I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 572 About the crew, about the actors

Chapter 572 About the crew, about the actors

"He Wenyun's luck is really good. Before she went to the United States, she was basically not well-known in China. In fact, until now, the news about her on the Internet has basically revolved around the drama "Deep Sea". About her personal information, Basically no one knows."

Zhou Lan told Zhou Yun on the phone some information she had found.

"However, as soon as she went to the United States, she made a film directed by Spielberg, and she was the third female lead. This is an enviable opportunity for actresses from any country in the world." Zhou Lan Said, "You should understand how unbelievable this opportunity fell to her, right? The point is, this play has never been publicly cast, and it has been kept secret. I have inquired with many people, but they have not received it. I have heard about the news about that drama, but He Wenyun got the role in China at the time, so I was curious where her news channel came from."

Zhou Yun: "Let's ignore this for now. She told me that she had received an invitation to audition for the movie "Samurai". I was thinking, why not let Xiao Jing try?"

"Huh?" Zhou Lan was a little surprised, "Xiao Jing?"

"Even if you can't get in, a little more audition experience for this kind of international big production will be helpful in the future." Zhou Yun said, "What's more, isn't Xiaojing going to the United States to participate in the promotion of "Behind the Scenes" soon? There must also be a lot of contact with the people in Pai Mengqi, if Xiaojing can get a good role in the movie "Warrior", it will be of great help to her international reputation."

"That's true." Zhou Lan nodded, "But, didn't you say last time that we have to consider Xiao Jing's mood? You didn't plan to act in this movie, but you asked her to audition, would she think too much? "

"Two different things, I have never been in contact with "Samurai", and the so-called cooperation rumors are all rumors." Zhou Yun said, "If Xiao Jing gives up "Samurai" because of this rumor, then she needs to see a psychologist .”

Zhou Lan smiled and said, "That's right, then I'll make arrangements."

"Well." Zhou Yun said, "Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting can also help them match up. If there is a suitable role, it is also good to show their face in this kind of big production. For them at this stage, the most important thing is to let them Make your own resume more beautiful, accumulate experience, and prepare for the future."

"Yeah." Zhou Lan said, "Xiaoyun, I happen to have some later matters to communicate with you."

"it is good."

"The first thing is that Paimonchi has officially decided to help "Behind the Scene" enter the Olympic Games. Now "Behind the Scene" has exceeded [-] million box office in the United States. It is the highest-grossing Chinese film in the United States in the past few years. And this The number is still increasing. Shi Luoqi and Xue Qin have been active in the United States recently, participating in public relations activities. Teacher You Jiang is also here. Xiaojing is here. I will arrange for her to go there as soon as possible after she finishes filming "Youth Story". Now The key is you, when can you go there." Zhou Lan said, "The episodes of "Deep Sea" are short, and the shooting time is not long, but it will still take dozens of days to shoot. When you have time, I guess It’s already mid-to-late November, but you’re going to be filming a drama directed by Jiang Xin in December. In this time, you can’t actually participate in a lot. Now Pamonchi is also hesitating whether to give you the best actress in public relations, If you can't cooperate with the PR campaign, it's basically useless."

Zhou Yun sighed after listening.

"It's really embarrassing." She hesitated for a moment and said, "Sister Lan, I have already promised Director Jiang to make this drama, I can't break my promise, there is really no other way, I can only give up the propaganda in the United States. "

"Okay, I guessed what you're thinking too, I'm just confirming with you for the last time." Zhou Lan said, "The second thing is that director Jiang Xin's remuneration for this show is higher than the market price. It was a third lower, and He Yong was not very happy, so he contacted Director Jiang's company in private, and wanted to arrange another actor from the company in several main roles, and Director Jiang came to me."

"Nonsense." Zhou Yun complained directly, "Sister Lan, you tell Director Jiang, don't worry about what He Yong said, what kind of play do I play, how much do I get paid, do I have no autonomy at all?"

