I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 577 Negative Consequences

Chapter 577 Negative Consequences

Regarding the group performance, Huang Zhong didn't get any clues about what could happen from the scene, so he finally gave up and didn't say anything.

The normal shooting on the set cannot be delayed.

Perhaps Xu Jinbo bowed his head in front of Huang Zhong because of his work.

Cui Xidong also has a long-term cooperative relationship with Yue Hai, so it is not easy to offend Huang Zhong.

But Zhou Yun didn't have to buy Huang Zhong's account.For Zhou Yun's achievement today, it is already a great deal of face for Yue Hai and Huang Zhong.Based on Zhou Yun's own requirements for a crew, she really dislikes people like Huang Zhong coming to the crew to do so-called censorship.

In other words, if you want to review and supervise the work and progress of the crew, that's fine, but you can't interfere with the normal work of the crew.

This kind of situation where everyone stops to receive you, Zhou Yun hopes to reduce it.

They are filming, not escorting.

Seeing that Huang Zhong would continue to waste time here, Zhou Yun spoke.

"Director Cui, do you still want to film this morning? If not, I'll go back to the hotel to rest first." Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Catch up on sleep."

Huang Zhong glanced at Zhou Yun.

"Xiao Yun, you are reminding me that I have delayed your filming." He smiled, "It seems that I am really not a popular person here."

"Mr. Huang, don't say that, how could it be?" Zhou Yun sighed, looking a little innocent, and said, "It's just that if I don't need to film, I'll just go back and have a rest. Anyway, you are here to investigate the situation, and you don't need me to do anything , it has nothing to do with me, does it? You know, I'm lazy."

Huang Zhong laughed twice.

"How can I do that, Xiaoyun, you are so expensive, if it takes half a day, it will be a waste." Huang Zhong said, "I will do ours here, and you will shoot yours, and the two sides will not interfere with each other."

"That would be the best." Zhou Yun said with a smile, "It took so long to finally find such a good script to cooperate with Yue Hai, we must cooperate well."


Liu Linglu quietly stood behind the crowd with her peer actor Xu Lingyue.

They are not close to the inner circle, so it is more relaxed.

Liu Linglu said to Xu Lingyue: "Look at Sister Xiaoyun, she's so strong, even when facing Huang Zhong, she smiled and satirized him for delaying our filming."

Xu Lingyue looked somewhat envious.He looked at Zhou Yun in front of him intently, and whispered, "Only she dares to talk to Mr. Huang like that, how dare we."

Liu Linglu nodded.

Both of them are signed actors of Yue Hai, very young.

Because they are all from the Yue Hai family, they also know how high Huang Zhong's prestige was in the past. Basically, no actor would dare to offend him.

But today there was an actor, moreover, an actor who even Huang Zhong had to tolerate and keep a smile on his face.

This scene is deeply engraved in the hearts of the two of them today.

Both of them couldn't help but fantasize about what it would be like when they became actors of Zhou Yun's level one day.

"Do you think we have hope to be as powerful as Zhou Yun one day?" Liu Linglu asked with some longing.

Xu Ling shook his head, "I still don't want to have this Spring and Autumn Dream."

Liu Linglu sighed, "Yes."


Huang Zhong and his party left, not knowing where to go for "inspection".

Zhou Yun and the others were able to continue filming.

While waiting for the play, Yu Chu asked Zhou Yun in a low voice, "Do you have any problems with Huang Zhong?"

"It's not a holiday, what's the matter?"

"I think you didn't give him face so much just now, and you thought you had a festival." Yu Chu said, "Huang Zhong is an executive of Yue Hai. He is the producer himself. Now he has set up a review mechanism. Responsible, aren't you afraid of offending him? What if he turns around and wears shoes for your play?"

"He doesn't have the ability to wear small shoes for "Deep Sea". I've already saved enough face for him. I'm not happy to make this kind of thing into "Deep Sea." Zhou Yun shook his hand at Yu Chu, "This matter, the whole I'm the only one who can do it in the crew. He doesn't dare to make small moves to put on small shoes for me. If he dares to do this, it means that Yue Hai and I have just broken the ice halfway, and another iceberg will fall. He is not stupid and will not take risks. take this kind of risk to lose money."

