I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 573 "Deep Sea" starts

Chapter 573 "Deep Sea" starts

There are only a few actresses who are currently in the top spot among the younger generation.

With the emergence of new film queens like Yin Lin, if they don't launch new works or win more important awards, their positions will be taken away sooner or later.

Xu Jinbo's words hovered in Zhou Yun's mind for a long time, and made her think a lot.

There is no shortage of newcomers in the entertainment industry, and even more ambitious ones.

Zhou Yun didn't know where he could go in the future, but he also felt a sense of crisis.

She has already stood at the peak position, either she can maintain her current position, or she can only go downhill.

Zhou Yun didn't dare to say that he could be popular until he was seventy or eighty.

Liu Qingqing was very popular two years ago, but because she didn't have a good work in three years, she was excluded from the lead candidate of the S+ drama by a producer like Xu Jinbo.

What about her?

Can she guarantee that she will produce good works every year?

Zhou Yun thought to himself, even if he won the award, and if he had a movie queen, he would have a higher and more stable status in the eyes of many people, how long would he be able to be higher?How long?

What should she do if the years are unfavorable and her works hit the street frequently?

These thoughts swirled in Zhou Yun's mind.

She fell into a deep sleep.


"Deep Sea" finally started filming.

On the first day of the launch, under the arrangement of Xu Jinbo, two media outlets obtained the qualifications to visit the set.

But Zhou Yun did not accept the interview.

She has two important scenes to film today, and she doesn't want to affect her emotions.

Therefore, Xu Jinbo arranged for Yu Chu and several other actors to be interviewed.

When Yu Chu was hoping for more exposure, he agreed on the spot.

Xu Jinbo sighed again, Yu Chu's cooperation was really good.

It's just that this time the media visited the class for interviews, the reporter probably wanted to photograph Zhou Yun the most.

Because everyone paid the most attention to Zhou Yun.

Although Zhou Yun did not accept the interview, it should be no problem to take a few photos, right?

The media reporters communicated with the liaison of the crew and put forward their demands.

The contact person on the production team hesitated for a while, mainly because the other party was too difficult to deal with, and he couldn't stop it, so he went to find Zhou Yun's assistant, Zheng Xiaoju.

Zheng Xiaoju knew that Zhou Yun was in the mood for filming, so she originally wanted to refuse directly, but when she thought that Zhou Yun often told her that it is good to be kind to others and to help others as much as possible.

Therefore, Zheng Xiaoju said to the other party: "Please wait a moment, if they have time, Sister Xiaoyun is brewing emotions for the next filming, disturbing her now will affect her, wait for her to finish filming the next scene , I'll go ask Sister Xiaoyun."

The contact person saw that Zheng Xiaoju didn't refuse directly, and let out a long breath, "Thank you."

Zheng Xiaoju smiled so much that his eyes were crescent-shaped.

"Why are you so polite?"

After hearing this, Xu Jinbo smiled and said, "Zhou Yun's side is really nice."

The people next to me were puzzled when they heard this.

This matter was obviously helped by Zheng Xiaoju, so why did it fall on Zhou Yun's head again?
Seeing the staff's doubts, Xu Jinbo smiled and asked, "Have you been with other teams before?"

"Well, I followed." The other party nodded.

"Have you noticed that the actors themselves are very talkative, but most of the time the people in their team are difficult to deal with." Xu Jinbo smiled, "It's like when attending events, the stars themselves are very expressive about autographs and so on. They are very enthusiastic, but the staff around them are all vicious, as if celebrities shouldn’t do this, and drag people away?”

"That's right, I found out that many members of the star team are pretending to be powerful. It's obvious that their boss is very kind."

"Then have you ever thought that these arrogant people are actually hired by their bosses? How do they do things, what style do they do, and who do they listen to? The very rare one or two are difficult to deal with, and it may be someone's problem. , if the whole team is like this every time, do you still think that star himself is very kind?"

