Chapter 582 Changes

Zhou Yun turned around suspiciously, and faced Xu Jinbo again.

Xu Jinbo showed hesitation.

"I want you to help me find out if Xu Zixiang has the qualifications to be an actor."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun was taken aback.

She subconsciously wanted to say, Xu Jinbo, you are a big producer yourself, don't you know best whether your son has the qualifications to be an actor?You choose the actors yourself.

But this thought was fleeting in Zhou Yun's mind.

She soon understood that Xu Jinbo wanted to ask something.

"Well, if you want to say whether he has the qualifications to be an actor, you are his father and a producer, so you must know better than me. At least his appearance has passed the test. How far he can go after that depends on his own Good luck." Zhou Yun said, "He is only twelve years old now, if he really can't get into school, he can try acting first, but even if he really wants to take the path of an actor, he will still have to take an acting school after that. Maybe not reading now."

Xu Jinbo sighed, and said, "I've seen him these days, and I feel that he's really not good at studying."

Zhou Yun said: "He's only twelve years old, he's in junior high school, how can he tell so quickly."

Xu Jinbo said: "Let him write something, one hundred characters, and there can be more than a dozen typos."

"Then let him learn Chinese characters every day. Does being an actor make him illiterate?" Zhou Yun said, "Why are you so used to him? No, if the child doesn't learn well, it's because the parents are not cruel enough."

Xu Jinbo: "..."

For some reason, he had the feeling that Zhou Yun had taught him a lesson just now.

As a father, Xu Jinbo never disciplined Xu Zixiang.His work determined that he would not stay at home all year round, which also prevented him from participating in the growth of Xu Zixiang.

However, just like any pair of parents, even though he can't accompany Xu Zixiang and watch him grow up, he hopes that he can grow up.

There is no parent who does not want their children to be successful.

Xu Jinbo understood what Zhou Yun meant, and he suddenly felt that he really gave up too early.

The main reason is that after Xu Zixiang came to work on the set, he didn't complain about suffering and tiredness as he expected.

He gets up early and returns late every day, but he works hard.

Xu Jinbo couldn't help wondering, is Xu Zixiang really not suitable for studying?

Zhou Yun persuaded: "Producer Xu, maybe you should arrange a transfer school for your son."

"Transfer?" Xu Jinbo was a little surprised, "Where are you going to go?"

"You can transfer to wherever you usually live."

"But I usually stay on the set. Wherever the crew is filming, I live there." Xu Jinbo, "There is no fixed place."

"But no matter what, you always go back to the company regularly, right?" Zhou Yun said, "Even when you are running with the crew, you still have to go back to the company from time to time, why don't you arrange for Xu Zixiang to study in Shanghai? What? That way, at least every time you go back to the company, you can go home or visit him at school."

Xu Jinbo couldn't help laughing, he didn't know what to say.

Zhou Yun said: "Your son actually admires you very much, and he also wants to stay with you."

Xu Jinbo didn't know what to say now.

Zhou Yun said what he should say, shrugged his shoulders with Xu Jinbo, and said, "Then I'll go out first, you can think about it."

"Thank you." Xu Jinbo nodded to Zhou Yun.

After Zhou Yun came out of Xu Jinbo's office, he found Xu Zixiang poking his head in front, paying attention to what was going on in his father's office.

She curled her lips and beckoned.

"come over."

Xu Zixiang walked over without knowing why, and the old god raised his chin on the ground, and asked, "Why do you want me?"

Zhou Yun: "Let me ask you, why are your grades so poor?"

Xu Zixiang was shocked, even a little unbelievable, and said, "How do I know why my grades are so poor? You have to ask my teacher?"

Zhou Yun said: "Your grades are poor, why should I ask your teacher? Don't you have any points in your mind?"

Xu Zixiang: " are unreasonable."

"Let me ask you, do you usually attend class?" Zhou Yun asked.

Xu Zixiang nodded without thinking, "Listen."

"Did you really hear it in your head, or did you just pretend?" Zhou Yun asked.

Xu Zixiang frowned and didn't answer.

Zhou Yun said: "You are only in the first year of junior high school, right? Or the second year of junior high school? If I remember correctly, what you have to learn at this time is not difficult, right? Why are you a scumbag? Seeing how arrogant you are on the set , I thought you were such a smart kid."

