Chapter 590 Blockbuster
When Zhou Yun got out of the car, he saw Suzaki sulking with a gloomy expression.

On the way here, Song Chi told her that director Suzaki is a very tempered person.

However, he doesn't get angry with others very much, and he usually gets angry with himself alone.

Song Chi said: "Sometimes, no matter how we act, we can't perform the effect he wants, so we compete with ourselves and kick the wall with our feet."


"To be honest, it's the most stressful thing for an actor to meet this kind of director. Sometimes we would rather he scold us face to face than they sulk themselves."

Song Chi said this to Zhou Yun, and Zhou Yun also had a deep understanding.

Zhou Yun originally wanted to say hello to Director Suzaki first, but seeing that there was no one around Director Suzaki, she didn't dare to go forward to make trouble at this time.

"Xiaoyun!" Jiang Yuzhen saw Zhou Yun first, and came over in surprise, "Are you here to see Song Chi again?"

Zhou Yun nodded with a smile, and said, "That's right, Sister Yuzhen, I heard that you guys are very tired from filming recently, you have worked hard."

Jiang Yuzhen quickly made a "hush" gesture to Zhou Yun.

"Keep down, the director is angry."

Zhou Yun nodded and asked in a low voice, "Sister Yuzhen, why is the director so angry?"

Jiang Yuzhen said: "Oh, the shooting just now has not been smooth, the lighting has been wrong, but the director wants to wait for natural light."

Zhou Yun smiled helplessly.

There is really no way out.

That's the luxury of being a film director.

How dare you wait so long for natural light when shooting a TV series.If the TV series were filmed like this, I don't know how many returns I have exceeded.

Zhou Yun had met Director Suzaki before, but he was not familiar with him.

She also didn't know what kind of personality Director Suzaki had.

What kind of character a person is, hearsay is not counted, you still have to get in touch with yourself and get along with yourself, so that you can have a true impression.

Jiang Yuzhen asked, "When did you come?"

Zhou Yun said, "I arrived yesterday evening."

Jiang Yuzhen glanced at her in surprise, and said, "Did you arrive yesterday evening? But I heard that Song Chi was filming here last night, didn't he?"

"Well, yes." Zhou Yun nodded, "I also just saw him this morning, and he stayed up all night."

Jiang Yuzhen nodded and said, "Filming this movie is really hard. I think Xiao Song often stays up late."

Zhou Yun said: "No way, many scenes in this movie are also night scenes, and the director likes to use natural light, doesn't he?"

Jiang Yuzhen nodded and said, "That's true, alas."

Zhou Yun laughed and asked, "Sister Yuzhen, this movie should be very enjoyable, right?"

"Exciting, indeed enjoyable." Jiang Yuzhen nodded and said, "It's mainly my role, which is very difficult to act. I really don't like the kind of roles that are not difficult to act."

"You still have to play a more complicated role to be able to show your acting skills." Zhou Yun said.

Jiang Yuzhen said: "I have played many roles like good wives and good mothers before, but this time it is rare to be able to play a wicked woman. It is very enjoyable."

As an actor, Zhou Yun can actually understand Jiang Yuzhen's thoughts.

Not to mention that Jiang Yuzhen has been acting for so many years, even Zhou Yun, who has only debuted for less than five years, feels tired of acting now, and wants to try playing a villain.

No one wants to play a repetitive role.

Song Chi went to change clothes.

Zhou Yun chatted with Jiang Yuzhen on the set.

The two had a good relationship when they collaborated on "Ask the Heart" before. Although they had no contact in private, it didn't affect the enthusiasm when they met.

Jiang Yuzhen mentioned Fan Zhu.

This senior actor who had conflicts and conflicts with Zhou Yun recently encountered some bad things and caused her a lot of trouble.

She didn't pay attention to what she said in an event before. When evaluating the current young actors, she said, "Nowadays, many young actors are praised for their good acting skills, but they are actually at the level of a freshly graduated acting school student."

There is nothing wrong with this sentence itself, but at the time when she said that sentence, many people on the Internet were satirizing that Gu Huaichun's acting skills were not as good as everyone boasted, so many fans of Gu Huaichun felt that Fan Zhu was satirizing Gu Huaichun and said a lot of ugly things.

The most "killing" thing is actually that Fan Zhu has grown up due to her age and has become an "old drama player", but in fact she has no masterpieces and no popular roles.

It means that maybe Gu Huaichun's acting skills are really not that good, but it's not Fan Zhu's turn to comment.

Zhou Yun didn't even know about it.

