

Yin Zhou quickly answered the phone.

"Xiao Yun, are you looking for me so late? Is there anything urgent?"

From the phone, I really couldn't tell that something so big happened in Yin Zhou's house.

Zhou Yun felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

As Yu Chu said, even if such a thing happened, Yin Zhou didn't intend to let others notice his problem at all.

"Yin Zhou, although we haven't known each other for a long time, you are a friend I value very much in this industry. If you encounter any difficulties, I am ready to help you at any time." She said so.

Yin Zhou froze for a moment.

"Why did you tell me this all of a sudden?" Yin Zhou smiled in surprise.

"Don't you need my help now?" Zhou Yun hesitated for a while, noticing that the curtains had not been closed, and thinking of what happened in the hotel before, he got up, closed the curtains, and checked the doors and windows at the same time It's all locked, and it can't be opened from the outside anyway-not even with a key card.

Yin Zhou was silent for a moment, then asked, "Did Yu Chu tell you something?"

"You should take the initiative to tell us." Zhou Yun asked, "Did you also not tell Gu Huaichun?"

If Yin Zhou had told Gu Huaichun, Gu Huaichun shouldn't have kept his mouth shut to her.

Sure enough, Yin Zhou didn't tell Gu Huaichun.

"This is just a little private matter in my own family. It's not worth letting you worry with me."

"Yin Zhou, I believe that Gu Huaichun cares about you as much as I do, even more than I do." Zhou Yun said, "If you are afraid that the people around you will be troubled by your affairs, then you should not come out to socialize with others, and You shouldn’t be friends with others. It’s only natural for friends to help each other. Don’t you hope that we don’t know about this from the beginning to the end. We didn’t know about it until you really stopped being an actor and left, and then regretted it Didn't I care a little more about you?"

Yin Zhou didn't speak.

"You are not willing to leave this industry, are you?" Zhou Yun said, "Your father spent a lot of money on treatment, and your current film salary is not enough for you to pay for these treatments. If it wasn't for this, you wouldn't even think about it." .”

"Xiaoyun, I really need money now, not once, not for a short period of time, I don't know how much money I will need to spend in the future, and I don't know how long this state will last." Yin Zhou said, "If For things that can be solved with just one operation, I will borrow money from you with a shy face, but the problem is that this cannot be solved with one or two operations, and I don't know how much money will be spent in the follow-up. Dad’s medical treatment, my family’s wealth has been consumed by more than half, the key is that they still hide it from me and don’t want to cause me trouble, I can’t be so selfish in order to stick to what I like to do, and watch my dad suffer, so, Perhaps it is the most suitable choice for me not to be an actor and go back to run my family's factory well."

"Can you guarantee that when you go back to run your family's factory, you will earn as much as you do now?" Zhou Yun asked, "If it is very profitable, I don't think your family will consume most of their wealth so quickly, right?"

Yin Zhou was silent.

Zhou Yun said: "I know that your salary is not high now, but at least you are familiar with acting. When you go back and take over your family's factory, when will you be able to get started? Just because your dad can make money doesn't mean you can make money too. If you stay here, Gu Huaichun and I can help you, as long as you're not afraid of hard work, we'll still be able to introduce you to characters with higher salaries.”

Yin Zhou: "I know, I know your kindness, but it's easy to say that you help me once or twice, and I can't let you help me forever. The showbiz doesn't rely on your hard work to get rewards. One line, talent is greater than hard work, luck is greater than hard work, I don't know that I have no hope of being truly popular once in my life, and I don't know if it is possible for me to play a role worth bragging about in my life, if there are no other problems, I I can accept being mediocre for the rest of my life, as long as I work hard, but now, I can't ignore my parents and practical issues."

The problems Yin Zhou faced were all practical ones.

Because of this, Zhou Yun couldn't use his own thoughts to instill in Yin Zhou's mind.

What's more, she couldn't say whoever had the right idea.

Everyone has everyone's choice.

"Well, Yin Zhou, I just want to say, if you need, call me anytime."

The most important purpose of Zhou Yun's phone call this evening was to tell Yin Zhou about this.