Zhou Lan: "Well, but Director Jiang's side has not yet found all the actors. You also know that Director Jiang is very demanding, and this drama is a group drama with a lot of characters. I was thinking, since If we have this opportunity, can we communicate with Director Jiang? If there is a chance, we can find a role for Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting. It doesn’t take a lot of roles, but taking this opportunity, we can ask Director Jiang to train them. This opportunity is very good. rare."

Zhou Yun thought for a while and said, "The two of them originally had two roles to play in "Deep Sea", and they will appear in a play with me again?"

Zhou Lan: "Yes."

"I will introduce them to Director Jiang, and look for opportunities in other dramas." Zhou Yun said, "By the way, I saw the Moments you posted. The two of them have filmed a lot of variety shows recently."

"Yes, the current market environment is such that you must first have reputation and data, otherwise no film studio is willing to use you." Zhou Lan said, "I have to keep their data on a certain basis."

Zhou Yun: "Yes."

In fact, Zhou Yun also understands that the key is that Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting are not that kind of talented people, and it is not suitable for them to focus on acting.

Everyone has their own way to go.

Not every talented person can eventually become the actor and actress.

Not every movie king and queen was considered talented when they first debuted.

"There are other things. "Days" is going to be screened in Korea, and the distributor in Korea wants to invite you to attend the premiere ceremony. In addition, it happens that "Questioning the Heart" and "Fixed Storm" were bought by the Korean side. , I want to invite you to do a round of publicity."


"Next month." Zhou Lan said, ""Days" is scheduled to air on November 11th, and "Question" and "Ding Fengbo" are both scheduled to air in December."

Zhou Yun asked: "Do I have time at that time? Is there any work arrangement?"

"According to the original plan, we had already finished shooting "Deep Sea" by then." Zhou Lan said, "If we don't go to Korea, we will fly to the United States."

Zhou Yun thought about it carefully.

"Will Wen Bing go?"

"They didn't invite the director, they only invited you." Zhou Lan said, "You are also very popular in Korea. Many red carpet photos have attracted a lot of attention in Korea."

Zhou Yun: "If Wen Bing hadn't been invited, I wouldn't have gone alone."

"Then should I reject them directly? Or convey your meaning to them?" Zhou Lan said, "What if they invite Director Wen Bing to join you after hearing your meaning?"

"Let's see if Wen Bing wants to go." Zhou Yun said.

"Ok, got it."

"The last thing, Wen Bing's "One Mountain and Two Tigers" is scheduled to be released during the Spring Festival. Before the release, Yao Yuanfeng wants us to participate in the film's road show and promotional activities." Zhou Lan said, "I suggest that the road show should be Forget it, it is very time-consuming and energy-consuming. If everything goes well in "Behind the Scenes", it should be the last moment of the Olympics. There will be a lot of business dinners and publicity plans. In "One Mountain Two Tigers", you just A cameo appeared for a while, I suggest to focus on "Behind the Scenes"."

Zhou Yun said, "I'll listen to you."

"it is good."

After talking about the next major tasks, Zhou Lan asked, "How do you and He Wenyun get along in the crew?"

Zhou Yun said: "That's it, what else can I do, no quarrels, no disputes, everyone is living in peace, but I feel that her attitude towards me seems a bit complicated."


"Well, I can't tell you exactly what it is. It feels like she's hiding something from me that I should know." Zhou Yun smiled, "Of course, maybe I'm thinking too much, and I've never had any interaction with her before. .”

"Don't ignore this kind of intuition. Sometimes, the intuition is very accurate." Zhou Lan reminded, "It is necessary to be defensive."


Because of Zhou Yun's starring role, the production team of "Deep Sea" has no shortage of investment, sufficient funds, and even the conditions of the entire production team are very good.

