I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 592 A Trip to America

Chapter 592 A Trip to America
Zhou Yun's trip to the United States this time is mainly to participate in the public relations activities of "Behind the Scenes" for the Olympics, which includes two awards ceremonies, three business banquets, a dialogue with actors, two TV interviews, and five self-media celebrities. Interviews, cover shoots and interviews for seven magazines, two screenings (meet and chat with the audience after the screening).

After Zhou Lan reported the work plan to Zhou Yun, Zhou Yun was stunned.

Zhou Yun knew that she would have a lot of work, but she didn't expect that there would be so much work, so much that she felt like running away.

The key point is that all these tasks must be completed within two weeks. After two weeks, she will return to China to join the team of "Chen Yin", and cooperate with Director Jiang Xin again in filming.

In addition to these jobs, Zhou Yun also has a commercial activity to endorse a brand, Vertical Axis Cruises.

Zhou Lan told Zhou Yun: "Vertical Axis Cruises is the sponsor of the movie "Killing Song". The main story of the movie "Killing Song" happened on a cruise ship, which will be provided by Vertical Axis Cruises."

Zhou Yun was surprised.

She suddenly thought of what Chen Fusi had told her before, that the endorsement of the vertical axis cruise ship would bring her another good opportunity.

Zhou Yun had been thinking about this matter before, not knowing what good opportunity Chen Fusi was talking about.

Looking at it now... Could it be "Killing Song"?
Zhou Yun suddenly thought that the script of the movie "Killing Song" set the protagonist as an Asian from the very beginning, which has never appeared in mainstream Hollywood movies. Why did this change suddenly appear?This in itself feels strange, even unthinkable.

Could it be because of the vertical axis cruise ship?

Zhou Yun thought about this question.

Zhou Lan said: "Xiaoyun, the person in charge of the vertical axis cruise ship asked me if you have any travel plans, and if you want to consider a cruise trip."

Zhou Yun said: "How can I have this time, I would like to go out with Song Chi for a while, but I don't have this time at all."

"Just take this job and treat it as a relaxation." Zhou Lan said, "I also think you are too tired recently, in fact, it would be nice if you can relax a little bit. For Song Chi, Song Chi's next year's schedule will be full. Is it full? If I remember correctly."

Zhou Yun: "Well, he had a broken bone before, which caused a lot of work delays, and he had to make up for it."

"Well, there is no way around this. To be honest, both of you are in the golden age now, and the partner will not want to see you slow down." Zhou Lan said, "The relationship behind the two of you is very important. There are too many, it’s unrealistic not to come out for half a year’s vacation, what hinders you now is not the company, but these cooperative brands, they sign with you because they need your exposure to bring them popularity and popularity.”

"Ok, I know."

"You can take a [-]-day itinerary on the vertical axis cruise ship." Zhou Lan said, "For the [-] days, you can just read books on it, look at the sea, play with the people you are traveling with, and relax."

"Then I'd rather stay in Shanghai, and I can go out for dinner with friends." Zhou Yun said, "I'm in a place I'm not familiar with, and I can't relax."

"You can take your friends with you." Zhou Lan said, "You can bring small sentences and rhymes with you, just to give them some work benefits, and they work hard. The key is the endorsement fee that Vertical Axis Cruises gives us every year. It's not low, and behind the movie "Killing Song", they also gave us a lot of effort."

"Let's talk about it." Although Zhou Lan persuaded so much, Zhou Yun still shook his head, "You know, it is actually very difficult for me to spare this time to participate in a complete flight of theirs. Song Chi, or you can read a book by yourself at home, relax yourself, and make an appointment with your friends to go out for a while."

Zhou Lan saw that Zhou Yun was determined and never let go, so he just let it go.

"Since you really don't want to go, forget it."


"As for the Vertical Axis cruise ship..." Zhou Yun said, "You might as well ask them if there are other ways to promote it."

"I'm going to communicate with them."

After Zhou Lan finished speaking, he suddenly thought of something and asked, "By the way, if you really don't want to go, do you have any friends who want to go? The reason why Vertical Axis Cruises wants you to participate in the journey of a route in person is to We should use this itinerary to achieve the real effect of publicity, if you can’t go, see if you can invite your friends to go, nominally saying that it was recommended by you, and then ask your friends to record their own journey stories every day.”

Her eyes suddenly lit up, "By the way, Wen Lanlan."

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

"Aren't you very familiar with Wen Lanlan from "Victor"? She also runs a self-media." Zhou Lan said, "Why don't you invite her to participate in this journey in your name? Can write, and can do VLOG."

Zhou Yun understood what Zhou Lan meant, she nodded and said, "I'll ask her to see if she's interested."

"Don't tell her yet, I'll talk to the person in charge of Vertical Axis Cruises first to see if they accept this cooperation model." Zhou Lan said, "At that time, she will record herself on social media every day. Journey, you interact with her a little more, so that everyone can see it, and through the [-]-day record, I think the authentic publicity effect that Vertical Axis Cruises wants can also come out."

Zhou Yun frowned suddenly, and said, "But Sister Lanlan's child is still very young, she may not have the time and energy."

"If Wen Lanlan can't do it, then ask someone else." Zhou Lan said, "For example, Yu Chu, yes, Yu Chu can also do it, and Lu Zhongting, etc., why don't I just find a video website and use this journey? As the theme, make a show!"

Zhou Yun was a little surprised.

"Doing a show?"

