Chapter 588 Emergencies
Zhou Yun used to always feel that if two people get together less and leave more, their relationship will not get better.

But after being with Song Chi for so long, she didn't feel that her feelings were affected at all.

She never felt that she was alienated from Song Chi.

Song Chi had never given her such a feeling.

Zhou Yun has a kind of sympathy - at some point, she and Song Chi have a galactic sympathy.

If this is told to others, they will of course think it is her own wishful thinking.

But this is her unique feeling, which only belongs to the feeling between Song Chi and Song Chi.

She also believed that Song Chi felt this way.

Both of them are working hard, fighting for the cause they love.

As an actor, there are easy ways and there are not easy ways.

Instead of taking the easier path, they took a less traveled and harder path together.

But on this road, both of them are happy.

Xin Zhike was also about to call it a day. He walked to the door of the studio, saw Zhou Yun looking up at the sunset, and asked, "Watch the sunset?"


"What a nice view."


Xin Zhike laughed uncontrollably.

As the play drew to a close, there were fewer and fewer actors left in the crew, and in the end, there were only three of them left.

Xu Jinbo was very nervous, fearing that one of the three of them would feel unwell, or something would happen. If this happened, there would be no one who was the best, and it would be impossible to shoot other scenes first.

Therefore, Xu Jinbo paid close attention to the bodies of the three people almost every day.

In fact, this is also the reason why the actors are treated very well in the crew.

In the production process of a film and television drama, everyone can be replaced, including the director. It is not uncommon for the director to run away halfway through the filming, and it is not uncommon to temporarily switch to another director to take over the film, but actors cannot. The acting skills of the actors are extremely poor, and you can only bite the bullet and continue filming. You can’t halfway through the acting, another person appears on the screen, and hangs a line of characters on the sidelines: “The character I played was played by XX before, because XX has something to do and can’t act. So I'm going to continue acting."

Zhou Yun, Yu Chu, and Xin Zhike spent almost every day on the set, and until the last moment of filming, it was basically their scenes.

The progress is faster than expected. According to the current progress, their drama can be finished in mid-November.

Zhou Lan has already started arranging a trip to the United States.

The momentum and reputation of "Behind the Scenes" in the United States has been positive all the way, and it has already received a lot of nominations for outpost awards. Of course, these so-called outpost awards are not the most critical ones, so it has not been publicized in China.

If "Behind the Scene" is really bullish all the way, Shi Luoqi and the others will definitely promote it together in China.

But to everyone's surprise, Zhou Yun and Yu Chu fell ill at the same time.

Not a serious illness, just a cold and a fever.

Tracing back the reason, it is estimated that it is just between autumn and winter, and the weather is hot and cold for a while.

When Xu Jinbo heard the news, his eyes went dark, and he hurried to contact the hospital the next second.

He hurried to Zhou Yun's room and said, "Xiao Yun, how is your health? I have already contacted the hospital, and I will send you and Xiao Chu to the hospital to get a bottle to get the fever down first."

Zhou Yun waved his hand, his expression listless and lack of energy.

"Let's go to the studio first." She said, "I'll go to the hospital to fetch water after today's filming is over."

Xu Jinbo was taken aback.

Emotionally, he wanted Zhou Yun to go to the hospital first.

But from a rational point of view, if Zhou Yun and Yu Chu went to the hospital to fetch water during the day, today would definitely be delayed.

He didn't know if Zhou Yun could hold on now.

Judging by Zhou Yun's expression, she is in a very bad state, very depressed.

Xu Jinbo was also worried that she would not be able to shoot well if she went to the set to film in such a state.

Seeing Xu Jinbo hesitate, Zhou Yun waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, I'm not particularly uncomfortable, but I'm not in the mood right now. Let's shoot the scene between me and Xin Zhike first, and ask Yu Chu to go to the hospital first, and let her come back after her fever subsides. I can still hold on after work is over."

Xu Jinbo's voice was a little hoarse when he heard Zhou Yun's words, and he was extremely embarrassed, but from the perspective of the crew, it was actually the best and most appropriate to do so.

With a cruel heart, he nodded and said, "Then I'll go find Xiao Chu."


Zhou Yun nodded, wrapped in a blanket and set off to the set.

Xin Zhike has already arrived at the set, but he is still waiting for the notification, wondering if today will be the normal shooting.

When he saw Zhou Yun wrapped himself in a ball and got off the car, he was stunned for a moment, a little surprised, he didn't expect it.

The main reason is that this shape is really unexpected in terms of visual effects.

"Little Yun, you..."

Xin Zhike carefully observed Zhou Yun's expression, and swallowed the question he wanted to ask.

