Chapter 593 Dinner
Zhou Yun reflected on himself, whether he really suffered from worrying as Zhou Lan said.

If you really get it, you have to change it, but you can't contract this thankless disease at a young age.

When I think about it seriously, it's really not that much. She is just helping the people she cares about within her ability. It's not as scary as Zhou Lan said.

Zhou Yun felt relieved and said to Zhou Lan, "Sister Lan, you are too alarmist."

"Yo, you're still worried about scaremongering." Zhou Lan laughed, "Are you really afraid that you'll get worrying?"

Zhou Yun nodded solemnly, and said, "After all, I have a living example in front of me that tells me how terrible it is to be a person suffering from worry."

Zhou Lan's eyes suddenly slanted away.

Isn't Zhou Yun's remark just to mock her again?

Zhou Lan: "It's really a dog biting Lu Dongbin, who doesn't know a good heart."

Zhou Yun smiled.

After all, Zhou Lan moved very quickly.

The few things Zhou Yun told her to do were all done before going out in the evening.

The mask has been customized, and the bodyguard has been hired. After Zhou Lan, I will meet with the bodyguard in person and go to work.

Zhou Yun sat in front of the makeup mirror and let the makeup artist apply her makeup.

It was the makeup artist they brought over to do her makeup today.

"The eye makeup must not be heavy." Zhou Yun said, "It's too ugly."

European and American faces are suitable for heavy makeup, but she is self-aware that it is not suitable for her.

The makeup artist smiled and said yes.

Zhou Lan said: "Xiaoyun, you will have a red carpet photo session later in the evening. Remember to take a photo at a fixed point. Don't leave in a hurry. This is the United States. Photographers may not stare at you to take pictures. If you leave Going too fast, there may not be many photos to take."

Zhou Yun nodded and said yes.

"I see."

Zhou Lan added: "In addition, tonight's dinner will be attended by Bruce from Paimuche and Brirange from Melando. Lando will talk to you about the person in charge of "Killing Song", these two people appeared at the same time, and I heard that the relationship between the two of them seems to be very ordinary, you should pay attention to yourself, and don't get involved in the dispute between these two people."

"What is the conflict between the two of them?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan said: "It is said that it is because of a woman. I don't know exactly what happened. These are all gossips I heard."

"I never thought gossip was worthless." Zhou Yun said with a smile.

Gossip is news, news is information, and information can determine many things.

After finishing the styling, Zhou Yun first took some photos in the hotel.

Zheng Xiaoju was in charge of the filming.

She has been honing her shooting skills during this time, because basically Zhou Yun's photos and VLOGs on various social platforms are all taken by her.

Zhou Lan also allocated a special fund for Zheng Xiaoju to enroll in a photography class to learn photography techniques.

"We don't need to hire a photographer to follow up. On the one hand, we don't take the route of relying on faces and photos, and on the other hand, the cost is too high and it's not worth it." Zhou Lan said, "I think The girl in Xiaoju is quite talented in taking pictures. Send her to learn photography, and then give her bonuses based on the materials she uses for shooting every month. This can make that girl in Xiaoyu more motivated and more convenient. After all, photography A teacher is no match for an assistant, and basically follows you every day."

Zhou Yun felt that what Zhou Lan said made sense, so he followed Zhou Lan's opinion.

After going through a lot of adjustments, Zheng Xiaoju's photography level has really reached a certain level, at least it is completely possible to take some beautiful pictures for Zhou Yun.

Zheng Xiaoju also opened an account on a platform to share some of her usual photography works.

At [-]:[-] in the afternoon, Zhou Yun set off for the dinner party.

In fact, this kind of activity is similar at home and abroad.

It's just that most of the people you see here are foreigners, which is the biggest difference.

All of this reminds her that she is now a guest, a guest from another country.

As Zhou Lan said before, when she took pictures on the red carpet, not many photographers took pictures of her.

Many people would rather focus their cameras on the American actress who had already walked to the front and take pictures of her back than Zhou Yun's frontal photo.

Zhou Yun once became popular in the United States for a while, but after the popularity of that news passed, Zhou Yun lost a lot of value in the eyes of these photographers.

Of course, it's not that no one took pictures of her.

Her "Days" and "Behind the Scenes" performed well in the United States, which also gave her a certain reputation, and there are still a few photographers shooting her.

Zhou Yun seriously looked at the cameras facing her, changed his posture several times, then smiled and waved his hands, and entered the infield.