"Yeah." Zhou Lan's eyes lit up, his brain was running at high speed, and he came up with a plan, "Yu Chu, Wang Jing, Lu Zhongting, Wen Xi, Liu Yuqian, Zhang Mo, Zhou Jianfeng...these are all working with you Moreover, most of them are actors from our Chengqian Entertainment. He Yong is definitely willing. Let’s find a video website to cooperate, or simply let thousands of us produce this show, as long as we negotiate with Vertical Axis Cruises , In this way, on the one hand, it can greatly increase the brand awareness of VSC, and attract young people to pay attention to VCC. On the other hand, it is another good opportunity for artists. What do you need to bear, and you can also earn a labor fee."

"Will Xiao Jing and the others be willing to go?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan said: "She can go if she wants to, and if she doesn't, I won't force her to go. It's just that this is a good opportunity. If the final publicity effect is good, maybe Xiaojing and the others can also follow the vertical axis cruise ship. reach a cooperation."


"I'm going to America this time to talk to them about it." Zhou Lan was full of enthusiasm.

Zhou Yun lamented how fast Zhou Lan's mind was, and also lamented that she dared to think and act.

A brand's publicity campaign was originally a waste for an artist, but Zhou Lan quickly thought of a plan based on the characteristics of the vertical axis cruise ship itself, which would be beneficial to all three parties, and it sounded quite feasible. Zhou Yun felt that Zhou It's amazing.

Of course, this is just a concept.

Zhou Lan was really looking forward to this idea. As soon as he arrived in the United States, he immediately went to have dinner with the person in charge he knew well, communicated privately in advance, and asked for their opinions.

Who knew that when Zhou Lan came back from dinner with the other party, he suddenly lost his energy just like the eggplant beaten by Shuang.

Zhou Yun didn't know what happened, so he asked, "Sister Lan, what's wrong?"

Zhou Lan said: "People are not interested in my proposal."

"Not interested?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised and asked, "Why?"

Zhou Lan said: "They felt that doing a variety show to promote the vertical axis cruise ship lowered the style of the vertical axis cruise ship."

After hearing this, Zhou Yun was a little surprised.

She didn't expect the people on the vertical axis cruise ship to react like this.

"I never thought that they would think so." Zhou Lan shrugged, "Of course, I can understand what they want to say. After all, Vertical Axis Cruises is indeed a wealthy family with a history, but since they want to maintain style , but also to expand the popularity and make money, which really makes me speechless, it is to create a sense of dignity, so that guests will have the impression that their life is worthwhile only if they have boarded their vertical axis cruise ship."

Zhou Yun laughed.

"Aren't luxury brands all following this route?"

Zhou Lan was not depressed about this matter for too long.

There is still a lot of work for her to deal with here.

Needless to say, Zhou Lan himself could feel the changes in her in the past two years.

In the past, she never dared to talk to people when she came up with a plan, and basically she would not take the initiative to change the way of thinking and methods of cooperation—at that time, she believed that the way of cooperation was determined by the partner, and the partner Whatever she said, she would cooperate with it and work hard to cooperate.

Over the past two years, with Zhou Yun's rapid progress, the world she faces seems to be expanding by leaps and bounds.

people, things, situations.

Various and complex.

Zhou Lan used to think that he was following Zhou Yun's footsteps without this ability, but in a blink of an eye, two years later, he also followed.

Looking back on the past two years, Zhou Lan summed up the biggest change in himself, and felt that the biggest change in himself was daring to make decisions.

Maybe many people think this is nothing.

Compared with the improvement of ability and the change of aura, what kind of change is this change?

However, Zhou Lan feels that the process of a person becoming mature is the process of going from not daring to make a decision to daring to make a decision.

We all know that every decision in our life cannot be correct, appropriate, and correct. It is precisely because of this that we hesitate every time we make a decision and never make it. Judgment comes.This process is not just a process of making a decision, it is not just a process of judging which option can bring greater benefits, it also means whether you can bear the consequences of failure.

Zhou Lan dared to bear the consequences of failure now.

Even if it fails, is wrong, OK, then replay, start all over again, and make up for it.

Zhou Lan had such a belief in himself.

She said to Zhou Yun: "Xiaoyun, tomorrow I'm shooting a magazine, so go to bed early."

"it is good."

Zhou Lan nodded and said, "Then I'll go back and rest first."


Zhou Lan left Zhou Yun's room.

That night, Zheng Xiaoju lived in this room with Zhou Yun.

After the situation he encountered in Los Angeles last time, Zhou Yun dare not stay in a hotel alone when he goes abroad, for fear of encountering such a situation again.

Although it was Zhou Lan himself who arranged the itinerary this time, it had nothing to do with Pai Munch.

Zheng Xiaoju lived in the outer room, and Zhou Yun lived in the inner room.

I also checked the safety lock specifically, and checked whether the doors and windows are locked.

However, due to jet lag, Zhou Yun did not fall asleep.

On the plane, she had been asleep for a long time.

She lay on the bed for two hours, then turned on the lamp, took out the Kindle, and prepared to read for a while.

The phone suddenly vibrated twice.

Zhou Yun picked up the phone in surprise, to see if he was sending a message to her, and it turned out to be Gu Huaichun, asking: Are you in the United States?

Zhou Yunhui: Yes, just arrived, what's the matter?
Gu Huaichun: I came to the United States to have a job, and I was having dinner with people from my partner. I heard that you also came to the United States. They mentioned you and said that they would meet you tomorrow.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised: such a coincidence?I don't know if you go to America.

Gu Huaichun said: "It's just a shoot, and I'm going back to China the day after tomorrow. I heard from them that you are also in New York tomorrow. Do you have time to meet up?"

Zhou Yun said: I will finish work tomorrow, I don’t know when it is, what is your time?
Gu Huaichun: I will be more free tomorrow. I have finished my work today. I can take a day off tomorrow and return to China the day after tomorrow.

