Chapter 584

Zhou Yun did not expect that Xin Zhike turned out to be a person with strong literary and artistic attributes.

She has seen some information about Xin Zhike before, and knows that he loves sports, is a person who likes to travel and climb mountains, and often shares some photos of himself on social platforms, such as drinking a cup of coffee and checking in to a new restaurant.

After Xin Zhike joined the group, it didn't take long for Zheng Xiaoju to share the news she had inquired with Zhou Yun in surprise.

"Xin Zhike brought a box of books." Zheng Xiaoju had a surprised expression on his face, "Besides, he went out to watch a play last night."

"Ah?" Zhou Yun was taken aback, "Didn't he just join the team yesterday?"

"Yeah, he reported to the crew, then left again, and came back very late." Zheng Xiaoju said, "Everyone was surprised."

Zhou Yun said: "He may be the kind of person who likes literature and art."

"I can't tell at all, he looks like a very sunny and athletic boy, not artistic at all." Zheng Xiaoju said, "But he is really handsome."

Zhou Yun looked at Zheng Xiaoju with a smile, and said, "Then he and Gu Huaichun, who is more handsome?"

Zheng Xiaoju thought about it seriously, and said, "Then Gu Ge is more handsome."

Zhou Yun: "You are Gu Huaichun's diehard fan."

Zheng Xiaoju retorted seriously, saying: "Gu Ge is really handsome, Xin Zhike is too delicate, not as domineering as Gu Ge."

"Domineering?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise, "Why didn't I see Gu Huaichun's domineering at all?"

Zheng Xiaoju pursed his lips, and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, you and Brother Gu are good friends. He has shown his gentlest side in front of you."

Of course, regardless of Xin Zhike's personal attributes, as a rival actor, Zhou Yun admires him very much.

Xin Zhike's acting can't be said to be very good, but he is a person who is very serious about acting.This is basically enough for a young actor.

For young actors, the most fearful thing is self-importance, lack of awe, and feeling that they are acting like a thief.

Like Xin Zhike, he often does not control his emotions well, and Cui Xidong's role as a director is fully reflected.

Every time, he was able to tell the problems of Xin Zhike's performance in time, such as the pause between lines and the wrong rhythm of the interval, which affected the mood, such as the unreasonable details.

In Xin Zhike, Cui Xidong fully demonstrated his rich experience.

No matter what is wrong with Xin Zhike, Cui Xidong has his own way to adjust Xin Zhike to the way he wants.

Zhou Yun watched from the sidelines, very surprised.

She also vaguely felt that Cui Xidong should like actors like Xin Zhike very much.

This kind of liking did not come out of Cui Xidong's mouth, but Zhou Yun felt that Cui Xidong was very willing to tell him some understanding of acting and actors.

These are things Cui Xidong never told her.

The biggest difference between her and Cui Xidong is that she is already a well-known actor and an award-winning actor, while Xin Zhike is still a rookie. Although she is the number one male, she is still a blank slate in terms of professional ability.

Zhou Yun could also understand why Cui Xidong would tell him these words but not her.

If Cui Xidong really said these things to her, and it fell into the eyes of others, I'm afraid they would think Cui Xidong was beyond his control.

Because from a worldly point of view, Zhou Yun can be found to star in Cui Xidong's play, and it is Cui Xidong who has surpassed Zhou Yun.

Cui Xidong is not a famous director, unlike Director Jiang Xin or Cong Lan, he is recognized as a big director in the industry, with awards and status in the circle. He has enough confidence to "guide" them, but Cui Xidong is not.

Because Zhou Yun also knew this, he couldn't force a more trusting relationship with Cui Xidong.

This is determined by the positions of the two of them.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, maybe she and Cui Xidong need to cooperate a few more times to eliminate these grievances.

On the contrary, Xin Zhike, although he joined the group the latest, got to know Cui Xidong in the shortest time. Every day when he arrives on the set, the first thing he does is to communicate with Cui Xidong about the upcoming scenes and talk about the script.

Xin Zhike also looked for her.

From this aspect, Xin Zhike is really a very hardworking actor.

He is full of enthusiasm, without so many prejudices and shyness in character, he will do what he wants to do. To describe it in one word, it is simple.

There are not so many things that are hidden and embarrassed to express.

"Xiaoyun, Xiaoyun, let's play right."

He often came here carelessly, took the script, finished the play with Zhou Yun, and asked: "Did I not act well just now? I have a feeling that I have not kept up, so I am reading the script."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "You have to look into my eyes and speak."

The next time, Xin Zhike looked at Zhou Yun's eyes and laughed halfway through the performance.

"Oh, no, I can't help laughing."

Zhou Yun was also helpless.

