I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 570 The Airborne Daughter

Chapter 570 The Airborne Daughter
While the two were talking, Zhou Yun saw He Wenyun walking towards them with a plate.

Zhou Yun took the initiative to greet her.

He Wenyun smiled brightly at them and said, "Can I eat with you?"

"Of course, sit down." Zhou Yun said generously.

He Wenyun sat down next to Zhou Yun, "It's the first time for me to participate in a domestic script reading. It's very fresh. I've heard that there is no such reading in domestic filming. Now it seems that these are all false rumors." .”

"Did you film in the United States before?" Yu Chu asked proactively, "I heard that you filmed in the United States before. What are their habits?"

"Actually, I only filmed two films, and my experience is not reference." He Wenyun said to them, "I know that many people say that I have acted in many films in the United States, these are all rumors, don't believe it."

She spread her hands and made a helpless gesture.

"What scene did you film?" Yu Chu asked curiously.

He Wenyun said: "The two films of Paimonchi are only supporting roles, not worth mentioning. That's why I came back to China to find opportunities. I was lucky. I came across a good script like "Deep Sea" as soon as I came back. Although it is also a supporting role. , but the roles are much richer than the roles I got in the United States.”

Yu Chu: "Many actors in China are willing to play supporting roles in Hollywood."

"I don't want to." He Wenyun said, "I didn't know I could act before, but later I found out that I can act, so I don't want to waste my time and energy. The roles I can get in Hollywood are not worth my hard work. .”

In just a few sentences, Zhou Yun has almost figured out why He Wenyun came back from the United States, and why she came to play "Deep Sea".

Moreover, just a few words have already exposed He Wenyun's confidence in herself.

Zhou Yun seldom heard an actress directly boasting that she can act.

Chinese people are more accustomed to modesty and prudence.

He Wenyun said: "Am I too immodest?"

She suddenly seemed to realize her problem, and smiled a little embarrassedly.When she laughed, she stuck out her little tongue, as if feeling embarrassed, completely different from the confidence that filled her whole body a few seconds ago.But this kind of performance immediately made up for the flaw that she seemed a little proud and complacent just now - this is actually a cute woman.

Zhou Yun really doesn't like the kind of flamboyant and self-satisfied people.

Although He Wenyun's words just now did not make her feel that she was a flamboyant and self-satisfied person, but when she asked herself, she was indeed a little uncomfortable.

He Wenyun's embarrassment came just right, dispelling some of Zhou Yun's negative impressions of her.

After this lunch, He Wenyun's impression of Zhou Yun's place has improved somewhat.

She went back to her room to rest, took a nap, and went to the script reading in the afternoon.

But something bad happened.

A young actress named Liu Linglu questioned some of her lines.

"I don't think a person would talk like this under normal circumstances." Liu Linglu said, "Even if I play the role of a rival in love with Sister Yu Chu in the play, I wouldn't be so stupid to deliberately trouble Sister Yu Chu, would I? ? I think my character is a little deliberately stupid and illogical."

When the screenwriter heard what the actor said about the character she worked so hard to write, she immediately counterattacked: "There are all kinds of people in this world, including smart people and stupid people. If everyone's behavior conforms to normal logic , then how can there be conflicts and contradictions? Different people have different logics."

"But this is pretending to be stupid." Liu Linglu said, "To make this character look stupid and stupid."

"Do you think that to show a person's stupidity, one needs to give her a stupid reason?" the screenwriter asked, "Stupidity is stupidity."

Liu Linglu said angrily, "Aren't you using my role on purpose to show off Sister Yu Chu's pity and innocence?"

The screenwriter laughed angrily.

"Otherwise?" she said, "There are good people in the script, and there are bad people, and there are smart people, and there are stupid people, and some people are bad and smart, and some people are bad and stupid, and what you get is A bad and stupid character, then you can just play it in a stupid direction, if there is no difference, then wouldn’t it be enough to have He Wenyun? The same function, why bother to play it?”

Zhou Yun didn't expect that the screenwriter was also a very sharp-tongued one, and he didn't give in at all. Every sentence was pointedly accusing Liu Linglu of being unqualified as an actor.

In fact, the question raised by Liu Linglu is indeed a bit unreasonable.

Zhou Yun understands that Liu Linglu doesn't want to play such a negative character, but it is quite normal for characters with a bad image to appear in film and television dramas, even in "My Fair Princess", there are villains like the Queen and Nanny Rong.Liu Linglu may still be too young, so she doesn't want to play a villain.

But, when Xu Jinbo asked Liu Linglu to play this role, didn't he explain it clearly to her?
Zhou Yun looked at Xu Jinbo suspiciously.

After Xu Jinbo was caught by Zhou Yun's suspicious eyes, he immediately coughed twice.

He tapped on the table, drawing everyone's attention to him.

"Ling Lu, I told you when I was looking for you, you are going to play a villain, and now you can't lose your temper just because of the character setting of this character, this is not what a mature actor should have. style."

Liu Linglu's eyes turned red immediately.

