I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 580 Temporary Meeting

Chapter 580 Temporary Meeting
Xu Lingyue's nervousness was too obvious, and Zhou Yun was the first to notice it.

"What's the matter with you? Are you okay?"

Zhou Yun didn't know why Xu Lingyue was so nervous, he thought he was not feeling well.

Xu Lingyue shook his head, pursed his lips, and whispered, "It's okay."

"It's just a little nervous," he added.

Zhou Yun couldn't help being a little surprised.

It's not the first day for Xu Lingyue to join the filming team. He cooperated well in the filming of rival scenes before. Why are you nervous today?
She quickly came to her senses and turned to take a look at Song Chi.

Song Chi was sitting behind the monitor, wearing a peaked cap, talking to Cui Xidong.

Zhou Yun asked Xu Lingyue in a low voice: "It's not because Song Chi is here that you are nervous, is it?"

Xu Lingyue is actually very embarrassed to admit this, but the fact is that he is indeed unprofessional.

"But yes, you have to confess to me later, Song Chi is here, you must not be able to concentrate." Zhou Yun said, "Well, I'll go and tell Song Chi, just wait."

Xu Lingyue hurriedly called her to stop.

"Miss Xiaoyun!"

Zhou Yun looked back at Xu Lingyue in puzzlement.

Xu Ling swallowed lightly, and said in a low voice, "Otherwise, forget it? I'll try first."

Zhou Yun looked at him suspiciously, "Are you sure?"

Xu Lingyue nodded and said, "I'll try it first, and if it really doesn't work, I'll trouble you to tell Brother Chi."

Song Chi finally came here once, and Xu Lingyue also hoped to let his idol watch his acting well.

In fact, if it weren't for this opportunity, Xu Lingyue might not have entered Song Chi's vision in ten years.

Unless Xu Lingyue has a good opportunity in the past ten years, becomes a hit, or acts in a big director's play.

Only when you become an actor do you know that they don't actually watch every movie in this line of work.They are also very busy, especially those like Song Chi, who have a full schedule every day, and can only choose popular and phenomenal movies to watch, let alone TV dramas.

Xu Lingyue didn't have any other utilitarian thoughts, he just wanted to let his idol watch him act.

This kind of mentality is like a fan of a singer who wants to sing his favorite song in front of someone when he sees someone.

Zhou Yun has never worshiped a person like this, nor has she ever been an idol in the true sense, so she is not very able to understand Xu Lingyue's mood psychologically, but she can still understand the logic behind it.

Zhou Yun and Xu Lingyue tried the play again.

On the terrace, Xu Lingyue stuttered even when speaking.He himself realized that he wasted Zhou Yun's time by not being in the mood at all, so he immediately apologized to Zhou Yun after the play was over.

Zhou Yun shook his head and said: "Ling Yue, do it again, you just can't concentrate now, I suggest you focus on the scene we are going to shoot first."

Xu Lingyue nodded and hummed.

Zhou Yun: "Look into my eyes and nod."

Xu Ling was taken aback.

According to what Zhou Yun said, he looked into Zhou Yun's eyes and nodded again.

Miraculously, at that moment, he suddenly forgot that Song Chi was watching.

But after nodding this head, Xu Lingyue came back to his senses.

It's just that at that moment just now, Xu Lingyue suddenly understood what his problem was - he was always thinking of Song Chi watching from the side, so he couldn't fully concentrate on acting.

Xu Ling took a deep breath and began to do psychological construction and self-hypnosis for himself.

This is the method he often uses to enter the play when acting.

The scene is orderly.

Song Chi sat next to Cui Xidong, looking at Zhou Yun in the camera from the monitor.

"Brother Chi."

Yu Chu suddenly appeared from behind and shouted.

Song Chi glanced back at Yu Chu, nodded and greeted her.

"Why did you come to visit the class suddenly today?" Yu Chu asked with a smile, "Sister Xiaoyun said you are filming."

Song Chi said, "I happen to have a job coming here today, so I'll take a look."

"That's it." Yu Chu smiled ambiguously, "I thought Brother Chi, you missed Xiaoyun so much, so you came here to see her."

Song Chi smiled slightly.

Something went wrong with Song Chi's filming of "The Man Who Do Nothing" now. Part of the scene had to be re-shot, and the filming couldn't be finished in a while, so he had some work that he had to do, so he could only ask for leave from the crew first.

This time, he only had one hour to meet Zhou Yun.

But unfortunately, Zhou Yun is filming.

So Song Chi didn't tell Zhou Yun in advance that he didn't want to disturb Zhou Yun's work.

It's impossible to have a meal together later, if Zhou Yun knew that he could only stay here for an hour, maybe he would ask the crew for an hour off to stay with him for a while.

He didn't want Zhou Yun to do this for him.

It's also good to be able to sit by the side and watch Zhou Yun act with his own eyes.

Song Chi really hasn't seen Zhou Yun for a while.

After officially entering the actual filming, the audience fell silent.

The set is completely handed over to the two actors.