But in all fairness, Zhou Yun likes the personality of Xin Zhike very much, because it is comfortable to get along with people with such a personality.

Xin Zhike was like a living treasure in the crew. While waiting for the scene, he took out the small stereo he brought and played his favorite songs.

Zhou Yun was dumbfounded when he saw it for the first time, but later he got used to it and participated in it.

Yu Chu commented on Xin Zhike: "Xin Zhike is so interesting, talking to him is very relaxing, I feel that many things are not a problem to him, everything is simple and happy."

Zhou Yun also found that basically whenever he sees him, he always smiles.

One day, in the morning, because of a problem with the original scene, the scene needed to be readjusted, which meant that the actors who had been notified to arrive had to wait for dozens of minutes.

A few people got a little impatient waiting, Xin Zhike suddenly formed a game session and took everyone to play Werewolf together.

Zhou Yun has been in many production crews, but Zhou Yun has only seen Xin Zhike who can bring atmosphere and bring everyone together to play together.

"It's rare to hear you praise someone so much, Xiao Yun, what is the origin of this Zhike Xin that makes you praise him so much?" When Zhou Lan came to the crew to watch Zhou Yun, he heard that Zhou Yun praised Zhike Xin, Suddenly, I was a little surprised.

Zhou Yun ate the duck neck brought by Zhou Lan, and said, "I'm not exaggerating at all. If you meet this man, you will definitely like him too."

Zhou Lan said: "Maybe I can see through the essence at a glance and find out that it's all his disguise."

"Even if it's a disguise, it's okay. If a person can pretend to make everyone happy, then I don't hate his disguise at all." Zhou Yun threw the gnawed bones into the trash can and took a piece of paper. Wipe your mouth with a wet towel, "Sister Lan, don't you think so?"

Zhou Lan said, "You're not wrong to say that."

Zhou Yun smiled, "By the way, Miss Lan, how is director Jiang Xin's preparation for the drama "Chen Yin" going? Can it be started on time?"

"Yes, of course." Zhou Lan nodded, "The director Jiang's producer was still asking me the day before yesterday if we could join the team on time. They have already made all the preparations for the start-up, and there is no Director Jiang refused to let them prepare for the candidate actors, and now they are particularly worried that something will go wrong with our show, and the filming will need to be postponed, so it will be bad for them.”

Zhou Yun said: "Isn't it possible for me to finish filming in November? "Chen Yin" will not be launched until December. Go to the United States and participate in several "Behind the Scenes" PR activities."

"Yeah, that's what they are worried about. I told them that we will definitely give priority to the shooting of "Chen Yin", but you may not know that "Behind the Scenes" won the outpost award in the United States. There are fewer nominations, and the voice is getting louder, and they are worried that we will focus on that later." Zhou Lan said, "They feel that if compared with the awards season, "Chen Yin" is likely to be abandoned by us. "

"They're thinking too far, don't they have any trust in me?" Zhou Yun curled his lips, "Tell them, let them rest assured, even if I have the hope of winning the Oscar for Best Actress this year, I will definitely give priority to filming "Chen Yin", all of which have signed a contract, and we must talk about whether the spirit of the contract is good or not, and, based on the relationship between me and Director Jiang Xin, how could I let them go."

Zhou Lan sighed with a smile, and said, "Don't blame them for worrying too much. Now that many people are facing the start-up, they can't give a schedule, which makes the crew rush to find other people to save the scene. If there is a delay in the middle, it will be lost casually. Many millions."

Zhou Yun asked: "Really? Who is it?"

Zhou Lan said: "It's hard to say, but this phenomenon has always existed."

Zhou Yun: "Then we must pay attention to this kind of people. In the future, we will film by ourselves and try not to cooperate with such actors."

"Well, you can't be so arbitrary. Many people can't meet the final schedule. There are various reasons. In a mature market, this is also a very normal phenomenon, but you must not put pigeons maliciously." Zhou Lan said, "What surprised me was that Director Jiang Xin didn't even let them prepare candidate actors. In fact, even if Director Jiang has a good relationship with you and trusts you, from the perspective of preparing a drama, prepare a Alternative actors are safer choices."

Zhou Yun couldn't help feeling a little emotional when he heard Zhou Lan say this.

She didn't even know that Jiang Xin trusted her so much.

Zhou Lan said again: "One more thing, I have to borrow Yu Chu for two days, and she has to ask for leave from the crew for these two days."

"What's the matter? Is there a job?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan nodded and said: "She has filmed a movie before, called "Little Detective", which has been scheduled to be broadcast. Just tonight, I contacted her for several promotional activities. Mai and other things can be done in the crew, but there is a program recording and two magazine shootings, so we have to go out."

Zhou Yun had heard of Yu Chu's play.

