Chapter 591
Yin Linglin's mood yesterday can be described in four words: spring breeze.

When the cast of "Chinese Warrior" was announced, her phone suddenly vibrated like locusts crossing the border.

All were people who came to congratulate her and express their expectations.

This time he was able to compete for "Chinese Warrior", Yin Linglin himself described it as "passing five levels and killing six generals", the real situation is not an exaggeration at all.

If it is not because she has a very good command of English, and at the same time has a deeper foundation than others in the field of film, coupled with the strong recommendation of Chinese investors, it will be difficult for her to stand out from so many competitors. Take the role of female number two.

Only after Yin Linglin experienced the casting of a Hollywood blockbuster, did she know that many of the "auditions", "the best fit is the best" and "acting-based" promotions that she saw in the news before are all propaganda to whitewash peace.

The casting of Hollywood blockbusters is no different from that in China.

They have only been leading the development of the industry for many years, but they are not much better than Chinese movies in this kind of human-related matters.

Acting skills are the foundation, but if there is no one behind the scenes, acting skills are useless.

Yin Linglin really thought that Zhou Yun would star in the movie "Chinese Warrior". At that time, there was a lot of rumors in the whole circle, and no one didn't think it was true.

As for Zhou Yun's own "can't act"...

Hehe, of course it was a joke, no one would believe it, and whoever believed it would be naive.

Which actor will admit to starring in a movie before the official announcement?
Who knew that a little-known He Wenyun would actually get the position of the heroine.

The actress also starred in "Deep Sea" with Zhou Yun.

After learning about this at the time, Yin Linglin couldn't help but feel a bit of gloating complacency.

Her mentality towards Zhou Yun is full of complex emotions such as admiration and jealousy. Sometimes she recognizes Zhou Yun's acting skills from the bottom of her heart, and she also feels admiration and yearning for Zhou Yun's achievements, but sometimes she is also jealous and angry. Kind of, tossing and turning alone at home in the middle of the night, praying that Zhou Yun would have an accident and never act again.

Before Zhou Yun came out, Yin Linglin was the first choice of many movie heroines. Even if she was not the first choice, the others did not have an absolute advantage, so she had no chance at all.

But after Zhou Yun came out, there was no need for the film production company to tell them. Yin Linglin knew that if Zhou Yun agreed to act, she would not be able to compete at all.

But this time "Chinese Warrior" Zhou Yun lost to He Wenyun.

Yin Linglin's astonishment was self-evident.

In addition to being stunned, there is also rejoicing.

Anyway, she was selected, but Zhou Yun was not.

At the same time, she felt a little proud in her heart.

The agent told her that since the news of her starring role in "Chinese Warrior" came out, the number of brands asking for cooperation has increased sharply. Almost everyone is optimistic about the movie "Chinese Warrior". After all, it is a Hollywood commercial blockbuster, and there will be potential Great influence.

She felt that the moods of He Xuran and Liu Zhikun should be similar to hers, right?

But they certainly couldn't empathize with her.

Actors and actresses are originally different groups, and the competition they have to face is not the same environment.

Zhou Yun must be in a bad mood, right?
With such a mood, Yin Linglin ushered in the second day.

Then, I learned about "Killing Song".


""Kill Song"?"

Su Yan straightened her back abruptly, her eyes widened with anger and disbelief, like a big villain who just heard that her scheme had failed, even her aura was the same.

She asked: "Melando's new movie, she is the heroine? When did Merlando prepare such a movie? Why didn't we hear any news before?"

She questioned He Ting, her manager.

He Ting herself was in shock.

Before the official announcement, she hadn't heard anything about it.

Generally speaking, for a big production like this, as long as the project starts to move forward, there will always be a little bit of wind.

Just like "Chinese Warrior", how long did various news spread before the official announcement of the cast?
How did Zhou Yun hook up with Merandu?

He Ting looked at Su Yan who lost her temper hysterically, and said in desperation: "Perhaps when she was promoting "Behind the Scenes" in the United States, she got in touch with the senior management of Merandu. You know, "" "Behind the Scenes" is now being screened in the United States, and there are many people who follow Zhou Yun."

Su Yan snorted coldly, "It's "Behind the Scenes" again! Why is her shit luck so good! How can she be so successful in just any movie?!"

He Ting heard reluctance in Su Yan's voice.

What if you are just not reconciled?

Jealousy, dissatisfaction, anger, unwillingness, these emotions can only destroy your will and heart like poison. If you let it spread, your heart can only become a barren grass in the end.

