I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 575 Strange Rules

Chapter 575 Strange Rules
Zhou Yun didn't know how to describe his mood.

It is difficult to ask for this feeling from others.

She doesn't want these directors to stop giving her any guiding advice because of her so-called status and aura.

She knows that many directors are like this now. They will coax and hold famous big names without picking any thorns.

Zhou Yun didn't want his studio to become like this.

No matter how good a performance is, there must be flaws, right?
It's impossible to pass every play, right?
Zhou Yun has higher demands on herself, and she doesn't want to lie down on her own from now on, resting on the honors she has already achieved, and walk towards the end of her steadfastness.

There is no way, Zhou Yun can only put higher demands on himself.

She carefully analyzed, rehearsed, and asked Yu Chu to take a look at each scene.

But Yu Chu basically couldn't offer too many constructive suggestions.

She really felt that Zhou Yun's performance was impeccable.

Zhou Yun could only give up.

When she recovered from this incident, she suddenly realized that she hadn't seen Xu Jinbo for two days.

As the first person in charge of this show, Xu Jinbo usually haunts the set, and he can be seen from time to time, but now he can't be found, and he doesn't know where he went.

Zhou Yun asked Yu Chu, and Yu Chu said, "It seems that I heard that there is something urgent at home that needs to be dealt with, so I left in a hurry."

"What urgent matter happened to his family?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

She remembered the two words that Xu Jinbo said on the phone that she accidentally overheard that day.

Yu Chu shook his head and said, "I don't know either, no one knows."

"He's gone, can the crew still operate normally?" Zhou Yun asked, "Doesn't a lot of expenses require his signature?"

"The temporary authorization was given to someone else. I don't know. Anyway, the filming is still going on normally, isn't it?" Yu Chu wasn't worried about it.

However, Zhou Yun knows that there must be someone who can make a decision at the scene, otherwise, once something happens, it can only be put on hold until the person who can make a decision comes back to deal with it, which will waste a lot of time.

And what Zhou Yun was worried about happened.

The salaries of the group performers were not paid in place for three days, and there was a commotion.

When they got into a fight, the crew was filming and Zhou Yun was talking to Yu Chu, when suddenly there was a commotion from the side.

There was a lot of commotion, and the filming had to be suspended. It was really impossible to continue filming.

Zhou Yun turned his head and looked towards the place where the commotion came from, and found that a dozen people were arguing violently with an assistant director.

"What happened?" Yu Chu asked in surprise.

Zhou Yun subconsciously looked back at Cui Xidong, only to see that Cui Xidong was just sitting there without moving, and he didn't seem to intend to go to understand the situation and solve the problem.

"You have delayed our payment for three days and have not paid us. What do you want us to eat!" The leader shouted indignantly, "We agreed to end the day, but it turned out that today is postponed until tomorrow, and tomorrow is postponed until the day after tomorrow! Do you want to talk about it? Integrity! With such a big crew, will we delay even our little money?"

There were so many people over there, Zhou Yun wanted to go there to coordinate a solution, but he didn't dare to go there.

If the other party is really aggressive and wants to do something, she can't stop it alone.

The assistant director said earnestly to them: "Don't worry, this money will definitely not be owed. It's just that our producer has left due to something. We can't send this money without his signature! Please understand me, okay?" Okay? I have such a large crew filming here, are you still afraid that we will run away? If this matter becomes serious, we don’t want to. It’s really not intentional to delay your money, but we have to wait for the producer to come back what."

"When will the producer come back?" the leader asked aggressively.

The assistant director said bitterly: "I don't know about that either."

When the leader heard this, he immediately became angry again.

"You don't even know when he will come back. If you don't give us a letter, how can we trust you?! If he never comes back, you will never send us money. Is that what you mean?"

Zhou Yun understood it when he heard this.

The production crew hired these dozen or so people to perform group performances with the group. According to the previous agreement, the money was paid in the form of a daily settlement, which meant that they were paid for a day's work.

However, according to the normal process, Xu Jinbo's signature was required to distribute the money.

However, Xu Jinbo left the crew and was not around, so the money couldn't be distributed to them normally, so they started a quarrel.

This is also quite understandable.

Group acting is a precarious job, and it takes a day to end.

For an actor like Zhou Yun, it doesn't matter if it takes two or three months to settle the final payment, and it won't affect Zhou Yun, but for these group performers, it may be very difficult. Savings, rely on this daily remuneration to live.