"Yu Chu has broadcast a lot of dramas this year," Zhou Yun said.

"That's not because she has filmed a lot of dramas." Zhou Lan said, "It's a model worker, not much better than you. I'm going to sort out her inventory. Guess what? She still has eight dramas to come The broadcasts were all filmed by her in the past year."

"Babu?" Zhou Yun stared in shock, "Why so many?"

Zhou Lan said: "Because many of them are supporting roles, the filming time may not need to be long, but she has indeed been filming throughout the year in the past year."

When Zhou Yun heard Zhou Lan say this number, she really felt how diligent Yu Chu had been in the past year.

Zhou Lan said: "However, in this way, I plan to do a marketing campaign for Yu Chu at the end of the year to build her image as a model worker. The response to the several dramas she broadcast this year is actually not bad, especially the one broadcast in April. Her role in "The Love Object I Look Down on" has been popular for a while. Many famous scenes have been circulated on the Internet, and there are also a lot of emoticons. Give it a go and see if you can make this show popular."

"Have you watched the show? How's the quality?"

"It's not bad. The main reason is that the script is quite solid and the rhythm of the film is good. The flaw is that several actors, including Yu Chu, acted a bit ordinary." Zhou Lan said, "If you want me to say, it's actually Very unqualified, but at the time this drama was originally a low-cost online drama. When Yu Chu filmed this drama this year, "The Love Object I Look Down on" hadn't aired yet. The other actors are all newcomers, they have never heard of their names, and it is not surprising that their acting skills are poor."

"Wouldn't it be counterproductive to promote this show?"

"That's not necessarily the case. Everyone's acting skills are poor, and Yu Chu is not the worst among them." Zhou Lan said, "Although he didn't act very well, it wasn't so eye-catching. Putting these aside, the plot It’s still very good to watch, anyway, I watched the sixth episode in one go, the director and screenwriter are very good.”

"Then the cast is actually pretty good, right? Why did such a cast find such a cast?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan said: "They are not well-known, neither are the director and screenwriter. Even if the script is well written, it cannot be sent to the hands of well-known actors. This kind of team is basically stuck at the first level. .”

Zhou Yun couldn't help frowning upon hearing this.

"Then this is too arbitrary."

"Well, the team behind the current actors, looking at the cast, is looking at each other's masterpieces. I think the drama "Little Detective" is worth promoting for Yu Chu." I have already reported it to the company, and He Yong agreed and paid me a marketing fee."

"Then make good use of your abilities." Zhou Yun smiled.

Zhou Lan nodded.

"You can also help Yu Chu post on Weibo to promote this drama at night."

"it is good."

After Zhou Lan said these things, he got up, "Then I'll go find Yu Chu."

"Wait a minute, Miss Lan, please give me the contact information of the director and screenwriter of "Little Detective"." Zhou Yun said suddenly, "Also, give me the script too."

Zhou Lan asked, "Why? Want to poach someone for your Song Chi's company?"

"You praise them so much, it shows that the two of them are really talented. If this show is really popular, many companies will rush to cooperate with them. I want to take the first chance." Zhou Yun said, "Song Chi's company Originally producing film and television dramas, if they have a suitable project and can’t find a production company and fail to attract investment, Song Chi and I can help in this regard, it’s a win-win situation.”

Zhou Lan shook his head.

"Everything is planned for Song Chi."

Zhou Yun smiled and pushed Zhou Lan, "Go to Wang Jing."

Zhou Lan shook his head with a smile, opened the door, and walked out.

As soon as he stepped out, suddenly a person happened to walk over from the left, and Zhou Lan collided with this person.


Zhou Lan took a step back.

"Sorry, are you okay?"

It was the voice of a young boy.

Zhou Lan raised his eyes and saw a handsome face and a pair of eyes full of apology and concern.

It's Xin Zhike.

Of course Zhou Lan knew the actor who was going to act with Zhou Yun and Yu Chu, even though it was the first time she saw a real person, and she only saw it in photos and videos before.

"It's okay." Zhou Lan said.

Probably because of being stared at by Xin Zhike's caring eyes, Zhou Lan couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Xin Zhike said, "I'm sorry, I was too anxious to leave just now, and I didn't notice that someone came out."

Zhou Lan shook his head and said, "It's okay."

Xin Zhike breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that she was fine, and then saw that she had come out of Zhou Yun's lounge, and asked, "Is Xiao Yun there?"

Zhou Lan nodded, "Yes, are you looking for her?"

Xin Zhike nodded and said, "I'm here to talk to her about the scene I'm going to shoot later."

"Oh, that's it." Zhou Lan turned to Zhou Yun in the room and said, "Xiaoyun, Zhike Xin is looking for you."

