I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 583 "Chen Yin"

Chapter 583 "Chen Yin"

Cui Xidong suddenly fell ill.

He fell ill suddenly, his face was ashen, and he collapsed directly on the set.

Everyone was taken aback and rushed to the hospital in a hurry.

The director suddenly fell down, and the set was in chaos.

The movie couldn't be filmed either.

Zhou Yun and the others had no choice but to go back and rest temporarily.

Xu Jinbo didn't go to the hospital, he had to stay on the set to preside over the overall situation.

He immediately arranged for the directors of Group B to continue filming the scenes they were supposed to film, and to drive away the progress that could be made.On the other hand, he also had to confirm Cui Xidong's situation as soon as possible so that he could make corresponding arrangements.

So far, about three-fifths of the drama "Under the Deep Sea" has been filmed, and there is still a small part that has not been filmed.

Most of them are the plays of Zhou Yun and Xin Zhike.

Xin Zhike is about to join the group. He is the leading actor in this drama, and he has a lot of roles. Because he was filming other dramas before, his roles have been moved to the back of the filming.

Zhou Yun was waiting for the news at the hotel, and at night, the news came from Xu Jinbo's side.

Cui Xidong didn't have a big problem, but he was too tired recently, and he always stayed up late, and he didn't have enough rest time, so he fainted on the set.

Zhou Yun let out a sigh of relief.

As long as nothing happens to people.

To be honest, the moment she saw Cui Xidong collapsed on the set, the worst outcome came to her mind.

Fortunately, I just didn't have a good rest and my body was too tired.

However, Zhou Yun's sigh of relief was quickly brought back.

Zheng Xiaoju told her that the reason why Cui Xidong is so tired every day and the rest time is seriously insufficient is because after finishing work every night, Cui Xidong still has to hold meetings with the heads of various departments of the crew to discuss the upcoming shooting matters.

When filming a film, many things are not decided on the day of filming. They must be decided in advance and prepared in advance. There are things that are useful during filming.

Let’s just say that the props and costumes that the actors use for filming every day, etc., these can’t be conjured up by slapping their heads.

What props to use, what scenery to use, these all need to be decided by the director.

If the things submitted by the responsible department are not up to standard and the director is not satisfied, he has to make revisions and go back and forth several times, which is all troublesome.

Zhou Yun suddenly thought that he could go back to the hotel to rest after finishing work every night, but the director and the others could not.

The reason why Cui Xidong was able to discuss with people from various departments so late every day was because she had previously proposed that she wanted to finish filming her scenes as soon as possible, so on top of the original filming plan of the crew, an additional one was added every night. Two games, hurry up.

At this moment, Zhou Yun suddenly felt self-blame and uneasy.

Cui Xidong was so tired entirely because of her request.

She went to the hospital to visit patients, feeling restless and full of regret.

Cui Xidong looked weak, his face was pale.

He still struggled to sit up and greeted Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun said: "Director, I'm very sorry, I just realized that you have worked hard because of my request."

She thought, what she said sounded like tea.It's just that she really didn't expect that shooting one or two more scenes every night would add so much burden to Cui Xidong.

Cui Xidong turned his head to comfort Zhou Yun, saying, "No, it's none of your business. I'm used to worrying about myself. Every night, I habitually check the shooting materials of group B and give them feedback."

Cui Xidong is a very responsible director.

In order to control costs and catch up with the schedule, the current production crew is usually divided into two groups, AB and AB, to shoot at the same time, which can effectively control the time and progress of shooting.

However, the two groups of A and B were filming at the same time, which really tested the skills of the directors.

I am most afraid that the materials shot by the two groups are very different, and it is difficult to integrate them into the feature film.

Although Cui Xidong will communicate with the director of Group B every day and tell him the requirements, but to be on the safe side, Cui Xidong will still check the materials shot by Group B every day. If there is any unusable material, he will give feedback to Group B in time to let them shoot again.

Zhou Yun was very moved when he heard about this incident.

At first, I thought that Cui Xidong was not a talented director, but after the crew experienced so many things, Zhou Yun also gradually realized that for a producer, he may not need a talented director, but he definitely I like directors like Cui Xidong.He guarantees the completion quality of each project, and at the same time is very responsible, and there will be no obvious mistakes and shortcomings.