Zhou Yun: That's great. I'll contact you when I'm done shooting.

Gu Huaichun said yes.

The next day, shoot.

Zhou Yun had to get up early in the morning, and with the help of Zheng Xiaoju and Liu Yun, he packed the suitcases, which might be needed today.

She didn't wear makeup either, anyway, the magazine has hired a team to style her later.

Zhou Lan accompanied Zhou Yun and went to the makeup artist with her.

The representative in the magazine was a big blonde beauty, who warmly greeted and exchanged pleasantries with them, and then began to communicate about today's shooting.

Some concepts and styles of the shooting were communicated with Zhou Yun in advance. The general direction has been set, but there are still some details.

Especially photographer Ross.

Ross is a very famous photographer. Although Zhou Yun’s endorsement brand and the publisher behind “Behind the Scenes” Pai Mengqi and the magazine won the cover for this shoot, Ross himself is a very thoughtful and persistent photographer. People, he doesn't even buy much from magazines.

A total of six shooting locations have been set, four of which are real locations.

It was only after meeting Ross that Zhou Yun knew that this well-known photographer was a strong man with a beard.He is really tall and strong, with well-developed muscles, wearing a peaked cap, sharp eyes, and spirit. People with a guilty conscience probably dare not look at him.

Zhou Yun greeted him.

Rose's attitude was not very warm, he just nodded to her indifferently, and said nothing else.

In Europe and America, many people discriminate against Asians.

Zhou Yun didn't know what was going on with Ross, but there was no reason why his attitude was so cold when they met for the first time. Zhou Yun couldn't help thinking in the worst direction.

It made her feel a little bad.

After finishing the styling, Zhou Yun went to the designated location according to Rose's arrangement, ready to shoot.

Rose suddenly frowned and said, "You have too much makeup on your face."

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

Rose called the person in charge of the magazine and talked to her a lot.

Zhou Yun listened to what Rose said, to the effect that Zhou Yun's makeup today was too heavy, and he looked too delicate and perfect. He didn't want this kind of makeup, and he wanted to be more natural in this place.

People from the magazine came to communicate with Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan.

Zhou Lan said: "Isn't this styling and makeup all communicated and confirmed in advance? Why did it change?"

A person from the magazine said: "Roth wants to shoot more natural and realistic aesthetics."

Zhou Yun glanced at Rose, who was trying to shoot other places, and didn't pay attention to their side at all.

It seems that after Ross communicated the matter clearly with the people in the magazine, he waited for the magazine to come to work with them.

Zhou Yun doesn't mind the photographer's temporary change of plan, and the shooting itself needs to be adjusted according to the specific situation of the day.


Zhou Yun took a look at Zhou and said to the person in charge of the magazine: "Can Mr. Ross come over and tell me why he adjusted the makeup that he agreed at the beginning? I need to understand Mr. Ross's thoughts clearly before I can Know if I want to cooperate."

The people from the magazine looked at her in surprise, as if they didn't expect her to ask for such a thing.

"it is good."

The blond and blue-eyed beauty went to communicate with Ross.

After two minutes, Rose came over.

His expression looked a little impatient.

Not just impatience, but something like "I'm going to have to deal with trouble again."

Zhou Yun suddenly thought that he had shown this expression before, when facing those troublesome people and troublesome things.

She suddenly wondered if Rose didn't want to communicate with her so much, was it aimed at her, or at all the artists?

It's a well-known fact that many photographers, especially big-name photographers, don't like to shoot celebrities, because celebrities are difficult to photograph.

The first difficulty in filming is that the artist has a lot of requirements.Celebrities basically cannot unconditionally cooperate with the photographer's request, because they have various ideas and requirements, especially the requirements of public image.

The second most difficult thing to shoot is the low cooperation between the artists.Celebrities are often well-known, have fans, and backgrounds. In comparison, photographers are the weaker side. Between the two, the magazine side must be more accommodating to the rights and interests of celebrities.

The third most difficult thing to shoot is that the artist is not professional but always asks for it.Zhou Yun himself feels the same about this point. Many actors don’t understand the script and the structure of the drama, but they like to give opinions.

Zhou Yun was thinking, maybe Rose's temper is due to his prejudice against celebrities?

So instead of showing her displeasure, she decided to speak directly to Rose about her concerns.

"Just now she told me that you want a more natural and realistic style. I don't know much about it, so I want to communicate with you face to face. You are a photographer and I am a model. If we can directly If you communicate, you can get a clearer understanding of the style you want." Zhou Yun expressed his thoughts to Rose in fluent English, "I don't mind changing the design I made before, but I need to know what I'm doing."

Zhou Yun's words made Rose show a surprised expression.

Ross didn't seem to expect that Zhou Yun would say such a thing, and hesitated for several seconds.

He just said: "This scene is on the street. What I want to shoot is the feeling of you wandering happily on the street, but now you feel like a model on the runway posing on the street. Also, your face looks good without makeup, you don’t need to do too much retouching, your bone contour is very beautiful, so I hope you lighten up your makeup, I have always disliked women wearing too thick makeup, it blocks you The most authentic emotions and states, in fact, the most beautiful thing in the camera is the reality of the state.”

Zhou Yun didn't really understand Ross's words.

His words sounded a bit convoluted.

But Zhou Yun knew what Ross wanted to feel.

This is also related to Rose's own preference. Maybe Rose himself is a person who doesn't like to see women make up.

This is also understandable.

Different people in the world have different preferences. Zhou Yun thinks that since Ross has such a preference, it means that he is better at taking pictures of a woman without makeup or with light makeup.

