Chapter 585 Flip
The screenwriter of "Little Detective" is Qin Miaoyin, a very young girl.

Because the plot of this drama has been highly praised, some media found Qin Miaoyin and interviewed her, which was also a wave of enthusiasm.

Among them, it is inevitable to talk about the acting skills of the actors.

The interviewer’s question was quite detrimental, so I asked directly: “Now everyone is praising you for writing a very good script. , would you feel pity?"

Qin Miaoyin asked back: "What is a pity?"

"That is, you have worked so hard to write such a good script, but you don't have good actors to play the characters you wrote. Otherwise, this drama should be even better?"

Qin Miaoyin shook her head and said, "The good actors you are referring to, none of them have read the script I wrote."

The reporter was taken aback.

She said: "After the script was written, it's not that the producer didn't send the script to the teams of the first-line actors, but no one was interested."

The interviewer asked in surprise: "Is there no one?"

"That's right." Qin Miaoyin smiled slightly, "You said that the acting skills of the actors in "Little Detective" are not so good, maybe everyone is lacking in ability, but the actors are me. People who respect me from the bottom of my heart, I also believe that with their attitude, I will definitely become a good actor in the future, and I am very happy to invite them to play "Little Detective".

Qin Miaoyin's answer was completely beyond the reporter's expectation, and she was even a little at a loss.

"Their attitude? Could you please explain in detail?"

"If you've seen them filming on the set, you'll know how serious they are about this movie." Qin Miaoyin said, "They didn't treat any scene in a perfunctory way."


"They are still lacking in acting ability, but because they agreed to act, this drama can appear in front of everyone today, especially Ms. Yu Chu, if it wasn't for her acting in this drama, this drama would not be possible It's on." Qin Miaoyin smiled slightly, "So, from an objective point of view, it's the audience's freedom to criticize this show as they want, just because you happened to ask me about this matter today, so I will I will tell you what I have experienced and what I know. I have no intention of arguing for the actors. They are all humble people. Everyone’s criticism must be helpful to them. I just... um, how should I put it, as a Screenwriter, I know a lot of facts that people can’t see, these actors, if there is a suitable opportunity in the future, I will be very willing to hand over my second script to them, and I will be very relieved.”

Once Qin Miaoyin's interview was published, with the help of the popularity of "Little Detective", it quickly spread all over the Internet.

Zhou Yun saw this interview between filming.

"Chuchu, have you watched Qin Miaoyin's interview?" Zhou Yun turned to Yu Chu.

The make-up artist was touching up Yu Chu's makeup. She had to keep her head still, and only tilted her eyes, "Huh?"

Zhou Yun said: "Qin Miaoyin, the screenwriter of your "Little Detective" has been interviewed, have you read it?"

Yu Chu said, "Oh, that, that sister Miaoyin told us in the group yesterday."

"Did there really not be any actors for the drama "Little Detective"?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

It stands to reason that with such a good script, it is unlikely that no actors will be interested.

Of course, there are many actors in the circle who don't know how to read the script itself, and only know how to judge the cast from the names and status of the main creators.

But there are also many actors who really read the script.Zhou Yun felt that such a script would not be uninteresting to the actors.

Yu Chu said: "The main reason is that the remuneration is too low. The investment in this drama is very small, and the budget is very low. Most of the actors will definitely not accept it."

Zhou Yun suddenly understood.

It turns out that the script is one reason, and another reason is the salary.

Zhou Yun suddenly thought about one more thing. Qin Miaoyin said that the script of "Little Detective" was basically sent to the hands of every actor's team. Could it be sent to her team as well?
She was careful and went to ask Zhou Lan.

Zhou Lan said: "This script was indeed sent to us, but at that time, on the one hand, you had no schedule, and on the other hand, this TV series was actually a puppet drama. Although the script was good, it was already different from yours. The play did not match, so I rejected it directly, not because they didn't send it up."

Zhou Yun understood after hearing what Zhou Lan said.