But because Zhou Yun himself wanted to finish filming the show as soon as possible, Xu Jinbo and Cui Xidong discussed and decided to give priority to group dramas during the day, and Zhou Yun's solo drama or rivalry scenes with Yu Chu at night.

This arrangement will make the director very hard, but Cui Xidong himself is a workaholic, and also belongs to the kind of dedicated director who is willing to finish the work ahead of time.

The only difficulty was Yu Chu.

Xu Jinbo didn't know if Yu Chu was willing to continue filming without calling off work every night.

Generally speaking, for well-known actors like Yu Chu, the crew basically arranged their shooting during the daytime, unless it was really a big night scene.

Many people who don't understand this industry often think that a crew must revolve around the most important protagonist.In fact, there is a big misunderstanding here.It is true that the staff of the crew basically revolve around the most important protagonist, but not necessarily the other actors.A more likely situation is that the protagonist is surrounded by the staff, and the supporting characters are sneering and sarcastic.After all, when a big star is upset, the staff can be replaced at any time, but the actors cannot.

In the drama "Deep Sea", Zhou Yun is a well-deserved absolute protagonist, but Xu Jinbo will not treat actors like Yu Chu and He Wenyun as newcomers casually. They also need to be treated seriously, taken care of, and even coaxed.

Xu Jinbo found Yu Chu and expressed this meaning to her.He had already thought about how he should continue to persuade Yu Chu if he didn't want to.

But Yu Chu nodded and agreed directly, she smiled and said, "This is the best, I also want to finish filming the trick earlier."

Xu Jinbo didn't expect Yu Chu to be so easy to talk to.

There is no airs at all.

In fact, Xu Jinbo didn't really want to use Yu Chu at first.He is Yue Hai's producer, and many favors are inside Yue Hai.If Yu Chu hadn't taken this seat, a chance to play a double heroine with Zhou Yun, if it was in his hands, how much favor would it be?The news spread at first, and all of Yue Hai's agents were looking for him, wanting to take this opportunity into his bag.During that time, no matter how famous the agent was, they would always greet him with a smile and say enough hospitality.But Zhou Yunfang asked Yu Chu by name, and he had nothing to say to ensure that Zhou Yun would star in the show.

Xu Jinbo went to talk to Zhou Lan about Yu Chu's performance contract, and he also met with Yu Chu several times and talked a lot.After in-depth contact, Xu Jinbo found that Yu Chu was completely inconsistent with the rumored image of the spoiled young lady—although she was indeed involved in scandals, and her parents gambled and failed to pay back the debts. This matter had nothing to do with her, and after the incident broke out, Yu Chu paid off the debt immediately.

From then on, Yu Chu suddenly became active.This active refers to the film and television industry.

She was silent before, but suddenly she was interviewing groups everywhere, and she was so active and diligent that it almost spread in the circle of producers: there was an actress who was very popular in the news a while ago, and now she is very anxious to make money from filming.

In this circle, many people work very hard, and they are unwilling to miss and refuse every opportunity that comes to them.This seemed to be the case for Yu Chu during that time. When he was the busiest, he was filming three movies at the same time - all supporting roles, running on three sides and carrying it down abruptly.This is actually a drama, but the crew doesn't mind, the salary she asks for is not high, and she is very popular, and many producers are willing to use it.Bringing her name in the publicity can earn a lot of attention.

Xu Jinbo didn't like to use such actors with negative news.

He still hopes that the actor's image will be more positive, which will also benefit the reputation of the show.

Otherwise, it is not uncommon for an actor to ruin a good play.

The most important reason why Zhou Yun is so popular in the industry is that she hasn't had any scandals since her debut—although scandals keep happening, they can be clarified very quickly and win the sympathy of the public.this point is very important.This means that Zhou Yun's popularity with passers-by is very good, and his circle of passers-by is very large.

Compared with a show that is not popular, what makes the producers more frightened is that because of an actor's problem, the show can no longer be broadcast, and it will be frozen directly, which means that the family will have to clear the warehouse after losing money.