Jiang Yuzhen was surprised to hear that Zhou Yun didn't know, and asked, "Don't you know about this? Everyone is talking about it."

"I don't know." Zhou Yun also felt strange, after all, this matter had something to do with Gu Huaichun, how could she have never heard anything about it?
"But it's normal." Jiang Yuzhen said suddenly, "After all, this matter was suppressed by Gu Huaichun's company, and we mostly discuss it when we communicate privately in the circle. In fact, we also have many people I can't get used to Fan Zhu, she said bad things to you before, right? I remember that, if I remember correctly. When she was young, she was not a good person, she offended a lot of people, now relying on I have improved my qualifications, and I started to criticize some young artists again, I am not deliberately sowing discord, sometimes I really hope to see these young people push back."

Zhou Yun couldn't help laughing.

She didn't expect Jiang Yuzhen to have such an attitude towards Fan Zhu.

Because she originally thought that if Jiang Yuzhen and Fan Zhu were actors of the same generation, even if they were not close, they should not confront each other on the surface.

who knows……

But Jiang Yuzhen won the award this year for "Questing the Heart", and became the winner of the Tiansi Award in no time. Coupled with so many years of precipitation, her status has risen immediately.

Of course she was not afraid of offending Fan Zhu now.

This is real.

Now Jiang Yuzhen is definitely the favorite supporting actress and old drama player of the major crews.

This is the benefit brought to her by "Ask the Heart" and the Tencel Award.

For an actor like Jiang Yuzhen who has qualifications, acting skills and connections, sometimes it is just a lack of an opportunity to reach the sky in one step.

This is not an exaggeration, but similar to the enlightenment in Xiuxian's novels.

The Tencel Award was an opportunity for her to successfully preach.

This means that domestic professional awards have recognized her.

Otherwise, Ning Xiner would not have been entrusted by her close friends to ask about Jiang Yuzhen's schedule.

Zhou Yun asked: "Sister Yuzhen, are you familiar with Fan Zhu?"

"I can't get acquainted with this kind of person." Jiang Yuzhen said bluntly, "Don't get me wrong, I have never been acquainted with her."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded, "I'm relieved knowing that."

Jiang Yuzhen smiled.

At this time, Ning Xiner suddenly walked over.

She still had a cup of coffee in her hand, which should have been bought by her assistant just now.

Ning Xiner smiled pleasantly at Zhou Yun, and said, "I heard from my assistant that you're coming, so I came here to say hello to you. Has your "Deep Sea" finished?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "It's done."

Ning Xin'er nodded, "Congratulations, I just want to wrap things up as soon as possible, I'm so tired."

"Well, I can understand, it's really tiring." Zhou Yun said, "I heard Song Chi describe it to me, it's very tiring, it's hard work."

"If you feel tired, why don't you come to this play." Suddenly, a somewhat stern voice sounded beside them.

Zhou Yun turned around in surprise and saw Zhang Hongyu.

"Sister Hongyu?" Zhou Yun exclaimed.

When Jiang Yuzhen and Ning Xiner saw Zhang Hongyu, their expressions also changed.

I saw Zhang Hongyu's expression was serious, even stern, she looked at Ning Xin'er sternly, and said, "There is one person from the crew, you have to say that you are tired, and you are tired everywhere. Since you are so afraid of being tired, what are you doing as an actor?"

Ning Xin'er's face was livid and she didn't speak.

She probably didn't expect Zhang Hongyu to appear suddenly and teach her so mercilessly.

"Hongyu, don't be too strict with the child. Although Ning Xiner complains a little too much, she is still serious about filming." Jiang Yuzhen stepped forward to smooth things over.

Zhang Hongyu didn't seem to intend to let Ning Xiner go, and said very sternly: "Do you work hard in filming? I heard that she refuses to stay up all night, and always says that she is too sleepy to keep her eyes open. Go back and rest."

Ning Xin'er felt aggrieved and said, "Sister Hongyu, I only tell the director this when I have a play the next morning. If I don't get a good rest the night before, it will also affect my acting state the next day."

But Zhang Hongyu said: "Really? Then why didn't it affect Song Chi's state? The next morning when you weren't on set, I didn't see you filming until early in the morning. Is it because I have night blindness, or what? I can't see at night. is you?"

This sarcasm is simply heartbreaking.

Ning Xin'er's face turned red and turned white, she bit her lips in embarrassment, and bowed her head in silence.

Zhou Yun did not expect that he would suddenly encounter such a scene.

She felt embarrassed, embarrassed for Ning Xiner.