Zhou Yun went directly to change the makeup. In the end, he only put on a little lipstick, drew eyebrows, and slightly modified the contours of the face to make it look more three-dimensional.

Ross carried the camera and tried to take a few pictures of Zhou Yun.


Ross called Zhou Yun to come and see.

Zhou Yun saw himself in Rose's camera, full of energy, confidence, and pride, and at the same time, the surrounding atmosphere overflowed with a kind of advanced romance.

Ross said: "You don't need to look at the camera later, I'll catch you directly, and you just walk on this street alone and go shopping normally."

Zhou Yun nodded.

Ross specially arranged for someone to drive a motorcycle, and he sat on the motorcycle to capture Zhou Yun's state.

After Zhou Yun watched Rose's trial shooting, he already believed in his aesthetics, so he no longer had any doubts, and was [-]% immersed in his own state.

Laughing, circling, looking at the exhibits in the window, looking up at the sky, saying hello to the pedestrians around you...

She completely forgot that Ross was still filming.

Ross kept shouting Good until half an hour later, Ross ended the shooting of this scene with satisfaction.

After the previous running-in, Zhou Yun and Ross also became acquainted.

Ross explained his thoughts on each scene to Zhou Yun, and Zhou Yun put himself into Ross's thoughts as much as possible.

She let go of her own thoughts and aesthetics to integrate into Rose's lens language.

This made Rose feel more comfortable and smooth during the shooting process, without any hindrance.

The shooting lasted for a whole day, until the evening, and I didn't know how many sets of clothes were changed, and the shooting was finally finished.

Rose happily hugged Zhou Yun and said, "Today's filming made me very happy."

Zhou Yun said, "Me too, thank you."

Rose said: "You let me have a lot of imagination, I really hope to have the opportunity to shoot you next time."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "There must be."

Finished shooting, call it a day.

On the way back to the hotel, Zhou Yun sent a message to Gu Huaichun, saying that he had called it a day.

After sending the message, a sense of fatigue surged up instantly, enveloping the whole body.

Any job, as long as you put in it, you will be exhausted.

But with good work, exhaustion is also exhaustion of satisfaction.

Zhou Lan was discussing tomorrow's work schedule. He made three phone calls in a row. When he turned around, he saw the tired look on Zhou Yun's face. He couldn't bear it, and said, "Should I call you for a massage? You are outside today. You must be very tired after a day of walking."

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "I even invited Gu Huaichun to have dinner together, forget it."

"where is he?"

At this time, Gu Huaichun wrote back.

He said he was in the lobby of her hotel.

"Wait for me in the hotel lobby." Zhou Yun said, "Sister Lan, if you have nothing to do, why don't you eat together?"

"Okay." Zhou Lan nodded, "I haven't seen him for a long time."

"Can I have dinner with Gu Ge tonight?" Zheng Xiaoju, Gu Huaichun's number one fan, was full of surprise, "Is it true?"

"Really." Zhou Yun said with a smile, "Are you happy?"

"Happy, of course!" Zheng Xiaoju immediately cheered, "It's great!"

Zhou Yun: "Let me talk to Gu Huaichun."

The two sides met in the hotel lobby.

Gu Huaichun was sitting on the sofa in the hotel lobby, looking at his mobile phone.

"Please wait for us a little longer, let's go up and put things away." Zhou Yun said.

Gu Huaichun saw a lot of things in their hands and said, "Do you want me to help?"

Zheng Xiaoju shook his hand and said, "No need, Brother Gu, we can do it."

Gu Huaichun had heard from Zhou Yun that her assistant was his fan.

Gu Huaichun smiled at Zheng Xiaoju, and said, "Anyway, I'm waiting here, let's go up together, and I can help you get something."

Zhou Lan glanced at Gu Huaichun in surprise.

Gu Huaichun also made his debut for a while, he and Zhou Yun became popular at the same time, of course, Zhou Yun was a little earlier than Gu Huaichun, after all Zhou Yun had already become popular before filming "The Eighth Heartbeat" , but the time is almost up.

The two took two completely different paths.

Under Yue Hai's arrangement, Gu Huaichun took the path of traffic completely.

The scenes he took over were all fan-oriented or market-oriented.

Of course, he acted very well. Among the extremely fast-changing traffic route stars, he steadily established his reputation for good acting skills.

Every one of his roles is convincing-this doesn't have to be a serious drama to achieve the effect.

The most important thing is that every drama he starred in has never hit the street, it's just the difference between a small fire and a big fire.

After "The Eighth Heartbeat", "Dark Sky" became a minor hit. It took a total of three seasons, which completely stabilized his popularity. During this period, several other dramas were broadcast, which were liked by many people.

This made him really win the hearts of advertisers and patron dads.

Zhou Lan had actually heard a lot about Gu Huaichun from other people.

Those things are not necessarily positive.

Some people also said that Gu Huaichun was difficult to cooperate with and played big names on the set, while others said that Gu Huaichun had a bad attitude towards the staff.

Zhou Lan didn't doubt that these things were fabricated and forged by others.

When Gu Huaichun and Zhou Yun filmed "The Eighth Heartbeat", they were not a good actor to cooperate with.

At the very beginning, he also made Zhou Yun very angry.

Zhou Lan thought that Gu Huaichun had changed.This is not surprising. After a celebrity artist becomes popular, his personality becomes arrogant, rude, and self-important. This is a very normal thing.

But what Gu Huaichun showed just now made him look like a gentle and warm-hearted person.

After putting away their things, everyone went to find a nearby restaurant for dinner.

Zhou Lan said: "It's fate to meet in New York this time. It's worth having a drink in a foreign country."