But the scandal about Yu Chu had little to do with her.Therefore, she was not blocked, and she was still able to carry out normal activities.It's just that a more cautious producer like Xu Jinbo will be more cautious about whether to use this kind of actor.

Xu Jinbo's thoughts are not surprising.

There are not a few producers who think like him.

After finishing Yu Chu's side, Xu Jinbo handed over the matter to the coordinator.

In fact, coordinating the number of scenes for the actors to film is a big problem, no matter which script it is in, no matter whether the actors in this crew are big names or all are newcomers.

Where there are people, there are thoughts, where there are thoughts, there are contradictions, and where there are contradictions...

Naturally there is conflict.

Therefore, a crew and producer are often the behind-the-scenes heroes who can handle everyone the most.

director?In general, the director is only responsible for the content part.

In the evening, Xu Jinbo also invited the film director of a TV station in Hong Kong to have dinner.

The TV station in Hong Kong is very interested in this suspenseful TV series and wants to buy the right to broadcast it.

Xu Jinbo was naturally willing.

If you can sell copyrights to more places and markets, you can make more money.

This is the most critical indicator of a producer's ability.

And, the channel itself is also important.Most of the time, the public sees a film and television company, which has been going downhill for several years. Every drama is lukewarm, and it seems to be the kind of iron loss, but this company still survives and has opened one after another. A new play, why?It is very likely because the company has a wide range of overseas channels. Apart from the mainland, other regions and countries have a wide network of contacts and are willing to buy their dramas. The money paid by the family may not make it back, but they are sold to more than a dozen countries and regions. Added together is a small gain.

It's just that people in Hong Kong hope to see Zhou Yun at night.

Xu Jinbo thought about it, and decided to invite Zhou Yun to see if he could invite her to come with him.

Zhou Yun had no plans at night, so after a little thought, he agreed.

This made Xu Jinbo suspect that today was his lucky day, how could he talk to Yu Chu smoothly, and now he went to Zhou Yun to attend a dinner, and got Zhou Yun's consent so smoothly?

Xu Jinbo was surprised in his heart.

He didn't know that Zhou Yun actually had his own considerations.

She has starred in several TV dramas so far, but these dramas are very popular, but they are only popular in the mainland.

Compared with American dramas and Korean dramas, Chinese TV dramas have little influence in the world.

There was an idea in Zhou Yun's mind, not only movies, but also TV series can go to sea.

Let's start with the once glorious market of Hong Kong.

Zhou Yun has never specifically conquered the Hong Kong market. Compared to her reputation in the mainland, her reputation in Hong Kong is still dominated by Song Chi's girlfriend.

Song Chi is very popular in Hong Kong, but Zhou Yun is not.Whether her movies or TV series have not been screened or broadcast in Hong Kong, only some pirated versions have been downloaded from the Internet, which has not formed a large scale after all.

Therefore, Zhou Yun is very happy to have this meal. If "Deep Sea" is broadcast well in Hong Kong, her popularity in the Hong Kong market will greatly increase, which will also benefit her future development.Whether it is the film or fashion industry, many elderly people in Hong Kong still hold the right to speak in the Chinese-speaking circle.

On the other hand, based on the suspenseful genre of this drama, if "Deep Sea" can be broadcast in the mainland and Hong Kong with good results and a good reputation, it can also attract the attention of film producers in other countries.

Just like "The Storm", because it is a combination of crime and news, the copyright was bought by many foreign video sites early on.And "Questioning the Heart" is obviously more popular in China, but it is not popular in other markets due to its theme of ancient costumes and conspiracy. It is not as good as "The Storm" in the development of overseas markets.

In the evening, Zhou Yun met with Xu Caiqin, the purchasing director of Hong Kong TV.

Xu Caiqin looks to be in her early fifties, with heavy makeup on, and she speaks strange Mandarin, which she barely understands.

