I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 587 The sunset is so beautiful

Chapter 587 The sunset is so beautiful
"So, Zhou Yun's family background is ordinary, which doesn't fit their imagination of Zhou Yun's whiteness and beauty. They think she's just an ordinary ugly duckling who has turned into a white swan, and doesn't have the true princess genes. They are disappointed, right? "

Zhou Lan couldn't help but swear.

"Let them eat shit!"


Such a trend of public opinion was also unexpected to Zhou Yun's team.

Even Zhou Yun himself didn't expect that what she said in Xin Zhike's live broadcast room would spark a discussion on the Internet.

Among them, the viewpoint that "Zhou Yun really doesn't look like he came from an ordinary family" has been supported by many people.

Some people left comments on Zhou Yun's Weibo:

--You have let me down too much.

——I once really treated you as an idol in life, but it turns out that you are just an ordinary person.

——Although, after knowing that you are actually just an ordinary person, I don't admire you that much anymore.


The content of these comments made Zhou Yun feel hot.

When did not being born rich become a person's original sin in the environment of public opinion?
When did she actually gain the love of a group of people just with her image of Bai Fumei?
Zhou Yun felt incredible.

The next day, on the set, Xin Zhike's manager even brought a gift to Zhou Yun to thank him.

"Xiaoyun, in the live broadcast room last night, thank you for helping Zhike round the field, and pulling him back. This kid can't speak his head. Fortunately, you are here." Xin Zhike's manager thanked Zhou Yun graciously.

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "You're being polite, but why did everyone around me look like I was facing an enemy? Can't you tell others about Xin Zhike finishing high school and going to work?"

Xin Zhike's manager sighed, and said: "The image we designed for Xin Zhike itself is a happy little prince who grew up in love. Now the audience likes this kind of idol who has a good background."

When Zhou Yun thought of the voices talking about her on the Internet, it was not incomprehensible.

"Besides, the young people in the entertainment industry now basically have good family conditions, otherwise they would not be able to support their development in the entertainment industry." Xin Zhike's manager smiled helplessly, "I found him out, he His image and temperament are very superior, so I also designed a development route for him, and I hope he can succeed one day."

"You have a good vision." Zhou Yun said, "I feel very good about him, he is a very reliable person."

"Really? Thank you." Xin Zhike's agent said with a smile, "I also want to thank you for giving him this opportunity and agreeing to play the male lead in this drama."

Zhou Yun and Xin Zhike's manager came here to exchange pleasantries.

The voices on the Internet are still loud.

Regarding this matter, Zhou Yun didn't plan to make any response, she didn't think there was anything worth responding to.

Zhou Lan agreed with her, but still mobilized many marketing accounts and trolls to give Zhou Yun a voice.

This should never have been done.

A girl from an ordinary family can achieve today's achievements at a young age, break the barriers between classes, and stand at the top of the pyramid in this industry, which is an inspiration in itself.

Those who blame Zhou Yun for not having a good family background are all Qing adherents who have not yet awakened from the theory of blood.

However, Zhou Lan is also clear that in this era of Internet public opinion that turns hands into clouds and hands into rain, he must take the initiative in his own hands, otherwise give them a fulcrum, and they will diverge into a completely upside-down world.

Why is Xin Zhike's team particularly afraid that others will know that Xin Zhike has gone to work after finishing high school?
Because this kind of experience is not enough to make people yearn for and fascinate, appearing on Xin Zhike will destroy his idol aura and affect girls' fascination with him.

Zhou Yun can not care, because Zhou Yun no longer relies on his appearance and image to make a living, but Xin Zhike can't help but care.

His current fame and fans all depend on the image the team created for him.

Handsome, handsome, beautiful.

When Xin Zhike saw Zhou Yun on the set, he looked sorry and felt guilty.

He felt that he had cheated Zhou Yun.

If he hadn't invited Zhou Yun to participate in his live broadcast last night, if he hadn't slipped up and needed Zhou Yun to make up for it, Zhou Yun wouldn't be discussed by so many people today.

Xin Zhike walked up to Zhou Yun, and said very sorry, "Xiao Yun, I'm sorry that you have been criticized so much for no reason."

Zhou Yun naturally wouldn't blame Xin Zhike for this problem.

She smiled and said, "It's not a big deal, don't take it to heart."

