I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 578 Counterattack

Chapter 578 Counterattack
Zhou Yun said: "Mr. Jiang, I'm just speaking based on my own true feelings. If you feel that what I said is inappropriate or wrong, please forgive me. I didn't mean to offend."

Jiang Quanting looked gentle and indifferent, nodded and said: "Miss Zhou, don't worry, if you have any ideas, just tell me directly, if there is anything I can help you solve, I will definitely solve it as soon as possible."

Zhou Yun smiled, shook his head lightly, and said: "Mr. Jiang, you misunderstood me. It's not that I have any troubles and I need your help to solve them. It's that when I first joined the team, in fact, no matter what the working conditions are, everyone We can enjoy very good support both in terms of performance and the shooting environment on site. Our different departments and different staff members are all working hard to make this film well with their own strength, but now I don’t know how to return it. Things, a lot of support that everyone used to have, now only I have it, and the difference that emerges in the middle separates me from others."

Jiang Quanting listened calmly to Zhou Yun acting here.

Zhou Yun continued: "Many actors and I have scenes with each other, and now I feel that they look at me differently, alas, Mr. Jiang, in fact, I also know that the crew is not short of this money, and I don't know why I suddenly want to save some expenses and expenses on these small things, could it be that I starred in this drama, and this drama can't attract advertisers?"

Jiang Quanquan: "Why, thanks to Ms. Zhou Yun's appeal and influence, our drama has already signed advertising agreements with three brands. Besides, with Ms. Zhou Yun around, our drama will definitely win new members. It won't be bad, I have full confidence in that."

"I'm relieved when Mr. Jiang said that. You don't know. I saw such a sudden change in the crew and thought my market appeal had become worse." Zhou Yun shook his head and said with emotion: "I slept last night. I didn’t sleep well, and thought, why did we finally renew our relationship with Yue Hai and cooperate with the second film, but in the end, we didn’t get good feedback from the market.”

Jiang Quanquan: "Don't think so. If you still can't get good feedback from the market, no one will get it."

Zhou Yun showed a helpless expression, and said: "Mr. Jiang, don't blame me for thinking too much. In fact, no matter which crew I was in before, no one would just give me a special treatment. I really don't like it." For this kind of specialization, if the crew is really tight on funds, or you can cancel my treatment, I will take the bus with everyone, otherwise I will arrange a special car pick-up by myself, I am really very sorry Sorry, I can't concentrate on acting anymore, I'm all worried about what others think of me."

Jiang Quanting laughed and said, "Miss Zhou, don't worry, I will deal with this matter immediately and give you a satisfactory shooting environment."

Zhou Yun laughed happily.

"With Mr. Jiang's words, I feel relieved."

Jiang Quanting nodded and said: "Our Yue Hai hopes to maintain a long-term cooperation with Miss Zhou, so if you feel uncomfortable, please tell us immediately, we definitely don't want to make you feel uncomfortable in the process. not feeling well."


Xu Jinbo sent Jiang quantitatively away, and Xu Jinbo came back within ten minutes.

He knocked on the door of Zhou Yun's lounge.

Zhou Yun said "Come in", and Xu Jinbo opened the door.

He didn't come in directly, but stood leaning against the door frame with a meaningful smile on his lips.

"Producer Xu, did you send President Jiang away?"

"Well, he has already got in the car and went back." Xu Jinbo nodded, "Just now he suddenly said that he would come to meet you, and I didn't find a chance to tell you in advance."

"It doesn't matter, he is the producer of our show, what does it matter." Zhou Yunshi stood up abruptly, gave Xu Jinbo a look of "let's stop playing charades here", and said, "What's more, Even if Mr. Jiang doesn't mention that he wants to meet me, Producer Xu will definitely invite Mr. Jiang to my place to have a chat with me, right?"

Xu Jinbo spread his hands, "You guessed everything, it seems that I really can't hide anything from you."

"You never thought of hiding it." Zhou Yun pointed out directly, "In addition, with your ability, although everyone complains about these changes, if you really come forward to appease everyone, although you can't completely convince everyone Relieved, but more or less you will not let these dissatisfaction ferment for so many days, but you didn't do it, why? Think about it and think of it."