"But I'd rather offend a gentleman than a villain. If he happens to have a chance to mess with you at any time, isn't the loss outweighed by the gain?" Yu Chu said, "I think, anyway, no matter what they do inside Yuehai, they can't control this matter. You, there is no need to offend someone for no reason, do you understand what I mean?"

"I understand, but, Chuchu, if I can do some things, I don't want to stay out of them." Zhou Yun said, "I don't want to be a meddling person, but you know? The education we have received since childhood tells We, when we see injustice, draw our swords to help each other. We may not be able to risk our own lives to save a person, and we may not be able to sacrifice our own interests to do a great thing, but within the scope of our ability, what is right , What cannot be tolerated, what needs us to stand up and say No, I hope I can do it."

Yu Chu hesitated to speak.

After hesitating for a long time, she finally just sighed.

"My realm is not as good as yours."

"There's nothing worse than that."

"Sometimes I admire you very much, because you can do things that I want to do but dare not do." Yu Chu said, "In my heart, I agree with you, and I support you [-]%. Don’t dare to confront Huang Zhong like you do, to save his face.”

"I didn't fight against him, I maintained a very good attitude from the beginning to the end." Zhou Yun shook his right index finger, "But, Chuchu, I know you care about me, I know what you mean, don't worry, I I’m sure I won’t be so impulsive as to pit myself in it.”

Zhou Yun didn't find Yu Chu's words unpleasant or annoying.

In fact, everyone can say good things, but not everyone can say bad things.

Yu Chu: "I wonder if Producer Xu will be affected?"

"Influence? Are you talking about group performances? Hasn't everything been explained clearly?"

"It's up to you to explain, but if Huang Zhongfei wants to make a fuss about this matter, saying that Producer Xu left his post to deal with private affairs at a critical time, Producer Xu will definitely be affected." Yu Chu said to Zhou Yun, "I just listened Xu Lingyue and Liu Linglu, two people from Yue Hai, said that Yue Hai is very strict in this aspect. Even if Xu Jinbo is a big producer, it is impossible to bypass Yue Hai's management regulations. The key lies in what , do you know? I also heard that Yue Hai’s internal strife is very serious, but Huang Zhong and Xu Jinbo belong to different camps.”

"This..." Zhou Yun frowned suspiciously, "Then Yue Hai is not afraid that a producer of Xu Jinbo's level will leave? In Xu Jinbo's position, his ability and connections will definitely make him stared at by other companies. Why? It may be affected by such a trivial matter, but there are no real consequences."

Yu Chu: "I don't know about that. Anyway, that's what I heard. It depends on how well Huang Zhong can make use of the problem."

What Yu Chu told Zhou Yun made Zhou Yun think deeply.

At noon, Zhou Yun and Yu Chu had lunch together on Zhou Yun's trailer.

He Wenyun suddenly knocked on the car door, looking for Zhou Yun.

The sun was shining directly outside, and He Wenyun stood in a piece of golden sunlight, which was dazzlingly beautiful.

"Can I have lunch with you?" She stood at the door, smiling at Zhou Yun and Yu Chu, and asked.

"Yes, welcome." Zhou Yun invited people into the car, "Come on quickly."

He Wenyun got into the car with a boxed lunch by herself, sat down, glanced at the dishes on the table, and said in surprise, "Wow, there are so many braised vegetables?"

"Well, my assistant made it himself." Zhou Yun said, "It tastes very good, try it."

He Wenyun nodded and said, "When I was in school when I was young, my favorite food was the stewed vegetables made in front of the school. It turns out that you also like it."

"Haha, basically there is no one who doesn't like to eat." Zhou Yun said.

He Wenyun sighed, and said: "I was still angry yesterday, thinking that the director Cui Xidong is too rigid. Today, after seeing Huang Zhong, I know why Cui Xidong is filming like this."

"Didn't you also sign Yue Hai? Don't you know Yue Hai's style?" Yu Chu asked.

He Wenyun shook her head, "How long have I signed it? If I knew Yue Hai's style of filming, I would have thought about it more. When I saw Huang Zhong's appearance today, I probably guessed that Yue Hai produced film and television dramas by himself. The crew is average. What kind of style is it, and what can be photographed under this mechanism of regular inspections? It’s all just some work.”

Zhou Yun was a little surprised to see that He Wenyun's eyes and eyebrows were all displeased with Huang Zhong and his party.