She let out a seat and said, "Go in."

Xin Zhike nodded, smiled at her again, and then went in.

It was quite polite.

Zhou Lan thought so in his heart.

She went to find Wang Jing, walked to the door of Yu Chu's lounge, and found that her heart was still beating a little fast.

Zhou Lan couldn't help complaining about himself, how nervous he was so easily when he saw a good-looking man.After being in the entertainment industry for so long, I have never seen any good-looking man.


Yu Chu was taken away by Zhou Lan, but all the scenes were filmed on Zhou Yun alone.

Zhou Yun and Xin Zhike already had a lot of rivalry scenes to film, so the two of them had a lot of scenes in the past two days, and they were basically filming them.

Zhou Yun didn't have much time to rest, he shot one scene after another, sometimes, in the last scene, he was still joking with Xin Zhike, fighting wits, and in the next scene he would get angry with Xin Zhike again, cursing people with guns and sticks , she felt that she was a little smart.

On the contrary, Xin Zhike was amazed, clapped his hands, and said, "You change your face when you say it, it's too cool, I haven't realized it yet."

Cui Xidong complained: "You also know that you didn't react, keep your attention, and one more thing, none of the scenes you acted just now can be used, just like a piece of wood."

Xin Zhike: "..."

After Yu Chu came back, Xin Zhike let out a long breath.

"I've been taking a monthly exam for the past two days. My mother, it's been too painful. Fortunately, you're back. I don't have to play with Xiaoyun all the time." Xin Zhike said to Yu Chu happily.

Yu Chu didn't know what happened and was confused.



Thanks to Yu Chu's current fame, Yu Chu's "Little Catcher" was broadcast, and this drama still attracted some people's attention.

On the first day of the broadcast, many people scolded them, mainly for their poor acting and they couldn't stand it.

Yu Chu was also scolded a lot.

Zhou Lan did not control these scolding and public opinion, but deliberately spread such scolding to attract people who didn't know the show.

From Zhou Lan's point of view, no matter how much a drama is criticized, it is better than no one cares about it.

A lot of scolding means that there are many people who watch it. As long as the drama is not abandoned after scolding, the plot can keep them, and there will be a chance of word-of-mouth comeback later.

Zhou Lan stared at the trend of the show on the Internet.

Sure enough, there are still people with knowledge, and several film and television bloggers posted a post to praise the show, in addition to the acting skills of the actors, whether it is the picture or the plot, it is very good and attractive.

Zhou Lan immediately arranged for the navy to spread these comments.

She didn't plan to focus on Yu Chu's marketing, but on the points worthy of praise.

This is Zhou Lan's strategy to protect people with drama.

If the show becomes popular first, then Yu Chu will be an actress who has starred in small hits.

Combining with April's "Love Object I Look Down on", Zhou Lan went back to marketing Yu Chu's "popular" physique, which was Zhou Lan's design.

There are so many scolding people in "Little Detective from the Royal", many of them are Zhou Lan's own sailors, and he invites the sailors to scold him for his mediocre acting skills. This may be the first time ever.

Zhou Lan made it very clear to Yu Chu, don't be foolish about this matter, her performance in "Little Detective" is really mediocre, but if she can use this to make the show popular, and then feed back to this It is a good thing that everyone is attracted by the plot of this drama.

But as Zhou Lan judged, the plot of this drama is really attractive.

Many people scolded and scolded, but they were chasing after, because they were attracted by the plot.

Those who were attracted scolded even harder, because on the one hand, they thought the show was really good, and on the other hand, they felt that such a good script was wasted by a group of actors with no acting skills.

The broadcasting platform of "Little Detective" has seen the popularity of this low-cost online drama continue to rise on the Internet. No matter whether it is praised or scolded by others, for the platform, if the popularity is high, people will watch it , not to mention drainage, but also attract advertisers.

The platform has also begun to make efforts to increase publicity funds to promote the show.

The promotional route of this drama is all in some golden lines and plot screens, and all major social platforms are full of discussions about this drama.

Zhou Yun cooperated with Zhou Lan's actions, and also posted a review of the drama every day.

As for the content on her weibo that mocked her friend Yu Chu's poor acting skills and she could stand it, she turned a blind eye to it.

However, Zhou Yun found that Yu Chu's own state was still affected by the scolding.

In fact, I also want to know, who can turn a blind eye to the overwhelming scolding?

It was impossible for Yu Chu not to take those voices scolding Yu Chu for his poor performance.

It's just that Yu Chu also knew Zhou Lan's intentions, so he could only forcefully conceal his inner disappointment.

At this time, the screenwriter of "Little Detective" was interviewed by a media because of the popularity of the show, and responded to the actors' acting skills.

(End of this chapter)

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