I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 586 Live broadcast of Bai Fumei

Chapter 586 Live broadcast of Bai Fumei

"What's the matter? What do you want from me?"

Zhou Yun asked curiously.

Xin Zhike said: "I have a live broadcast event tonight, can I invite you to come to my live broadcast room to show your face?"

He looked expectant.

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

After getting to know so many artists in the circle, Xin Zhike was the first one who took the initiative to invite her to show her face in the live broadcast room.

But Zhou Yun was not surprised either.

Because after getting along these days, Xin Zhike is such a character.

In his heart, there is almost no difference between people, he can say whatever comes to his mind, and the same is true with the director.

Zhou Yun asked curiously: "What are you going to broadcast live tonight?"

"It's a publicity event arranged by the company, don't worry, there is no business." Xin Zhike said, "It's just chatting with fans, singing, etc."

Zhou Yun nodded when he heard the words, and said, "Yes, no problem, then how should I get there?"

"From [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] p.m., you come to see me, in my room." Xin Zhike said, "My staff are all here."

"Okay, I get it." Zhou Yun laughed, "You must not turn on the tenth level of beauty, it's very ugly."

Xin Zhike nodded, "I know, my face is still beautiful?"

People look confident.

Zhou Yun couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said, "You are enough."

Xin Zhike smiled brightly.

When the people left, Zheng Xiaoju asked in surprise, "Sister Xiaoyun, did you agree so easily to go to Xin Zhike's live broadcast room?"

"What's the matter? I went to the live broadcast room of your male god, aren't you happy?"

"I'm happy, but this is too simple, right?" Zheng Xiaoju said, "Sister Xiaoyun, do you know how many people are willing to spend tens of millions just to ask you to do a live broadcast for their brand?"

Zhou Yun curled his lips and said, "Who would dare to do this kind of live broadcast? They spend so much money just to make a live broadcast. They don't make money? They definitely make money, but it's still huge profits. How can the quality of this kind of product be guaranteed?" ?Look at the brands I endorse, which one is willing to pay so much for an appearance fee to invite me to do a live broadcast? It’s not that they can’t afford the money, but that they all have to settle accounts. It’s not worth it. A live broadcast can be sold How many products are going out? So, if you dare to pay me to do a live broadcast, the quality is likely to be problematic.”


"It's nothing to worry about. Xin Zhike's live broadcast has no business. It's just a fun live broadcast event to thank fans. It's okay if I go to play." Zhou Yun said, "I'm quite happy, finally someone invited me to It's his live broadcast."

Zheng Xiaoju was shocked.

"Do you know how many people want to invite you to their studio?"

"That's why I didn't see them come to invite me. Xin Zhike was the first one." Zhou Yun said with a smile, "And don't you think Xin Zhike is very interesting? I like his character very much."

Zheng Xiaoju muttered: "I've been looking at his face every day, so I don't care about his character."

Zhou Yun: "...Zheng Xiaoju, you are an out-and-out face dog."

Zheng Xiaoju accepted Zhou Yun's comments frankly and said, "I'm proud, I'm proud."

Zhou Yun also laughed.

In fact, in this era, both men and women are able to express their thoughts calmly, face their natural weaknesses directly, and do not hide or pretend, which is a kind of progress in itself.

Zhou Yun likes Zheng Xiaoju's aboveboard attitude of liking handsome guys.

Because to a certain extent, she is still a little restrained, and she can't really admit that she also looks at faces.

Think about it, she also had the same tendency towards Zhi Yang back then.

Why did she decide on Yu Zhiyang, and want Yu Zhiyang to be the leading actor in "Under Dress", isn't it because Yu Zhiyang's appearance is completely based on her aesthetic point?
She felt that acting with Yu Zhiyang could really spark some sparks.

People in the world seem to hope that only those who really like and love are truly unique and beautiful. They hope that Xi Shi is in the eyes of beholders, not that person.


People are not blind, men stare at their breasts, women stare at their abs, it's just a physiological drive.

How does one kill the biological drive and play an emotional saint?
Thinking of himself and Song Chi, Zhou Yun couldn't help laughing.

At that time, Song Chi's pursuit of her went smoothly. To put it bluntly, didn't he also take advantage of his face?

Of course, Song Chi would pursue her in the first place, and she also took advantage of his face.