"You're a scumbag!" Xu Zixiang countered Zhou Yun with unnutritious trash talk.

Zhou Yun is waiting here.

She smiled slightly: "I am a scumbag who was admitted to University A, can you pass?"

"Is there anything you can't pass the exam!" Xu Zixiang said immediately.

"With your grades, you won't pass the exam in your next life."

Xu Zixiang: "That's because I don't like to read now. When I do, it will be a matter of minutes."

"I won't talk about your minutes, just your grades. I hope you can get into the top ten in the class in the next exam." Zhou Yun said fiercely, "Don't your dad want to transfer you to another school?" Come from Shanghai, no other school is too lazy to take you as a scumbag."

Xu Zixiang's eyes lit up suddenly, and he asked, "My dad wants to transfer me to another school?"

"Go and ask him yourself, why do you ask me?" Zhou Yun said, "But with your current grades, even if your father wants to transfer you, it's hard for a smart woman to cook without rice."

Xu Zixiang pursed his lips and fell into deep thought.

Seeing that his words were effective, Zhou Yun felt that he could "retire with success".

Two days later, Xu Zixiang disappeared from the set.

Yu Chu also asked, where did the child go?

Answer, go back to school.

When Zhou Yun heard the news, the corners of his mouth turned up a little happily.

Yu Chu said: "This brat, he didn't even say hello to us when he left."

Zhou Yun asked: "Why, are you still reluctant to part with him?"

"Little handsome guy, it's good to look at." Yu Chu said frankly.

Zhou Yun: "..."

Xu Zixiang's departure from the "Deep Sea" crew, of course, will not have any impact on the filming of this drama.

It's just that there is a young boy with a big temper missing, and there is one less fun in daily life.

One afternoon, Xu Jinbo found Zhou Yun and asked, "What did you tell my son? He went to school as if he had been beaten, and told me that if he gets into the top ten in the class next time, Let me keep my promise, what did I promise?"

Zhou Yun laughed twice, and said: "I said his grades are too poor, even if his father intends to transfer him to Shanghai, there is no school that wants him, so he just went back to school?"

Xu Jinbo: "..."

Zhou Yun said: "Producer Xu, your son wants to live with you, you should work hard and make his wish come true for your son."

Xu Jinbo sighed.

"I'm basically homeless. He transferred to Shanghai, and I don't usually take care of him."

"You can bring his grandparents over together." Zhou Yun said, "Are you still short of this money?"

A big producer like Xu Jinbo is definitely not short of money.

Xu Jinbo shook his head, feeling: "I still have several plays to do, how can I find time to accompany him?"

"Do you need to accompany him twenty-four hours a day? If you really have this spare time, your son will be bored." Zhou Yun said, "Just call him when you have nothing to do, and go to his school to see him when you have time. , care more, see if you want to do it or not."

Xu Jinbo nodded, tut tut and said, "I finally know why Song Chi came to visit the class at such a short time."

"Stop coming." Zhou Yunhu denied with a straight face, "I didn't ask him to come, it's not the same thing."

Xu Jinbo sighed, "Children are hard to raise."

"Of course it's difficult to raise. Do you think you have pets? You have to feed them on time."


On this day, Zhou Lan suddenly came to the crew.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised, because Zhou Lan didn't say anything before he came.

"Why are you here suddenly?"

"I just came here to meet someone. After the meeting, I will come to see you." Zhou Lan not only came to see Zhou Yun, but also brought her some bread and cakes that she likes to eat. I want to communicate with you about work arrangements."

Zhou Yun raised his head and let out a long sigh, and said, "It's work again, and I knew things were not that simple."

Zhou Lan smiled and said, "Don't sigh, it's not time to sigh yet, it's mainly a few endorsement brand activities, you have to participate."


"Also, the performance contract of "The Female Assassin" has been officially handed over." Zhou Lan said, "The legal affairs side is going through the contract. If there is no problem, the film is ready to start shooting next year."

"It's time for movement training again." Zhou Yun sighed.

Zhou Lan hummed.

