I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 581 My Dad Finds You

Chapter 581 My Dad Finds You
Song Chi will leave soon.

Zhou Yun reluctantly sent him away, all the way to the door of the car.

Song Chi smiled and said, "Go back quickly, everyone is still waiting for you to go back to filming."

Zhou Yun said: "I just finished filming a scene and I'm changing scenes. It's not that fast. Get in the car."

The two stood by the car door to say goodbye, and the assistants kept a distance from them tactfully.

Song Chi and Zhou Yun hugged each other.

"Then I'm leaving." Song Chi said.

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded.

The two of them swayed for a while before Song Chi got into the car.

"Stop standing here, go up." Song Chi said to Zhou Yun before closing the car door.

Zhou Yun nodded with a smile, but didn't move his footsteps. He waited for the car to drive away and watched it disappear before he sighed and turned back.

Everyone on the set was talking about how handsome Song Chi was, especially the young girls.

Zhou Yun laughed.

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Sister Xiaoyun, Brother Chi came over just now, you were all smiling."

"Otherwise? I don't smile, but cry?" Zhou Yun asked back.

Zheng Xiaoju chuckled and said, "You don't usually smile that much. I think you smile a lot when Brother Chi comes over."

Zhou Yun did not respond to Zheng Xiaoju's words, but asked, "Xiaoju, do you feel tired?"

"Tired?" Zheng Xiaoju shook his head, "Not tired, I don't feel tired."

Zhou Yun asked: "We are here all year round, don't you feel tired?"

"It's okay, Miss Xiaoyun, I've taken a break several times this year." Zheng Xiaoju said, "Besides, I don't have anything else to do."

"Then what if you fall in love in the future?" Zhou Yun asked, "You will get married and have children in the future, right?"

Zheng Xiaoju thought about it seriously, "At that time, I must have been promoted, right?"

Zheng Xiaoju looked at Zhou Yun solemnly and expectantly, "Is that right, Miss Xiaoyun?"

Zhou Yun laughed.

"Yes, you have already been promoted, so you don't need to be an assistant anymore. If you follow me every day, I will definitely feel uncomfortable by then." Zhou Yun said.

Zheng Xiaoju patted his chest and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, don't worry, I will definitely take care of my apprentice."

"It's something that doesn't even leave the horoscope, and I start to miss my apprentice." Zhou Yun complained.

Zheng Xiaoju raised his chin and said, "Dreams are still worth having."

She rolled her eyes and said, "However, Miss Xiaoyun, I think you have been very tired in the past two years. Haven't you noticed? Your tiredness comes in stages. You get tired for a while, get better, and then get tired again. You may think that you are not tired when you are better in the middle. In fact, you have never really had a rest. I chatted with others and learned that other actors will not be like you. Basically, there are three points a year. More than [-]% of the time is spent on filming, and it is still high-intensity filming."

"I see many European and American actors filming more than I do." Zhou Yun said, "I don't think I really can't handle this intensity."

"But it's not just a matter of intensity." Zheng Xiaoju said, "Your habit of filming is to think about the script after the filming. This is a great burden on your spirit. You are always in the state of the character. , Many actors are methodists, and once they finish work, they don’t think about these things anymore, but Miss Xiaoyun, you can’t do it now.”

Zheng Xiaoju's words pierced Zhou Yun's heart.

The corner of Zhou Yun's mouth twitched slightly.

"I really want to refute you, but I can't."

Zheng Xiaoju was very proud and said, "Because what I said is right."

"Okay, what you said is right, you will remind me more in the future to let me rest more." Zhou Yun said, "I am really too tired now."

"The main reason is that there are too many dramas." Zheng Xiaoju said seriously, "And there are still a lot of business and program recordings."

"Most of them are due to repaying favors." Zhou Yun said to Zheng Xiaoju, "Especially the program recording."

"Of course it is, but, Miss Xiaoyun, how can there be so many favors to be repaid?" Zheng Xiaoju said, "I have seen many actors, but in fact, there are not so many favors to be repaid. Even if I have to repay, the two It's almost the same year."

Zhou Yun was taken aback by Zheng Xiaoju's words.

This is true.

As for her own favor, she actually had to pay it off a long time ago.

The reason why she still has to take over the recording of the show from time to time is mainly to exchange some resources for Lu Zhongting and the others.

Now that Wang Jing is also up, there is no need for her to go outside to exchange resources.