Everyone raised their glasses and touched them lightly.

It's still the Chinese way of touching.

Gu Huaichun laughed and said: "It is indeed fate. Before I came to the United States, I didn't know that Xiaoyun was also here. I still heard about it from the partner in the United States."


Gu Huaichun said: "I also had a shoot yesterday, and the makeup artist told me that tomorrow they were going to do Zhou Yun's makeup, and asked me if I knew Zhou Yun."

"It's such a coincidence that even the makeup team is from the same company." Zhou Lan said in surprise.

"Yes." Gu Huaichun nodded, "I was also surprised when I heard about it. It's such a coincidence."

"What's so coincidental, it's all filmed in New York. There are as many good makeup teams here, and it's not uncommon to bump into one." Zhou Yun said, "When we shoot magazines in China, the makeup teams we often cooperate with are not the same. How many of those?"

"That's true." Gu Huaichun nodded.

"Didn't your manager come?" Zhou Yun asked.

Gu Huaichun said: "Here we come, but I told him that today I want to do activities by myself, so he ignored me."

"That's right, it's hard to get out of a familiar environment and be yourself." Zhou Yun said, "We really can't be as relaxed and comfortable in China as we are in the United States. There are not so many people who know us here."

"I won't know until "Killing Song" is released." Gu Huaichun said, "When will you shoot this movie?"

"It will take a long time, and it will be the end of next year at the earliest." Zhou Yun said, "I haven't seen the complete script yet."

"Yeah." Gu Huaichun said, "Don't forget to invite me to the premiere."

"The premiere will definitely be on the American side." Zhou Yun said, "It's so far away, are you coming?"

"If you invite me, of course I will come." Gu Huaichun said.

Zhou Yun smiled.

It's cold in New York in November.

It wasn't snowing, but it was cold and windy.

When everyone came out of the restaurant, a poor homeless man came forward to beg for them.

No matter how prosperous the city is, there are down and outs at the bottom.

Because Gu Huaichun did not live in the same hotel as Zhou Yun and the others, they parted ways at the entrance of the restaurant.

Zhou Yun and others returned to the hotel.

"It's so cold." Zheng Xiaoju stomped his feet, his little face flushed.

Zhou Yun said: "Go back quickly, take a hot bath and sleep."

Zhou Lan reminded: "There is another shooting tomorrow morning, don't forget."

Zhou Yun sighed.

Fortunately, tomorrow's shooting does not have as many schedules as today, and only a set of photos in the studio is enough.

Today is a blockbuster in a fashion magazine, advertisers have invested real money, and it is a magazine with a relatively high status, so the requirements are much higher.

"We're going to a dinner party tomorrow night." Zhou Lan said to Zhou Yun, "Xue Qin, Shi Luoqi and You Jiang will all be there, and we can meet them."

Zhou Yun said, "Is it public?"

"Yes, publicly." Zhou Lan nodded.

There will be many such business dinners at the end of the year.

Over the past year, people who have made remarkable achievements in various fields and are already the most eye-catching people in all walks of life will frequently come and go in these banquets and gather to become celebrities.

Zhou Lan said: "Most of the participants tomorrow night are qualified as Oscar judges and will participate in the voting, so the people at Pimchi also asked me to tell you that we must pay attention to tomorrow night's activities."

"I have come to the United States, how can I not take it seriously?" Zhou Yun said.

"By the way, He Wenyun may also appear." Zhou Lan said, "I heard that He Wenyun is also in the United States. She has a good relationship with Pimchi, and she will star in "Chinese Warrior" soon. Now she is attracting attention."

Zhou Yun nodded.

"There is no conflict between me and her, just say hello when you see her."

Zhou Lan: "This is the best, but when your group photo is posted on social media, there will definitely be a lot of people talking about it, you know what I mean?"

"Well, I understand." Zhou Yun nodded, "But it's okay, Sister Lan, there must be a lot of voices of sowing discord, sarcasm, and ridicule, especially those who tried to see me and He Wenyun fight, there will be more, We must hold our breath and must not be provoked by them."

"Of course, I've told them a long time ago. In this regard, we will never start a war. Don't worry."


The next day, early in the morning, Zhou Yun looked out the window, and the sky was leaden gray.

is a bad weather.

Unlike yesterday, the sun was shining brightly.

Zhou Yun is worried that it will rain today.

If it rains, today's filming... oh, it won't affect today's filming, as we were filming in the studio today.

just cold.

Zhou Yun put on a thick jacket for herself - if it wasn't for the sake of image, she would actually prefer to wear a thicker and warmer cotton jacket.

But Zhou Lan obviously wouldn't agree to let her do this.

Zhou Yun went to the restaurant of the hotel to have breakfast.

There is still half an hour before the time to start shooting, which is just right for breakfast.

Zhou Yun took two slices of toast and made a glass of milk. This was her breakfast.

Zheng Xiaoju sat down at a table with Zhou Yun.

On the left side of this dining table, a middle-aged brown-haired man with a big belly was sitting, drinking milk while reading the morning newspaper provided by the restaurant.

When Zhou Yun and Zheng Xiaoju sat down, the man even looked up at the two young girls.

Compared with the simplicity of Zhou Yun's dinner plate, the things in front of Zheng Xiaoju are obviously richer.

"Sister Lan and Xiaoyun are so lazy." Zheng Xiaoju said, "They both said they won't eat breakfast."

Zhou Yun said: "Yesterday, Liu Yun got up early to eat breakfast with me, but you didn't show up."

Zheng Xiaoju: "..."

It's too bad, when you step on them, you forget how you behaved yesterday.

Zheng Xiaoju had an embarrassing smile on his face.