"Action scenes are not difficult for you. I watched the clip of "One Mountain and Two Tigers". You played very beautifully in it. Wen Bing really knows how to shoot. As for the part where you appeared on the stage, I have a hunch that it will become A piece of classic, that is called a one-shot, the camera is too good." Zhou Lan said, "No wonder he wants to make a spin-off film with this character, "The Female Killer", the audience will definitely be impressed by your character."

"Really?" Zhou Yun himself hadn't even seen the finished film yet.

Zhou Lan said, "Believe me, you will definitely applaud."

Zhou Yun: "You've made me look forward to it myself."

"This show is scheduled for the Spring Festival, you know that?" Zhou Lan asked.

Zhou Yun nodded.

said before.

"Anyway, I have already told Yao Yuanfeng about the road show. We will only participate in the premiere and online promotion, and we will not participate in the road show." Let me tell you about the situation, "Words of Fallen Leaves" is going to hit the Berlin Film Festival, but I don't know the result yet, the hope of being shortlisted is still very high, it depends on what unit it is, so we will definitely go to participate when the time comes Berlin Film Festival."

Zhou Yun nodded.

"'Four Killers' is in the post-production stage, and 'Under the Dress' has been submitted for review, and it is expected to be broadcast at the end of the year and the beginning of the year." Zhou Lan said, "The next period will be an intensive publicity period, which does not include "Behind the Scenes" If we are competing for the Olympics in the U.S., if it really goes well, then we will really be busy, and now I hope that Director Jiang Xin can postpone the start of the film."

"Hey, don't tell Director Jiang what to say, don't affect him." Zhou Yun said, "He just waited for my time and waited until now."

"Of course I know, I just think about it in my heart."

Zhou Lan said, "Next year we must arrange the schedule, and we can't join the group so densely."

"The film to be filmed next year is "The Female Assassin", right?" Zhou Yun said, "I don't think the filming time of the other films has been confirmed yet."

"Don't forget about the Merando movie." Zhou Lan said, "Although it is said to start at the end of next year, it should be brought forward in case."

"Then don't worry about it." Zhou Yun said, "It hasn't been decided yet."

Zhou Lan said, "When do you plan to make public the news about Merando's new film?"

"Let's look at Merando." Zhou Yun said, "However, the start time is still early, so it doesn't make sense to disclose it now. Isn't the Hollywood blockbuster "Chinese Warrior" that everyone is most concerned about right now? Have you decided on a candidate?"

"Not yet." Zhou Lan shook his head, "The casting was done vigorously, and it feels like everyone wants to get a foot in the door."

"Big movie, if you can go in and play a role, you can also label yourself as an international movie star." Zhou Yun smiled, "Has Wang Jing auditioned yet?"

"I auditioned, but I declined directly." Zhou Lan said helplessly, "I think Wang Jing's resume is too shallow and not famous enough."

"Okay." Zhou Yun thought about it, yes, Wang Jing only has "Behind the Scenes" in the film industry, and she is still a supporting actress. For a blockbuster like "Chinese Warrior", the popularity is still too low.

"I heard that He Wenyun, who is filming with you, still has great hopes." Zhou Lan said, "The Spielberg movie she starred in is scheduled to be released in the United States at the end of the year. Just look at this schedule. The movie is definitely going to the Olympics."

"Really?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised.

"Pai Mengqi likes her very much, I heard people in the United States say so." Zhou Lan said, "She really needs to pay attention, maybe she will be your strong competitor in international projects in the future .”

Zhou Yun: "Let's talk about it later."

"Don't say it again, Japan, South Korea, and Singapore have produced many world-class directors, and there have been more and more international cooperation projects in recent years. If they want to choose a Chinese actress for a movie, don't you want them to choose you? " Zhou Lan said, "I know you very well. If you talk about it now, you will definitely not want to miss the opportunity to cooperate with these masters."

"Well, you're right."

"If she actually starred in "Chinese Warrior" in the end, then your Merando movie will have to face her head-on." Zhou Lan said, "They are all Hollywood blockbusters, and they are all Chinese movie stars who follow the international route. People will definitely put you together for comparison, so don't even think about it."

Zhou Yun sighed helplessly, and said, "Why do we have to compare, each is beautiful in its own way, can't it?"

"Hehe, it's spring when you compete for beauty." Zhou Lan said, "In the media, you are all beautiful. What do they rely on for food? Is the time quiet?"

(End of this chapter)

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