Zhou Yun thought seriously.

Zheng Xiaoju said: "I think Sister Xiaoyun, you can take a good rest for a while. This year, you won two best actresses, which is already a bumper harvest. In the next few years, there will basically be no domestic actresses in your drama."

Zheng Xiaoju speaks the truth, not euphemistic at all.

Zhou Yun nodded.

"Okay, you're right."

Zhou Yun thought to himself, it is indeed necessary to slow down the pace of the next play.

It can no longer be like now, as long as it is a good show, I can't bear to give up, and everything will follow.

It was herself who was tired.

Besides, now Yu Chu and Wang Jing have reached the position of being the number one female.

The most important thing is that Zhou Yun doesn't want to devote all his time to work, but lose his own life.

Zhou Yun thought about it.

Xu Lingyue came over suddenly.

"Sister Xiaoyun." He called her.

Zhou Yun came back to his senses, looked at Xu Lingyue, "Huh?"

"Is brother Chi gone?" He asked.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "He still has work to do later, and he has already left. What's the matter, do you have something to do with him?"

"No, I, I was thinking, if Brother Chi hasn't left yet, I want to add him on WeChat in person." Xu Lingyue said, "I especially admire Brother Chi."

Zhou Yun laughed and said, "If you want his WeChat, I'll tell him and push it to you."

"Really? Is it possible?" Xu Ling asked in surprise.

"Of course, there's nothing wrong with it." Zhou Yun said, "Wait a minute, I'll tell him first."


Zhou Yun made an agreement with Song Chi and pushed the wechat to Xu Lingyue.

"Thank you, Miss Xiaoyun!" Xu Lingyue said pleasantly.

"You're welcome."

Xu Ling left happily.

Yu Chu took a cup of coffee and sat down beside Zhou Yun, and asked, "Why is Xu Lingyue looking for you? Why are you so happy all of a sudden?"

Zhou Yun smiled, "Just now I introduced Song Chi to him and added WeChat, so I'm very happy."

"Idol, this is it." Yu Chu looked at Xu Lingyue's back in surprise, "I found that many young male actors now regard Song Chi as an idol. Really, if your family continues like this, it will soon become an idol. A generation of masters."

"That's not enough. The drama he has broadcast in the past two years, that is, "Questioning the Heart" is very popular." Zhou Yun said, "Speaking of which, since I was with him, I feel that he has been going downhill, right? I brought him bad luck."

"Bah, bah, bah!" Yu Chu glared at Zhou Yun, "What kind of brain circuit is this? What is Song Chi's status, and he doesn't have a higher position to climb, but he has been maintaining his current position. It seems that it has not continued to rise, you have to see if there is room for others to rise first."

"Really?" Zhou Yun still wondered if it was because he fell in love with him that Song Chi's luck became bad.

"Besides, there is one more thing. After Song Chi started that company, he was no longer approached for many plays." Yu Chu said, "That's what I heard."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "It's not that he is not selected for many films, but many people think that Song Chi will give priority to filming and promoting films of his own company in the future, so when there are other choices Now, I don’t even want to ask him to act.”

In particular, Song Chi had broadcast two TV dramas before, and the results were very average, and there were no big hits. In the industry, it was interpreted by many people as a decline in the ability to carry dramas.

This is also impossible.

As a protagonist, the performance of the work is directly linked to you. Regardless of the main reason for the poor performance of the broadcast, as the protagonist, you have not brought up the basics, which means that your popularity with the audience is not as strong as before.

This is why Zhou Yun is now the first choice of all film and television companies.

Because Zhou Yun had no defeat so far.

Every drama has a good harvest, and the reputation is not good. For example, "Ding Fengbo" is also the best in the same period in terms of ratings and broadcast volume.

If Zhou Yun has a movie flop in the future, her myth of invulnerability will be shattered, and everyone's flock to her will disappear immediately.

Yu Chu said: "I will be filming this "Deep Sea" with you, anyway, I have a lot of advantages. Not only did I act in a second episode for the first time, but because of this, I was favored by many film and television companies, and they handed me the lead actress. , Sister Lan has helped me accept two TV dramas with female protagonists."

"Wow." Zhou Yun asked, "So fast?"

"Yeah." Yu Chu nodded, "Because I told Sister Lan that I want to work hard for my career in the past few years. If I still can't compete for the S+ drama, I should make more movies first and be a model worker." , First open up your own popularity, Sister Lan also agrees with my idea."