Zhou Lan was waiting for her in the infield.

As soon as Zhou Yun reunited with Zhou Lan, he saw Shi Luoqi.

I haven't seen Shi Luoqi for a long time.When Zhou Yun saw her again, he felt that Shi Luoqi seemed to have become much more beautiful, and he looked radiant and energetic.

Shi Luoqi opened his arms and gave Zhou Yun a warm hug.

"I finally met you." Shi Luoqi said, "Xiaoyun, you don't know how many people have told me they want to see you."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "I'm sorry, Sister Luo Qi, I just finished filming "Deep Sea"."

"Well, I know you're busy, so there's nothing I can do." Shi Luoqi said, "But now that you're here, take part in more activities during this period so that everyone can get to know you."

Zhou Yun said yes.

Shi Luoqi was talking when suddenly a man's voice came from the side.

"Hey, Shi, is this beautiful lady your heroine?"

Zhou Yun and Shi Luoqi turned their heads to look at the person coming at the same time.

This man should be in his early sixties, wearing formal clothes, but he has a relatively strong figure, and the clothes on his body are tightly stretched.

He has a bushy beard around his face-whiskers are especially common on the European and American side.

In addition, he has a pair of blue eyes.

Seeing each other, Shi Luoqi smiled in surprise.

"Oh, Smith, you're here tonight too!" Shi Luoqi was so enthusiastic that he gave someone a face-to-face gift immediately, and then introduced Zhou Yun, "Xiaoyun, this is Mr. Smith from Vicente Media."

Zhou Yun had never heard of this Mr. Smith, but he had heard about Vicente.

Vicente Media is the world's top media company, with many media companies and powerful influence.

I just don't know what position this Mr. Smith holds in Vicente Media.

Judging from Shi Luoqi's attitude, his position should not be low.

For a public figure like Zhou Yun, the figures in the media group must make good friends.

Whether it is the usual publicity and reporting, or the attitude of public opinion at critical times, media groups are manipulating a huge force.

Zhou Yun and this Mr. Smith embraced lightly.

Smith wrapped his left hand around her waist and called "Sweat" in her ear affectionately.

Zhou Yun was stunned for a moment.

Smith let go of her and said, "I'm a fan of yours, and you're so beautiful and brutal in 'Behind the Scenes.'"

Zhou Yun didn't know how to respond when he heard the two adjectives Smith used.

Because these two words are really not easy to answer.

"Thank you." That was all she could say in the end.

Shi Luoqi enthusiastically introduced to Zhou Yun: "Mr. Smith has mentioned to me several times that he wants to meet you. He has provided us with great support for "Behind the Scenes" and recommended us on the headlines of two of his websites. movie."

Zhou Yun said: "I am honored that you like this movie."

Smith smiled kindly.

"When I was in college, I dated a Chinese girl. Probably because of this relationship, I have always had a good impression of Chinese girls." Smith said this sentence as if joking, "I always feel that you Chinese girls are as delicate as porcelain dolls, especially when I see you with my own eyes today, I think so."

What Smith said made Zhou Yun feel uncomfortable.

But Shi Luoqi's attitude made Zhou Yun dare not relax, so he had to cheer up and chat with this person.

The most critical job for her to come to the United States is to participate in the Olympic public relations of the movie "Behind the Scenes".

Public relations should not only recommend this movie to powerful and influential people in Hollywood during this kind of dinner-like event, but also build momentum in the media so that the entire public opinion environment will pay attention to this movie. Drop it some of the time.

When Shi Luoqi introduced Smith, he specifically pointed out that he belonged to Vicente Media, just to remind Zhou Yun that this person plays a pivotal role in media communication.

Shi Luoqi hurriedly invited Xue Qin over, and the four of them took a group photo together.

Smith said: "Shi, you are such an amazing producer, and you have unearthed such two talented young people."

Shi Luoqi smiled and shook his hands, and said: "Smith, the two of them were already the best in this industry before they met me. Zhou Yun is the top female star in China, and Xue Qin has been directing for Chen Zian before." As an assistant director, I didn't dig them out by myself, but now they are liked by so many people in the United States, and they are so popular. This is your credit. Without your support, so many people would not recognize "" "Behind the Scenes" movie, there will not be so many people who know them."

Smith looked at Zhou Yun and said, "I heard that you will collaborate with Merlando in a new film next?"

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded.