Xin Zhike sighed softly and said, "I'm full of guilt now."

"Then buy me coffee." Zhou Yun said, "I just want to drink coffee."

Xin Zhike immediately said, "What coffee do you want? Tell me, and I'll go buy it right away."

Zhou Yun: "I don't pay too much attention, as long as it's a latte, don't add sugar."

"Ok." Xin Zhike went immediately.

Zheng Xiaoju watched the whole process and said with emotion: "Xin Zhike is really coaxed by you, Xiaoyun, like a big obedient dog."

"He feels guilty in his heart, so you can ask him to do something for you, so that he can feel better in his heart." Zhou Yun said, "Although this matter has nothing to do with him, I said it. I am also responsible for myself.”

"Then after all, you went to his live broadcast room to say what you said. If you didn't go to his live broadcast room, this incident would not have happened." Zheng Xiaoju said.

"If you can still find an excuse like this, people should not be born in this world, otherwise all the problems you encounter in this world should be blamed on your parents for giving birth to you. No."

Zheng Xiaoju was speechless by Zhou Yun's logic.

"What's more, if I knew that some of my fans had such thoughts, I should have made it clear earlier, lest they put some jewels on me."

Zhou Yun said, "It's really scary."

Zheng Xiaoju looked at Zhou Yun thoughtfully.

Zhou Yun asked, "Why are you still looking at me like that?"

Zheng Xiaoju pondered for a moment and said, "I admire you more and more."

Zhou Yun had an incredulous expression on his face, "What did you suddenly confess to?"

Zheng Xiaoju: "How many people want others to look at them high, and those who have no money have a swollen face and pretend to be rich. The more loser, the more they have to put on the airs of a big boss, but Xiaoyun, you live a real life, which is beyond my reach." reality."

"That's because I despise the theory of family background, blood lineage, and nobility from the bottom of my heart." Zhou Yun said indifferently, "Even if you don't remember Chen Sheng and Wu Guang's phrase 'the princes and generals have kindness', you shouldn't forget it. The mighty and mighty modern history of our country, when you watched "The Founding of the Party" and "The Founding of a Country" with tears in your eyes, have you forgotten all about it?"

Zheng Xiaoju blinked and didn't speak for a long time.

Zhou Yun asked: "So what?"

Zheng Xiaoju slammed his mouth and said, "People still need to read more."

Zhou Yun: "..."

Zheng Xiaoju said: "I read "The Founding of the Party" and "The Founding of a Country" when I went back today."

Zhou Yun: "You haven't watched it yet?"

Zheng Xiaoju said: "I'm not interested in this kind of theme movie."


Zhou Yun suddenly thought, when did he encounter that problem?

Was it when you were in middle school or high school?Is it a Chinese class or a history class?

I don't know who suddenly raised that question, how should a person live this life?

This question sounded extremely serious, but it went deep into Zhou Yun's heart.

It's hypocritical to say it, but after knowing the stories of those heroes in history, Zhou Yun was full of blood and tears.

The ideal resides in Zhou Yun's heart, and she is never willing to give up that idealism in her heart.

How should a person live his life?

At least, you can't lie on your own origin, be complacent, or give up on yourself.

Working hard, struggling, or lying down should be a choice of life attitude, not a proof of being born noble or humble.

Zhou Yun suddenly fell into self-contemplation for a moment, and he didn't even realize the sudden change of the sky. It was Zheng Xiaoju who pulled her and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, the sky has changed, and it looks like it's going to rain."

Zhou Yun suddenly came to his senses, looked up and saw a dense cloud, surprised that his face changed as soon as he said that day, he quickly got into the trailer with Zheng Xiaoju.

The rain started pattering down.

It's really a split second, just say it.

Zhou Yun sat in the car, watching the rain outside through the car window.

The sound of the rain was like a drum, hitting the roof of the car, and the car was like an amplifier, and the sound of the rain was also amplified.

Zhou Yun thought of the movie "Wuwen Xidong", where the students of the Southwest Associated University sat in the tin hut and listened to the rain.

Really listening to the rain.

The whole state of mind was washed clean.

It was the poetic flavor of the empty valley and orchids in the era of war and conflict, and it was the poetic resistance and stubbornness of the students at that time resident in the tunnel of time.