"Maybe it's just because I'm also very resistant to the reasons for this situation, so I don't want to take care of it, and I don't want to help them solve this trouble."

"They created this trouble, but if you don't care about this trouble, this trouble will create more trouble for your crew. As a producer, no matter what the reason is, you must bear the consequences of this greater trouble It's you." Zhou Yun said, "You're not that stupid."

Xu Jinbo had nothing to say and smiled.

"In this matter, you and I are a united front alliance." Zhou Yun shrugged, "So, I don't mind your little use this time, so don't allow it next time."

Xu Jinbo nodded, feeling particularly comfortable, "Understood, received."

Zhou Yun: "You also tell Cui Xidong that I'm not the kind of actor who doesn't like being picked on by the director. If possible, please let him tell me what he really thinks about my performance."

Xu Jinbo: "Understood."

"Filming this show really feels like being on a boat." Zhou Yun said, "If I had known about all the troubles, I would definitely not have taken it."

Xu Jinbo said in surprise: "I thought that when you read the script of "Deep Sea", no matter how many troubles you have, you will definitely overcome them."

"The script of "Deep Sea" is not so good that I feel that if I miss it, I will regret it forever." Zhou Yun said, "I hope you can bring such a script next time."

Xu Jinbo said: "Okay, don't worry, the next script I will show you will be such a script."

"You are so confident that I think you are just bragging and drawing big cakes."

"It's one of the must-have skills of a filmmaker after all."


Xu Jinbo laughed, a sunny smile.

"This time, thank you."

Zhou Yun waved his hands, as if he didn't care and it was no big deal.

"It's said that it's an alliance of the United Front, so be polite."


The next day, the entire crew returned to normal, and all the changes brought about by Huang Zhong and his party disappeared.

The crew was stunned for a moment, not knowing why these wonderful treatments suddenly came back.

Zhou Yun didn't say anything, neither did Xu Jinbo.So, no one knows why.However, this result made everyone very happy, and the happy result was that everyone's trust in Xu Jinbo deepened.Although I don't know the reason, everyone knows that this change must have something to do with Xu Jinbo, he is the producer.

Yu Chu secretly asked Zhou Yun if he knew what was going on.

Zhou Yun didn't tell Yu Chu in detail, but only said, "Xu Jinbo thought of something."

"It really is him." Yu Chu showed an expression of "It really is".

Zhou Yun felt puzzled and asked, "Why did you say that it really was him?"

"Everyone in the Yue Hai department in the production team said that Xu Jinbo was never a person who was willing to suffer, saying that he would definitely not try to find a way to get back after Huang Zhong gave him small shoes." Yu Chu laughed, and her eyes His smile was a bit cramped, "Besides, he leads such a big team, if he can be bullied by Huang Zhong casually, who would want to follow him? When everyone complained so much, they didn't see him come out Calm down, it must be holding back a big move."

Zhou Yun suddenly looked at her suspiciously.

Yu Chu was taken aback, looked back at Zhou Yun even more suspiciously, and said, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Zhou Yun said: "Chuchu, I found that you pay some attention to Xu Jinbo."

Yu Chu said, "Of course, he is our producer."

"No, no, I'm not talking about the kind of concern for the producer." Zhou Yun lowered his voice, "Let me tell you, every time you mention Xu Jinbo now, you can't help but smile on your face. Did you realize it yourself?"

Yu Chu suddenly realized what Zhou Yun meant by this.

She immediately shook her head as if she was stunned, "What are you talking about! Don't think about it, I don't mean that to Xu Jinbo!"

Zhou Yun clicked his tongue twice.

"I just want to remind you, what are you doing with such a sudden reaction?"

Yu Chu gritted his teeth and gave Zhou Yun a blank look.

"What you said is too impossible! I'm ten years behind him."

Zhou Yun didn't speak anymore.

But her look said it all, and she didn't feel that a teenage age gap was going to stop one person from liking another.