"Melando's movies in the past few years are very average. Why did you act in their movies?" Smith asked, "Isn't Pamonchi making a movie with you Chinese as the protagonist? It's called "Chinese Warrior" , why didn't you act in this movie?"

Zhou Yun said with a smile: "Only Merandu came to look for me, Pai Mengqi did not look for me."

Smith looked surprised.

"is it?"

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded.

Smith was wondering when he suddenly saw someone and called out "Bruce".

I saw Bruce of Paimuche talking to another person next to him. Hearing Smith's cry, he immediately said a few words to the person who was talking, and walked over here.

"Hi, Smith." Bruce stood next to Smith, fully showing his usual self-control and self-demand. He is still in his middle age and exudes masculine charm, and he obviously knows it very well. With this kind of charm in himself, when he was talking to Smith, he still looked at Zhou Yun and Shi Luoqi and smiled.

Smith said: "I asked Zhou Yun just now, and she said that "Chinese Warrior" did not invite her to act in this movie. Is this true?"

Bruce froze for a moment.

Smith said: "I really don't understand why you guys did this. Her "Days" and "Behind the Scenes" have been well received by many people. She is a rising star. Why do you choose An unknown newcomer?"

Zhou Yun did not expect Smith to ask so directly.

She froze for a moment.

From Bruce's calm expression, it can be seen that he is a little embarrassed and flustered. He probably didn't expect that he would be asked such an embarrassing question by Smith after he came here.

"Actually, it's not that I chose an unknown newcomer. He Wenyun has worked with us before. The movie she collaborated with director Spielberg will be released soon. You will know her by then. She is also a talented actress like Miss Zhou Yun. Talented young actor." Bruce said, "Oh, and she's here tonight."

Bruce shook his head and looked around, as if he wanted to find He Wenyun.

But he looked around for a while, but couldn't find it.

Smith was a little surprised when he heard Spielberg's name, and said, "She also made a movie with Spielberg?"

"Yeah." Bruce nodded, his tone of voice revealed a bit of complacency, and he even looked at Zhou Yun with a condescending meaning, as if he was mocking Zhou Yun for not being qualified enough. The look in the eyes made Zhou Yun feel uncomfortable, "After all, not everyone can be chosen by Director Spielberg to act in a movie."

Zhou Yun kept smiling, and didn't pay attention to this very directional sentence, but said: "He Wenyun is indeed a good actor, I acted with her in the last film, and we had a great time working together. "

Bruce glanced at her in surprise, "So you also know He Wenyun?"

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Yes, we are quite familiar with each other."

Bruce said: "I heard that she has returned to your China to develop, and even signed part of the brokerage contract with your Chinese brokerage company. In my opinion, she is really unwise. The best talents in the world are in our company." Here, she has already made two movies, and her future stardom is also highly anticipated. Look, we are preparing a movie here, and the whole world is watching. This is much more popular than making a movie in China, isn't it? ?”

Bruce's arrogance is palpable.

Bruce is also really arrogant, even in front of Zhou Yun, Zhou Lan, Shi Luoqi and so many Chinese people, he expressed his contempt for Chinese movies.

Shi Luoqi was the first to speak sarcastically: "Hollywood is indeed the most developed place in the film industry, but if there are no outstanding filmmakers from all over the world, how can it continue its glory?"

Bruce spread his hands: "We never deny this, we always want to cooperate with the best people."

"Yeah, and at the same time, you always want to expand the Chinese market." Zhou Yun followed closely, "Even, specialize in producing superhero movies with Chinese elements."

Bruce laughed twice, and said: "We are just very interested in the cultures of all countries and regions, and we hope to make all good stories into movies for audiences all over the world."

"Hmm." Zhou Yun nodded, "In an arrogant way that looks down on other people?"

Bruce froze.

Zhou Yun: "Just kidding, don't take it to heart."

Bruce snorted softly.

Smith looked at the two in surprise, regretting calling Bruce over.

He also did not expect that such a conflict would occur between these two people.

"Miss Zhou Yun seems to look down on our American production company?" Bruce said again, "Since you are so contemptuous of our values, why did you accept the filming of Merando's "Killing Song"? If you are a real If you are an artist, just continue to make films like "Days" and "Behind the Scenes", and none of us will not recognize your accomplishments in film art."