After all, no matter what, Ning Xiner is considered a quasi-first-line actress. She may not be very popular, but there is no shortage of popularity or masterpieces. Outside, no matter where she goes, she will definitely be sought after and surrounded by people. star.

Zhang Hongyu taught her a lesson, Zhou Yun thought, if it were him, she would be embarrassed too.

Ning Xiner said embarrassingly: "My makeup may be worn out, I'll go and touch up some makeup."

After finishing speaking, she hurriedly left the place where Zhang Hongyu was.

Zhou Yun wanted to smooth things over, but he didn't know how to do it.

After Ning Xin'er left, Zhang Hongyu finally turned her head to look at Zhou Yun, and her eyes fell on Zhou Yun.

Her expression softened a little, and she asked, "When did you come?"

"Is it here? I just came here." Zhou Yun called out to Sister Hongyu and said, "Are you going to play today?"

"Well, basically everyone will come today, it's a big group scene." Zhang Hongyu said, "But Director Suzaki prefers to shoot the individual parts first, and then shoot the parts where everyone is together, so we are still waiting Just now, director Suzaki was filming Ning Xiner's part, and there were frequent problems, so director Suzaki asked her to rest for a while, and then shoot later, but she is not doing well, and she is still complaining about this and that. , It makes people angry to see it."

Zhou Yun smiled awkwardly.

Zhang Hongyu said: "You were not scared by me just now, were you?"

She suddenly opened her eyes wide, realizing that her attitude just now might have misunderstood both Jiang Yuzhen and Zhou Yun.

Jiang Yuzhen patted her chest and said, "I said, why are you so strict today? It turned out to be because of this. It scared me. I thought you were in a bad mood today."

Zhang Hongyu: "I'm not in a good mood, so I don't want to make fun of her. I just look at her like that, and I get angry, so I'm half-hearted and dedicated, but I blow myself up like I'm going to open up wasteland. What did Song Chi say? Is it? Among the actors in this crew, who can be more tired than Song Chi?"

Jiang Yuzhen nodded, "Xiao Song is really tired, thank you for your hard work."

Zhou Yun heard them talking about Song Chilei all the time, and suddenly realized that Song Chi's hard work in filming every day may be several times more than what he said.

Otherwise, why would Zhang Hongyu and Jiang Yuzhen keep emphasizing this?
Zhou Yun thought to himself, Song Chi would never tell her the truth, so she could actually ask Zhang Hongyu and Jiang Yuzhen at this time?

"Sister Hongyu, Sister Yuzhen, may I ask, how long does Song Chi usually take pictures every day?"

Zhou Yun himself has made movies and played the leading role. The most filmed time was "Days". There was only her as the main actor, and the filming was completely around her.

But at that time, she could basically guarantee seven or eight hours of sleep.

Wen Bing will still guarantee her rest time.

From what they said just now, it seems that Song Chi can't even guarantee a rest time?

"Basically, it takes more than ten hours a day to shoot." Jiang Yuzhen said, "He basically stays on the set, and the director often has impromptu ideas, saying that he will shoot, so basically the actors You have to wait on the spot."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "I see."

She understood that Song Chi's usual workload should be very heavy.


When Zhou Yun thought of Song Chi's appearance in the restaurant this morning, he couldn't bear it.

"Actually, I guess Suzaki did it on purpose." Zhang Hongyu said suddenly, "In the script, the officer played by Song Chi has been in a seemingly calm and self-restraining state for a long time, but in fact he is a little irritable and out of control. Yuzhen, don't you Do you feel that Song Chi is feeling that way more and more now? Just say a word, the unconcealable feeling of irritability caused by exhaustion and lack of sleep comes to the face."

Jiang Yuzhen nodded.

"That's true." Suddenly her eyes lit up, "He came out."

Zhou Yun followed Jiang Yuzhen's gaze and turned his head to look.

Song Chi came out wearing an officer uniform.

At this time, under the golden sunlight, the light as thin as a cicada's wing silently fell on his body. The officer's uniform on his body was straight, and combined with his silent and gloomy face, it exuded a kind of A sense of gloom.

For a moment, when Song Chi looked up to find Zhou Yun, a smile appeared on his face.

The smile broke his previous gloom.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, did he enter the drama at that moment just now?
It may be in the play.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yun smiled.

"So handsome."

Song Chi: "You said it last time."

Zhou Yun said: "Go and prepare your play, I was chatting with Sister Hongyu and Sister Yuzhen just now."

Song Chi nodded and said, "Then I'll go to the director first."