Xu Caiqin said enthusiastically to Zhou Yun: "I am a fan of Ms. Zhou. I watched "Behind the Scenes" in the Mainland before. Ms. Zhou's performance is wonderful, and she is a formidable young generation."

Zhou Yun shook his head modestly, saying no.

Xu Caiqin is a senior film purchasing director.She has been in this industry since she was young, and has done many positions in production, publicity, assistant director, etc., and she knows the behind-the-scenes departments of this industry well.Later, when she was in charge of buying films, she combined her own experience with a vicious vision and achieved excellent results in the industry.

In the past few years, she has gotten very close to the film and television production companies in the Mainland, and specially purchased a batch of good dramas that suit the tastes of Hong Kong citizens, and they all broadcast very well.

Xu Caiqin herself is indeed a fan of Zhou Yun, and she personally prefers girls who can read.

But she didn't lose her mind just because she liked Zhou Yun, and bought back all the dramas starring Zhou Yun.

A seasoned film buyer is looking for target films from his own market.

She heard that Zhou Yun was going to shoot a life suspense film, and she was immediately interested. She contacted Xu Jinbo and asked for a more detailed story outline. She was sure that this type of story was a subject that Hong Kong people like to watch, so she expressed her intention .

During this dinner, Zhou Yun and Xu Caiqin chatted very speculatively.

Through the chat with Xu Caiqin, Zhou Yun can feel that Xu Caiqin is a person who loves this industry very much.

Anyone who has injected love into their work knows how powerful it can be if the two can really be combined.

Xu Caiqin talked with Zhou Yun about a lot of things she experienced in this industry, including dangers and surprises.

People who have really experienced and have stories tell stories are always beautiful.

The environmental changes experienced by Zhou Yun are actually far less than one ten-thousandth of the environmental changes experienced by the Hong Kong market.

"Actually, the Hong Kong market is still too small." She said, "I often think that if I were given a bigger platform, I might be able to do better than I am now."

Zhou Yun was thoughtful.

She had only heard from Song Chi some time ago that the head of his company's content department had been poached elsewhere, and now she was looking for a suitable person to take over.

It is self-evident how important the position of the head of the content department is in a film and television production company.

Zhou Yun just had such an idea, but then gave up.

Xu Caiqin is very familiar with Hong Kong's film and television market, but it is not appropriate to apply this experience to the mainland.

Zhou Yun and Xu Caiqin added WeChat friends.

Xu Caiqin said: "When you come to Hong Kong in the future, tell Sister Qin that Sister Qin knows a lot of good shops that non-locals don't know, and she will take you there."

Zhou Yun smiled and nodded: "Okay."

The two chatted so speculatively that Xu Jinbo didn't talk much all night.

But he doesn't mind, as long as Xu Caiqin is happy and finally buys the film and doesn't run away halfway, it doesn't matter if he doesn't talk all night.

After sending Xu Caiqin away, Xu Jinbo smiled at Zhou Yun and said, "I don't think you ate anything just now, do you want to eat something more?"

Because of Xu Caiqin's habit of not eating at night, she didn't move her chopsticks, so that Zhou Yun and Xu Jinbo didn't move much.

Zhou Yun was indeed a little hungry.

"Is there anywhere that sells porridge around here? Let me have some porridge."

During filming, Zhou Yun didn't dare to let himself eat too much.

Still have to keep fit.

Xu Jinbo nodded, he was more familiar with this area than Zhou Yun.

He led Zhou Yun around and into a small roadside shop.

"This shop is for snacks. There are porridge and steamed buns. Let's see what you want." Xu Jinbo pointed to the menu hanging above.

"Xiaoyun? Producer Xu?"

A familiar voice suddenly sounded.

Zhou Yun and Xu Jinbo took a closer look and found that it was Yu Chu.

Yu Chu sat alone at a table with a small steamed bun in front of him.