After three days of delay, for some of them, it may already be the limit.

The two sides were at a stalemate, and the extras didn't take any drastic actions, they just didn't leave, they squatted on the set, and of course, they didn't cooperate with the crew's arrangement.

The play couldn't be filmed normally.

Because as long as there are signs of official shooting here, there will be some disturbances on their side, which will interfere with the normal shooting.

Zhou Yun and other actors on the scene were interrupted several times, and they were also a little upset.

Yu Chu said to Cui Xidong: "Director, how can we shoot in such a live environment? We can't shoot."

Cui Xidong said: "It's really difficult to film in this kind of on-site environment, but there is nothing we can do now. These people are causing trouble here, and we can't drive them away, and we can't call the police. Why don't you stick to it and overcome the difficulties? We will How many times do you shoot?"

Zhou Yun didn't expect Cui Xidong to say that.

He felt incredible.

What is unbelievable is that Cui Xidong didn't even think about solving the problems there, but let them overcome the difficulties.

Zhou Yun felt a little upset, including towards Xu Jinbo.

It's understandable that he has urgent business to leave, but with such a big deal here, he should hand over some things before he leaves, and authorize others to handle such routine affairs, right?

What's the matter now?

Zhou Yun said to Cui Xidong: "Director, I can't put myself into the mood in this situation, why don't you discuss with other people how to solve this matter as soon as possible?"

Cui Xidong sighed in embarrassment, and said, "Then go and have a rest first."

He actually found someone and asked them to contact other actors and shoot some other unimportant process scenes first.

It doesn't waste time at all.

Zhou Yun was amazed.

She couldn't bear it anymore and went to call Xu Jinbo by herself.

Xu Jinbo answered the phone and asked, "Xiaoyun, what do you want from me? I'm not on the set right now, I have something to deal with."

"I know you're not on the crew, but something happened to the crew now." Zhou Yun said, "There are some group performers who have been with the crew for a long time, because you're not here, without your signature, the financial money can't go on, they can't get paid, If there is trouble on the set, no one else can sign this letter?"


Xu Jinbo was obviously taken aback.

"Has no one told you about this yet?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

Xu Jinbo said: "You wait a moment, I'll wait for you next time."

He hung up the phone there.

After a while, Xu Jinbo called again.

"Xiaoyun, I'm sorry, I already know the matter, and I also arranged for people to send money to those group performers, which affected the filming of the crew. This is my negligence." Xu Jinbo said, "The shooting in the afternoon will not be affected. , I will come back as soon as possible.”

"it is good."

As Xu Jinbo said, sure enough, those people who had been blocking the set in the afternoon disappeared.

After the incident in the morning, Zhou Yun completely lost trust in Cui Xidong.He directly canceled the shooting in the morning, which was simpler than his approach.Zhou Yun suddenly regretted that when Yue Hai proposed the director candidate, she should not have believed the things on the resume so easily.You should inquire more about it. Zhou Yun doesn't believe that other actors can accept Cui Xidong's style on the set.

The director should be the most trusted existence by the actors in the crew. If the actors don't trust the director, how can they trust the director's guidance to them?
But Zhou Yun doesn't say anything else now.

She honestly insisted on her own requirements and made the film well.

She comforted herself that Cui Xidong is just a tool person, it’s okay, it’s okay, he can shoot the script intact, even if it is not artistic, it is still a good story from the story level.

At least Cui Xidong will not change his lines willfully, which is good.

As a result, at [-] o'clock in the afternoon, He Wenyun came back from group B and joined Zhou Yun. She was about to shoot a scene. She went to communicate with Cui Xidong, and for some reason, she suddenly lost her temper.

"Are you the director?" He Wenyun yelled at Cui Xidong very loudly.

The whole set was amazed.

Everyone was stunned.

Including Zhou Yun.

Although Zhou Yun complained about this sentence countless times in his heart, he never really said it.

In fact, it is very difficult for Zhou Yun to tear his face apart from others.

She thought to herself, at most, she would stop cooperating with Cui Xidong in the future.

How is this going?

Yu Chu came over and whispered to Zhou Yun, "What's wrong with He Wenyun?"

"I don't know, it was very sudden."

He Wenyun walked in another direction angrily.

"Where is she going? Isn't the next scene about to be filmed?" Yu Chu asked in surprise.

Zhou Yun still could only shake his head.