Whether Yu Chu really fell in love with Xu Jinbo, Zhou Yun didn't know.But Zhou Yun can be sure of one thing, Yu Chu definitely has a little affection for Xu Jinbo. Although Xu Jinbo is forty years old, he is well maintained, has good facial features, and has his own charm. , Xu Jinbo has fully demonstrated his ability-don't underestimate the attraction of a man's concentration and control at work to women.

Zhou Yun was afraid that Yu Chu fell in love with him unconsciously, so he wanted to remind her.

Yu Chu's expression seemed to be lost in thought.

Because of Zhou Yun's reminder, when Yu Chu saw Xu Jinbo again, he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable and couldn't greet him naturally.

She even avoided Xu Jinbo's gaze.

Regarding Zhou Yun's strange behavior, Xu Jinbo couldn't figure it out, he just thought that Yu Chushi hadn't come out of the state of being in the drama yet.

In the crew, people come and go, and we meet dozens of different people every day.

Xu Jinbo had too many people to pay attention to and take care of, so he really didn't have much energy for Yu Chu.

Meanwhile, he has another big problem unsolved.

his son.

He refused to study hard, and even ran away from home last time. Now his parents are taking care of him, but he can't go on like this for a long time.

Xu Jinbo is very busy at work, and usually spends little time with his son. Now that he is in the rebellious period, Xu Jinbo has seen many parents who are busy with work, and finally missed the time when their children grow up. When they want to make up for it, it is too late It's too late.

Xu Jinbo didn't hope that it would be too late for him.

What should I do?
Xu Jinbo thought about it, and felt that it was a trivial matter not to study hard, and one must not grow crooked.

You should look at him and take him with you.

Xu Jinbo hesitated for a long time, gritted his teeth, and made a decision.

"What? You want to bring Zixiang to you?" Even his parents were surprised when they heard his decision, "Then what about him going to school? Do you have time to take care of him?"

Xu Jinbo said: "Anyway, he is not studying hard at school now, and he doesn't know what he is doing every day. You can't control him. You should send him to me first. I will take care of him for a while and run away from home first." Those thoughts were corrected."

"Don't attack him, who told you two to divorce? How could he, a child, want his parents to divorce?" His mother taught him a lesson.

Xu Jinbo: "I won't kill him, don't worry."

"Your dog temper, I can blame it if I can rest assured."

"Mom, what should I say? Why am I so angry?" After Xu Jinbo complained, he suddenly realized that he shouldn't argue with his mother about these things, "Forget it, Mom, I won't tell you, I There is still a job, if you are worried, you can come with my dad, I just don’t have time to take care of him, but since he doesn’t want to study, he usually works with me in the film crew, let him experience it, don’t study hard, Can only do what."


Xu Jinbo "arrested" his parents and his son in this way.

When Zhou Yun saw Xu Zixiang for the first time, he didn’t know that he was Xu Jinbo’s son. He thought he was a handsome actor hired by the crew from somewhere—this little boy was wearing jeans and a black jacket, and a pair of Converse high-top canvas shoes, fair and handsome, a little ruffian, with a cold face, and a scratch on the corner of the eyebrow, adding a bit of unruly.

He sat on a chair on the set like an old man, with his arms folded on his chest, and he looked ahead coldly.

Zhou Yun curiously asked others who this person was, and they told him that this person was Xu Jinbo's son.


Zhou Yun took the initiative to go over and say hello, "What's your name?"

Xu Zixiang raised his eyelids to look at Zhou Yun, curled his lips, and didn't speak.

Zhou Yun: "..."

This doggy appearance made her suddenly think of Luo Zhiheng, the boy who played her younger brother in "Words of Fallen Leaves", also had the same doggy temper.

Zhou Yun smiled, shook his head and was about to leave when Xu Jinbo suddenly walked over from the opposite side, stood behind Xu Zixiang, raised his hand and patted Xu Zixiang on the head.

"Do you know how to be polite? Call me sister."

Xu Zixiang was so angry that he stood up from his chair and glared at his father.

"Try hitting me again!"

His dad slapped him on the head again.

"What's wrong with beating you?" Xu Jinbo said with a straight face, "Try to be so rude to me again!"

Xu Zixiang's face turned green with anger.

(End of this chapter)

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