I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 574 Impeccable acting skills

Chapter 574 Impeccable acting skills
Zhou Yun kept shooting until nine o'clock in the evening before calling it a day.

Yu Chu also accompanied her until nine o'clock in the evening.

"Thank you." Zhou Yun said to Yu Chu.

If it wasn't because she wanted to finish filming the scene as soon as possible, Yu Chu wouldn't have to work so hard.

"What's the hard work?" Yu Chu shook his head, holding Zhou Yun's hand, "It's not hard to film with you, I'm very happy."

The two went back to the hotel together.

"I was thinking of having a drink with you, but I'm a little sleepy. I'll go back to sleep and have a rest, and see how I'm doing tomorrow." After getting out of the car at the entrance of the hotel, Yu Chu yawned and said.

Zhou Yun nodded and said yes.


The two broke up.

Zhou Yun was walking towards his room, when suddenly a message came in and the phone buzzed twice.

Looking at it, it turned out that it was Ning Yao who sent her the message: Xiaoyun, I heard that your new drama is starting today. Congratulations. I have a small party this Saturday. If you have time, you can come and have fun.

When Zhou Yun saw this news, he suddenly remembered that he met Ning Yao last month, and Ning Yao invited her to her birthday party.

Zhou Yun hurriedly said to Zheng Xiaogu: "Xiaoju, help me pick out a birthday present for Sister Ning Yao tomorrow."

Zheng Xiaoju complied.

I don't know if I have time to participate on Saturday, but the gifts must be prepared.

"I can't go to Ning Yao's birthday." Song Chi said to Zhou Yun on the phone, "I've already called her to explain to her that "The Inaction" is a little troublesome, some scenes need to be re-shooted, and they are in a hurry. Can't get away."

"Huh? Reshoot? What's the matter? Why do you need a reshoot?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi sighed, and said, "Teacher Zhiwei discovered a bug in the script, so he revised the script."

"Ah?" Zhou Yun didn't expect it to be because of this reason.

"Fortunately, we found it. If we didn't find out, it would be ridiculous if the audience found out when it was released." Song Chi said, "But in this way, we will be under a lot more pressure to shoot, alas."

"Come on, come on." Zhou Yun smiled, "It's been a long time since I saw you act in a movie, don't you really like this script? It's a good thing to find bugs in time."

"What about you? "Deep Sea" starts today, is everything going well?"

"Successful, I acted with He Wenyun today, she is very good at acting." Zhou Yun said, "The acting is even better than what I predicted before."

"So exaggerated?"

"Well." Zhou Yun said, "Let's put it this way, because of her, my fighting spirit has been inspired."

"Haha." Song Chi said, "When you say that, I'm curious how good this person is at acting."

"If she can maintain this level, I think Yue Hai can help her apply for Best Supporting Actress, and she has a great hope of winning the award." Zhou Yun said, "She has what I lack the most. There’s a sense of calmness and relaxation.”

"Really? Then when I finish filming "Inaction", if I have a chance, I will come to visit the set and see it on the spot." Song Chi said, "But you make me imagine that someone can act better than you, I think it's quite difficult .”

"It's not that she acts better than me, it's just that I know that I am lacking in certain aspects, but she does a good job in this aspect."

"Yeah." Song Chi said, "No matter what, you are the best actress with me."

"You don't want to say such nasty words to me so suddenly, I get goosebumps!" Zhou Yun complained.

Song Chi: "It's really boring."

"..." Zhou Yun took a deep breath, and said in a loud voice, "Don't say that, brother~brother~"

There was no sound from Song Chi.


Zhou Yun went to bed early and woke up early, so he went for a run early in the morning to refresh himself, took a bath, and went to have breakfast.

You must eat a good breakfast, otherwise acting will be boring.

Liu Linglu was also in the restaurant.

She didn't seem to expect to meet Zhou Yun, and a little panic appeared on her face.

Zhou Yun wondered why Liu Linglu panicked when he saw him.

"Sister Xiaoyun." She took the initiative to say hello.

Zhou Yun smiled at her and asked, "Has the fever gone?"

"Yeah, I've already retired." Liu Linglu replied, "It's much better, and I'll go to the studio to film later."

Zhou Yun nodded, smiled, and said, "That's good. Remember to take an umbrella next time it rains, so you don't get caught in the rain."

"En." Liu Linglu nodded in trepidation.

Seeing that she was so nervous, Zhou Yun didn't invite her to have breakfast together.If they had breakfast together, maybe Liu Linglu would be even more nervous.

Zhou Yun was a little puzzled, could it be that she is already so nervous in the eyes of newcomers?
On the second day of shooting, Cui Xidong still had the same shooting style as yesterday.

Really no matter what happens, he has no emotional changes.

From the beginning to the end, I talked and communicated with people gently, tirelessly, over and over again.

Fortunately, there are relatively few large groups in this drama. If it is a film with a small number of people, it will pass quickly.

After a whole day, Zhou Yun found that Cui Xidong had never called Cut to her, nor had he raised any opinions on her performance, which made Zhou Yun feel particularly uneasy.

Zhou Yun thought about it, and decided to talk to Cui Xidong.

"Director, do you have any opinion on my performance?" After Zhou Yun asked, she smiled at Cui Xidong, showing her white teeth. She tried to use this move to get closer to Cui Xidong. After knowing each other for so long, she found herself He and Cui Xidong still haven't gotten to know each other well, it's entirely because of work, "I've been acting for two days, but I don't think you have any objections to me."

Cui Xidong said solemnly: "You acted very well, you don't need my opinion."

"Is there nothing that needs to be adjusted?" Zhou Yun said, "I am acting completely according to my own ideas, and I don't know if it is suitable. I need you to help me see."

"I watched it, and I think it's very good." Cui Xidong said, "You and He Wenyun's performances are very in line with my ideas. Others may have some deviations, but you two's performances are even better than I imagined."

Cui Xidong's tone sounded sincere, not flattering.

This made Zhou Yun feel even more guilty.

Very sorry.

But Cui Xidong has said so, she can't continue to force Cui Xidong to give opinions.

Moreover, from Cui Xidong's tone, he seemed to sincerely think that she and He Wenyun performed well, and he didn't need any opinions.

Zhou Yun left feeling a little disappointed. On the way, he ran into Yu Chu.

Yu Chu noticed the disappointed look on her face, felt strange, and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Zhou Yun sighed and explained his loss to Yu Chu.

Yu Chu was shocked, and said, "Xiaoyun, you are too demanding of yourself, right? The director said you acted very well, but you are still finding fault with yourself? To be honest, I don't think Cui Xidong said anything at all. Wrong, you just acted very well, impeccable!"

(End of this chapter)

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