He Ting persuaded: "Zhou Yun has won two awards this year, and it's no surprise that Merlando's new film has her acting in it. You don't need to be so angry."

"I don't need to be so angry? Then tell me, which of my next films can be successful? Can it reach the height of "Questioning the Heart"?" Su Yan said, "You said that I am not suitable for acting in movies, and I don't need to talk to Zhou in the field of movies. Cloud rivalry, what about the TV series now? The TV series I played with Xu Siyao was blocked for review, and I don’t know when it will pass the review. What else do I have to do next? Zhou Yun has just finished a "Deep Sea", and it will be released soon. We want to join the group to shoot "Chen Yin" directed by Jiang Xin, why didn't we win the new film directed by Jiang Xin?"

Su Yan asked He Ting directly in front of him.

He Ting was full of anger.

She thought to herself, what's the use of Su Yan telling her these things?Why didn't they win the new play directed by Jiang Xin?
Director Jiang Xin never intended for Su Yan to act in this movie from the very beginning, who is to blame?

Back when Su Yan played a big role in the crew of "Ask the Heart", she had already offended Jiang Xin.How could Jiang Xin take the initiative to cooperate with her again?

He Ting rolled her eyes and said, "Su Yan, let's not talk about anything else, but director Jiang Xin is here, I really want to tell you something."

"What's the matter?" Su Yan was in a bad mood and her tone was rushed.

He Ting said: "Have you ever wondered why director Jiang Xin's new drama didn't ask you? I didn't even ask."

Su Yan said angrily, "She was cut off by that woman Zhou Yun! She must have taken the initiative to talk to director Jiang Xin about something, that's why director Jiang Xin gave her the play."

He Ting: "No matter what Zhou Yun said to director Jiang Xin, Su Yan, at least director Jiang Xin is willing to cooperate with her for the second time. I have been keeping in touch with director Jiang Xin, keeping in touch, and asking about his future. Is there a suitable role for you in the play? Although he never rejected me, he never expressed his desire to cooperate with you again. I didn’t want you to know these things before, but now I think you should know this too. Why did I take the initiative to mention to director Jiang Xin several times that I want you to act in his play again, but he never let go, the most important point is that when you were cooperating with "Questing the Heart", you were not as obedient as Zhou Yun."

"What?" Su Yan was shocked. She didn't expect that He Ting would suddenly start criticizing her. She glanced at He Ting at a loss - when she was angry, He Ting had always said good things to coax her. "I'm not as obedient as Zhou Yun? What do you mean?"

He Ting said: "Why do you think so many directors like Zhou Yun? There are many actors with good acting skills, and there are also many popular actors. Why is she the only one who can be liked by the director no matter which director she is in? Because in front of the director , Zhou Yun never regards himself as a star, he will not put on any posture, just like the obedient student in front of the teacher, not only obedient, but also adoring each other."

Su Yan showed a pensive look.

He Ting continued: "Even if we don't like Zhou Yun anymore, we have to admit that if we don't make changes, especially if you don't make changes, between you and Zhou Yun, the director will always prefer her."

Su Yan bit her lip.

He Ting's words were like shooting an arrow into her heart.

She didn't know these things in the past, she just knew, but she deceived herself.

Su Yan has never respected those people from the bottom of her heart. How many of those directors are worthy of respect?
Even if it was Jiang Xin, didn't she and Song Chi still have to be used to shoot "Questioning the Heart"?

Everyone is just a cog in the colorful world of the entertainment industry, and the so-called talent can only make some of them look more elegant.

Su Yan always thought so.

If it wasn't for the fact that winning an award could improve her status and make others recognize her, she wouldn't care if she won an award or not.

If there is a choice between being popular all her life but not being respected and recognized, or not being popular all her life but winning many awards, Su Yan will choose the former without hesitation.

When choosing the latter, it is just that making this choice can better achieve the former.

The situation dictates.

Su Yan understood what He Ting meant, and also knew that what He Ting said was good for her, but Su Yan couldn't swallow this breath, and couldn't lower her head.

If she has already mixed up to this point, and she still has to be submissive and put on a low profile in front of those directors, then wouldn't she have been in vain all these years?
She is now a first-line star and a first-line actor. Even if she does not cooperate with director Jiang Xin, there are still a lot of producers with a lot of money to ask her to act.

Su Yan quickly made a comparison in her mind and made a choice.

She didn't believe it anymore. If she didn't cooperate with director Jiang Xin, wouldn't there be another work comparable to "Questioning the Heart"?

She doesn't believe it.

