Chapter 579

Xu Zixiang reluctantly called out sister hello.

The child's face couldn't be more stinky.

Zhou Yun didn't mind his attitude.

Teenagers of this age are usually like this. Their bad temper and bad faces are not aimed at you, they are aimed at the world.

Zhou Yun and Xu Jinbo came to the other side, where there was no one else and it was convenient to talk.

"Producer Xu, are you going to take your son with you and take care of him yourself?"

"He is too rebellious now, and I don't want him to hang around like this." Xu Jinbo said, "I divorced his mother some time ago, and I knew he was angry with me because of it, and he was also very unhappy, but, some I have no way to tell him clearly about the matter now, and I don't want him to be affected by this matter and go astray."


"Sure enough, you've heard about it a long time ago." Xu Jinbo smiled.

Zhou Yun knew that Xu Jinbo was talking about the "divorce".

She said: "The crew, all kinds of news are flying all over the sky, and it's not just us stars and entertainers who are getting attention."

Xu Jinbo put his hands into his trouser pockets and smiled happily.

"It turns out that I have received so much attention. I thought I was a housekeeper. Everyone only cares about how much money I send you. I didn't expect to care about my personal affairs."

"Of course." Zhou Yun turned his head and glanced at Xu Zixiang in front of him, "However, I think you are quite awesome, so many parents have a headache for their disobedient children, and they have the courage to simply let him not go to school ,you are the first."

"Don't say that, he still has to go to school, but now, I just think he won't listen to the lectures anyway, so instead of sitting in school wasting time or skipping classes, it's better to let him come and experience the beatings of the society first, and figure out what he can do in school. What a blessing it is to study in school." Xu Jinbo said, "From today on, he will work with the crew and earn three meals a day by himself."

"He's only twelve years old, right? Are you using child labor illegally?"

"I don't pay, and it doesn't constitute an employment relationship." Xu Jinbo said, "In short, if you have the opportunity, you can also help me teach him. If you can be admitted to University A, you must have a lot of experience to share."

"I only have my own experience of studying hard. I have never skipped classes or ran away from home." Zhou Yun smiled, "Don't count on me, I really don't know anything about this kind of adolescent children. How to deal with it, to be serious, I will help you to stimulate him at most."

"That's fine too."

Zhou Yun: "However, if you bring him to the production crew, if Huang Zhong hears about it, he won't make use of it, right?"

"Let him play. If he struggles with such a small matter, it will be just a little ripple." Xu Jinbo said confidently, "The last time I asked you for help, he was scolded by the bosses later."

"Tsk tsk, people must be offended."

"Don't worry, it's me who offends me, and it's me he bears grudges against."

The two smiled at each other.

Regarding the attitude towards Huang Zhong, the two of them already had a tacit understanding because of the previous time.Zhou Yun was also surprised to find that in Yue Hai, there were still people who made her willing to be friends.When Zhou Yun thought of the relationship between Xu Jinbo and Yue Hai, he even thought of a sentence, out of mud but not stained——uh, it's so disgusting.Zhou Yun couldn't help laughing himself.

Xu Jinbo was feeling strange, and wanted to ask Zhou Yun what he had thought of to show such a strange smile.

Coincidentally, He Wenyun walked over.

She looked around the two of them suspiciously, and asked, "Producer Xu, Xiaoyun, what are you two whispering here?"

Zhou Yun: "There's no such thing as a whisper, it's just a few casual chats."

"No, my intuition tells me that you must have been whispering something just now." He Wenyun made this conclusion seriously, but did not continue to dwell on this topic, but said, "Producer Xu, I heard that Your son is here? Where is he?"

Xu Jinbo nodded.

"just in front."

"I heard he is a handsome guy." He Wenyun laughed, "I have to go and see how handsome he is."

She said and left.

Zhou Yun and Xu Jinbo's eyes followed He Wenyun's figure.

I saw He Wenyun walked up to Xu Zixiang and said a few words to someone, but I couldn't understand the specific content. He Wenyun suddenly stretched out her hand and pinched Xu Zixiang's face.

Xu Zixiang suddenly jumped up from his chair and glared at He Wenyun.

He Wenyun smiled even more happily, with her hands on her hips, as if Xu Zixiang's reaction made her happier.

Zhou Yun said to Xu Jinbo: "Go and save your son."