Zhou Yun held back a laugh.

Zhou Yun picked up his cup, took a sip of milk, and stopped halfway through the drink.

Zheng Xiaoju saw that Zhou Yun's hand drinking milk suddenly stopped in mid-air, and couldn't help asking: "Sister Xiaoyun, what's wrong? Does the milk taste wrong?"

Zhou Yun stared straight at the man sitting in front of her left.To be precise, staring at the newspaper in the hand of the man sitting in front of her left.

Zheng Xiaoju followed Zhou Yun's gaze.

She has been studying English recently, and she has achieved initial results.

But she is still not used to titles where every letter is capitalized, and she has to change it to lowercase in her mind to be able to translate it.

Therefore, it took Zheng Xiaoju a while to figure out what the headlines in the newspaper were talking about.

——A Chinese actor was robbed and attacked last night, and was seriously injured and hospitalized.

The moment Zheng Xiaoju translated, his pupils dilated instantly, and he couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

"Little Gu!"

Zhou Yun woke up like a dream, put down the cup, immediately picked up the phone, and called Gu Huaichun.

The phone rang for a long time, but Gu Huaichun didn't answer it.

Zhou Yun was extremely anxious.

"Is it Brother Gu?" Zheng Xiaoju was stunned, looking at Zhou Yun in bewilderment.

Zhou Yun took a deep breath and said, "Xiaoyu, let's go to Sister Lan first."


Zhou Yun and Zheng Xiaoju put down their unfinished dinner and left the restaurant in a hurry.

When the two of them knocked on the door, Zhou Lan was packing his bags and was about to go out. When he heard the hasty knock on the door, he thought something was wrong. When he looked at Maoyan, Zhou Yun and Zheng Xiaoju were outside, and he opened the door immediately.

"What's the matter? Looking for me in such a hurry?"

Zhou Yun said, "Sister Lan, do you have the contact information of Gu Huaichun's manager?"

"Well." Zhou Lan said, "Yes, what's the matter? Is there anything I can do for him? But isn't he going back to China today?"

Zhou Yun said: "Please contact me quickly. I just saw news in the newspaper that a Chinese actor was robbed and attacked last night. He was seriously injured and hospitalized. I don't know if it is him. Can't get through."

Zhou Lan showed shock.

She didn't talk nonsense, and immediately went to get her mobile phone and contacted Gu Huaichun's manager.

"Ah? What?" Gu Huaichun's manager looked confused, "Robbery? Injured? How is it possible? I went to wake him up ten minutes ago. He's fine."

Zhou Lan immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "Scared me, it's okay. We read in the newspaper that a Chinese actor was robbed, injured and hospitalized. We all thought it was Gu Huaichun, and we were shocked a lot." Jump."

After a few more pleasantries, Zhou Lan hung up the phone.

"It's not him, don't worry." Zhou Lan said to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun and Zheng Xiaoju heaved a sigh of relief at the same time.

"It's just, if it wasn't Gu Huaichun, who else would it be?" Zhou Lan frowned suspiciously, "Who else are Chinese actors in the United States today?"

The eyes of Zhou Lan and Zhou Yun converged.

The two looked at each other.

A name emerged from the minds of two people at the same time.

You Jiang.

The heart that Zhou Yun had just put down lifted up again.

You Jiang is also in the United States and New York now, and he will attend a dinner with them tonight.

Is it You Jiang?

At this time, Zhou Lan's cell phone rang.

It was the phone call from the filming party today, saying that the car that picked up Zhou Yun had already arrived downstairs.

Zhou Lan hung up the phone and said to Zhou Yun, "Let's go down first. Whether it's Teacher You Jiang or not, we still have work this morning. I'll go and find out what's going on."

Zhou Yun nodded.


Near noon, Zhou Yun ended the interview.

After the reporter in charge of the interview took off the microphone, he asked, "Zhou Yun, I feel that you are a little absent-minded. Is there something bothering you?"

Zhou Yun smiled apologetically to the reporter and said, "I'm really out of shape today, sorry."

The reporter smiled.

Since Zhou Yun didn't say anything, he didn't ask any more questions.

After bidding farewell to the interview and filming team, Zhou Yun couldn't bear it anymore and looked at Sister Lan anxiously.

"Sister Lan, what's going on? Who is it?" Zhou Yun asked, "Is it Teacher You Jiang?"

Zhou Lan sighed, nodded, and said, "I've confirmed that it's Mr. You Jiang. He went shopping last night and was robbed by two young men. Mr. You Jiang fought with them, but it turned out that Mr. You Jiang was not them." Fortunately, someone else saw him from behind, and he shouted those two youths away."

Zhou Yun asked: "Which hospital is Teacher You Jiang in? I'll go and see him."

Zhou Lan said, "Okay."

Zhou Yun didn't go back to the hotel, but went directly to the hospital.

All the way to find the ward where You Jiang is.

This is a double ward, and another person is lying on another bed. He should be sleeping with his eyes closed, motionless.

You Jiang was lying on the bed by the window, and there was another person who looked like an assistant sitting by the bed, looking down at his phone.

Zhou Yun went in with Zhou Lan and Zheng Xiaoju, and called out "Teacher You Jiang" in a low voice.

You Jiang was reading a book with an electronic reader, and when he heard the voice, he looked up in surprise, and when he saw Zhou Yun and the others, he smiled pleasantly.

"Xiaoyun, Xiaolan, why... are you here?"

Zhou Lan said: "We went to the United States the day before yesterday and just heard about what happened to you, so I asked your agent about it and came to visit you."

They still had things in their hands.

Zhou Yun held a bunch of flowers in his hand.