The staff showed a look of sudden realization.

"President Xu, what do you mean?"

"You can tell by looking at Zheng Xiaoju. She is the most capable assistant around Zhou Yun. Should she just refuse your request at a time like this? Can this extra interview make her earn a dollar? Or can it make Zhou Yun more Earn a dollar?" Xu Jinbo said, "For them, agreeing to your request is simply a matter of no benefit or report, and she can directly reject you with the excuse of preparing for filming and brewing emotions, but Zheng Xiaoju did not do this, but said that Zhou Yun would ask you after the next scene, which means that Zhou Yun never asked her, don't ask her about this kind of thing in the future, just refuse her - don't doubt , Many celebrity artists directly say this to their team members. Celebrities need to maintain their public image, but the staff in the celebrity artist team don’t need it.”

When Zhou Yun refused to accept today's interview, Xu Jinbo was not dissatisfied, but he really thought that Zhou Yun was just like other big-name stars, and it was more difficult to invite.

Today's scene was actually filmed in the studio.

Zhou Yun was sitting in his rest room, waiting for the show.

This kind of drama with a modern life background has an advantage. It is easier to prepare makeup and hair styles. It is set in advance, and a little adjustment on the scene is enough.

Later, Zhou Yun is going to shoot a scene that shows himself capable and courageous. Zhou Yun is thinking about what kind of state he should be in to express himself.

Calm, or calm down?
This seems to be a performance state that many actors will choose.

But Zhou Yun thought of some female executives he usually saw on the news.In fact, they may not always be calm or calm.In fact, they also get angry and show a state of impatience, but——Zhou Yun thought of that very famous female entrepreneur. She is famous for her hot temper. However, no matter in which video, even if she gets angry, The audience will not feel her hysterical state. On the contrary, when she gets angry, you feel that even if she gets angry, she is controlling the speed of her anger. She is still rational, and her anger is more like a A means of expressing one's attitude.

Zhou Yun thought of the role he played again.

It's not like a very old person who gets angry at such a time—no, the younger the person, the more he will deliberately show calm and calmness on such occasions.Because young people have no confidence in themselves and cannot move Mount Tai, so they have to move Mount Tai.

Zhou Yun thought carefully.

But the Li Siran she played is a relatively stable person.The stability here does not refer to her character, but rather, she can control the occasions, big or small.This is not easy for a young man, because basically no one of the older generation is willing to buy into the young man's account.Then how did Li Siran have such persuasive power to control the field?

Definitely not bossy meanness, or anything else.

She should have an aura that can convince others.

But the aura is too empty, what should be used to construct the details of the aura?

On the one hand, she must give some details on her own side, on the other hand, the opponent's reaction is also very important.

But later it will be a big group show with many actors, and Zhou Yun doesn't know how Cui Xidong will shoot it.

She thought about it, took the script to find Cui Xidong, and exchanged her thoughts with him.

"I think it's better that everyone's performance is different. Don't everyone look nervous and scared when they see me on the stage. Different identities actually show different attitudes towards me." Zhou Yun told Cui Xidong .

Cui Xidong nodded and asked, "What do you want?"

"Huh?" Zhou Yun was taken aback.

Cui Xidong said: "I'll tell them what you want them to act like."

Zhou Yun quickly waved his hands and explained with a smile: "That's not what I meant, director, how they act depends on you and the actors themselves. What I mean is, won't many people appear on stage later? Especially When a large group of dramas are in the same frame, I hope that everyone can perform based on the characteristics of their own characters."

"Okay." Cui Xidong nodded, "I will tell them."

Although Cui Xidong agreed so readily, Zhou Yun always felt that what Cui Xidong understood might not mean the same as what she said.

first play.

Zhou Yun got off the car and went upstairs, his steps were fast, his aura was light and high-spirited.

As a result, something went wrong the first time. When Zhou Yun stepped on his high-heeled shoes and got out of the car, he accidentally sprained his heel.