Xu Jinbo said: "There is nothing to save, such a thin-skinned, you should practice thicker."

Zhou Yun gave Xu Jinbo a thumbs up.

The arrival of Xu Zixiang brought a new atmosphere to the whole crew.From this day on, Zhou Yun always sees him in various corners of the set, sometimes helping to carry equipment, sometimes following people to distribute lunch boxes, sometimes appearing in the transportation team, running with people on the field, sometimes following the lighting engineer, helping people set up reflective.

For the sake of his father, everyone treated him more politely, but Xu Jinbo should have greeted him, and everyone ordered him to do things without being polite.

Zhou Yun didn't expect Xu Jinbo to be serious.

Many parents are always giants in words and dwarfs in action. It is not difficult for them to scold their children for being stupid and lazy. It is really hard for them to let their children go through setbacks and tribulations. Nine out of ten cannot bear it.

But from the perspective of a bystander, Zhou Yun felt that Xu Jinbo's approach was correct.

A child cannot be pampered, especially when he is growing up.

After observing Xu Zixiang for a few days, Zhou Yun found that Xu Zixiang was not as ignorant as his father described him.At least, Xu Zixiang didn't play any tricks when he was working, nor was he the kind of lazy kid.

Sometimes, when the crew was filming night scenes, they couldn’t call it a day until the early hours of the morning, so he could only stay with the crew. Early the next morning, he was picked up from the bed by his father to go to work again, full of resentment, But he didn't run away either.

Zhou Yun said to Zheng Xiaoju: "I don't know if it's an illusion, why do I feel that Xu Zixiang actually doesn't hate his father as much as Producer Xu said?"

Zheng Xiaoju said with a natural expression on his face, "Children rarely really hate their parents. They usually say they hate them, but they still maintain their natural trust and intimacy in their hearts."

"You're quite right." Zhou Yun nodded in agreement, "You're just a stinking tsundere."

Zheng Xiaoju laughed happily when he heard Zhou Yun's description.

"Sister Xiaoyun, why do I think you actually like him very much?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "I really like him, how cute, don't you think this kind of kid who is very hardworking but insists on pretending to be ignorant?"

Zheng Xiaoju nodded and said, "He should be trying to get his father's attention, right?"


"Because Producer Xu is not at home all year round and is very busy with work, this method is used to gain the care of Producer Xu." Zheng Xiaoju said, "I think so."

Zheng Xiaoju's words made Zhou Yun fall into deep thought.

Is that right?

So this is Xu Zixiang's real idea?

At this time, the director's assistant came over and asked Zhou Yun to come over. Cui Xidong wanted to chat with her about the shooting of the next scene.

Zhou Yun went to find Cui Xidong with the script.

Cui Xidong said: "Xiaoyun, the scene we are going to shoot later is a scene between you and Lingyue. Lingyue has always attached himself to you and has a crush on you, but he dare not confess to you because he is yours. Subordinate, what about this scene later? After he knew you and Xin Zhike were together, he thought that you didn't know Xin Zhike's true face, nor did he know that Xin Zhike had followed you, so in order to protect you, he specially I exposed Xin Zhike's true face to you, but I didn't expect that you knew it long ago. Ling Yue felt puzzled and puzzled. I didn't understand why you still stayed with him after you found out about it. You became angry from embarrassment. You didn't understand. Xu Lingyue cares about you, so you think he is nosy and has a bad attitude. You didn't understand until he lost control for a while and said that he liked you. You wanted to appease Lingyue, but Lingyue Driven by his pride, he was unwilling to accept your comfort, turned around and ran away."

This is a very emotional scene, especially for Xu Lingyue, it is a very important scene for him in this play.

Zhou Yun nodded after listening to Cui Xidong's speech, and glanced at the environment where he will be filming later.

is a terrace.

Live action.

Zhou Yun and Xu Lingyue walked through the play under Cui Xidong's leadership.

Xu Lingyue remained silent the whole time.

Zhou Yun asked: "Director, when the two of us have conflicts later, how about standing against the wall? Is there wind on the terrace? Is it windy today?"

The assistant director said, "It's not very big."

"That's good." Zhou Yun nodded, "When shooting this kind of location, I'm most afraid of the wind, my hair flying around, and my eyes can't be opened."

Zhou Yun stared at Xu Lingyue's hair for a long time.