Yin Zhou said thank you.

hang up the phone.

Zhou Yun simply washed up and went to bed, but he was thinking about Yin Zhou and didn't fall asleep for a long time.

She was thinking, what would she do if she met Yin Zhou?
But this is beyond her imagination.

Because she has no parents, in this world, she is alone in terms of blood relationship.


Script reading has always been a key link in the production of film and television dramas.

In recent years, because some production crews who are in a hurry to make quick money are unwilling to waste time on this matter, the trend of not doing script readings has prevailed for a while.

The show is bad, and the backlash is huge, but the quick money has already been made.

No matter what, Zhou Yun must read the script here.

This requirement was even written in her contract, so that this link must be preserved.

According to Zhou Yun's experience, script reading has countless benefits for the film crew behind the scenes, and many problems will be directly reflected in script reading.

To put it simply, there is such a link, everyone's understanding of the script, the actors' familiarity with their roles, and the degree of each department's mastery of the script will all be tested to some extent.

Don't think that every actor is very dedicated, will read the script well in advance and memorize the lines, and don't think that the crew will take every detail into consideration before filming starts.

Of course, the most important thing is that the production of film and television dramas has always been a cooperative project, and people need to get familiar with each other before they can handle things.

Zhou Yun didn't deliberately wait until the last one before entering the conference room.

She was the last one to arrive.

The last actor to arrive was He Wenyun.

Many people looked at her with surprised eyes, as if wondering why she arrived so late on the first day of the reading session.

In fact, she wasn't late, just not early.

Everyone's gazes did not make He Wenyun feel any strangeness or inappropriateness. She calmly sat down in the seat corresponding to the desk card with her name written on it, and then greeted everyone who had already sat down.

On her body, there is a kind of leisurely aura of a big-name star.

Zhou Yun smiled slightly and said nothing.

Xu Jinbo clapped his hands, "Since everyone is here, let's start the first script reading today? Everyone should know me. I am the producer of this drama. Xu Jinbo, everyone follows me It is very rare to meet so many great actors. I believe that with all of you joining us, this drama will be a success. Not to mention, this drama also invited our Aoki this year. Zhou Yunlai, who won the Lingjun Award and the Lingjun Award, will star in this drama."

Everyone applauded together.

Being introduced to the XX actress in public always makes Zhou Yun a little embarrassed.

Even if such a thing has been experienced many times, it cannot be truly desensitized.

After Zhou Yun and everyone got to know each other for a while, they officially entered the script reading.

Because the main roles of this play are Zhou Yun and Yu Chu, and the others don't have many roles. In fact, most of the time, the two of them are reading the script.

By the time He Wenyun came out, it was already two hours later.

Many people were already a bit boring, but Zhou Yun noticed that He Wenyun didn't feel boring at all, and kept paying attention to her and Yu Chu.

Because He Wenyun has always had an eye reaction to the two of them reading their lines.

Very focused and dedicated.

Zhou Yun immediately had this judgment in his mind.

When He Wenyun opened her mouth to read her lines, something obviously changed in the air.

Zhou Yun clearly felt that everyone's attention was pulled back a lot by the moment she spoke.

He Wenyun didn't exert all her strength, she just entered a selfish and mean state, and her tone of speech was mildly tinged with sarcasm and sarcasm, which changed the atmosphere instantly.

Zhou Yun's scalp tensed up instantly.

This is an opponent who is very good at acting, she is so familiar with mobilizing emotions, she comes when she says it.

Sitting opposite He Wenyun, Zhou Yun knew that He Wenyun had completely entered the state of a character, she was just deliberately showing it in a leisurely posture, as if she was just casually going through an ordinary scene .


After the morning reading, Zhou Yun and Yu Chu had lunch together, and they inevitably talked about the morning reading.

"That He Wenyun is very strong."

Yu Chu looked a little anxious, "I felt that when I was talking to her, my emotions were completely taken away by her. I knew it was acting, but the words she said made me really angry."

Zhou Yun nodded.

"She's really strong."

(End of this chapter)

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