In the evening, before going to Xin Zhike, Zhou Yun put on some light makeup on himself.

After all, I'm going to be on camera later.

At [-]:[-], Zhou Yun took Zheng Xiaoju to find Xin Zhike.

Sure enough, there were several staff members in Xin Zhike's room.

Xin Zhike is live.

"Ah, Xiao Yun is here!" Xin Zhike happily turned his head to greet Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun walked over and asked, "Has the live broadcast started yet?"

"Well, it's been live for a long time." Xin Zhike nodded, "Would you like to say hello to everyone first?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said yes.

She put her head in front of the aperture and waved her hand, "Hello, everyone, I'm Zhou Yun."

The barrage scrolled crazily.

——Is it really Zhou Yun? !
——Damn it, my Xin Bao actually invited Zhou Yun here, this row is huge!

- Xin Bao 66666!

——Zhou Yun is so beautiful, is this plain makeup?


Zhou Yun saw one of the barrage content, laughed, and said, "I put on some makeup, not plain makeup."

Xin Zhike said, "Xiaoyun, sit down first."

He brought Zhou Yun a stool.

Zhou Yun sat down and asked, "What were you doing just now?"

"I just chatted with them and sang two songs." Xin Zhike said, "I just learned it."

Zhou Yun nodded in surprise, and said, "Did you learn it specifically for tonight's live broadcast?"

Xin Zhike nodded and said, "Yes."

Zhou Yun: "You are very kind to your fans."

Xin Zhike nodded, with a proud face, and said, "That is."

Zhou Yun asked: "Then do you usually hold fan meetings?"

"I've never done this before." Xin Zhike laughed, "I'm basically working. After one film is finished, I'll join another crew immediately."

Zhou Yun asked, "What was your last movie filming?"

""Promise You Half City Misty Rain"." Xin Zhike said, "I filmed it with Xu Siyao."

Zhou Yun was taken aback when he heard the latter name.

But looking at Xin Zhike's expression, he looked frank, without any abnormality at all, as if he didn't know about the quarrel between her and Xu Siyao.

The barrage room has exploded.

Many fans of Xin Zhike are swiping: This idiot.

Xin Zhike saw it, but was still puzzled, and asked, "Why are you calling me a fool all of a sudden?"

Zhou Yun smiled happily and said, "It's okay, maybe it's because you're a little silly."


Zhou Yun didn't want to dwell on this issue.

She directly changed the subject and said, "How do you feel about filming "Deep Sea" this time?"

Xin Zhike thought about it seriously, and said, "It was quite difficult to shoot. Director Cui is very strict, and every scene is very strict."

"Because Director Cui is a very meticulous director." Zhou Yun said, "Have you worked with Director Cui before?"

"Nope, what about you?"

"Neither have I, it's the first time we've worked together." Zhou Yun said, "But it's enough to get to know Director Cui during filming this time. He's the kind of director I really want to continue working with."

Xin Zhike smiled and said, "Then try to make a second season."

"Second season?" Zhou Yun said in surprise, "Maybe our story is not easy to make a second season?"

Xin Zhike said: "If it becomes popular at that time, I will definitely want to make a second season."

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "I feel that this story has already been told, and there is no need to make a second season."

"Ah?" Xin Zhike looked innocent, "Really?"

"But your character can be explored." Zhou Yun said, "Maybe you can find out the story of the second season with your character."

Xin Zhike blinked innocently and said, "I don't know, if it's just my role, it shouldn't be possible, right?"

He suddenly thought of something, and suddenly asked: "By the way, Xiaoyun, I want to ask you a question."

"You ask."

"I see that you usually read books when you are waiting on the set. In that environment, can you read it?"

"It's okay." Zhou Yun said, "I usually don't read books that require too much concentration on the set. They are usually reference books or popular science books."

Xin Zhike nodded and said, "I thought you were reading mystery novels. I saw that you said in many interviews that you like to read mystery novels."

"I really like reading." Zhou Yun laughed. "If I just read mystery novels, I can't help but read them all in one go. It's not suitable for me to pass the time on the set."

"You are too good." Xin Zhike shook his head with emotion, "I can't do it, let me read a book, I will want to sleep."