She said: "I didn't lose my temper, but it was different from what I thought. I knew I was playing a villain, but I didn't expect that I was playing such a stupid villain. When the show airs , the audience must scold me bloody."

Xu Jinbo didn't expect Liu Linglu to make such a fuss at this moment.

It made him a little embarrassed.

The script reading had to be interrupted.

Everyone looked at Liu Linglu.

She also seemed to feel great pressure from such gazes, and suddenly stood up and ran towards the door.

"Ling Lu!" Her assistant was originally sitting at the back, but when she saw her running out suddenly, she was startled and immediately chased after her.

The rest looked at each other.

The reading of the script was interrupted.

Everyone discussed it.

"Well, the young people nowadays are really different from our generation, they can do whatever they want." A senior actor said with a smile, "We didn't dare to put our face on the spot and leave."

"Don't say that, we couldn't say it was good at that time, and it's good for everyone to be brave enough to express their opinions now." Another senior actor said with a smile, "And young people, there are times when they can't figure it out. , It is also appropriate to talk to people about it.”

Xu Jinbo and Cui Xidong went out one after the other to appease Liu Linglu.

Yu Chu shrugged his shoulders at Zhou Yun, "I really didn't expect that."

Zhou Yun smiled, "Oh, sure enough, it's impossible to do everything smoothly."

Half an hour later, Liu Linglu came back with Xu Jinbo and Cui Xidong.

There was still an embarrassed expression on the former's face.

After the momentary emotion passed, thinking of her impulsive gaffe just now, Liu Linglu was very embarrassed and felt ashamed to face others.

Everyone didn't show any strange expressions, and just regarded this incident as an episode.

For dinner at night, neither Zhou Yun nor Yu Chu ate in the cafeteria, but found a restaurant outside with Xu Jinbo and Cui Xidong.

Xu Jinbo recruited a table of people, all of whom were the most critical and core characters of the crew.

This is his style of recruiting the crew, and he likes to bring the relationship closer at the dinner table.

Zhou Yun didn't put on a show either. Everyone wanted to drink, so she took a bottle of red wine.

"I'm not used to drinking white wine, let's drink some red wine with everyone, please forgive me." She said with a smile.

Zuo Yuan, director of photography, smiled and said, "It's interesting enough."

At the dinner table of this kind of crew, if you want a heroine to accompany everyone to drink, it is hard to imagine it in other crews.

Xu Jinbo said: "I've heard about you for a long time, and seeing you today is a well-deserved reputation."

"That's not true. Don't listen to the rumors from outsiders. I just like to drink a few sips by myself, but if I really want to say that I can drink well, I really don't. How much can I drink?"

"That can't be said. Many people don't seem to know how to drink, but they are actually very good at drinking."

"At least I'm not." Zhou Yun said, "I'm still very clear about myself."

"Hahaha." Xu Jinbo gave Zhou Yun a thumbs-up, "I know that I drink very well, but there are still a lot of chaos in this circle, especially actresses, they must learn to protect themselves."

Xu Jinbo asked Yu Chu, "How's your drinking capacity?"

Yu Chu smiled and said, "I'm about the same level as Zhou Yun, both at an average level. The main reason is that I don't like drinking very much. I usually drink some cocktails at most."

Xu Jinbo: "You women like to drink cocktails, tell me, they are all sweet drinks, not interesting."

Yu Chu: "Then can you men drink it? If you really let me drink white wine, I'll be drunk after one sip, and immediately lose consciousness."

"Is it impossible to be so exaggerated?" Xu Jinbo asked with his eyes wide open.

"It's really such an exaggeration, I won't lie to you," Yu Chu said.

At the dinner table, because they are all from the crew, there is no need for special hospitality, and everyone is more comfortable talking and chatting.

"Xiao Wu, you are very fierce this afternoon." Zuo Yuan suddenly mentioned the matter of the afternoon, and looked at the screenwriter Wu Zhengguang.

Wu Zhengguang was eating vegetables, and he sighed when he heard Zuo Yuan's words.He has a fair scholarly face and a very scholarly temperament. He wears a pair of silver-rimmed glasses. He doesn't look very old, but he is actually in his early forties.He was sitting at the dinner table, he didn't talk much before, he mainly listened to people talking, smiled and echoed a few words.

"It took me a long time to write the script, and I was so ignorantly criticized by someone, I was so angry at the time." Wu Zhengguang said, "To be honest, I have already controlled my temper."

"Don't look at old Wu Zhang like this, he really loses his temper very fiercely." Zuo Yuan smiled, "I worked with him in another film before, and I met an actor with a relationship, and that actor was dictating on the set. I blamed Lao Wu for writing too awkward lines, which made me unable to memorize the lines, so Wu Zhengguang was so angry that he pointed at the man's nose and scolded him on the set."

Zhou Yun glanced at Wu Zhengguang in surprise.

As Zuo Yuan said, the image of Wu Zhengguang really doesn't look like someone with such a bad temper.He is more like an elegant scholar, facing ignorant students, he will use a more gentle way to persuade a student to be better.