Zhou Yun himself couldn't help laughing.

There are a lot of people on the shooting site.

Every actor brings his own assistant and makeup artist to touch up his makeup at any time and keep in shape.

A little messy.

The second time, Zhou Yun did not make a mistake this time, and finished filming the part of entering the company.

Change the scene and shoot the scene at the elevator entrance.

It is also a scene in the shed.

Zhou Yun was going to meet Yu Chu and He Wenyun here.

Yu Chu has already entered the role state, dressed plainly, has an introverted and silent personality, and is a little afraid to have contact with others.

He Wenyun is bright and generous.


"Morning." He Wenyun raised the corners of her mouth slightly, looked at Zhou Yun, and asked, "Is this this year's spring model? Is it available in China?"

Zhou Yun replied, "It was a gift from a friend."

"Boyfriend?" He Wenyun asked jokingly.

"How could it be? You knew right away that you had a boyfriend." Zhou Yun smiled pointedly, his gaze suddenly passed He Wenyun's shoulder and landed on Yu Chu.

"Miaomiao, morning."

Yu Chu smiled implicitly and said, "Good morning."

"Can you give me the data I want this morning?" He Wenyun also turned her head to look at Yu Chu, but her tone and expression changed, with a hint of contempt, and her chin was slightly pursed, as if talking to Miaomiao was itself All of them affected her compulsion, "I've been urging you for a week."

"It will take some time." Yu Chu couldn't see her emotions, and kept speaking in the same tone, "There are a lot of data, and it is more complicated to sort out."

"If you don't give it to me, if my plan doesn't come out on time, the responsibility will be entirely on you." He Wenyun said.

Zhou Yun said at the right time: "The elevator is here, go up."

She stood between the two of them.

"Crack!" Cui Xidong said, "Very good, let's take a look and pass if there is no problem."

The assistants of several people came over to check their makeup and hair.

Zheng Xiaoju said happily: "Sister Xiaoyun, you did a great job in that scene just now! It's a very ordinary scene, but it's very attractive and interesting."

"The relationship between the characters was explained very simply." Zhou Yun said, "There is nothing sloppy about it. Who has what relationship with whom and what attitude is, all in one or two sentences."

After Zhou Yun finished speaking, he glanced at He Wenyun.

It was the first time to shoot a rival scene just now, and it was also the first time that He Wenyun entered the state with full firepower.

She fully expressed the image of a woman who is very proud of herself through this scene.

In the scene just now, He Wenyun used very simple lines to give a lot of information.

First, she thinks that Li Siran, played by Zhou Yun, is an opponent she wants to treat seriously, so the greetings are in a friendly tone.

Second, she doesn't think much of a colleague like Miaomiao who is introverted and whose work ability is not good enough in her opinion.

Third, she herself is a person whose emotions are placed more on her body posture, and every move has a message.

Unlike the characters played by He Wenyun, both Zhou Yun and Yu Chu are people who put on several layers of masks on their faces, so they both have their own protective colors.

In the scene just now, they gave relatively little information, but from the audience's perspective of God, it can be seen that these two people are not as simple and ordinary as they appear on the surface.

That's enough.

There is another scene in the elevator.

He Wenyun asked Zhou Yun about the details of a project.

Get the light right and set up the camera position.

Cui Xidong shouted to start shooting.

Zhou Yun stood between the two of them, maintaining a smile.

He Wenyun took a look at Zhou Yun from the reflection of the elevator wall, and asked, "Siran, haven't you been working with the Chinese Academy of Sciences recently? A classmate of mine works in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and he asked me, how can this cooperation project finally work?" Can't make it?"

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "We're still talking."

Information of no value at all.

"How far has it gotten?" He Wenyun said, "If you need my help, call me anytime."

"Okay." Zhou Yun nodded.

Totally social perfunctory.

He Wenyun could not get the information that "the project is progressing relatively smoothly" or "the project is not progressing smoothly" from Zhou Yun's answer and expression.