The assistant-like person took the things and put the flowers into the vase.

On the contrary, You Jiang's face was a little embarrassed, as if he was embarrassed by this incident, and said, "I didn't expect to encounter such a thing."

Zhou Yun said, "Have the two robbers been caught?"

"Yeah." You Jiang nodded, pointed to his face, and said, "But I can't attend some activities anymore with my current state."

You Jiang mainly had obvious bruises and redness on the left side of his forehead.

It does look scary.

Zhou Yun said: "Did the doctor say when will the injury go away?"

You Jiang shook his head, sighed, and said, "It will take at least two weeks."

Now the public relations of "Behind the Scenes" for the Olympic Games has gradually entered a white-hot stage.

Especially when it comes to December and January, it will be the stage when major Olympic films will make their efforts.

"Behind the Scenes" has already received many nominations for the best foreign language film of the Sentinel Awards. Whether there is any hope of rushing to the second half of the film, this period of time is particularly important.

Zhou Lan also told Zhou Yun that You Jiang has been staying in the United States for the past two months, on the one hand to cooperate with the promotion of "Behind the Scenes", and on the other hand to get to know some production companies and directors in the United States.

When You Jiang encountered such an incident suddenly, his previous efforts came to an abrupt end.

Zhou Yun guessed that You Jiang would be very unwilling.

She thought for a while, and said, "Mr. You, why don't you wear a mask for yourself? Customize a mask to cover this place."

You Jiang looked at Zhou Yun in surprise.

But Zhou Yun's proposal seems to be feasible.

You Jiang's expression changed.

Zhou Yun said, "By the way, Mr. You, I read in the news that you were seriously injured?"

"It's not that exaggerated, and I can still walk." You Jiang said, "It's just that those two little beasts hit me in the stomach, which was so hard that my spleen and stomach hurt a little."

Zhou Yun said: "Fortunately, nothing major happened, and you too, Mr. You, next time you encounter such robbers, give them your things first to protect your own safety."

You Jiang said: "Let me surrender? I can't do it. I can't do something like surrender without a fight."

"If you are alone in a foreign country, it's not surrender without a fight, it's called self-defense," Zhou Yun said.

You Jiang waved his hand, "It's the same thing."

On this matter, You Jiang's attitude seems to be very firm.

Zhou Yun was also helpless, after persuasion, You Jiang refused to listen, and she had no choice.

At this moment, someone came in with a camera.

Several people, like a team.

The ward is not big, they saw You Jiang's side at a glance, and rushed over in a swarm.

"Excuse me, are you You Jiang?" A black-haired, bright-looking woman rushed to the front, and she asked You Jiang who was lying on the hospital bed very fast.

You Jiang's assistant immediately rushed forward, blocked them, and asked, "Who are you?"

It is still in Chinese.

It took him a second to realize and changed it to "Who are you?".

Zhou Yun turned to look at You Jiang.

"Mr. You, do you know them?"

"I don't know." You Jiang frowned slightly, a little upset by this group of people who broke in suddenly.

Zhou Yun said to Zheng Xiaoju: "Xiaoju, go and call the nurses and security guards, they should be in the corridor, you can look for them."

Zheng Xiaoju nodded, and responded swiftly, "Understood."

Zhou Lan and Zhou Yun also turned around to block those people.

"Who are you? Have you obtained permission? Just barge in like this." Zhou Yun asked with a few words, staring at the black-haired woman.

The black-haired woman first glanced at Zhou Yun suspiciously, as if she was wondering about Zhou Yun's identity.

Immediately, as if she remembered something, her eyes lit up suddenly, and she asked in surprise, "Are you Zhou Yun?"

Her pronunciation of the name "Zhou Yun" is still very strange, but Zhou Yun can tell that she is calling her.

Zhou Yun frowned at her.

"who are you?"

"I'm a reporter from New York Entertainment News, and my name is Avril." She said, "I really didn't expect to see you here. Are you here to visit You Jiang? We heard that You Jiang was robbed last night. Would like to interview, do you have anything to say?"

Zhou Yun directly refused, saying: "Sorry, I don't accept interviews. In addition, you didn't make an appointment for the interview with Mr. You Jiang, did you? Rushing over like this will disturb his rest. Please go out first."

Zhou Yun's tone was firm and his aura was strong, there was no room for discussion at all.

The reporter named Avril seemed to be intimidated by Zhou Yun's upright and stern attitude, and was stunned for two seconds.

At this time, Zheng Xiaoju had already called the security guards and nurses from the hospital.

These uninvited talents were finally taken out of the ward.

Zhou Yun heaved a sigh of relief.

You Jiang thanked them.

"I was having breakfast at the hotel this morning, and I saw a newspaper in someone's hand, which said that a Chinese actor was robbed last night and was admitted to the hospital. Someone will find it right away. Teacher You, I'm worried. There will be other media coming later." Zhou Yun said, "Do you want to contact the people from Pai Mengqi and ask them to arrange assistance, otherwise we are not familiar with the place here, and there is no way to stop these people."

You Jiang said: "People from Paimonchi will not help us stop them. They hope that more people will pay attention to this matter. I will be on the news, and even "Behind the Scenes" will attract more people's attention. Just like what happened to you back then."

Zhou Yun came back to his senses and suddenly realized.

Yes, she wanted to miss it.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yun suddenly thought of his previous guess about the person who attacked her in the hotel.

Was it really an accident that the two young men who robbed Teacher You Jiang last night?
"Mr. You, you should have had a lot of contact with people from Pai Mengqi during this period of time, right?" Zhou Yun asked.

