Chapter 589

What Liu Yun stewed for Zhou Yun was ginger sliced ​​grass carp soup.

Zhou Yun is suffering from wind-cold and cold, and ginger slice grass carp soup has the effect of tonifying deficiency and dispelling cold, dispelling wind and clearing dizziness.

After Zhou Yun drank a bowl, his whole body warmed up from the inside out, as if a warm current flowed through his body.

It was already autumn, and the sky outside the window of the ward was filled with a layer of lonely gray.

Such a calm, autumn morning seems to be something you can only meet when you get up early in school.Occasionally in the sky, one or two black birds can be seen flying past with flapping wings, like a drop or two of black ink from the tip of a pen, which disappears in an instant.

Zhou Yun drank a bowl of soup, and his body became warmer, so he took the porridge bowl and drank another bowl of shredded chicken porridge.

Liu Yun knew that Zhou Yun liked heavy food, so he put a little olive vegetable in the shredded chicken porridge, and the olive vegetable had a little bit of oil, which was very tasty.

"Comfortable." Zhou Yun said putting down the bowl, "After breakfast, I feel like I've come alive."

Zheng Xiaoju ate deliciously, and said: "Yunyun's craftsmanship is too good. If anyone can marry you in the future, he will be really happy."

Zhou Yun said: "Indeed, Liu Yun is my assistant Qu Cai. With this kind of craftsmanship, if I open a restaurant by myself and be the proprietress, the business will definitely be good."

Liu Yun shook her head and said, "I definitely can't do it alone."

Zhou Yun said: "Please help me, Xiao Yun, do you like to study cooking?"

Liu Yun said: "I am very interested in cooking. I like to stay in the kitchen since I was a child. I will be very happy if I see others like to eat the things I cook. However, opening a restaurant is not only good at cooking That's fine, I can't do this kind of thing."

Zheng Xiaoju said with a smile: "If we don't do this in the future, I will partner with you. I will be in charge of management, and you will be in charge of cooking, which is just right."

Zhou Yun thought about it seriously, and said, "It sounds pretty reliable."

Zheng Xiaoju smiled in surprise, and asked, "Sister Xiaoyun, you actually think this sounds reliable?"

Zhou Yun said: "It's quite reliable. Xiaoyu, you are already good at dealing with people, aren't you?"

Zheng Xiaoju: "I've never thought about it that way."

"Sister Lan made this comment, and I think so too." Zhou Yun said, "However, let's talk about opening a restaurant later. At least for the past few years, I can't do without you."

Zheng Xiaoju nodded.

"In the past few years, we will definitely work hard, so that you, Miss Xiaoyun, can move forward with peace of mind."

Zhou Yun glanced at the time and said, "It's not too early, we have to go to the set. Earlier, Xu Jinbo said that he arranged for a car to pick us up, but he didn't know when he would come."

Zheng Xiaoju asked in shock: "Sister Xiaoyun, are you still going to the set today?"

"Well, after I woke up after a good night's sleep, I feel much more comfortable." Zhou Yun said, "I can participate in filming normally today."

Zheng Xiaoju hesitated for a moment, as if he was wondering whether to persuade Zhou Yun.

But when Zheng Xiaoju saw Zhou Yun's expression, he knew that Zhou Yun had made up his mind and basically couldn't persuade him.

Zheng Xiaoju sighed, and said, "Okay, I'll go and contact the crew's transportation team."


Zhou Yun returned to the crew and continued filming.

Xin Zhike's performance has also improved unprecedentedly, the number of NGs is much less, and the shooting speed is faster than before.

Several people worked hard, and the filming went to the end. On the day "Deep Sea" was finished, a big sun came out.

In autumn, the air is still a little cool.

After the sun appeared, the entire sky was as blue as washing.

The sun was shining down, and everyone's faces were filled with joy that they finally had to take a breather.

When Zhou Yun and Yu Chu finished filming the last scene, Cui Xidong yelled "Cut!" Everyone knew that this scene would definitely pass, which meant that it was finally finished.

Sure enough, after checking it again, Cui Xidong yelled "Pass!", and the audience cheered.

Zhou Yun and Yu Chu also hugged each other.

Yu Chu said to Zhou Yun, "I can't bear you."

Zhou Yun said: "In the future, if there is a suitable script, we will still act together."

"Yes." Yu Chu nodded.