"However, you are really amazing. You were able to contact Zhongke alone." He Wenyun said, "Everyone was shocked."

"No way, I'm just doing chores, and the key is still handled by Director Yu." Zhou Yun didn't answer this question.

Director Yu is Li Siran's boss.

He Wenyun smiled and said: "You still refuse to tell the truth in front of me. Who doesn't know that you are the one who contacted this project alone. How can Director Yu have that ability."

Zhou Yun opened his eyes slightly, showing a little innocence, "Everyone misunderstood, this project is really the credit of Director Yu."

She smiled and said, "I'm just following Director Yu's train of thought for the next matchmaking."

The elevator stopped suddenly, and someone wanted to get on the elevator.

The second scene was successfully filmed as well.

In the scene just now, Yu Chu had no lines throughout the whole process, but just stood by and acted.

But Zhou Yun noticed from the reflection that Yu Chu had actually been listening to their conversation the whole time.

This discovery made Zhou Yun feel a little emotional.

This may be the difference between a good actor and an ordinary actor.

Zhou Yun didn't expect that Yu Chu would be in the character's state throughout this detail, instead of standing aside and just setting up a scene.

Cui Xidong came over and told the three of them how to shoot the next scene.

The three of Zhou Yun and the others are all actors who are very good at acting, and Cui Xidong does not need to teach specific operations.

As long as Cui Xidong tells them how he wants to shoot later, he doesn't have to worry about the rest.

The three of them didn't know that the performance of the three of them made the actors who were going to play next a little nervous.

Because when the three of them were acting, the aura they showed in front of the camera was completely different from usual.

It's a different texture.

Many people are acting in other crews, and it is often difficult to see someone who acts so meticulously from the very beginning.

Sure enough, when it was switched to the big group scene later, the shooting was not so smooth.

From time to time, someone drops the chain, such as forgetting a line, or making a wrong move, or laughing.

Cui Xidong didn't look surprised, nor was he angry, he just started over and over again.

Zhou Yun's emotions were greatly consumed.

Finally, at noon, she was able to rest for a while.

Xu Jinbo walked over clapping his hands and said to her, "As expected of an actress, it's really a pleasure to watch you act live."

"Don't say that." Zhou Yun shook his hand, "It's not that exaggerated."

Xu Jinbo asked: "How do you feel? Are you comfortable acting?"

"It's pretty good, but there are a lot of problems in the later group dramas." Zhou Yun was a little helpless, "But there is no way around it, there are too many people, and problems are easy to happen."

Another aspect, Zhou Yun discovered that Cui Xidong is actually not a director who is very good at communicating with actors.

Not every actor knows how to act. Many people just act in a state, nervous, happy, or angry.

These mask-like states are placed in a TV series, and they can only pass by in a flash, otherwise they will be false.

And the ability of the actors themselves also has its own level.

Some actors really just can't act, and they can't act well.

Zhou Yun has nothing to do about it.

During the lunch break, Zheng Xiaoju told Zhou Yun about the reporter's interview.

"They don't do interviews, but they want to take two photos, do you think it's okay?" Zheng Xiaoju said.

Zhou Yun asked: "What kind of photo do you take? A photo of me eating now?"

Zheng Xiaoju said: "If you want, you can. They come here to visit the set. If they don't get some of your material, it may not be easy for them to do business."

"Then let them come." Zhou Yun nodded, "I'm a little sleepy, I'm going to sleep after eating."

"Okay." Zheng Xiaoju nodded happily and called the reporters over.

Zhou Yun was more cooperative and took two photos with the camera.Because she changed her costume, she only wore very simple, loose tracksuit.

"Thank you for your hard work." She nodded to others.

"Thank you Xiaoyun."

He Wenyun suddenly came over with a plate.

"Huh? Are you doing an interview?" He Wenyun paused.

Seeing her, Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "No, there was no interview, they took two photos."