"That's good. I'm still worried that some of them just saw the screenwriter as a newcomer, so they pushed it directly."

In Zhou Yun's team, there is someone who is responsible for reading the script.

The script like "Deep Sea" was their fancy, and they submitted it to Zhou Lan, who in turn handed it to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Lan said: "They are still very responsible. Whether they agree with the script or not, they will write an opinion. I don't have time to read every script. I usually read their opinions first. I can tell that they I'm doing this seriously, don't worry, I'll keep an eye on the script, and I won't be fooled."

"Okay." Zhou Yun nodded.

Qin Miaoyin's interview caused an uproar on the Internet.

What everyone is focusing on is such a script, but no well-known actor is willing to act.

Many people ridiculed, no wonder there are so many bad dramas now, it's not that there are no good scripts, but that these people have poor eyesight.

No matter which part of the production is now, they are more superstitious about big productions and big dramas.

In fact, it is not a superstition, but it is indeed easier for such a group of people to work together on a project to produce high-quality goods.

The most talented people gather together to do a project. If the project is not done well, it is definitely not because of their lack of ability.

In fact, there are countless small-cost online dramas every year, and only a few of them appear as dark horses.

Any first-line actor will not easily act in a low-cost online drama. This is not only a question of whether the drama can be broadcast, but also affects the actor's worth.

Why did Zhou Lan say that "Little Detective" is not suitable for Zhou Yun.

The reason is simple, if Zhou Yun were to act in "Little Catcher", everyone would think that Zhou Yun was out of his mind, and instead of acting in a big production, he would act in a sweet puppet show.

Whether in the eyes of the industry or the audience, Zhou Yun is no longer suitable for acting in this kind of drama.

"Yu Chu's reputation has improved." When Zhou Lan communicated with Zhou Yun again, he said with some joy, "Qin Miaoyin's interview has greatly changed everyone's view of Yu Chu, especially if there is no starring Yu Chu This drama, the platform may not be able to produce or buy this drama, everyone is very glad that Yu Chu came to act."

Zhou Yun said: "Qin Miaoyin should be favored by many companies now, what is she going to write in her next play?"

Zhou Lan said: "Now the platform has taken a fancy to the popularity of "Little Detective", and is contacting the original team, planning to make a second part."

"Part two?"

"Because it is also a detective drama, with this kind of theme and structure, it is normal to make a series." Zhou Lan said, "The platform also came to talk to me, and wanted to invite Yu Chu back to star in the second part. "

"Are you going to let Yu Chu act?" Zhou Yun asked.

"Of course I act. Why don't you let Yu Chu act in the second part of this obvious blockbuster, and the salary has directly increased by two zeros." Zhou Lan sighed, "And, don't everyone say that Yu Chu's acting skills are average? Just let Yu Chu act in the second part." Wherever she fell, she got up, and her acting skills are much better now than when she acted in "Little Detective".

Zhou Yun nodded.

Zhou Lan smiled happily, and said, "I guess Yu Chu's previous brokerage company is going to die. Yu Chu has just signed with me, and there will be a big hit right away, and Yu Chu will also become popular immediately."

Zhou Yun said: "This is also your credit. If it weren't for your series of promotion and marketing of this drama before, this drama may not be as popular as it is now."

"That's true." Zhou Lan shrugged. "Anyway, everyone in the company is jealous now, especially the other managers. Oh, last time I went back to the company, the words were sour."

Zhou Yun smiled.

Now Zhou Lan is really proud of the spring breeze. The three actresses under his banner, from Zhou Yun to Wang Jing to Yu Chu, became popular one after another. These three people can support the brand of a brokerage company, but now they are gathered In the hands of Zhou Lan alone.

How they are not envious, not jealous.

"He Yong also gave me a huge bonus in the name of the company." Zhou Lan said, "Because we succeeded in making Yu Chu famous, many actors in a situation like Yu Chu's are looking for him now." He Yong, I want to sign with Chengqian Entertainment."