Zhou Yun laughed, "Anyway, you are also in Chengqian Entertainment now. The two of us have a company, and it is very convenient to work together. However, I still hope that you can play the leading role by yourself in the future."

Yu Chu shook his head and said, "I don't have such ambitions. I just want to make more movies, earn more money, and the next step is to improve my acting skills so that I can be worthy of this bowl of rice, that's all."

Zhou Yun knew that Yu Chu had never been a very ambitious person.The two of them are not the kind of people who have the desire to achieve their goals in the world of fame and wealth, so they can become friends at the very beginning.Zhou Yun also doesn’t want to be a person who constantly pushes her friends—she doesn’t want to see her friends go astray, but she also doesn’t want to encourage everyone to work hard and fight for their careers. Different people have different personalities, different There are also different pursuits in life, and not everyone's key word in life should be hard work.

"Aren't I unbelievable?" Yu Chu suddenly asked Zhou Yun with a smile.

Zhou Yun shook his head.

"No way." Zhou Yun said, "You are the most competitive person by my side in the past two years."

Before Yu Chu signed with Zhou Lan, before Yu Chu and Zhou Yun collaborated in "Deep Sea", she had already acted in seven or eight plays relying on her own diligence, and also relying on her own tempering of acting skills, she was in the previous one. Once in a small and medium fire, this is an achievement she achieved by herself.

She just didn't choose to be an artist, but no one can say she didn't live up to it.

Zhou Yun was particularly able to understand Yu Chu's thoughts.What she once thought was a perfect safe haven, but without her knowing, a big hole was made. In order to fill this hole, all her savings and all the savings of the family were filled in, and she was penniless ever since.And no one can rely on her anymore, she can only rely on herself, so she, who was once very Buddhist, entered the industry as an artist just to chase stars, and became a desperate third mother, even if the model worker is like Zhou Yun, who is filming in the crew Yu Chuduo didn't have time.

Yu Chu had no sense of security. She earned this sense of security by making money.

Zhou Yun admired Yu Chu very much.

Cui Xidong came over and hugged the two of them.

He said: "I'm very glad to be able to cooperate with you in this drama, I'm glad to know you, and I hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with you in the future."

Yu Chu said: "If the director has a suitable scene, remember to find me."

"Okay." Cui Xidong nodded.

Zhou Yun raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Me too, Director Cui, there is a suitable role looking for me."

Cui Xidong said with a smile: "I'm afraid that after this drama is broadcast, your schedule will be too difficult to wait."

Zhou Yun said: "Schedule matters can be coordinated, as long as the script is good, director, we will be very happy to work with you, if there is a suitable script, especially one that allows both me and Chuchu to act, you can leave it to us. "

Cui Xidong nodded and said, "I know you two are very good friends."

"We were not popular at that time." Zhou Yun said, "We are already good friends, so it is very rare to have such an opportunity to work together this time."

Cui Xidong said: "I understand, I know what you mean, and I will try my best to find a script with two heroines in the future."


Zhou Yun smiled at Cui Xidong and said, "Thank you director."

When finishing this kind of time, everyone is more or less always a little sentimental.

No matter how many times the finale is done, it is impossible to get used to the separation after being together day and night for a period of time.

People are emotional animals, and no matter how commonplace they are, it is difficult to become insensitive emotional animals.

Zhou Yun stayed for a long time and took photos with everyone.

She hadn't done this before, but later she also saw in an interview with an artist that many people wanted to take a group photo, but they were embarrassed, or they couldn't take the initiative to take a photo with the artist because of the contract they signed with the crew , so there was no formal group photo for the last collaboration.

Zhou Yun took the initiative to hug and take photos with every staff member.

She said: "I hope to cooperate with you again in the future."

Many staff were flattered.

Finally, Zhou Yuncai met Xu Jinbo.

Xu Jinbo said, "Xiaoyun, thank you."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "There's no need to be so polite between us, right?"

Xu Jinbo said: "I'm serious, without you, this drama would not have been able to be made."

"Next time there is such a good script, if the platform does not give the green light because there are no good actors, you can come to me." Zhou Yun said, "Although I may not be able to act in every film by myself, I have many good friends who are actors. If it fits, I recommend it to them."

What Zhou Yun meant was naturally an actor who could make Yue Hai willing to give the green light.

By Zhou Yun's side, such a group of actors and friends has really gathered.

Yu Chu, Wang Jing, and Gu Huaichun are all actors who can stand on their own and make the platform and investors willing to give the green light. Of course, Gu Huaichun himself is Yue Hai's contracted actor.