Zhou Yun thought of himself, the industry he was in now, the influence he had, and the noisy voices about her on the Internet.

She suddenly felt a strong desire to express herself.

She should say something.

So, she took out her mobile phone, opened Weibo, edited, deleted and deleted, and finally decided.

——Man can be born like an ant and be as beautiful as a god (Gu Cheng).


Outside the window, a figure approached from the rain.

Zhou Yun raised his head, took a closer look, and was shocked to find that the person in the rain was Xin Zhike.

Holding an umbrella, he stepped awkwardly on the water that converged into a small stream, came to her trailer, and patted the door.

"Xiaoyun, I'm Zhike Xin, open the door."

Zhou Yun hurried to open the car door.

Rain streaked in.

Xin Zhike got into the car, put away the umbrella, and closed the door. His hair was wet from the rain, as if he had just taken a shower.

He raised his head and smiled brightly at Zhou Yun, and handed over the bag in his hand.

"I bought you coffee."

Zhou Yun exclaimed, and said, "It's raining so hard, you still care about my coffee?"

Xin Zhike said, "I agreed to treat you to a drink."

Zhou Yun said: "Then there's no rush to deliver it right away. Your hair is wet in such a heavy rain. Xiaoyu, do we have clean towels in the car?"

Zheng Xiaoju rummaged through and found an unused towel, and handed it over.

Xin Zhike wiped his face and hair, smiling brightly.

"It's raining so little, it's okay. We used to play football when it rained even more than this."

Zhou Yun said: "All right, wait until you get old and get rheumatism."

"Why do you speak exactly like my mother?" Xin Zhike joked.

Zhou Yun shrugged.

Xin Zhike sat down, looked around the interior space of Zhou Yun's trailer curiously, and asked, "Xiao Yun, is this trailer yours or the crew prepared it for you?"

"It's prepared by the crew." Zhou Yun said, "It's always there, so it's easier for me to change clothes and remove makeup."

Xin Zhike nodded, a little envious, and said, "I don't know when I will go out to film, the crew will prepare a trailer for me."

"There will be such a day in the future, don't worry." Zhou Yun said, "When you reach a certain point in the future, the crew will naturally prepare for you."

Xin Zhike smiled and said, "With my company's stinginess, God knows when, our company won't even have its own trailer."

Zhou Yun asked in surprise, "Gu Huaichun?"

"Yeah." Xin Zhike nodded, "Only a nanny car was arranged. Everyone said that our company is very stingy. When Gu Ge goes out to film, the outside companies and crews will prepare trailers for Gu Ge, but he has never filmed his own film. .”

This really caught Zhou Yun's mind.

Gu Huaichun's luck has not been bad in the past few years. He hasn't made a splash in every drama, and all of them have exploded. His fans are very powerful and full of fighting power. He is not inferior to those top-notch dramas in every way. , and backed by the big tree of Yue Hai, so he has basically reached the quasi-first-line position in the industry. Everyone recognizes him, and he is also the object of competition for the male lead of the major crews.

He was filming his own film, yet Yue Hai didn't even prepare a trailer.

Zhou Yun felt that what Yue Hai did was stingy enough.

The heavy rain lasted for half an hour.

Half an hour later, the rain cleared.

The exterior scene has been destroyed, and it is impossible to connect to the show, and it is impossible to continue filming, so it can only be transferred back to the studio for filming.

By the time the filming was over, it was already evening.

The sunset came out, and the sky was full of sunset clouds.

Zhou Yun looked up and saw the majestic clouds covering the world like a blanket of clouds, she couldn't help but take this picture and share it with Song Chi.

She said: Today's sunset is so beautiful.

After a while, Song Chi also came back with a photo, the same sunset, different angle, same scenery.

Song Chi said: This is the sunset glow from my place.

Zhou Yun exclaimed: What a coincidence, your sunset is so similar to ours.

Song Chi: Haha.

Zhou Yun: I call it a day, how about you?

Song Chi: Not today, there is a big night show, and we are waiting for it.

Zhou Yun: Hard work.

Followed by an emoji pack of a villain pinching his shoulders and beating his back.

Song Chi: You should be wrapping up soon, right?
Zhou Yun: Yes, it will be finished soon. I am happy. When it is finished, I will go to see the class first.

Song Chi said yes, and he said: Wait for you to come over.

(End of this chapter)

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