Zhou Yun was thinking that if she was a producer and the owner of a film and television company, she would also like to use a director like Cui Xidong.

Zhou Yun originally thought that even if she started work the next day, the assistant director would be temporarily directing it, so Cui Xidong would have to recuperate for two days before returning.

Unexpectedly, when Zhou Yun arrived on the set the next day, he found that Cui Xidong had already appeared on the set, explaining various matters to various departments.

He was wearing a visor, and his face was still weak and sick, but he controlled everything on the scene tenaciously and powerfully.

Yu Chu came to her side, sighed, and said, "I didn't expect Cui Xidong to come back so soon. I thought he would stay in the hospital for a few more days."

"Don't worry about the crew." Zhou Yun said.

"That's right, if he doesn't come to the scene, the others don't obey." Yu Chu said, "Xiaoyun, did you notice that, although each of us said that Cui Xidong didn't have much talent as a director, everyone at the scene listened to him very much. Believe in him, we will listen to what he says.”

Zhou Yun nodded.

"This is his ability as a director. No matter what others say, but on the set, no one disagrees with him."

"He respects the script very much. To be honest, if there is a well-written script that can be shot in hand, I think it is very suitable to hire him as the director." Yu Chu said, "He never messes around."

"Director!" Liu Linglu who had just arrived on the set suddenly shouted.

Cui Xidong turned to look at her.

Liu Linglu ran over and asked with concern, "Why are you here? Are you feeling better?"

Cui Xidong nodded with a smile, and said, "It's much better, it's okay."

Liu Linglu said: "Then you should rest for a while, why did you return to the set so soon?"

"The sooner the filming of the trick is finished, the earlier I can rest well. I am staying in the hospital, and I still remember the filming in my heart, so I can't rest well."

Liu Linglu said, "Director, you are so touching."

Cui Xidong said with a smile: "Don't rush to be moved, have you memorized the lines of the scene you are going to shoot later?"

"I'm familiar with it, of course I'm familiar with it." Liu Linglu nodded and said, "You told me to memorize the script before, and I listened to it."

The content of the conversation between the two made Zhou Yun even more emotional.

At the beginning, Liu Linglu was so angry that she ran out of the script reading meeting because she refused to accept her own character design, but she didn't know when she became so close to Cui Xidong.

As Yu Chu said, Cui Xidong is just a director who seems to be "incompetent".

But when everyone thought he was "incapable", he already had the entire crew in his hands.

Speaking of which, Zhou Yun suddenly thought of the director of "Four Killers". Compared with the well-known and talented director, Zhou Yun was more willing to cooperate with Cui Xidong again.

In Zhou Yun's mind, Cui Xidong was the more reliable person.

Zhou Yun went to Xu Jinbo and told him about the future shooting.

"Let's not shoot the night scene in the future." Zhou Yun said, "Let Director Cui take a good rest."

Xu Jinbo nodded and said, "I just wanted to talk to you about this. Fortunately, Director Cui didn't have any major problems this time. He supplemented a little glucose and rested for a night. He insisted on coming, but I was afraid that he would If you continue to suffer like this, it will do more harm to your body."

"Oh, it's my fault."

"Don't say that, it's because I didn't think carefully at the time, and I wished that the filming of this film would be finished sooner." Xu Jinbo smiled helplessly, "Facts have proved that any greed must pay a price."


Jiang Xin stood up, stretched his arms, and his bones and joints made a rattling sound after sitting for a long time.

As he's getting older, he's been feeling less energetic lately.

I used to stay up all night preparing for a project, but now I can't stay up all night no matter what.

He has many projects in preparation, all of which he is interested in and wants to direct.However, the progress of each project is different.

Some projects have not yet attracted investment, some projects have not yet found suitable actors, and some projects have not yet revised the script well enough to satisfy him.

The director has reached the level of Jiang Xin, and every project directed by him is an adventure, an adventure to his own status, reputation and feathers.

If he stops here and stops directing new projects, with his reputation and qualifications, he can live comfortably as an old artist.

But Jiang Xin felt that he was far from the time when he needed to retire. He still had a lot of impulses, the impulse to tell stories.

Different directors have different reasons for doing this business, and some directors also believe that film and television dramas are not as simple as stories.