"Sister Ting, aren't there any good scripts in the dramas that came to me?" Su Yan asked, "Since Zhou Yun can switch to life suspense dramas, so can I."

He Ting knew that her previous persuasion had failed.

Su Yan didn't really realize what she meant by those words.

He Ting was not particularly surprised. It was indeed not surprising that Su Yan made such a choice.


"It's amazing." Yin Zhou put down his phone and said to Gu Huaichun who was sitting opposite him, "When I played "The Eighth Heartbeat" with Zhou Yun, I never thought that Zhou Yun would get it so quickly. With such a high achievement, at that time we only thought that she was a young actress like us who worked hard and studied the role seriously, but I really didn’t expect it, it’s amazing.”

Gu Huaichun shook his head and returned to the topic.

"Have you really made up your mind?" He looked into Yin Zhou's eyes intently and asked.

Yin Zhou nodded and said, "I have really made up my mind, and I have made an agreement with the company, and the company agreed."

Gu Huaichun said: "When will you come back?"

"I don't know." Yin Zhou shook his head, smiled slightly, and said, "Old Gu, I don't need to say anything else. If you work hard, I will still pay attention to your plays. You love acting. I also want to think about acting skills, don't really give up."

Gu Huaichun looked at Yin Zhou silently, hesitated for a while, and said, "I thought you and I would at least go down this road together."

"It's not that I will never come back again, but I just stop now." Yin Zhou said, "You can go forward with confidence, I will catch up in the future."

The smile on his face brightened.

Gu Huaichun finally couldn't hold back, lowered his head and smiled.

Yin Zhou nodded and said, "That's right, smile more in the future, don't always keep a straight face, as if everyone owes you money."

Gu Huaichun said: "I originally thought that you finally acted in "Words of Fallen Leaves" with Zhou Yun, and that you could break into the movie circle with this play and act in some plays that I couldn't."

"There will be opportunities in the future." Yin Zhou said, "The company is counting on you to make money now, and it doesn't matter if you are not allowed to act in this kind of film. Don't always force the company, you will always find opportunities in the future."

"You don't have to worry about my business. When you go back, if you need my help, just ask."

"of course."

"I'm afraid you're just taking it for granted."

Yin Zhou smiled.

The two of them had been sitting in this store for a long time, and someone had already turned their heads to look at them, who had gone through a certain disguise, and seemed to see some familiarity from them, and they were guessing who these two people were.

Yin Zhou said: "Let's pay the bill, I think someone is about to recognize you."

Gu Huaichun nodded, and got up to pay the bill.


"In terms of the subject matter of the movie, I still look forward to "Killing Song" a little bit more." In a film and television review program of Chestnut Video, the special guest said, ""Chinese Warrior" is actually a super movie that changes the soup without changing the medicine. As we all know, Pimchi has been developing their superhero movies for the past few years. Although the box office is very good, the types of stories are similar and there is no innovation. The only novelty is that they are in this movie. A female character is used as the first protagonist, which is a heroine. But "Killing Song", hearing the name, looks like an action movie or a suspense movie, but according to the official release, this is also a production with a very large investment , especially, this movie is not set in our China, which means it is a story of the character played by Zhou Yun in a pure English world, which is very different from "Chinese Warrior" itself."

The host asked, "What's the difference?"

The special guest said: "This shows that the protagonist of this script can actually be modified into a role played by a Westerner, and there is no need to find a Chinese actor to play it. This is a different concept from the "Chinese Warrior" that played the Chinese card at the beginning. , but Merlando asked Zhou Yun to act in this movie, it can only be said that Zhou Yun has indeed gained a certain influence in the United States."

The host said: "It seems that we Chinese actors have not had an influential actor in the international film world for a long time."

"Actually, Song Chi and Zhou Yun are actors of the younger generation who have made a lot of international appearances, and they happen to be a couple, but as Song Chi said, unless you shift your career focus to Hollywood, they will basically The Internet will not give you a particularly good opportunity, even if you have reached Song Chi's level." The special guest said, "If Zhou Yun hadn't earned international fame because of the two films "Days" and "Behind the Scenes" With a bit of fame, and because the incident of the hotel being invaded has become the protagonist of the news that has attracted the attention of the whole United States, I think it is basically impossible for Merlando to entrust Zhou Yun to play the leading role in such a big production."

"Indeed, it is indeed difficult for us to see a Chinese actor as the first leading role in an English-language film."



The content of the show has been widely discussed.

Zhou Yun also saw this program.