Yu Chu's eyes were bright, and she looked more energetic than a year ago.

"Well, it's pretty good." Zhou Yun nodded and said, "You can definitely do it, I believe in you."

"By the way, Yin Zhou has also made a decision." Yu Chu said suddenly.

"Huh?" Zhou Yun asked, "Is that the case?"

"Yeah." Yu Chu nodded, "He decided not to be an actor for now."

A moment of disappointment flashed across Zhou Yun's heart.

In the end, Yin Zhou still made this decision.

Yu Chu said: "I originally thought that if he continues to be an actor, I will definitely find a way to help him take on a few more plays and recommend him to other crews. I actually like him a little bit."

"Will Yue Hai agree?" Zhou Yun asked.

Yu Chu: "Yue Hai didn't value Yin Zhou in the first place, so they probably wouldn't disagree."

"The key depends on how they sign the contract."

"Yin Zhou never told me about it." Yu Chu said, "I don't know how they signed the contract."

Zhou Yun said: "Forget it, let's talk if he encounters any troubles. Besides, he will definitely not tell us when he encounters problems. Chuchu, if he really encounters any problems, remember to tell us."

"Well, I know." Yu Chu nodded, smiled softly, and said, "I still hope he will be smoother."

Zhou Yun studied Yu Chu's face carefully.

Yu Chu actually looked very straight.Look carefully, she has a dignified and generous beauty, but usually her team likes to make her according to the popular girlish style in the market.

There was a flawless glaze on Yu Chu's face, and he smiled, revealing a natural sense of compassion.

"Zhou Yun." Xu Zixiang suddenly appeared and shouted, "My father is looking for you."

Zhou Yun came back to his senses and saw Xu Zixiang standing a meter away looking at her with a displeased face.

Although the young boy is handsome, his expression at the moment is really unworthy of beating.

Zhou Yun stood up and walked in front of him, condescending.

"Why?" Xu Zixiang raised his eyes and asked.

Zhou Yun raised his hand and knocked Xu Zixiang directly on the head.

"Can you call Zhou Yun?" Zhou Yun scolded with a straight face.

Xu Zixiang painfully covered the place where Zhou Yun hit him just now.

"Call me sister!" Zhou Yun knocked Xu Zixiang on the head again, "Let me hear you call my name so casually next time, and see if I don't knock your head off!"

Xu Zixiang grinned.

"Men's wife!"

Zhou Yun was about to strike again.

Xu Zixiang learned to be smart this time, so he turned around and ran away.

Zhou Yun sneered, "Xu Zixiang, you can run away like a monk but not the temple!"

Everyone around looked over with a smile.

In the past few days, similar scenes have happened many scenes.

Xu Zixiang was born with a mouth that deserves to be beaten, and he often made others angry.

They didn't expect that Xu Zixiang would provoke Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun said to Yu Chu, "Then I'll go find Producer Xu first."

Yu Chu nodded.

Xu Jinbo was looking at the bill in his office, when he saw Zhou Yun coming in, he got up and smiled, "Did he make you angry again?"

Zhou Yun shook his head and said with emotion: "If my son behaves like this in the future, I will help a broom to whip him every day."

Xu Jinbo sighed, helplessly, and said, "I'll teach him a lesson later."

"Come on, for a child of this age, it's useless for you to teach him a lesson. He's just skinny. The more you react, the more skinny he will be." Zhou Yun said, "Don't look at me scolding him, he runs fast. Be happy, it's his purpose to piss me off."

"I owe a beating."

"Yes." Zhou Yun rolled his eyes, "Don't talk about this, Producer Xu, what do you want from me?"

"Yesterday, my colleague told me that the drama "Deep Sea" has already been booked in advance by one million members of our Yuehai Video, breaking the record." Xu Jinbo said, "They hope to invite you to represent our "Deep Sea" "The crew, record a VCR thanking the members, and put it in the promotion of the celebration."

Zhou Yun thought for a while, nodded, and said, "This is fine, no problem."

Xu Jinbo smiled, "Then I will leave this matter to you. I will prepare the copywriting. I will just ask you to record a VCR."

"That's it?" Zhou Yun asked.

Xu Jinbo nodded, "That's all."

"That's no problem, I'll go first." Zhou Yun made an OK gesture, ready to leave.

"Actually—" Xu Jinbo couldn't hold back, "There is one more thing."

(End of this chapter)

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