"There's no need to force yourself to read all the time." Zhou Yun said, "Although reading is a good thing, if you really can't force yourself, don't force yourself. It's not like the school exams in the past. You have to get high scores in the exams to get into a good university. , Leisure and entertainment, whether it is reading or watching movies, are actually to satisfy one's spiritual needs, and different people have different needs."

Xin Zhike stared and said, "I thought you would tell me how to read books so that I can read them."

"Oh, there is no need for this." Zhou Yun shook his head, "If one day you really start reading, you can read it without being told by others. I have such a habit. Sometimes I see a book that interests me. If you buy a book, you will buy it and put it on the bedside. You may not read it right away, but you must not put it on the bookshelf, because you will basically never take it down when you put it on the bookshelf. At the bedside, sometimes before going to bed at night, I can’t fall asleep for a while, so I can read a book at this time without any burden, maybe I just read it.”

Xin Zhike: "That's it."

Zhou Yun smiled.

In the barrage room, a group of people brushed "Teachable".

Xin Zhike asked: "When you were in college, were you a top student?"

"It doesn't count. Many of my classmates are very good." Zhou Yun said, "Basically, as long as they don't go to class or sleep, they stay in the library or the laboratory. I am not so diligent."

Xin Zhike looked a little envious, and said, "I also imagined what kind of life I would live in a university if I got good grades."

"Didn't you go to college?"

Xin Zhike shook his head and said, "I have been working since I graduated from high school."

Zhou Yun was a little surprised.

At this moment, Zhou Yun suddenly saw someone shaking his hand desperately in front of him.

It's Xin Zhike's assistant.

His assistant had a panicked look on his face, as if he was reminding Xin Zhike that he had said something wrong just now.

Xin Zhike hadn't noticed yet, and was watching the content of the barrage room.

Zhou Yun patted Xin Zhike on the back with his hand.

Only then did Xin Zhike notice the assistant's actions in front of him.

"Ah..." Xin Zhike showed embarrassment, "I slipped my tongue."

Zhou Yun found that the people around him were speechless.

Zhou Yun realized that maybe the fact that Xin Zhike didn't go to college hadn't been made public?
She smiled and said, "I also went to work after high school. I worked in a milk tea shop for two months."

Xin Zhike looked surprised and asked, "Have you gone to work after being admitted to University A?"

"It's summer vacation." Zhou Yun said with a smile, "I have nothing to do, don't you?"

Only then did Xin Zhike realize that Zhou Yun was trying to make amends for him.

"Ah, yes, yes." Xin Zhike nodded, "But why do you go to work? Aren't many people going out to travel or something?"

Zhou Yun said with a smile: "Because I have to save living expenses for my college education, and I don't want to burden the family."

Xin Zhike was amazed.


Zhou Yun said: "The family is already under a lot of pressure to pay for my tuition."

Xin Zhike did not expect Zhou Yun's family background to be so ordinary.

"I thought your family should be rich."

"No." Zhou Yun shook his head, "Of course, I can't say that I have a bad life. I am actually from a family of ordinary people. At that time, it was mainly because I was going to another city to study and there were many places to spend money, so I I don’t want to add so much burden to the family.”

"You are amazing."

"Aren't you the same, why praise me?" Zhou Yun said with a smile, "Actually, many young students are like this? When I was in school, many small shops near the school had students working part-time. Well, I've always felt that those experiences kept me from being lazy in the comfort zone of college."

Xin Zhike nodded.


Zhou Lan just went to take a shower. When she came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, when she heard the phone ringing for the first time, she felt a bad feeling in her heart.

Such a late call should not be a good thing.

When she saw that the name of the caller was the person in charge of online publicity and public relations on the team, the premonition was even worse.

Who is wrong?
Zhou Lan answered the phone and heard Zhou Yun's name in the fast speaking speed of the other party.

Zhou Lan's heart skipped a beat and fell.

"work to earn a living?"

Zhou Lan asked in surprise: "You mean, Zhou Yun went to Xin Zhike's live broadcast room tonight and revealed that her family background is very ordinary and she has to work for living expenses?"

"What kind of public opinion is this?" Zhou Lan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard about it, "Many people think that Zhou Yun does not match her usual image of Bai Fumei? Pull it down, when did we market Bai Fumei to Zhou Yun?" Are people set up?"

(End of this chapter)

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