Today, she already knows the principle of keeping her mind off her own business, and when she sees this kind of thing, she just quietly watches.

"However, look, I am really convinced by Director Cui's character." Yu Chu suddenly whispered, "Look at what He Wenyun yelled at him just now, normal people would feel angry or embarrassed, right? Look at him, he is still talking to him now. He is explaining work to others as if nothing happened, I really doubt that he will not get angry."

Zhou Yun: "...I now finally understand why Yue Hai said he is a good director."


"Think about it, the work is responsible, the filming is not procrastinated, and there is no sudden idea of ​​exceeding the budget, and the filming is strictly in accordance with the script. Which platform does not like such a director?" Zhou Yun said, "For "Deep Sea" As far as the drama is concerned, as long as he can strictly follow the script, as long as the filming is not perfunctory, he will definitely be able to make the drama above the passing line, and there will be no major problems."

Yu Chu: "But actually, I don't think his ability to be a director is that strong. He is not a person with very firm opinions."

"Well." Zhou Yun said, "Basically, before he makes any decision, he will get Yue Hai's confirmation first, but from Yue Hai's point of view, they should like such a director very much."

"I must like it." Yu Chu nodded.

Zhou Yun also said: "I have worked with Ning Yufeng on "Under Dress". He is really a talented person. If you have the opportunity in the future, you must cooperate with him. He will have a lot of ideas. You Cooperating with him can create a lot of sparks.”

Yu Chu laughed.

"I understand. Do you feel that you don't have any passion for filming this drama now?"

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded, "To be honest, I'm very guilty because he doesn't care what I do, he always says I'm good at acting, it's a bit like being perfunctory."


"Of course, some actors who are more willing to express themselves may like Cui Xidong's style, and some actors just don't want the director to dictate when they are performing." Zhou Yun said, "But I am not like this, I must have someone Constantly give me real feedback, for example, I have acted a little too much in this place, and I am not full of emotions in this place. I will not accept all of them, but these opinions are given to me, and I will conduct a review based on these opinions. , to ponder whether it is really overdone, or not full enough, which is very helpful for my own adjustment, and in the process of adjustment, I have gradually increased my self-confidence."

Yu Chu nodded.

"Actually, I also vaguely feel now that in acting, the details are very important, but the details are the most difficult to grasp." Yu Chu said, "You are like me. When I was acting in the scene of having dinner with you yesterday, I'm struggling with whether the admiration I have for you in my heart should be shown. If it's shown, it doesn't conform to the character setting that I hide all emotions in my heart. If I don't show it, it's not in line with common sense. Emotional animals, no matter what, there are always some places to expose their true thoughts. The question is, where is this place? Be more lively? Wait, I have many choices, I can try, but I can’t figure it out, I need someone who is more sure about the whole thing to help me make this judgment, so I’ll go talk to him, you Guess what he told me?"

Zhou Yun asked: "How to say?"

Yu Chu: "He let me make my own decision. He thinks that the way I said is fine, and any one can be expressed."

Zhou Yun smiled.

"It's certainly a good thing for us actors to decide for ourselves, but he didn't give me a sense of security, that is, how to put it, he didn't make me believe in myself enough, that no matter how I acted, it was right. "

"Yes, that's what it means."

Zhou Yun and Yu Chu looked at each other and smiled.

At this time, Cui Xidong suddenly invited them over.

Zhou Yun and Yu Chu put away their smiles and went over.

Cui Xidong said: "Zhou Yun, Yu Chu, and He Wenyun are losing their temper right now. I guess we won't be able to shoot the next scene. Let's shoot another scene first."

Zhou Yun and Yu Chu looked at the scene that was going to be filmed later.

"I haven't memorized my lines yet." Zhou Yun said, "I haven't got it right."

Cui Xidong nodded and said, "Then you guys recite it now?"

Zhou Yun thought for a while, then nodded, "All right."

She said to Yu Chu, "Shall we go through the play twice first?"

Yu Chu said yes.

"Director, can you take a look?" Zhou Yun asked Cui Xidong again.

Cui Xidong nodded.

Zhou Yun and Yu Chu had just finished the play with the script when He Wenyun came back.

She came over and said, "I'm back, what scene do you want to shoot, hurry up and shoot."

Her face was dark and smelly, and she didn't look at Cui Xidong's face at all.

Zhou Yun and Yu Chu looked at each other, not understanding why He Wenyun had returned.