Besides them, Song Chi was even more so.

Due to various reasons, many good scripts may not be delivered to Song Chi now.

Or because the investment is small, or because the salary is low, and so on.

But these are not a problem for Song Chi, because Song Chi has a cooperative capital behind him, and he can bring his own investment into the crew to ease the financial pressure on the crew.

In addition to them, Zhou Yun also has those actors who have worked with him before, those good actors, including Zhang Mo, who collaborated with "The Word of the Fallen Leaves", who is now also a signed actor of Chengqian Entertainment, and he is also the most admired actor by He Yong.

Zhou Yun is willing to introduce good plays to these good friends he knows.

Xu Jinbo is a producer, he receives various notebooks, or outlines, or just a concept every day.

But it is precisely such a large number of project ideas that can make him seek gold in the desert.

Zhou Yun said: "If anyone needs my help, please tell me anytime."

Xu Jinbo nodded and agreed.

"Then I'm leaving." Zhou Yun said, "Don't stop contacting me after the finale, call me when you have time, and have dinner together."

Xu Jinbo nodded again, agreeing.

Zhou Yun smiled, and finally waved his hand, waved to everyone, got into the car, and set foot on the way home.

After all, there are still some emotions of parting.

Zhou Yun let out a sigh of relief, quite emotional.

Another play is done.

Looking back on Zhou Yun over the past few years, he has filmed one film after another, and he has also filmed a lot of films.

Zhou Yun couldn't help but think in a self-deprecating way, is she considered a senior actor now?

At this time, Song Chi suddenly called.

"I heard you're done?" Song Chi said with a smile in his voice.

Zhou Yun asked: "How did you find out so quickly? Sister Lan told you?"

"Well, blame me for abducting you to my place. You will come to my place as soon as the filming is over. As a result, she has no way to accept many jobs and has to turn them down."

"I'm too tired and I need to rest. I told Sister Lan that I will have less work in the future, so I won't take it." Zhou Yun said, "Don't listen to her nonsense, even if I don't go to your place, I won't." After taking on so much work, I have to take a good rest for a while to recharge my spirits."

Zhou Yun didn't want Song Chi to misunderstand that she had turned down a lot of work in order to meet him, which would make Song Chi feel psychologically burdened.

Of course, she didn't lie.

Zhou Yun told Zhou Lan before that after finishing the project, don't arrange other work.

Except for what was settled early in the morning.

Because she is going to the United States to promote "Behind the Scenes" soon, she doesn't have much time before that, and she hopes to spend all of this time with Song Chi.

She went back to Shanghai first, went home, packed up her things, and then brought some homemade sauce that Liu Yun had prepared for her before, and went to meet Song Chi on the set of "Inaction".

This film has also been filmed for a long time, and it has not been finished.

So much so that Song Chi's subsequent scenes were affected.

It was already evening when Zhou Yun came to the crew of "Inaction".


Zhou Yun didn't go to the set, but went to the hotel to wait for Song Chi.

Song Chi said that he had a big night show at night, and it was estimated that he would not be able to call it a day until early in the morning.

Zhou Yun said yes, but did not tell him that she had arrived.

She was alone, and gave Zheng Xiaoju and the others a holiday.

They have been with her on the set for so long, so it's good to let them take a good rest. Soon, they will follow her to the United States again, and all kinds of publicity work will not be easy.

Zhou Yun opened a room by himself and took a nap first.

Woke up in half an hour.

It wasn't quite dark yet, it was cobalt blue.

Zhou Yun opened the window, and the cool wind came in, making it very comfortable.

There were quite a few people walking around outside the hotel, and there were voices of talking and laughing in the distance.

Zhou Yun took a picture of the twilight outside the window and posted it on Weibo.

Since the last time Xin Zhike revealed that her family background was average in the live broadcast room, she posted a poem by Gu Cheng, but she never posted a post again.

Many fans comment on her Weibo every day, saying that they miss her and want her to post more updates.

But she didn't like the atmosphere on Weibo, so she never showed up and didn't post anything.

A long time has passed, and she feels that it is time to update the dynamics now.

But she didn't expect that not long after she posted Weibo, Song Chi would send her a message, asking: Have you arrived at the hotel yet?

Zhou Yun was very surprised, and asked: I just sent a picture of the sky, and you recognized it?