Zhou Yun went over in surprise, and asked, "Why do you come out to eat supper alone at night?"

"Oh, I just woke up and was so hungry, so I came out to look for something to eat." Yu Chu smiled, glanced at Xu Jinbo, and asked, "Did you meet on the road? Or?"

"I had something to do with him just now, and I was hungry, so I came to eat something."

Xu Jinbo greeted Yu Chu, "Then I'll go get something, and you guys talk first."

Zhou Yun said, "I just want a bowl of mung bean porridge."

"Ok." Xu Jinbo nodded.

Yu Chu suddenly asked in a low voice: "Do you know that Producer Xu just got divorced last month?"

Zhou Yun stared in surprise, "What? True or false? Who did you listen to?"

"People in the crew don't know if it's true or not, but everyone says it's true." Yu Chu said, "It's really hard to tell."


"A month ago, wasn't he the busiest time? I've heard people say that a month ago was the busiest time, when everything had to be signed by him, and he was able to handle the divorce at that time. "

"A visit to the Civil Affairs Bureau, what's so strange about it? It's not like a month ago that I decided to divorce and then settled the matter right away." Zhou Yun looked at the back of Xu Jinbo who was scanning the QR code to pay the bill, "This It's his private life, regardless of his marriage and divorce, from what I've been in contact with him so far, he's quite reliable, very capable, and doesn't fool around, and some producers are filthy."

"I know that, believe me, the ones I have encountered must be more scheming than the ones you have encountered." Yu Chu smiled.

Zhou Yun asked: "Did you not suffer?"

Yu Chu shook his head: "I'm fine, I'm not a newcomer after all. The most disadvantaged are the newcomers who just entered the industry. People just paid [-] yuan."

"Ah?" Zhou Yun stared in shock, "Is there still such a thing?"

"Yes." Yu Chu shrugged, "The contract I signed is full of traps. If a certain clause is violated, money will be deducted. Here and there, a sum will be deducted. In the end, there will be five thousand."

Zhou Yun frowned.

"It's really cruel."

"I hope that young man will learn a lot of wisdom, alas." Yu Chu said, "For a little girl like Liu Linglu who has never experienced anything at first glance, if she falls into the hands of such a person, it may take two or three years. To come out of the shadows."

At this time, Xu Jinbo paid the bill and came over.

He sat down beside Yu Chu.

Yu Chu asked curiously, "Producer Xu, do you have any children?"

Xu Jinbo was taken aback, then smiled again, "Yes, what's the matter?"

Yu Chu said, "I see that you haven't gone back so late, so I'm curious."

"He stays here and comes back once a month." Xu Jinbo explained, "The nature of my job doesn't allow me to accompany him every day."

"I see." Yu Chu asked with a smile, "With a handsome father like you, your child should look good, right? Boy or girl? How old is it?"

"Twelve years old, in the first day of junior high school." Xu Jinbo said about his son with a helpless expression, "I don't know how to study hard all day long."

When he said this, he smiled at Zhou Yun and said, "I will ask you to give him some advice when I have a chance in the future."

After graduating from University A, he is respected by his parents wherever he goes.

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Don't worry, children at this age are most annoyed by others' advice."

"Let me think about it. When I was in the first year of junior high school, I was really annoyed by someone telling me what to do." Yu Chu agreed with a smile.

Xu Jinbo shook his head, "In today's society, if you don't study hard, what will you do in the future? Wherever you go now depends on your education background."

"Then do you plan to let him enter the showbiz?" Zhou Yun asked.

With a father like Xu Jinbo who is a producer, if his son really wants to become an actor, the road should not be difficult.

Xu Jinbo said: "I'll talk about it later, it's too early to talk about it now, if possible, I hope he can go to school seriously and find a stable job. This business is very profitable when it's profitable, but it can't be done." People are prone to impetuosity when they can’t keep money, and when the market is bad, the pressure is so great that they lose their hair, watching the balance decrease bit by bit, but there is no job, that kind of feeling, you can only know how hard it is after experiencing it.”