But Cui Xidong really has no temper at all. Seeing her come back, he asked the art team to adjust the scene, and told the three of them how to shoot the next scene without changing expressions.

Yu Chu winked at Zhou Yun, quite emotional.

However, although He Wenyun filmed the scene as usual, anyone with a discerning eye could tell that she had a very strong opinion of Cui Xidong, she simply made a bad face on the spot, and she sat aside after filming, and did not communicate with Cui Xidong.

The amazing thing is that Cui Xidong didn't intend to communicate with her more. After confirming that the scene was well shot and passable, he passed it directly.

The atmosphere was too awkward.

The next scene is two ordinary shots of Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun sat at his desk.

After Cui Xidong finished filming, he clapped his hands and said, "Let's take pictures here first, let's take a break and have dinner."

Zhou Yun and Yu Chu still have two scenes to shoot tonight.

Zhou Yun went back to his trailer to eat.

Zheng Xiaoju spread out the lunch box on the table.

Yu Chu came suddenly and said he wanted to eat together.

"Let's eat together." Zhou Yun nodded.

Yu Chushen sat down mysteriously, and made a "guess what I'm going to tell you" expression to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun: "Why? Have you inquired about the reason for the conflict between He Wenyun and Cui Xidong?"

Yu Chu suddenly burst into laughter.

"The one who knows me is none other than you."

Zhou Yun: "...you really have an eternal heart for gossip."

"Gossip is a woman's nature."

"Tell me quickly, what is the conflict between the two of them?" Zhou Yun asked.

Yu Chu said: "He Wenyun negotiated with Cui Xidong and wanted to adjust a few scenes that belonged to her in the script. She had some ideas about the scenes she acted in, but Cui Xidong rejected her, so she asked Cui Xidong why. Filming is not about artistic creation. He Wenyun said that modifying her scenes will not affect others or affect any normal shooting progress, but it can make her character fuller. As a result, Cui Xidong said that her character is not If you need more fullness, just shoot according to the script."

Zhou Yun: "..."

She looked at Yu Chu dumbfounded.

"real or fake?"

"Really, there were a lot of people around at that time, and they all heard it." Yu Chu said, "He Wenyun's face turned dark immediately, that's why she got mad."

"Based on what you know about Cui Xidong, he will never be the kind of person who is willing to change the script." Zhou Yun teased, "Didn't he say that when he was reading the script? This script passed Yue Hai's review Yes, if you can’t change it, try not to change it.”


"Haha." Zhou Yun smiled, "Let's eat first, I'm hungry."

"it is good."

The two scenes in the evening were all between Zhou Yun and Yu Chu.

After eating and drinking enough, the two of them successfully took pictures and called it a day.

It was already nine o'clock in the evening.

Zhou Yun yawned long and said, "I'm so sleepy."

"I'm sleepy too," Yu Chu said.

They got in the car and went back to the hotel.

Before going to bed, someone among the actors suddenly sent a message, saying that someone from Yue Hai would come to inspect the set tomorrow.

Zhou Yun was stunned when he saw the word "inspection".

Isn't this a word that usually only appears in the news?

Wen Yuling, who played Zhou Yun's boss in the play, asked in the group: What is the inspection?
The actor Xin Zhike, who has not yet joined the group, erupted: "For our company's self-produced dramas, the company will send people to inspect the crew on a regular basis to check the shooting progress, the use of funds, the materials that have been shot, and so on.

Zhou Yun: ? ? ?
Her three question marks popped up in the group, and Yu Chu followed suit: Are you, Yue Hai, the head teacher of the primary school checking the homework of the primary school students?
Xin Zhike sent a laughing emoji.

Yu Chu privately poked Zhou Yun: When filming before, was there such a link?

Zhou Yun: Maybe there is, but I don't know, I haven't experienced it.

The next day, early in the morning, Zhou Yun set out to put on makeup first, and then headed to the set.

After getting out of the car, Zhou Yun saw Xu Jinbo.

Xu Jinbo, who hadn't seen him for several days, was standing beside Cui Xidong, and the two were communicating about something.

Zhou Yun smiled and greeted them.


"Morning." Xu Jinbo smiled at her.

Zhou Yun noticed that Xu Jinbo's face seemed a little serious, and he didn't know why.

"Producer Xu, you look a little serious today, why are you so serious just after you came back?" Zhou Yun asked.

Xu Jinbo shook his head and said, "I'm going to be inspected today."