Song Chi smiled and said: Because it happened at this time, the sky I saw also looked like this.

Zhou Yun: Come on, the sky in the photo is a bit different from what I see with the naked eye.

Song Chi said: Well, I admit, I guessed.

Zhou Yun asked: Have you had dinner yet?

Song Chi said: Not yet, it will be up soon.

Zhou Yun said: Then you should film well first, don't chat with me, I will take a rest in the hotel by myself.

Song Chi said: Well, I'll come back to you after I finish work here.

Zhou Yun said: Good.

But to Zhou Yun's surprise, Song Chi didn't come back that night.

Zhou Yun waited until he fell asleep, and when he woke up the next morning, it was already eight o'clock in the morning.

I saw that my mobile phone didn't know when it was turned off because it ran out of power.

She groaned and woke up instantly, worried that Song Chi would not be able to contact her when she came back in the middle of the night, so she quickly plugged in the charger for her phone, turned it on, and immediately received a message from Song Chi in the early morning

He said: Xiaoyun, you go to bed first, I guess I will stay up all night.

Then came the news ten minutes ago: I just finished filming and am on my way back.

Zhou Yun replied immediately: Are you there yet?I'm asleep……

Song Chi did not reply immediately.

Zhou Yun thought about it, and thought that Song Chi might have fallen asleep in the car back to the set.

After staying up all night last night, Song Chi probably couldn't keep his eyelids open.

Also as an actor, Zhou Yun is well aware of the consumption of staying up all night.

That feeling, when the day dawns, what you feel is not hope, but a sense of devastation.

Zhou Yun rubbed his face and went to the bathroom to wash up.

Afraid of missing Song Chi's news, she brought her cell phone inside.

After brushing his teeth and washing his face, Zhou Yun felt a little more refreshed.

Song Chi called.


The human voice sounded like he had just woken up, very hoarse.

Zhou Yun asked: "Are you awake? Have you arrived at the hotel?"

"Well, just arrived."

"Then I'll come to you." Zhou Yun said, "Which room do you live in?"

"I...have you had breakfast? How about we meet in the restaurant?" Song Chi said, "Let's have breakfast together."

"Do you still eat breakfast? After staying up all night, you probably want to sleep." Zhou Yun said.

"Eat before going to bed." Song Chi yawned after finishing speaking, "I'm really sleepy. It's been a long time since I've had such a big night. It's tormenting. I feel like my bones are softening."

Zhou Yun felt a little distressed when he heard it.

"Then let's meet in the restaurant." Zhou Yun thought to himself, it would be better for Song Chi to sleep after breakfast.

She went out to the restaurant, but when she met the other person's room, she came out alone.

It should be a guest who also lives in the hotel. Male, he should be in his fifties, wearing formal clothes, and has a relatively strong figure. It can be seen that he should have strictly controlled his figure.

The other party clearly recognized her at a glance, and his eyes changed.

Zhou Yun nodded slightly to him, it was regarded as a greeting, and he was a step ahead.

"You are Zhou Yun?" The man chased after him, smiled at her a little courteously, and said, "Are you alone?"

Zhou Yun said: "My team is waiting for me in the restaurant, sir, what can you do?"

She expressed her guard and alienation very directly with her expression.

The other party smiled and said, "Are you going to the restaurant? Just right, I'm going to the restaurant too."

He is also a guest of this hotel, and Zhou Yun can't stop him from going to the restaurant.

Besides, he was just a little courteous, but he didn't do anything that disgusted her.

After entering the elevator, Zhou Yun put on sunglasses for himself.

She didn't want to be recognized and greeted casually by others.

The man turned his head and looked at Zhou Yun several times before he spoke again and asked, "Are you here to see Song Chi? I met Song Chi in the elevator yesterday. You two are a couple, right? I remember seeing Song Chi before." There was news that you two were dating."

Zhou Yun smiled at him, but did not answer.

She was afraid that once she started talking, this person would speak even more vigorously.

I hope this person can be sensible and stop talking to her.

Zhou Yun is not used to talking too much with strangers.

But this man didn't seem to realize the meaning behind Zhou Yun's smile, and he was still talking to himself: "It's great to be young, you two are so young, and you are both so famous, you are the most admired person by many young people." Well, hey, I also chased stars when I was young, I liked Alan Tam very much for a while, and bought a lot of his tapes."

Zhou Yun only felt buzzing in his ears.

