I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 571 Let's talk about hero blockbusters again

Chapter 571 Let's talk about hero blockbusters again
The second day of script reading.

Liu Linglu took sick leave and didn't come.

Zhou Yun was very surprised when he heard the news, and asked, "What's wrong with her?"

"She said she had a fever." Yu Chu whispered, "Last night, she was caught in the rain."

"Rain? Did it rain last night?"

"Don't you know? It was about eleven o'clock in the evening." Yu Chu said, "It was so noisy that I didn't sleep well."

"I fell asleep before that and didn't realize it." Zhou Yun asked curiously, "Why did she run out to get wet?"

"Who knows."

Yu Chu shrugged.

"Yin Zhou called me early this morning, and blamed me for telling you about him."

"Isn't it?"

"Oh, he really plans to go back." Yu Chu said, "He won't continue to do this business."

Zhou Yun was surprised.

"Why did you make a decision so quickly?"

Yu Chu: "He wants to spend more time with his dad, and I can understand him. He is afraid that he will regret it in the future. After all, it is cancer."

When Yu Chu said that, Zhou Yun suddenly understood.


What they discussed before was the cost, how to earn more money for treatment, but they didn't discuss it, if the treatment fails, if it is still unable to recover in the end, maybe this period of time is the last time for Yin Zhou's father. a period of time.

Zhou Yun suddenly felt that life was impermanent.

The script reading was agreed to start at [-]:[-] in the morning, and at [-]:[-], He Wenyun walked in with her thermos.

Again the last one to arrive.

Yu Chu complained in Zhou Yun's ear, "She's really bigger than you."

Zhou Yun smiled and said nothing.

After Xu Jinbo waited for He Wenyun to sit down, he said, "Since everyone is here, let's start."

"Director, Liu Linglu has asked for leave, what should I do when it's time for her part?" Zhou Minmin asked suddenly.

Cui Xidong said: "Let me take up Liu Linglu's lines for now."

"Okay." Zhou Minmin nodded.

"Has Liu Linglu asked for leave?" He Wenyun suddenly asked in surprise.

She came late and didn't know about it. When she heard about it, she was a little surprised.

"She has a fever and is receiving an injection in the hospital." Zhou Minmin explained to her.

He Wenyun nodded as if suddenly realized, "That's it."

There is no more to say.

The whole process in the morning was relatively smooth. During the middle, everyone discussed several times, talked and laughed, and made a lot of derivatives of the content of the script.

When the screenwriter writes the script, he does not make detailed arrangements for the past and present lives of each character, so in order to enrich their performances, or to make their performances full of more details, they will On the basis of the script, enrich the biographies of the characters.

For example, what little hobbies does this person have, what is the past of this person, what is the reason why this person is mean, what has he experienced, and so on.

Performance is not water without a source. The richer the details, the more realistic the performance will be.

Zhou Yun, Yu Chu, and He Wenyun all constructed a lot of details about their characters, and they put these details in the reading meeting to communicate, just to ensure that these newly constructed details did not cause any logical conflicts.

"Miaomiao is weak on the surface, she is a good girl, but in fact she has always had a fire in her heart. She will fight against many injustices and have her own opinions on many social phenomena, but because of the oppressive education of her parents when she was young, She is very insecure and afraid to express her views in front of others."

This was the first thing Yu Chu said when he introduced his character.

"In fact, many girls are very similar to Miaomiao. It's not that they don't have their own opinions, but they are afraid of expressing their own opinions, because expressing them means pushing themselves in front of everyone, but they are used to shrinking themselves in a corner and don't want to express their opinions. I don’t want to be noticed, and I don’t want to expose myself to the eyes of others.”

"That's why she yearns for and admires Li Siran. Li Siran is the kind of person she aspires to be but dares not to be."

Zhou Yun nodded, and continued: "The Li Siran I play is a person who dares to express himself on the surface and doesn't care about the eyes of people around him. In fact, Li Siran has also experienced Miaomiao's stage, so he understands Miaomiao very well. Because of this, I will help Miaomiao and become friends with her. But I think Li Siran is not as indifferent to the voice and vision of the outside world as she seems on the surface. At the same time, she is also a very sensitive person. Her sensitivity will be habitually hidden in her heart, and she won't let others see it even if she looks at it."



Zhou Yun went to the corridor window to breathe.

He Wenyun walked to her side.

She took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and asked, "Would you like one?"

Zhou Yun waved his hand, "I don't smoke."

He Wenyun put the cigarette back again, but she didn't smoke it herself.

Zhou Yun breathed a sigh of relief, she was really afraid that He Wenyun would smoke by herself - she really didn't like the smell of cigarettes.

"The movie "Samurai" came to me." She said suddenly.

"Huh?" Zhou Yun glanced at her in surprise, and asked, "The movie Paimonchi is going to make?"

"Yes." He Wenyun nodded and said, "They auditioned many actresses in China, but they were not particularly satisfied. Then they suddenly remembered me. I had worked with them on a movie before, so they asked me to audition again."


"I didn't say when, I just wanted me to record an audition video to show me." He Wenyun shrugged, "I always thought their target actor was you."

"Everyone says that, but in fact, Pai Munch never came to look for me."

"Why is that?" He Wenyun asked curiously.

"I don't know about that." Zhou Yun shook his head.

"Actually, I think you are very suitable for acting in this movie."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun was originally surprised that He Wenyun came to tell her this matter, but now that he said this, Zhou Yun was even more surprised.

Such a good opportunity, He Wenyun didn't seize it firmly by herself, why did she take the initiative to tell her?
He Wenyun laughed, "Well, it seems that you are really not interested in this movie. To be honest, I always thought that what you said before was just a smoke bomb. I was thinking, if you plan to act For this movie, I will not waste my time recording audition videos for them, if you are willing to act, they will be more than happy to give you this movie."

Zhou Yun didn't understand why He Wenyun said that.

"You think too much. If they wanted me to act, they would have contacted me a long time ago."

"They just think that you don't like this kind of superhero movie. Moreover, because of Song Chi's reason, their attitude towards you in Pai Mengqi is divided. Some people support using you to act, and some people support you I don’t want to.” He Wenyun said, “I was able to get the invitation because I had worked with them on two films, and they are more familiar with me, but any normal film and television company, in this kind of leading role that needs someone to carry the box office, Priority will be given to an actor's popularity and appeal."

(End of this chapter)

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