In fact, Zhou Yun asked this question because he wanted to ask You Jiang what he thought of the people who sent Mengqi, but You Jiang obviously misunderstood.

You Jiang said: "There is a lot of contact, but it is not enough for them to be willing to do this kind of thing that is not beneficial to them."

Zhou Yun asked: "Then what should we do next? If this matter is really fermented and attracts a lot of media, there is no way to stop them with only one assistant?"

You Jiang is an actor of the older generation, and the domestic company he signed with was not a big company.

Now he is alone in the United States, with only one assistant by his side, and his agent is still in Los Angeles to talk about other jobs.

The situation is really bad.

You Jiang said: "There is no way to do this. I can only do this temporarily, but I am fine. I don't have to stay in the hospital all the time. I can be discharged after two days of observation."

Zhou Yun said: "I'm not very relieved. I'll see if I can find a more suitable bodyguard. I'll do it for two days first."

"It's okay, there's no need." You Jiang said, "There's no need to mobilize people like this."

Zhou Yun was worried that Pai Mengqi would use this incident to hype "Behind the Scenes" and hurt You Jiang even more.

I don't know what Pai Mengqi will do, Zhou Yun is not optimistic about them.

"Teacher You, be prepared, trust me about this matter." Zhou Yun said, "Don't be like me, who realized the importance of safety only after being sneaked into a hotel room, like you went shopping alone last night. , To be honest, in the United States, I don’t dare. As you can see from the news, there are many people who discriminate against Asians here. Not long ago, there was news that an old Asian lady was stoned by several white teenagers. You hurt your head."

You Jiang pursed his lips.

Zhou Yun winked at Zhou Lan and asked her to help arrange this matter.

Because of the previous incident, when Zhou Yun came this time, Zhou Lan had already contacted the security company here to be responsible for Zhou Yun's security.

Zhou Lan has this channel to help You Jiang hire suitable bodyguards.

After leaving the hospital, Zhou Lan asked: "The cost of hiring a bodyguard is not cheap. Teacher You Jiang doesn't want to hire a bodyguard. There may be reasons for this. He... He is not the kind of actor who can make money after all. Look at him I have stayed in the United States for so long, and there is only one assistant by my side, and I can’t speak English well after listening to his assistant’s broken English, so I didn’t even ask for a translator in this situation.”

Zhou Yun realized what Zhou Lan said, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Sister Lan, you can pay this money from me."

"You?" Zhou Lan looked at Zhou Yun in surprise.

"Anyway, I have worked with Teacher You Jiang before, and he is a very respectable senior. I don't want to see him being bullied like this in a foreign country." Zhou Yun said, "You are right, It’s because I didn’t think it through. The reason why Teacher You Jiang stayed in the United States is because he hasn’t encountered such a good opportunity in "Behind the Scenes" for a long time. He wants to take this opportunity to find more opportunities. Don't say we paid here, communicate with Sister Luo Qi and the others, and then the nominal money will come from the production company of "Behind the Scenes."

"Okay, that's fine."

Zhou Lan is Zhou Yun's manager, and he also knew that the money was nothing to Zhou Yun, so he agreed directly.

Zhou Yun said, "Sister Lan, I have one more thing to ask for your help."

"what's up?"

Zhou Yun said: "If there is an opportunity suitable for Mr. You Jiang, please remember to let me know. If I can recommend it, I will try my best to recommend it."

Zhou Lan looked at Zhou Yun in surprise.

"Okay." She agreed.

In fact, it was Zhou Lan's words that reminded Zhou Yun.

In Zhou Yun's eyes, You Jiang is an old senior and an artist with superb acting skills. She never thought that a person like Teacher You Jiang would be short-changed and would need to look for opportunities.

In Zhou Yun's subconscious mind, Mr. You Jiang will never be short of filming.

But Zhou Lan's words woke Zhou Yun up.

At the beginning, You Jiang was only invited by Shi Luoqi to play a cameo role in "Words of Fallen Leaves".Said it was a cameo, said it was an old-timer, but in fact, it didn't have much reputation and there was no market.

Just because he got the opportunity of "Behind the Scenes" by accident, You Jiang suddenly ushered in the second spring of his career.

If he had no ambition and no idea of ​​continuing to work hard, how could he have been cooperating with the publicity and public relations of "Behind the Scenes" in the United States?
Zhou Yun realizes that she can actually help not only newcomers like Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting, but old actors like Mr. You Jiang who have acting skills but are not popular due to various reasons. She can actually help as much as she can. help.

Zhou Lan saw what Zhou Yun meant, and she said, "Actually, Teacher You Jiang doesn't need your help. The movie "Behind the Scenes" will definitely help him get nominated for some awards. I heard that there are already some awards in our country." Many plays are looking for him."

"It may not be what Teacher You wants to play." Zhou Yun said.

At You Jiang's age, there are many roles suitable for him, but the good roles are basically occupied by those big names.

You Jiang will not be short of play appointments, but he may not be able to get the role he wants to play.

Zhou Lan nodded and said, "I see, I will pay attention."

She added: "Let's go back and rest for a while. I will be styling at four o'clock later. Tonight will be a public dinner event. There will be dozens of media at the scene. You can't make mistakes in your state."

Zhou Yun nodded.

"By the way, I just said that I can customize a mask for Mr. You Jiang to help him cover the wound on his face. Sister Lan, can you help me find out?" Zhou Yun said, "Mr. You Jiang has only one assistant by his side. Many things can only be done by myself, and there may not be so much energy and channels.”

Zhou Lan sighed and said, "You are suffering from worrying now."

 I have finally coded out this huge and fat chapter, and I can confidently ask for the monthly pass in everyone's hands!
(End of this chapter)

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