Of course he agrees with this, but he is most interested in the story and the meaning behind the story.

He is also pursuing innovation and is interested in subjects that have not been tried before.Because of this, he wanted to make the drama "Chen Yin", a suspenseful drama.

This is a subject that Jiang Xin has never photographed, but it has attracted the attention of the market in recent years.

In terms of suspenseful themes, several works have exploded in the market.Jiang Xin originally didn't want to shoot a suspenseful drama, but when the market became popular, major platforms searched for IPs of related themes everywhere, looked for projects, made scripts, and when they were done, they immediately formed a team.Therefore, more suspenseful scripts were sent to Jiang Xin.

For a top director like Jiang Xin who is still active in the front line and has just aired the hit drama "Questioning the Heart", various companies and platforms must maintain continuous contact with him. If there is a suitable project, they must hope to be able to Invite a director like Jiang Xin to direct a project. With him as the director, everyone will be more at ease and optimistic.

The drama "Chen Yin" was not prepared by Jiang Xin's own company, but a script by another film and television production company. I found Jiang Xin to cooperate and developed it with Jiang Xin's company. Jiang Xin and Zhou Yun collaborated on "Ask the Heart" After that, I had a good impression of Zhou Yun at first, thinking that she was a hardworking and talented actor. Later, Zhou Yun became popular all the way and became a favorite in the market and awards. People around were encouraging Jiang Xin to follow her again. Zhou Yun cooperated.

Jiang Xin found Zhou Yun, and Zhou Yun agreed to the play without saying a word. Jiang Xin was also very moved by that attitude.How many famous actors after becoming famous began to play tricks, and he, a highly experienced director, knew it best.Zhou Yun was able to show such an attitude at this stage, Jiang Xin was naturally moved.

For this reason, Jiang Xin has been waiting for Zhou Yun's schedule for this drama.

Many of Jiang Xin's friends are senior directors, they don't like to use stars, especially big stars, they often just don't want to wrong themselves and accommodate these stars.

One of them is the schedule.

Jiang Xin doesn't have the airs of a famous director in this regard.He knew that Zhou Yun's schedule was difficult to wait, but he also believed that Zhou Yun would definitely not delay deliberately.

His producer was worried that Zhou Yun would be too busy at the end, so he couldn't give the promised schedule.

"Director Jiang, should we still look for an alternative?" The producer has been persuading him earnestly, "In case Zhou Yun can't come in the end because of some things, our plays are all prepared according to the launch in December. If the heroine can't be found at that time, our loss will be great."

Jiang Xin only said that Zhou Yun would not stop coming.

Zhou Yun has already signed a performance contract. If he doesn't come on time, he will have to pay the crew a liquidated damages.

The liquidated damages are not low, but what the producer is worried about is that other partners are absolutely willing to pay the liquidated damages in order to pry Zhou Yun away.

Zhou Yun basically has a price but no market in the market now, and many people took money to invite her to act, but they couldn't.


Zhou Yun didn't know Jiang Xin's concerns about her.

The drama "Deep Sea" has gradually come to an end, the last part.

Filming in this crew, Zhou Yun has an unprecedented feeling, that is, he is down-to-earth and methodical.

This has something to do with the styles of Xu Jinbo and Cui Xidong, and also has a lot to do with her increasingly sophisticated acting skills.

She is confident in herself now, and will not worry about her poor performance. At the same time, Cui Xidong is not the kind of director who has ups and downs and does not take care of the actor's state. She shoots according to the established arrangement and rhythm every day. Everyone is special in their hearts. There is a bottom.

Xu Lingyue, He Wenyun and others completed the filming one after another, and Xin Zhike joined the group.

Zhou Yun bid farewell to a group of people and welcomed a new friend.

Xin Zhike is a very sunny and handsome young man.

Seeing him in person, Zhou Yun understood why Yue Hai asked him to play the leading role as soon as he made his debut.

He has a typical niche face, with handsome features and good looks, he is most suitable to appear in the theme of youth campus, playing those male protagonists with dreamy colors.

Xin Zhike brought a lot of gifts when he entered the group, and he gave Zhou Yun a painting on the first day.

It was an oil painting, which he said he bought when he was traveling abroad.

(End of this chapter)

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