Song Chi left.

Jiang Yuzhen shook her head, said with emotion, "Although I can see him every day, I can't help but sigh every time I see him. Song Chi is really good-looking. I hope my son will be half as good-looking as him in the future."

Zhou Yun laughed.

"There will definitely be. He must be more handsome than Song Chi."

Zhang Hongyu and Jiang Yuzhen couldn't chat with her all the time, and soon, they also made preparations.

Zhou Yun sat by himself, looked at his phone, and looked up at Song Chi.

In fact, sitting on the sidelines and feeling bored is also very comfortable.Zhou Yun thought that every time he was on the set, he had to use the real objects of the scene to construct the logic of the subsequent performance in his mind based on the state of his character. In fact, it was impossible to stay in the atmosphere of the set easily every time.This time it's okay, because this play has nothing to do with her, she doesn't need to act, she just needs to be a live audience.

Zhou Yun waited for half an hour, and saw Suzaki took Song Chi and the others to sit down on the long table, talking to them.

Zhou Yun thought it was a rehearsal, but Suzaki didn't let them rehearse, but spoke one after another.

He basically talked to everyone for a long time, and after he finished speaking, almost half an hour passed.

Suzaki held the script in his hand and said, "Everyone, let's try it out."

At this time, the state of each of them is basically different from usual.

Zhou Yun was curious and kept his eyes on him, especially when he was observing Song Chi, he was even more careful.

She had been paying attention the whole time just now, so she could see that the forty minutes that Suzaki communicated with the actors just now was actually a time to help the actors get into the state.

Everyone followed Suzaki's explanation and found the anchor point of the state.

Zhou Yun thought of Wen Bing.

Because Wen Bing also has this style of speaking.

After the rehearsal, Suzaki went up to talk to everyone again.

This time he didn't speak one by one, but with everyone at the same time, so his voice was amplified a lot, and Zhou Yun could hear it.

Suzaki said: "Song Chi, you can't put the lighter just like that, it's heavy, this is a table, each of you is sitting on the table, you belong in front of others, no matter how emotional you are People who are willing to show it to others, so although you have fire in your heart, you can't let it out, you can't even have a hint, this action of throwing the lighter is your action under the anger, but you can't have anger, understand me mean?"

Song Chi nodded.

His face was expressionless, his face was like a dry well.

Zhou Yun knew that he was not dissatisfied with Suzaki, but that he had already entered the state of his own role, which was the state of his role.

It's actually quite charming.

Zhou Yun thought to himself.

She has seen Song Chi's sunny and gentle face a lot, but she rarely sees his cold, gloomy or even cold side with her own eyes.

Although at this moment, this side of him is also acted out by him.

But he is a good actor, even if Zhou Yun knew that he was on the show, she still felt real.

While watching, Zhou Lan suddenly sent a message saying: The cast of "Chinese Warrior" has been exposed.

Zhou Yun saw the news, and immediately searched the Internet for relevant information, and saw the exposed list.

There are a series of familiar names in the list, among which the name of the heroine is He Wenyun as expected.

Zhou Yun was not surprised, but felt that it was true.

He Wenyun is the most likely heroine she can think of to be chosen by Pamonge.

Besides her, there are other people who have wiped out the other three people in "Four Killers" except her, He Xuran, Liu Zhikun, and Yin Linglin.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised to see the faces of these people appearing together in a play again.

She originally thought that Liu Zhikun should have broken up with He Xuran after what happened before.

They can still cooperate.

Also, after all, it is a world-class commercial masterpiece, who is willing to give up this opportunity.

In addition to these young people, it is rumored on the Internet that there are two other big names who will guest star in this movie.

But it has not yet been revealed who the big coffee is.

Zhou Yun was also not curious about who it was.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, this lineup is worthy of the name of a major Hollywood production.


She suddenly thought of something wickedly.

Yao Yuanfeng will probably be very happy when he sees this list.

After all, even if it is a big Hollywood production "Chinese Warrior", the cast is no more gorgeous than "Four Killers".

Zhou Yun felt that according to what he knew about Yao Yuanfeng, Yao Yuanfeng would definitely not be able to help making a fuss about it.

Yao Yuanfeng would not let go of such an opportunity to promote "Four Killers".

Zhou Yun even felt that Yao Yuanfeng might let "Four Killers" come out after "Chinese Warrior" was released in order to catch the wind of "Chinese Warrior"?
As soon as this idea came to Zhou Yun's mind, he was immediately denied by himself.