Judging from Zhou Yun's face, it can be seen that she is in a very bad condition.

Cui Xidong came over and asked with concern: "How is your health? Didn't you say to go to the hospital first? Why did you come to the set?"

Zhou Yun shook his head and said: "I'm fine, but I'm a bit lacklustre, and my face is normal when I speak. Xiao Chu is also sick, and the condition is worse than mine. If we both go to the hospital, we can only open the skylight here. It's okay. Director, wait for me, I'll ask the makeup artist to help me with it, to cover it up, how to shoot later, let's continue shooting."

Cui Xidong looked at Zhou Yun like this, hesitant to speak.

On the contrary, Xin Zhike was taken aback and asked, "Xiaoyun, do you still want to continue filming after you are so sick? Can you persevere?"

Zhou Yun nodded.

"Hey, don't waste your time. While I'm still in good spirits, hurry up and shoot a few more scenes. When my spirit is not good, I won't be able to shoot even if I want to."

Xin Zhike looked at Zhou Yun's obviously sluggish face wrapped in a blanket, and thought to himself, this appearance has nothing to do with the word "in good spirits".

But of course he couldn't tell Zhou Yun that.

Because of Zhou Yun's insistence, Cui Xidong still arranged to continue filming later.

At this moment, another car drove over.

Zhou Yun was in the dressing room and didn't see it. Only Xin Zhike was on the phone outside the studio and happened to see it.

I saw Xu Jinbo got out of the car, holding the door, and covering the roof for those who wanted to get out of the car.

Yu Chu got out of the car in tight clothes, her nose was red from the cold, her assistant held up an umbrella to protect her from the wind, and several people walked towards the studio.

Xin Zhike looked at Yu Chu in surprise, hung up the phone, greeted him, and asked, "Aren't you going to the hospital?"

Yu Chu shook his head, said in a hoarse voice, "I won't go, let's film first."

Xin Zhike was shocked again.

"Your voice is already like this, how can you still shoot?"

Yu Chu said: "Let's go back to dubbing, and shoot today's scene first."

She spoke weakly, even worse than Zhou Yun.

Seeing Yu Chu's weak appearance, Xin Zhike couldn't bear it, and said, "Why don't you go to the hospital to have a look? Anyway, Xiaoyun has already arrived, so I'll take pictures with her first. She's much more serious."

Yu Chu shook his head, very stubborn, and said, "No, I'll be filming first, and I'll go to the hospital later."

After speaking, she entered the studio accompanied by her assistant.

Xu Jinbo followed behind with a look of helplessness on his face.

He said to Xin Zhike: "I really can't persuade her, I have already invited a doctor to come over, and I will come directly to the set later."

Xin Zhike nodded, feeling rather emotional, and said, "That's the best. Alas, I really admire the professionalism of these two."

Xu Jinbo said: "I also said the same thing. To be honest, I should be happy that the two of them are so dedicated, but I feel very guilty. To be honest, I shouldn't allow the two of them to continue filming on the set in this state. However, the one-day loss of the crew’s suspension of work made me have to consider practical issues. I can only ask the doctor to come and take a look. shutdown."

Xin Zhike: "This is great. I think the two of them, especially Yu Chu, are really in a bad situation."


Xu Jinbo glared at Xin Zhike again, and said, "Take good care of yourself. Now there are only three of you left on the crew. I don't want you to be the third patient. Then I really want to lose my eyes!"

Xin Zhike laughed very brightly, and said, "Don't worry, I didn't catch a cold after being drenched in such heavy rain before, and I am in good health."

Xu Jinbo's eyebrows twitched, always feeling a bad premonition.

Zhou Yun and Yu Chu insisted on coming to the set to film. The staff did not expect it, and they all showed surprise.

Cui Xidong confirmed with the two of them again before the filming started.

"Are you guys really OK? Don't try to be brave. If you're not OK, just tell me." Cui Xidong said, "Our current progress is not bad. Even if you go to the hospital to recuperate for two days, you won't be overdue."

Zhou Yun shook his hand and said, "Director, come on."

Yu Chu sat aside, wrapped in a blanket, holding a hand warmer, and nodded lazily.

Xin Zhike usually has to act once or twice before he can get into the mood when acting. Moreover, he doesn't feel that there is any shame in being NG. He has always kept his attitude low, thinking that he is acting with Zhou Yun and Yu Chu It doesn't matter if he is NG, he is a newcomer.

But today Xin Zhike felt embarrassed to have such thoughts.He felt that he was a man, and he couldn't hold them back at this time.He was engrossed in his script, figuring out how to act later, and when the filming actually started, he got into the mood right away.