She originally thought that He Wenyun herself was Yue Hai's vested interest. If it wasn't because of Yue Hai's attention, how could she have airborne to act in this drama, but He Wenyun directly complained about Yue Hai's special mechanism, which made Zhou Yun surprise.

"But fortunately, they can't control us now." Yu Chu said.

However, soon, the impact of Huang Zhong's visit this time became apparent.

He didn't know what he reported to Yue Hai, and the result was that the working environment and quality of life declined significantly.

There is no change in Zhou Yun's side, but the treatment of the staff and other young actors is not as good as before.

In the past, basically every actor had a special car to pick him up when he came in and out of the crew, but now, except for Zhou Yun, Yu Chu, He Wenyun and a few senior actors, the rest of the actors can only take the crew bus to and from the studio, hotel, Powder room etc.

On the other hand, in the past, fruit racks and snack racks were placed on the set, because on the set of filming, many staff members often had no way to eat on time, missed the meal time, and the boxed lunches were cold, and they were provided for everyone to fill their stomachs at any time.

After all these are cancelled, many people have great opinions.

Xu Jinbo didn't explain anything, but news was flying all over the crew, basically no one knew that it was related to Huang Zhong's "inspection" last time.

Someone soon said that it was Yue Hai who thought that the production crew spent a lot of money, so he ordered Xu Jinbo to control the spending on this kind of thing.

In fact, how much does such a thing cost?

It is all about giving everyone a good feeling at the lowest cost.

From an objective point of view, actors take the bus to and fro, it is really nothing, and the bus can also take it.But actors have to act in front of the camera, and many actors need to run between AB groups, squeeze a bus with other people to go back and forth, among other things, it always affects the state.

Zhou Yun felt extremely speechless.

But although everyone complained a lot, Xu Jinbo was unmoved.This made Zhou Yun a little surprised. She originally thought that even if Xu Jinbo could not agree with Yue Hai's decision on this matter, she would fulfill her responsibility as a producer and try to calm everyone's emotions as much as possible. It can keep the crew in a relatively stable state.

Why did Xu Jinbo let everyone's negative emotions continue to ferment?

Zhou Yun had a guess in his mind.


Yue Hai is divided into different departments, responsible for different businesses, and each business has a vice president who is responsible for it.

In terms of film and television content production, Yue Hai's person in charge is Jiang Quanting.

Generally speaking, Quantitative Jiang is responsible for the general direction of content production, not a specific play.

Jiang Quantitative is almost one of the most powerful executives in Yue Hai.

After all, Yue Hai is a video platform, and film and television content is the largest content segment.

Whether it is Huang Zhong or Xu Jinbo, Yue Hai must listen to Jiang's quantitative.

Which movie, how much budget to give, how much support to give, Jiang Quan's attitude is very important.

However, people in high positions rarely appear in front of others.

Zhou Yundu only met Jiang Quanting once.That meeting was when she went to Yue Hai to formally confirm her role in "Deep Sea" with them. Jiang Quanting, as one of Yue Hai's representatives, met her.In Zhou Yun's impression, Jiang Quanting was a very "executive" image, and he didn't leave any special impression on Zhou Yun.

So when Jiang Quanting came to her suddenly, she was stunned for a moment.

"Miss Zhou, I came to look for Jin Bo today, and I learned that your movie is being filmed, so I want to meet you." Jiang Quanting smiled at Zhou Yun, "I wonder if everything went well with your filming?"

Zhou Yun glanced at Xu Jinbo who was standing behind Jiang Quanting. The expression on the latter's face was very normal, nothing unusual.

She was not sure whether Jiang Quanting's sudden appearance was a surprise attack like Huang Zhong's or something, so she was also not sure what to say.

But thinking of Xu Jinbo's "indulgence" to the crew's dissatisfaction in the past two days, Zhou Yun hesitated and decided to tell the truth.

"My side is going well, but, Mr. Jiang, to be honest, I don't really like the very special treatment I enjoy in the crew." Zhou Yun said. Gao, it's not good for my professional image, in fact, I thought I didn't enjoy abnormal treatment, but in this crew, it suddenly became abnormal."

"Huh?" Jiang Quanting didn't seem to expect Zhou Yun to say such a thing, and was surprised, "Miss Zhou, why don't you tell me in detail?"

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(End of this chapter)

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