It is estimated that "Chinese Warrior" will be released two years later, and it is impossible for "Four Killers" to be so suppressed all the time.

Otherwise, this drama has been unable to generate income for Xindun, and it will also affect Xindun's capital flow.

Zhou Lan sent another message: I'm a little hesitant now.

Zhou Yun: ?
Zhou Lan said: Pai Mengqi is actually willing to give Xiaojing a role, but this role does not have many roles, and the appearance may only last less than five minutes. On the one hand, I want Xiaojing to participate in such an international production. But on the other hand, now that Xiao Jing has such a good momentum, I feel wronged by asking her to play a small supporting role. Of course, the most important thing is not whether she is wronged or not. I am afraid that if Xiao Jing is allowed to play such a small role, Others will underestimate Xiaojing.

Zhou Yun understood what Zhou Lan meant.

Sometimes, why do artists compete for positions?
Unless you take the lead like Zhou Yun, like He Xuran and Liu Zhikun, the status is similar, and the rank is higher, which means you are better.

If Wang Jing only plays a small role, it means that in the eyes of these big Hollywood companies, Wang Jing's value as an actor is not as good as that of He Wenyun and the others.

Of course, it can be said to the outside world that Wang Jing is not suitable for those roles.

But these are superficial words, and these superficial words are meaningless in the eyes of those who study numbers every day.

They look at your box office, look at your various data indicators, and look at all kinds of quantifiable things.

Zhou Yun thought for a while, and said: With Xiaojing's current situation, going to play a small role in "Chinese Warrior" will not affect her, but this movie has been rumored to be the heroine before, even though we all know that there is no This matter, but everyone will discuss it later, and this may affect everyone's opinion of her.

Zhou Lan: Oh, yes.

Zhou Yun said: I think, in fact, playing such a small role will not help Xiaojing. If she is an unknown newcomer, this is a good opportunity for her, but Xiaojing is not a newcomer anymore. She also has a lead role coming to her.

Zhou Lan: I think so too.

Zhou Yun: Forget it.

Zhou Lan: That's the only way to go. By the way, Huang Zicheng was picked and given a role.

Zhou Yun: That's good. He can participate in such a big production, which is helpful for him to start.

Zhou Lan: Yes, I think so too.

Zhou Yun: Remember to look at Luzhongting more, don't worry about the imbalance in your heart, if there is a gap, you can comfort him.

Zhou Lan: Well, of course.

After the official lineup of the movie "Chinese Warrior" was announced, the whole Internet paid attention.

After all, this is a serious commercial blockbuster produced by a major Hollywood film company.

All Chinese cast.

Many people also stood up and asked: Didn’t they all say that Zhou Yun’s international influence is great?It is said that she is very famous in the United States, why haven't I seen her starring in "Chinese Warrior"?
Some people even satirized: I bought so many drafts and said that I would star in this movie, but now the lie can't hold it anymore and it has become a laughing stock.

Yin Linglin's fans are happy that their idol has won the role of the second female lead in "Chinese Warrior". From their point of view, Yin Linglin's becoming an international superstar is just around the corner!
When Yin Linglin and Zhou Yun collaborated in "Four Killers" before, many people directly said that Yin Linglin and Zhou Yun were not actors of the same level, which made her fans mad at that time.

This time so many people mocked Zhou Yun on the Internet, Yin Linglin's fans were of course happy and happy to see it succeed.

Yin Linglin posted a message in the WeChat group of the leading actors of "Four Killers", saying: Xiaoyun, didn't everyone say you were the leading actor before on the Internet?Why didn't you have your name at the end?I thought we could work together again!
He Xuran: +1.

Liu Zhikun did not effervesce.

Zhou Yun saw the news, smiled slightly, and said: There is no schedule, and I was not invited either.

Yin Linglin: Huh?They didn't invite you?how is this possible!

Zhou Yun didn't reply anymore.

Talking is useless.

On the Internet, Zhou Yun has a lot of black spots.

Her rise is too fast, apart from the sunspots and navy bought by the other party, there are actually a small group of netizens who really can't understand Zhou Yun.

Because they felt that Zhou Yun's luck was too good and his rising speed was too fast.

Zhou Lan controlled the public opinion and prevented them from fermenting too much. At the same time, he also communicated with Merandu, and finally decided to take advantage of the fact that the movie "Chinese Warrior" is now popular, so he can fight.

So, the "Hollywood Reporter" released a message the next day.

Merlando teamed up with China's top actress Zhou Yun to develop the suspenseful action blockbuster "Killing Song".

(End of this chapter)

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