The topic suddenly became heavy.

Yu Chu didn't know if he was thinking of her most difficult period, so he was silent for a while.

Fortunately, the boss brought Xu Jinbo's order at this time.

A cage of steamed buns, two cups of black-bone chicken soup, a serving of mung bean porridge, and two dishes of side dishes.

Zhou Yun said in surprise: "So many."

Xu Jinbo: "I'm not full either, so we just happen to have some together."

"How did you two meet?" Xu Jinbo asked curiously.

Zhou Yun: "I met when I went to the film crew to make soy sauce."

Yu Chu said: "At that time, both of us were newcomers, and we were not popular, so we went to play together."

Xu Jinbo: "I thought you two were college classmates before."

"If I could get into University A, I wouldn't be an actor." Yu Chu said, "The thing I regret the most now is that I didn't study hard back then."

"You're fine now." Xu Jinbo said.

Yu Chu shook his head.

"Actually, it doesn't mean that you must go to a good university. It's just that studying well is really important to a person. I realized how poor my knowledge reserves are when I analyze and study scripts. In many places, even I can’t even understand the writer’s intentions, and sometimes, I can’t understand why the character said this sentence, in fact, this should be a basic skill.”

"It's not a good thing if you are too good at analysis. I personally think that it's better for actors to understand a little bit." Xu Jinbo said, "The key is to feel."

"Maybe it's because I'm lacking in knowledge, so I might mind."

"is it?"

Zhou Yun shook his head.

"When I act myself, I often feel that every state is analyzed too carefully, and there are fewer and fewer moments that are blessed to the soul." She said, "That's the kind, maybe a change in the eyes, or a momentary explosion , I think this is actually very important for a scene.”

Xu Jinbo: "In TV dramas, it is actually difficult to express this kind of moment. Unless it is a close-up mirror image shot according to the movie lens, otherwise, the screen is inherently small, and it is difficult for the audience to notice. The biggest difference between watching in a movie theater and watching on a screen is The reason is that it is a closed space, that space makes you have to keep all your attention on the light and shadow in front of you, but watching TV is different, you are not in a closed space, your attention is not [-]% Focusing on this, the famous scenes that are often intercepted by netizens on the Internet and reposted are actually some more superficial explosive moments, which are different from the subtle emotional transmission in the movie."

"In fact, I don't really know what subtle emotional transmission is. I didn't know acting before, and I never thought about acting well. Later, I thought I couldn't go on like this, and I still had to improve myself, so I started thinking about acting. "Yu Chu said, "My method is to try my best to show the richness of the characters as much as possible. At this time, should I frown, to what extent, what expression should I have, and how to adjust it? Acting in the mirror, digging bit by bit, to be honest, I have basically never felt the so-called state of being completely integrated with the characters, I have been acting from beginning to end, and this is also my current shortcoming."

"This kind of thing can't be forced. Acting itself has its own way. In the final analysis, it depends on how you present it. Whether you can impress the audience or not. Don't impress yourself, but do not impress others." Xu Jinbo laughed, "I have collaborated before. An actor, in terms of professionalism, is also really dedicated. When filming, he was very emotional and devoted to the performance, but he looked fake in the camera, and the final broadcast effect was not good. The audience did not buy it, saying He played poorly."

Zhou Yun sighed when he heard the words.

"So, it is often said that some actors are eaten by God. When this kind of person stands in front of the camera, he is born to eat the camera and is favored by the camera."

The three chatted while eating.

"I really hope that one day we can introduce our own dramas abroad, so that they will be popular in other countries like American dramas, British dramas and Korean dramas." Xu Jinbo said, "I also know that our current dramas are similar to There is still a gap compared to others, and the environment is also the same. If I hadn't insisted on not changing the script and switching it to another person for a theme like "Deep Sea", I would have compromised a long time ago. After all, a drama without a serious actor , At present, our domestic market basically doesn’t recognize it, but fortunately, it’s only because of you, Xiaoyun, that Yue Hai can give the green light, otherwise, if you praised me a hundred times as a gold medal producer, I wouldn’t be able to start this show.”