When she saw the show, she had already left the crew of "The Inaction" and was on her way to the airport.

She is going to America to participate in the "Behind the Scenes" promotional activities.

There is a lot of discussion on the Internet about her current status in the eyes of American studios, and almost everyone involved in the discussion is lamenting how lucky she is, so good that she can also become popular in the United States because of a certain social news.

Many people believed what the special guest on the show said, thinking that Zhou Yun was able to receive the movie "Killing Song" because of Zhou Yun's popularity in the United States.

After watching this program, Zhou Yun just smiled noncommittally.

Whatever the reason for Merendo's choice of her to star in the film, now the reviews about her have once again pushed her to the top of the list of actresses.

Many people said that Zhou Yun's ability to get the first lead role in an English-language commercial production is the real hard power, which can make American studios buy it.

Zhou Yun himself is the person involved, of course he knows that these statements are not accurate.

What to buy or not to buy?

Zhou Yun thought, on the one hand, it is because the script itself is set to be an Asian, and on the other hand, the market in China is too big now, and it is impossible for any studio in the United States to ignore this market. The feedback was good, and she became famous overnight in the United States. With the support of many factors, she and Merandu communicated smoothly, and this cooperation came about.

Every factor is influencing this final result.

Zhou Yun did not attribute this result to a certain factor, which is not accurate.

It was He Yong who contacted her immediately, asking if there was any suitable role for Zhang Mo to play a role.

Zhou Yun replied that she has not read the complete script yet.

This is not to deceive He Yong, she really did not see the complete script.

In that regard, especially on such a big production, the script is kept under wraps.

Yao Yuanfeng happily announced that Xindun is also one of the investors in the movie "Killing Song".

So some people said that the reason why Zhou Yun was able to get the movie "Killing Song" was because of Yao Yuanfeng's support, so Zhou Yun won it.

Yao Yuanfeng was also funny, a person who usually likes to pretend to be an uncle, but he replied directly on Weibo: I dare not take credit for this.

This is another heated discussion.

Yao Yuanfeng and Zhou Yun have already collaborated in three films, "Days", "One Mountain and Two Tigers", and "Four Killers". Some people say that Zhou Yun has now become the princess of Xindun, and the best movie resources of Xindun are closely selected by Zhou Yun.

Seeing this kind of discussion, Yao Yuanfeng thought to himself, he wants to give resources to the actors in his company, but the question is, can anyone support the box office?

Apart from others, among the young actresses, who can carry the box office the most?

No one will give a second answer.

Zhou Yun is now the spokesperson of the box office myth.

After all, apart from "Warm Little Pony", there is no one who can carry the box office for the few movies she is showing now, and Zhou Yun's promotional contribution to the box office of "Warm Little Pony" How much credit has been done, anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

Therefore, compared to other theories of "carrying the box office" that simply count the box office of movies, the industry certainly understands how strong Zhou Yun's ability to carry the box office is.

Yao Yuanfeng is thinking about the next few films he will cooperate with Zhou Yun, from "The Female Killer" to "You Under the Moonlight", which he wrote his own script. The two films have completely different themes.

In addition to these two films, new cooperation projects have to be created around Zhou Yun.

Yao Yuanfeng had a premonition that in the next five to ten years, Zhou Yun would start a golden age that belonged to her.

He certainly didn't want Zhou Yun's schedule to be taken away by others.

It's just that Zhou Yun's vision of scripts is too high, and Zhou Yun definitely doesn't like Yao Yuanfeng's ordinary scripts.

Yao Yuanfeng felt that it was time to call the company's contracted screenwriters for a meeting.


Zhou Yun's itinerary to the United States was very low-key, and basically no news was leaked, so she also ushered in a rare silence at the airport.

This time Zhou Lan went with Zhou Yun.

This time, more people went together. Besides Zheng Xiaoju, Liu Yun, and Cao Jun, Zhou Lan also brought along a legal counselor and a make-up artist.

Zhou Lan said: "This time I go to the United States, there will be a lot of itineraries, and there will be many cooperations to be discussed. You arrange it, but based on my experience last time, it’s better to have someone on my own.”

Last time, the executives of Pai Mengqi wanted Zhou Yun to do a so-called makeup and hair that fit the aesthetics of Europeans and Americans, but Zhou Lan directly rejected it.

Zhou Yun nodded.

"I also think it's most reliable to bring a makeup artist we are familiar with and have worked with."

This time in the past, public activities, private activities, too many schedules, the image must pass the test.

The image of Zhou Yun herself is also an important part of her work.

(End of this chapter)

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