What Xin Zhike didn't expect was that the moment Zhou Yun called Cui Xidong to start filming, all the sluggish look on her body disappeared.

She seemed to have returned to normal, exactly as she usually was when she was acting.

This made Xin Zhike stunned for a moment.

After being stunned, he came back to his senses and realized that he had been distracted.

But Cui Xidong didn't stop.

Xin Zhike had never reacted so quickly before, directly adjusted his state, and continued to act, moreover, he acted more devotedly than before.

How could he hold Zhou Yun back at such a time!
A play, go straight through.

Some flaws in the middle can be dealt with by editing later.

The effect that Cui Xidong wanted was achieved by both of them.

Cui Xidong applauded and said, "Well done, pass."

The audience applauded.

Zhou Yun smiled, bowed to everyone, and became listless again.

Xin Zhike wanted to help her, but she made a "forbidden" gesture and said, "Stay away from me, don't get infected by me."

Xin Zhike thought that he was the only healthy person among the leading actors in the entire crew, and he really couldn't become a sick person, otherwise the last top person would be gone.

He nodded.

Zheng Xiaoju trotted up to bring a water bottle to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun took a sip of warm water and felt much more comfortable.

Just now, she had to hold on to acting and speaking lines, and she felt her throat hurt badly.

At this time, the doctor Xu Jinbo had invited arrived.

Xu Jinbo explained to Cui Xidong, paused the filming, and checked the bodies of Zhou Yun and Yu Chu.

After examining their bodies, the doctor said that Yu Chu's condition was a bit serious, and he suggested going to the hospital first.

The doctor said so, Xu Jinbo sent her to the hospital this time no matter how much Yu Chu emphasized that he could still persevere.

This day's shooting did not complete the expected progress, but this has exceeded everyone's expectations.

Zhou Yun said to Xu Jinbo: "I'm going to the hospital now, let's arrange my play tomorrow as usual, and I will come back in time."

Xu Jinbo said: "Go to the hospital first, and I will coordinate things with the crew. Tomorrow morning, I will shoot Xin Zhike's scene first, and when you come back, I will film your scene. When editing, we will cut the scene." together."

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "This kind of filming doesn't look good."

Xu Jinbo had seen Zhou Yun's requirements for quality before, but he didn't expect that she was still asking for this at this time.

He said: "You believe in Director Cui, if the filming is not usable, we will definitely make up the filming."

That night, Zhou Yun took a drip in the hospital all night.

She fell asleep directly in the hospital, Zheng Xiaoju and Liu Yun kept watch over her and helped her inform the nurse to change her dressing.

After she slept until the next morning, she felt much more comfortable, not as top-heavy as yesterday.

The needle was taken out, Zheng Xiaoju fell asleep on the bed next to her, and Liu Yun was nowhere to be seen.

The phone is charging and it is on the bedside table.

Zhou Yun took off his phone and glanced at the time.

It's exactly 6:37 in the morning.

It's still early.

Zhou Yun sat up, picked up the pillow and leaned against his back, and sent a message to Xu Jinbo, saying: I have woken up, my body feels almost recovered, and I will go to the set later.

Xu Jinbo replied almost instantly: Are you really OK?Don't be brave.

Zhou Yun said: I didn't try to be brave, I just had a fever and a cold, it's not a big deal.

Xu Jinbo said: OK, then I will arrange a car to pick you up later.

Zhou Yun said yes.

At about 7:30 in the morning, Liu Yun opened the door and came in.

Zhou Yun was swiping his phone and raised his head.

Liu Yun was still holding a thermos bucket in her hand. Seeing that Zhou Yun had woken up and was sitting on the head of the bed, she called out "Sister Xiaoyun" in a low voice.

Seeing that Zheng Xiaoju was still lying on the side sleeping, she moved more lightly and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, I made some porridge and soup for you. I don't think you ate anything yesterday. Why don't you eat it first?" Something?"

Zhou Yun was really hungry too.

The stomach is empty.

She nodded happily and said thank you.

Liu Yun's cooking skills are really good.She often cooks all kinds of delicacies for Zhou Yun, including hot dishes and cold dishes.

Zhou Yun took a sip of the soup, which was so fresh that she drank half a bowl in one go.

At this time, Zheng Xiaoju suddenly muttered "It smells good", rubbed his eyes, and sat up from the bed.

She turned her head to look sleepily, and said pleasantly, "Sister Xiaoyun, you're awake! Ah, Yunyun, you're here too, do you have anything to eat? It smells so good, is there any for me?"

Liu Yun nodded with a smile and said, "Yes."

 Recommend the next door "After Breaking Up, I Became a Popular Superstar in the Entertainment Circle"


(End of this chapter)

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