Xu Jinbo's face was a little dispirited.

It was getting late, and there was only one table of them in this small shop.

The boss sat in the kitchen and looked at his mobile phone.

Xu Jinbo suddenly remembered something, and said to Yu Chu with a smile, "Actually, you had a movie before. I was in charge at the beginning, and then it was transferred to someone else."

Yu Chu was a little surprised and asked, "Which drama?"

""The Love Object I Despise"." Xu Jinbo said, "I read the original novel and felt that there is a good market for adapting it into a TV series, so I persuaded the company to buy the copyright."

"Ah? Really?" Yu Chu was a little surprised.

Among the plays she has acted so far, the most out-of-the-box character is the character in "The Love Object I Look Down on", which was on the hot search many times at that time.

Xu Jinbo said: "It's a pity. If I had continued to produce it, this drama could have been better."

Yu Chu asked: "Then why didn't you continue to produce?"

"I had a very important drama in my hand at the time, and the time conflicted, so I had to give it up to someone else." Xu Jinbo said.

"That's right, alas, sometimes I receive two scripts that I really want to act in, but the schedule hits and I can only reluctantly give up one." Yu Chu said, "That feeling is really uncomfortable."

Xu Jinbo looked at Zhou Yun.

"Actually, you have been filming a lot in the past two years, and you can shoot four or five films a year." Xu Jinbo said, "The industry says that you don't accept long-form TV dramas, and it is generally difficult to get your film for more than two months." schedule."

"As you said, there are many things I want to act in. If I want to play a long story, I have to give up many other scripts."

"You work so hard and don't give others a chance." Xu Jinbo joked, "But I can't say that. In fact, personally, I am very happy to have an actor like you."


"Did you know? You are the one who can make the cake of the entire film and television industry bigger." Xu Jinbo said, "The film and television industry is not always favored by capital. If there is no blockbuster for a long time, if the audience continues to decrease, the platform will , companies, and advertisements will invest less in film and television dramas, and people in the entire industry will suffer accordingly. Look at how many hit works you have acted in the past two years. The audience likes them, the topics are high, and you can still win so many awards. You have proved to many people that people are still willing to watch these film and television dramas. Film and television dramas can still attract such a large number of viewers to watch. It is not a sunset industry, and it will not be replaced by a video. The entire industry is because of your acting. Investors will not worry about whether this industry is not worth investing in, and the platform will not worry about whether the market has shrunk.”

Zhou Yun had never heard such a statement from others.

She was amazed.

But what Xu Jinbo said moved her a little.

It turns out that in the eyes of a senior producer in the industry, she has made so many contributions to the industry.

Xu Jinbo added: "Besides, your appearance has completely broken the structure of Su Yan and Liu Qingqing. The power of first-line actors, which has not changed for a long time, has also changed because of your appearance. Many actors have a sense of crisis because of you." , This is very good news for those of us who are in charge of producing film and television dramas. In the past, we all played badly together, and there was no particularly good actor. They all ate this flow of food, and no one was better than anyone else. Go, because of your appearance, everyone will be compared, and you can't be bad. You have to catch up, or you will fall behind. Look at Liu Qingqing, the suspenseful web drama that was filmed before did not cause any splashes, and now it has Completely left behind by Su Yan, the only card she can play now is the movie directed by Zhong Heping. If that movie does not perform well, it is basically impossible for Liu Qingqing to stay in the front line. In fact, In the eyes of our producers, she is no longer on the list of our heroine candidates for the big drama of S+."

This is a cruel fact.

Zhou Yun understood what Xu Jinbo meant.

(End of this chapter)

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