The elevator finally arrived at the floor where the restaurant is located. Zhou Yun said directly to the person: "I'm sorry, although it may make you feel uncomfortable to say this, but I hope you can keep a little distance from me in public. I hope to be photographed by the paparazzi or someone else, post it on the Internet, and spread rumors about my affair with you."

The man froze for a moment and stopped in place.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Thank you."

After finishing speaking, she immediately took a few steps forward briskly, pulling a little distance from the man.

Song Chi was waiting for her at the door of the restaurant.

He was also surrounded by two young girls asking him to take a group photo.

Song Chi saw her coming, so she declined.

"Sorry, it's not convenient for me right now."

After he finished speaking, he waved to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun trotted over, smiled at Song Chi, and said, "Let's go in."

"It's Zhou Yun!" The girls who wanted to take a photo with Song Chi just now exclaimed in low voices.

Zhou Yun smiled at them and said, "I'm sorry, we finally met each other, please give us some space."

The two young girls immediately nodded like chickens pecking rice, their cheeks blushing.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi walked into the restaurant under the eyes of everyone.

Both of them just ordered some light porridge and snacks.

Seeing that Song Chi's face was a bit tired, Zhou Yun asked, "Should I be able to rest for a while? Are you still filming today?"

"In the afternoon, I'll go upstairs to rest after breakfast." Song Chi said, "I'm going to the studio at three o'clock in the afternoon."

He said, "Sorry, I don't have time to accompany you even if you come here."

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "I'm very content to see you again. You are busy with your work. In the afternoon, I will accompany you to the set to watch your acting."

Song Chi laughed.

"What? Last time I went to your place to watch you act, do you want to make it up?"

"That's right." Zhou Yun said, "Let's see if you have any hope of winning the Best Actor this time."

"Haha, okay, please advise the actress." Song Chi said with a smile.

Zhou Yun stared at Song Chi, his eyes couldn't help becoming gentle.

Zhou Yun hadn't looked at Song Chi's face so closely for a long time.

Last time?
The last time seems to have been two months ago.

Zhou Yun couldn't help thinking of an unknown morning when she woke up and could just see Song Chi's face, so close to her that even the pores on her face could be seen clearly.

Song Chi fell asleep with his eyes closed, his expression gentle.

Zhou Yun enjoyed this moment very much, the feeling of looking at it quietly.

Song Chi was stared at by Zhou Yun for a long time, a little embarrassed, and said, "Don't keep staring at me."

Zhou Yun said: "I haven't seen you for a long time, let me watch for a while."

Song Chi had no choice but to let Zhou Yun continue to stare at him like this.

There were too many eyes looking at them from around, but the two of them completely blocked the stares from the surroundings, and enjoyed this rare breakfast time like no one else was there.

After eating, Zhou Yun said: "Let's go up, hurry up and rest for a while, you have to go to the set at three o'clock in the afternoon."

Song Chi nodded.

"how about you?"

Zhou Yun said: "I'll go back to my room and rest. If you wake up in the afternoon, I'll go to the set with you."

"Okay." Song Chi nodded.

Zhou Yun said, "Let's go."

On the first day when he came to the set, Zhou Yun didn't see Song Chi.

On the second day when he came to the set, Zhou Yun managed to see Song Chi, and only had breakfast, and Song Chi was about to go to rest.

But Zhou Yun didn't feel unhappy at all.

She knows that the time spent together is hard-won.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi hugged and kissed in the elevator.

Difficult to part.

Zhou Yun said: "It's okay, go and have a good rest first, I will leave only after the day after tomorrow, I still have a lot of time."

Song Chi rested his head on Zhou Yun's neck, the corners of his mouth curled up wearily, and said, "Where did you think?"

Zhou Yun chuckled, "Don't tell me you didn't think about that."

Song Chi smiled and said nothing.

Zhou Yun: "Go to sleep."

Song Chi hummed.


in the afternoon.

When Ning Xiner got off the trailer, the assistant immediately raised the parasol above her head.

Although the sun is not out today, Ning Xiner has been doing a good job of protecting herself from the sun.

Her skin is very fair, and many endorsements are due to her cool white skin, so she has not turned dark at all, otherwise her commercial value will be affected.

She came to Jiang Yuzhen and said, "Sister Yuzhen, the filming of this film will be finished soon. Do you have any other arrangements after filming this film?"

"What's the matter? Do you want to introduce me to a job?" Jiang Yuzhen raised her head and asked with a smile.