She looked at the reporters and the others again, "Is that all right?"

The reporters nodded, suddenly thought of something, and asked, "How about we take a group photo for the two of you?"

Zhou Yun looked at He Wenyun.

He Wenyun nodded: "Yes."

The reporters took a group photo and went back happily.

He Wenyun sat down opposite Zhou Yun.

"Tired," she said.

Zhou Yun: "I'm tired too, I got up too early today."

"I finished filming the audition for "Samurai" in the morning, and got up at five o'clock in the morning to shoot." He Wenyun smiled and said, "I don't know what the final result will be."

"You have worked with Paimonchi before, and you still have an advantage over others."

"Forget it, but who knows." He Wenyun said, "My agent has been helping me find suitable projects in China for a while, but speaking of it, there are not many good projects in such a big market, and I haven't found any. A script I really want to act in.”

"Really? Not so much, isn't Xindun a company that specializes in making movies? Isn't there anything suitable for you?"

"Well, they are all projects that cater to the market. If I want to make this kind of movie, Hollywood has plenty, so why come back." He Wenyun said, "The market is even bigger over there."

"Hmm." Zhou Yun asked, "What movie do you want to act in?"

"Actually, I don't have a specific genre I want to play, but I'm more inclined to tell stories about real life and real people." He Wenyun said, "I really like the TV series you acted in before, "Questioning the Heart."

"Really?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised, she thought He Wenyun had never watched this drama.

"I like it very much." He Wenyun said, "It is also because of watching this drama that I actively want to act in the drama "Deep Sea". I want to know you."

"So it is."

He Wenyun smiled and said, "I think of opportunities in the future, and I really want to act in a movie like "The Wind" with you."

"There must be a chance." Zhou Yun said.

In fact, she and He Wenyun also had a lot of fun acting opposite each other.

It's rare to find an actress her age who makes her feel competitive in a role.

After lunch, Zhou Yun walked to his rest room, but met Xu Jinbo at the corner of the corridor.

He was standing around the corner, talking on the phone.

"I'm working now, how can I go to school?" Xu Jinbo said, "Don't you know that today is the first day the movie starts?"

It seems to be arguing with someone.

Zhou Yun didn't know that Xu Jinbo was arguing with someone.


Could it be his child's business?
There is this possibility.

Who is that opponent?
Zhou Yun hesitated for a moment, then turned around and left, and went the other way.

It's better not to listen to this corner in other people's private affairs.

Zhou Yun returned to the lounge, took a nap, returned to the set in the afternoon, and continued filming.

Waiting field.

Yu Chu shared the gossip she heard with Zhou Yun: "Have you ever been exposed to a movie called "The Immortal Bridge" before? Someone broke the news on the Internet, saying that Su Yan squeezed you out and snatched this movie?"

Zhou Yun laughed and said, "Then I wish her good luck."

"I heard that it is a fantasy blockbuster with a large investment." Yu Chu said, "Everyone is talking about this movie, saying that maybe this movie can get more than two billion at the box office."

"Maybe." Zhou Yun asked, "Where did you see the revelation?"

"A blogger named Vic." Yu Chu said, "Haven't you heard of it? He posted a lot of revelations. At first, everyone took him as an ordinary marketing account. The news was true and false, but then he posted Every piece of news has been verified to be true, and this blogger has become popular, and I heard that many people from brokerage companies are trying to figure out the real identity of this person."

"Where can I get it out, it's a waste of effort."

Yu Chu smiled.

"Anyway, my trumpet is following him."

"Be careful yourself, don't be picked out of the trumpet."

"No, I never post anything on the small account, I just use the small account to watch some content." Yu Chu said, "In this environment, if a large account is swiped and liked, there will be a lot of trouble, so it is better to use the small account." It’s a little safer.”


"Zhou Yun, Yu Chu, the director invites you to come over." At this moment, the staff came.

(End of this chapter)

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