Like an enemy.

Zhou Yun saw that he had mentioned this on his own initiative, so he asked: "What is the situation of this inspection that you Yue Hai conducted? I didn't encounter this kind of link when I was filming "The Eighth Heartbeat" before."

Xu Jinbo smiled bitterly, and said, "That's because the producer of "The Eighth Heartbeat" is the one in charge of this review."

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

Xu Jinbo said: "All of Yue Hai's scenes will be regularly inspected by special personnel to see if they are being filmed normally."

"Uh, if it's just like this, it shouldn't make you so nervous, right?"

"Well, it's mainly because of the incident where extra performers asked for salary." Xu Jinbo said, "They may find fault on purpose, you have to know, because you came to act in this movie, and Huang who has always wanted to ask you to make another movie Zhong has always been somewhat dissatisfied with me."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun frowned in surprise.

Xu Jinbo said: "He will definitely find fault."

"Then what is the result of finding fault?" Zhou Yun asked.

Xu Jinbo said: "If the company thinks that the situation of our crew has reached a certain level, it will arrange a special person to supervise it."

"Supervisor?" Zhou Yun showed an unbelievable expression, "Why do you, Yue Hai, have so many strange words?"

Xu Jinbo could only smile wryly.

"It means that if you, Yue Hai, evaluate the filming of this film as the need to arrange someone to supervise it, then there will be a person representing your company on the scene to give pointers?" Zhou Yun asked.

"That's pretty much what it means."

"Then what is he doing here?" Zhou Yun asked.

"Track the progress of the shooting, check whether every expense is normal, check whether the number of scenes filmed every day is less, all aspects." Xu Jinbo said.

"So what if he thinks there's something wrong with that?"

"If you think that the shooting progress is slow, you will ask Director Cui to speed up the progress and arrange more shooting every day. If you think that some expenses are unnecessary, you will not be allowed to spend this item." Xu Jinbo said.

Zhou Yun was shocked, "Isn't this your right as a producer?"

Xu Jinbo shrugged.

After Zhou Yun heard this, he felt even more amazed, and wanted to say something, but he hesitated.

"Then this person won't think that I have too many things to do in acting and ask me not to do that?" Zhou Yun asked.

Xu Jinbo laughed and said: "Of course no one dares to say that you have too many things to do in acting, but he will find a way to let this scene go by like this and not reshoot."

"I heard you say that, and it feels like you're out of words." Zhou Yun said, "If there is such a pointy person, I doubt that I will fight with this person."

Xu Jinbo: "Calm down, calm down, it shouldn't happen. After all, our progress is very normal, and the budget is not overrun, and everything is within the normal range."

Zhou Yun breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly remembered, and asked, "Have you settled your own affairs?"

Xu Jinbo said: "It's almost there. My child ran away from home before, and he has been found."

"Run away from home?" Zhou Yun's eyes widened, "Damn, are you so courageous?"

Xu Jinbo looked helpless and said, "He has a very bad temper."

Zhou Yun patted Xu Jinbo on the shoulder and said, "So, parents generally owed their children in the previous life, and they will be parents in this life."

Xu Jinbo laughed.

Because of Yue Hai's inspection, the atmosphere of the whole crew in the morning was a bit different from usual.

Zhou Yun felt that even the state of the staff had changed, becoming more active and conscientious, just like when they were in school when they suddenly received a message that a leader was coming to check, they all showed their best state.

It was around ten o'clock when Huang Zhong and his party arrived.

This is an old acquaintance of Zhou Yun, whom he met when filming "The Eighth Heartbeat".

It's just that after that play, Zhou Yun and Huang Zhong rarely communicated.

When Huang Zhong and his team came to the set, everyone stopped working.

Zhou Yun sat aside and looked at his mobile phone, and did not notice him coming immediately.

"Mr. Huang." Xu Jinbo warmly greeted him, "Why don't you tell me in advance when you are here, so that I can pick you up at the door."

Huang Zhong said with a smile: "What's so good about it, deal with those vain ones."

He turned his head to look and asked, "Where's Zhou Yun? Didn't you film her scene this morning?"

Only then did Zhou Yun hear the voice, he was taken aback for a moment, then raised his head and saw Huang Zhong.

"Mr. Huang." Zhou Yun still knew how to do superficial skills, stood up with a smile on his face, and walked over, "Long time no see, he's getting more and more handsome."

 At the beginning of the month, ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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