Ning Xiner said: "I was entrusted by a director I know to inquire about your schedule. He has a TV series that will start soon, and it will be in November. There is a main role in which he wants to invite you to act. , but I don’t know if your schedule is still available.”

Jiang Yuzhen asked in surprise: "November? Why hasn't anyone been found to act at this time? Could it be that someone has been booked before, but someone let him go?"

Ning Xiner: "I haven't heard of it, but it shouldn't be. I heard that it was not easy to invite Wei Ruxue for that TV series, but Wei Ruxue only has a schedule in November and December, so the production company prepared Started early."

Jiang Yuzhen asked, "Wei Ruxue? She's starring?"

"Yeah." Ning Xiner nodded, "Before "The Cold Spring" was too popular, and every drama wanted Wei Ruxue to star in it. The director of this drama has worked with me before, and he is a very good director."

"Who? What play?"

"A modern suspense drama." Ning Xiner said, "Director Wu Zhi, do you know him?"

"I don't know." Jiang Yuzhen shook her head, "Please let him contact my agent, and I will give you the contact information."

Ning Xiner said yes.

Jiang Yuzhen asked, "What about you? After filming this movie, do you have any other plans?"

"The company wants me to be a resident guest on an actor-themed variety show, and the talks are almost over." Ning Xiner said, "I was really exhausted from filming this movie, and I need to recover."

Jiang Yuzhen said: "This movie was tortured."

"Yeah, I think Song Chi has been tortured enough." Ning Xiner said, "I thought it would be easier to make this movie, but I didn't expect Director Suzaki to torture the actors so much. A scene can make me play it over and over again." A dozen times, I have never been tortured like this before.”

Jiang Yuzhen smiled, "But I think everyone has been tortured very well."

Ning Xiner didn't speak.

"Do you know what Song Chi said to me the day before yesterday?"

"What did he say?"

"He said that he hasn't acted in such a difficult play for a long time." Jiang Yuzhen said, "If you think about it, even he finds it difficult, which shows how tortured this play is."

"Hopefully the show will be a success."

"Yeah." Jiang Yuzhen nodded, "You acted very well, I think you might be able to compete for the best actress."

Ning Xiner quickly shook her head and said, "I can't do it anymore. With Zhou Yun here, who can compete with her for the best actress? There is also a movie "The Language of Fallen Leaves" directed by Xue Qin that has not been released. A movie that kills the Quartet."

"Although Zhou Yun is indeed a talented actor, don't let other people's aspirations and your own prestige be destroyed at this time. Look, didn't Yin Lin also get the best actress?"

Ning Xiner shook her head, "I really don't have the ability."

Jiang Yuzhen pursed her lips into a smile, but said nothing.

It would be a lie to say that Ning Xiner didn't intend to win the Best Actress award.

Ning Xiner's words were more or less out of self-effacement on the scene, and more or less of sincerity, only she knew.

Jiang Yuzhen and Ning Xiner have been acting together in the same crew for so long, of course she still figured out what Ning Xiner was thinking.

If Ning Xiner didn't intend to win the Best Actress, she would be the first to not believe it.

Of course, Ning Xiner denied it, and Jiang Yuzhen would not insist that she had such thoughts.

On the scene.

"Well, Song Chi hasn't come yet?" Jiang Yuzhen asked.

Ning Xiner said: "It seems like he didn't start filming until four o'clock. He filmed all night yesterday. There were a few shots. The director held him for a long time. It seemed like he didn't finish work until after seven in the morning."

"It's not easy." Jiang Yuzhen said, "Then shall we shoot first? Which scene?"

Just as he was talking, Suzaki came over, grabbed the two of them and started talking.

In fact, they were the same scene that Song Chi was going to shoot later, but Suzaki was going to shoot their scenes first.

According to Suzaki's habit, it is estimated that this scene will not be finished until around ten o'clock in the evening.

Suzaki likes to shoot an entire scene in one go.

Jiang Yuzhen and Ning Xiner had already put on their makeup and were ready to start shooting anytime.

As a result, the two of them were photographed until Song Chi came over, without a single shot.

Ning Xiner's expression was a little sluggish.

Although it has been filming for a long time, she still can't get used to Suzaki's picky request.

The slightest bit of dissatisfaction has to be re-shot.

 Dazhang, ask for a monthly pass, and ask for a recommendation.

(End of this chapter)

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