"Sister Siran, I heard that you are with him. Is this true?"

Xu Lingyue asked.

Zhou Yun was standing against the wall, and the camera was panned outside the wall by the crane arm, taking pictures of the two of them from a bird's-eye view.

Zhou Yun rested one hand on the fence, his posture relaxed.The relationship between Li Siran and Zhou Xujun in the play is that of the juniors. From Li Siran's point of view, Zhou Xujun is a junior who needs her care.She glanced at Xu Lingyue, smiled slightly, and said, "The news has already reached your ears."

Xu Lingyue showed a bit of impatience and irritability between his brows and eyes.

"Sister Siran, have you really thought it through? Do you know who he is?"

Zhou Yun showed a slightly surprised expression.

"Who is he?" Zhou Yun said, "Isn't he just a reporter?"

"He is not a simple reporter, he has followed you before!" Xu Lingyue said emotionally, "Don't be fooled by him! I saw him secretly following you several times when I got off work, and even took The camera is on you, the stalker I warned you about earlier is him."

Zhou Yun was stunned.

I was stunned for ten seconds.

Xu Lingyue suddenly bowed and apologized, and said, "I'm sorry, I forgot my words."

According to the script, Xu Lingyue should continue to speak the lines next, but he forgot.

Xu Lingyue's assistant hurriedly sent the script over.

"Miss Xiaoyun, I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Zhou Yun shook his head, "You performed well in the previous part, yes, keep up the good work."

Xu Lingyue was still in the angry state just now, took the script, read the lines, and gestured an OK gesture to the director.

Cui Xidong said: "Just continue from the place where it was cut off just now."

Xu Lingyue said: "Director, can I play it again from the beginning, and continue from where I left off just now, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up with my emotions."

Zhou Yun chimed in: "Director, me too."

Cui Xidong agreed.

So the two of them started all over again.

This shot was finished perfectly, and Xu Ling turned around angrily and left.

Just when Xu Lingyue was about to rush out of the camera, a demonic wind suddenly rose.

A plastic bag from no one knows where it came from flew over and flew past the camera.

This lens is no longer available.


Cui Xidong said helplessly: "Let's do the last scene of turning around and leaving again."

Xu Lingyue couldn't help laughing.

He returned to his position, brewing his emotions.

But the evil wind has not stopped.

Zhou Yun's hair and clothes are flying badly. If this shot is retaken, the front and back will be very inconsistent.

One second Zhou Yun's hair was still draped softly behind his back, and the next second Zhou Yun's hair was dancing like dragons.

Cui Xidong said: "Don't wait for the wind to stop, look at it like this, it will rain later, and then we will make up a shot of this scene with the weather changing, and cut it in at that time."

Zhou Yun said with a smile: "So when Xiao Xu gets angry, Tian Gong also vents his anger, right?"

Continue shooting.

Xu Lingyue turned to leave with a stern face.

Xu Lingyue's shot is finished.

I have to take another close-up of Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun looked at the close-up of Xu Ling leaving more unhappy.

She said: "Ling Yue, help me put on a show, and my eyes will follow yours."

Xu Lingyue nodded and made an OK gesture.

It was already forty minutes after a scene was filmed.

Everyone is ready for the next play.

Zhou Yun ran up to Song Chi, smiled at him, and said, "How about it, watch me act, have I improved?"

Song Chi stretched out his hand to help Zhou Yun smooth his hair that was blown by the wind just now, and said, "Good acting."

"I haven't asked you yet, why did you come here suddenly without saying hello?"

"Suddenly I have a chance to come and see you, but I'm leaving soon." Song Chi said, "I still have—"

He took out his mobile phone and glanced at the time, "I can stay with you for another seven minutes."

Zhou Yun opened his eyes unexpectedly, and asked, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

"I've already made an appointment with the other party, so it's not good to keep them waiting." Song Chi said, "There will be a commercial shooting that I have agreed to a long time ago. I have to finish shooting today. After I finish shooting that, I have to Hurry back to the crew, there is still my play tomorrow."

"Are you going to rush back tonight?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi nodded, "Yes."

"If you're in such a hurry, don't come here." Zhou Yun said.

Song Chi: "It happened to be on the way. It's good to have a look. We haven't seen each other for a long time."

"Oh." Zhou Yun hugged Song Chi's neck with both hands, and the two of them were very close, "I said before that we would go out to play together this summer, but it didn't work out."

"Anyway, we should give ourselves a vacation." Zhou Yun said, "Or else, it's winter. In winter, we should give ourselves a vacation."

Song Chi showed an apologetic expression.

"I was filming another movie at that time."

Because of Song Chi's broken bone before, a lot of work was delayed, and he had other jobs later, so that his time and schedule were extremely tight.

Zhou Yun sighed.

"Okay." Zhou Yun thought for a while, "Then if I can rest, I'll go to your place to find you. If I can't go out to play, I'll just stay in the crew and I'll accompany you."

 Good night, see you tomorrow, if you have a monthly pass, please vote for this book~

(End of this chapter)

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