Zhou Yun said: "This is He Yong's surprise."

"Yes." Zhou Lan nodded, "All in all, there is no need to worry about thousands of performances this year. It is said that the returns brought by Wang Jing and Yu Chu are new growth points, but it is a pity for Li Ci, alas."

Upon hearing this, Zhou Yun asked, "What happened to Li Ci?"

Zhou Lan said: "All of Li Ci's work has stopped."

"Ah? Why?" Zhou Yun asked in shock.

Zhou Lan said: "The company received an anonymous threatening letter about Li Ci, which listed a lot of things that Li Ci can't see, threatening the company, if Li Ci is allowed to appear in front of the public again, it will directly expose this matter , Now He Yong is devastated by this matter, but to be on the safe side, he still has to temporarily suspend Li Ci's work."

Zhou Yun couldn't help asking curiously: "What shameful thing did Li Ci do before? He was threatened to this extent."

Zhou Lan: "I didn't find out about this either. Many people will not know about these things. They are all secrets. If others know it, they will hold it in their hands."

"Then Li Ci isn't very busy recently?"

"What's your spare time? He Yong said that he didn't arrange work anyway, and arranged a full range of acting classes for him, just to let him hone his acting skills."

"He Yong hasn't given up on Li Ci yet?"

"If you are the owner of a company and you can see how much money each artist in the company has made for the company, you may be able to understand why He Yong is reluctant to give up Li Ci." Zhou Lan said, "With Li Ci's popularity and number of fans, Even if he is too angry, the money he can make for the company is not comparable to that of other ordinary artists. He Yong spent so much effort on Li Ci before, how could he easily give up on him completely, but recently he is really doing second-hand preparations , A lot of resources are poured on Zhang Mo."


"The atmosphere inside the company is not very good now." Zhou Lan said, "The distribution of resources is not very balanced, especially He Yong plans to sign several well-known artists who have debuted for many years. Many newcomers are worried that they will be able to There are fewer resources allocated.”

"Sweep the snow in front of everyone." Zhou Yun said, "This is beyond our control. No matter how He Yong plans to go, it is also his business, and we can't control it."

"That's what I said, but many newcomers in the company think that you are the first sister of the company, and you should speak out for them." Zhou Lan said helplessly, "I have heard a lot of such voices."

Zhou Yun said: "If He Yong is cheating, squeezing, and using them, there is nothing wrong with me speaking up for them, but it is just the company's resource allocation. To be honest, I have no position to take care of this matter. With what position? To manage it? How to divide it? Give more to whom, give less to whom, or evenly share? What kind of evenly divided method? The company is willing to invest more resources in certain people. This is the behavior of the company. It’s not about taking other people’s things and putting them on another person.”

"The truth is this, but Xiaoyun, you can't show it like this, otherwise it will affect your public image."

Zhou Yun couldn't help sighing.

"I know, I'll pay attention."

"I will pay attention to those things in the company, and I will try my best to keep those things from affecting us." Zhou Lan said, "But it is difficult. No matter where we go, we wear thousands of entertainment badges on our bodies." There is no way to take off the label, we can only avoid these effects as much as possible."

"it is good."

"Okay, anyway, now we are in a very good place, and all our efforts have paid off, and this is the best result." Zhou Lan nodded and said, "Let's settle down for a few more years and strive for complete independence in the future." come out."

"Sister Lan, come on!"

"Come on, come on together, my goal, without you, there is no way to achieve it."

"No way, now Xiaojing and Chuchu are also popular, aren't they?"

"That's not the same thing. The popularity of the two of them is only temporary, and they haven't gained a firm foothold in this circle. They have to release a few more masterpieces before they can have a certain right to speak." Zhou Lan said, "It doesn't matter How about it, let's work hard together."

"En." Zhou Yun nodded seriously.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun let out a long breath.

Xin Zhike suddenly ran over.

"Xiaoyun, Xiaoyun, do you have time tonight?"

(End of this chapter)

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