"However, why did Mr. Wu think of writing a story about two women?" Zhou Yun asked curiously, "I used to think that the screenwriter was a woman. When I read the script, I felt that this script should only be written by women. A woman has such a delicate mind."

Wu Zhengguang waved his hand.

"I've always been interested in human psychology, whether it's a man or a woman, I like to create some dilemmas for the characters, and then try to explore how the characters will change in this dilemma."

"I like this script, especially every decision between these two women." Zhou Yun said, "Although not every decision is correct, but at the moment, they did not choose to compromise in the end, but struggled Among them, we choose to believe in our own heart, which is very remarkable, and it is difficult for us to do it normally."


We chatted about the script for a while.

Wu Zhengguang suddenly mentioned He Wenyun.

He asked Xu Jinbo: "Producer Xu, what is the origin of that He Wenyun? Just before the machine was turned on, it suddenly dropped into the air."

Xu Jinbo sighed, "The boss of our company was on a business trip to the United States, but he met her and watched her filming scenes in the United States. He was shocked, so he talked to her and brought her back to China."

As he spoke, he glanced at Zhou Yun.

What he didn't say was that his boss had another word.

His boss said that this person has developed well and is capable of competing with Zhou Yun.

Xu Jinbo actually didn't quite agree with his boss' point of view.

For an actress to reach Zhou Yun's position, both strength and luck are indispensable.

Even if He Wenyun can act and can act, can she have the popularity of audiences and the luck of winning awards like Zhou Yun?
Not necessarily, especially since Zhou Yun has already become a trend. At the same age, the best resources are always in Zhou Yun's hands first, and those that Zhou Yun doesn't want will be given to others.

But Xu Jinbo couldn't help but cheer on the boss's words.

Wu Zhengguang said: "I heard this little girl read the lines, she has a solid foundation, did she graduate from a professional school?"

"I don't know about this, but she is really capable. I have also seen her in a few scenes, and her acting skills are really good and amazing." Xu Jinbo said, "She acted in two movies in the United States, a Chinese, without any Fame, she got a role with more than ten minutes in a superhero movie, and got a third female role in another movie directed by a famous director. Speaking of which, her development in the United States is actually not bad, she If I continue to stay in the United States, I might become the next Michelle Yeoh."

"So powerful?" Zuo Yuan was a little surprised, "Did she get the role by herself?"

"In the United States, of course she can only get the role on her own." Xu Jinbo said, "Do you know which director's new film she plays as the third female lead?"

Of course everyone doesn't know.

"Don't be tricky, just say it."

Xu Jinbo smiled and said a name: "Clinton Spielberg."

The moment Xu Jinbo said this name, the dinner table was silent for a second.

The name Clinton Spielberg belongs to the names that any filmmaker should have heard of.

Because of his legend, because he is a legend both in terms of awards and box office.

It can be said that, in a sense, the era of blockbuster movies in the United States started from him.

And he also focuses on filming humanistic and thinking films, and has won many awards.

Such a director can star in his movie, even if it is the third female lead, there are many famous actresses flocking to it.

Because of participating in his movie, he might be nominated for an Oscar.

Oscar nominations, even for supporting roles, are irresistible temptations for actors.

Both Zhou Yun and Yu Chu were a little surprised.

They were still talking about these two movies with He Wenyun at noon today.

At that time, He Wenyun told them that she just filmed two ordinary scenes with soy sauce, but who knows, the truth is not what she said at all?
Zhou Yun suddenly fully understood why He Wenyun was selected by Yue Hai's boss to parachute into "Deep Sea".

"Maybe Yue Hai feels threatened, so he can't wait to find someone who can compete with you."

Zhou Yun mentioned this to Song Chi on the phone, and Song Chi laughed.

Although it was a joke, Song Chi actually pointed out some intention of Yue Hai.

In other words, all domestic actors' agencies are now trying to find someone who can compete with Zhou Yun.

In the field of movies, Zhou Yun completely has the upper hand in her age group, and no one can compete with her.

The last one with Zhou Yun's momentum in the movie was Ning Yao, but Ning Yao was nearly ten years older than Zhou Yun, and basically did not belong to the same echelon of competition.

Can He Wenyun threaten her?
Zhou Yun can't say well now.

From the current point of view, in the age group between twenty and thirty, there is indeed no one who can compare with her.

Whether it's box office or awards.

The entertainment media likes to rank some "Four Little Stars" and the like, and there are often people in their age group.

There are various permutations and combinations, and the lists released by different media are not the same. The only name that always appears is her.

Because everyone knows that if Zhou Yun is not included in such a list, it means that the list is not objective and worthless.

Now, Zhou Yun's reputation and momentum have reached the point that no one can ignore and ignore.

The two films "Days" and "Behind the Scenes" and the two queens of the Aoki Award and the Lingjun Award are enough for her to be recorded in the film history.

"Didn't you get targeted by various companies back then?"

"It's not as serious as you. It took me several years to get a few trophies. Unlike you, I won two in a row within a year."

(End of this chapter)

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