Xu Lingyue felt hairy when Zhou Yun looked at him, and asked, "Sister Xiaoyun, is there something on my face? Why do you keep staring at me?"

Zhou Yun said, "Did you use hairspray?"

Xu Lingyue nodded and said, "Yes, what's wrong?"

"I see that your hair doesn't move at all outdoors."


"Although the wind is not strong, it's still a bit of a breeze." Zhou Yun said, "It's not very natural."

Xu Lingyue said: "This is the hairstyle specially made for me by the makeup artist."

"Handsome is still handsome." Zhou Yun smiled.

Xu Lingyue pursed his lips in embarrassment and smiled.

"Sister Xiaoyun." Zheng Xiaoju ran over, stood beside Zhou Yun, and said in his ear, "Brother Chi is here."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun was taken aback.

She looked back, but she didn't see Song Chi's figure.

Zheng Xiaoju said: "He hasn't come here yet, he was chatting with Producer Xu, and they met in the corridor."

"Oh." Zhou Yun nodded, "Why is he here suddenly?"

Her mouth was disgusted, but her eyes showed sincere happiness.

Zheng Xiaoju shook his head and said, "Brother Chi must have missed you, Sister Xiaoyun, you haven't seen each other for so long."

"It's been a while since we met." Zhou Yun sighed, "I'll go find him."

Xu Lingyue, who had been standing beside Zhou Yun and listening to the whole process, was stunned at first, not knowing who they were referring to as Brother Chi, but it took him a while to realize that it couldn't be Song Chi, right?
Xu Lingyue suddenly became a little excited and excited.

Because Song Chi is his idol.

Almost every young actor adores Song Chi.

After all, Song Chi has the halo of several actor trophies—at the same time, he has also filmed many scenes, many classics, and those classic scenes are what young actors will watch and learn repeatedly when improving their acting skills.

Xu Lingyue also wanted to see Song Chi, but Zhou Yun had already left. He felt that he was a little unwise to rush over so rashly?
After a while, there was a commotion in the corridor connecting the main building and the terrace.

Xu Lingyue immediately turned his head to look.

There were so many people that they almost filled up the surrounding area.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi walked over side by side, talking and laughing.

It was really Song Chi.

Seeing that familiar face, Xu Lingyue was stunned.

Zhou Yun brought him to Cui Xidong first.

"This is the director of our drama, Director Cui Xidong." Zhou Yun introduced, "Director, Song Chi has come to visit the set. I'm sorry, it's a mess and delayed the filming time."

Cui Xidong smiled gently, shook hands with Song Chi, and said, "Hello, Song Chi."

Song Chi's attitude was very modest, he lowered his head and said, "Hello director, just call me Xiao Song."

Zhou Yun turned his head and saw Xu Lingyue who was still standing beside him, he waved to him and signaled him to come over.

Xu Lingyue was still a little dazed and didn't react.

Zhou Yun said, "Aren't you still shy?"

Only then did Xu Lingyue come over with a blushing face.

Song Chi glanced at Xu Lingyue.

Zhou Yun pointed to Xu Lingyue and said, "Xu Lingyue, your fan."

Xu Lingyue was shocked immediately, and looked at Zhou Yun in astonishment, "Sister Xiaoyun, you, how do you know..."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "How do I know Song Chi is your idol?"

Xu Ling nodded vigorously, he had never told anyone on the set.

Because Zhou Yun was also on the set, he was afraid of being misunderstood, and he said this to please Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun said: "Don't you remember that you said it once when you were interviewed last year?"

Xu Ling was taken aback.

Zhou Yun: "Someone asked you if there was an actor you particularly liked. Didn't you answer Song Chi? You also said that you like his plays very much and hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with him in the future."

Xu Lingyue stopped talking immediately, his cheeks flushed slightly.

Song Chi patted him on the shoulder and said, "I heard from Xiaoyun that you are very serious about filming. If there is an opportunity in the future, we will work together."

Xu Ling was so nervous that he didn't know what to say.

"Hmm." He hesitated.

After exchanging pleasantries, Song Chi didn't leave, but sat behind the monitor with Cui Xidong, ready to watch the next scene.

After Xu Lingyue found out that Song Chi was sitting behind the monitor, he suddenly didn't know how to act.

 Ask for a reward, ask for a monthly ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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