"Mr. Bruce, I will cooperate with Merando because their leaders have shown their respect and enthusiasm for me in the process of communicating with me. I have never been complacent and unwilling to communicate with other countries in the world. I just don’t like to work with people who I don’t like.” Zhou Yun’s English is so fluent that she doesn’t stumble, which keeps her aura from the beginning to the end. “Bruce Mr. is proud of his country and his industry, which is understandable, but Mr. Bruce, don’t forget, you should have worked with many people from different countries, I think you should never belittle each other in front of them The country's film industry, right?"

Zhou Yun's attitude is very tough.

Bruce didn't seem to have thought that Zhou Yun would be so tough. For a while, his words were blocked in his throat, and he didn't say a word.

Smith smoothed things over with a smile, and said, "Bruce, look, you tolerated Miss Zhou's anger and didn't apologize to her."

Bruce was about to speak.

Zhou Yun smiled and said: "Oh, no need, I don't want Mr. Bruce to apologize to me, I just tell him clearly that I don't like what he said just now, and I hope he won't say those words again, that's enough gone."

Smith said: "Miss Zhou really doesn't want to suffer a little bit."

Smith's words made sense.

Why didn't Zhou Yun want Bruce to apologize?Especially an apology at Smith's persuasion?

See what Smith said just now?

——Bruce, look, you can't bear Miss Zhou's anger, and you still haven't apologized to her.

It was because Zhou Yun was angry that Bruce needed to apologize, not because Bruce was wrong and needed to apologize.

Of course Zhou Yun would not accept it.

That's why Smith said that Zhou Yun refused to suffer a little.

The maneuvers of several people made you come and go, but there were so many celebrities at the dinner party, they said something, broke up unhappy, and there were others who wanted to say hello.

Among them is He Wenyun.

He Wenyun received no less attention than Zhou Yun on this occasion today.

Everyone is well-informed, and everyone knows that this person has made a movie with director Spielberg, which will be released soon, and will soon star in Paimuchy's blockbuster "Chinese Warrior".

Once people are popular in social situations, even if you don't want to stand out yourself, you will still be highlighted by the environment.

He Wenyun and Zhou Yun finally met each other.

"Xiaoyun." He Wenyun smiled happily at her, stretched out her hand and took Zhou Yun's hand, "I knew you would come, but I never found you."

In fact, it's such a big place, if I really want to find someone, I can't find it anywhere.

This is the first time Zhou Yun and He Wenyun have met since "Deep Sea" was finished.

He Wenyun looks better than in "Deep Sea" filming.

"Is the whole drama of "Deep Sea" finished?" He Wenyun asked.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "It's all finished. After you guys finished shooting, there will be only me, Yu Chu, and Xin Zhike left to shoot from morning to night every day, don't mention how tired you are."

He Wenyun said: "Actually, you have plenty of time, but you pushed yourself too hard."

Zhou Yun nodded: "I have to admit it."

He Wenyun said: "However, you did a good job of hiding it from me."

She teased.

Zhou Yun didn't understand why He Wenyun said that, and looked at her.

He Wenyun said: "When I asked you before if you would play "Chinese Warrior", you were already preparing to play "Killing Song", right?"

Zhou Yun didn't expect He Wenyun to tell her about it.

She said: "It was not settled at the time, so I did not disclose it to the public."

"Of course, I understand." He Wenyun said, "I was just joking."

Zhou Yun: "I haven't formally congratulated you yet, but you passed the audition and got the movie "Chinese Warrior"."

He Wenyun shook her head and said, "Actually, I want to play "Killing Song" more than this movie."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun was stunned again.

She didn't expect He Wenyun to say that.

He Wenyun said: "I heard that "Killing Song" is directed by director O Friso Lang? He is a director I really want to work with."

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "As for who will be the director, I haven't heard any definite information yet, so I don't know who it is."

He Wenyun asked in surprise: "Huh? Could it be that it's not him? I heard that he has been appointed as the director, and he himself intends to direct this movie."

Zhou Yun did not speak.

He Wenyun has been in Hollywood before, so it is not surprising that she has more news channels than Zhou Yun.

"Anyway, we are already friends, right?" He Wenyun asked suddenly.

Zhou Yun was surprised by He Wenyun's directness, but replied: "Of course."

"That's good. Since we are friends, let's not bother with the provocations from the media in the future." He Wenyun said, "To tell you the truth, I admire you very much. There is no one better than me, but I appreciate you."

If He Wenyun said such words were heard by others, they would probably be laughed at. She said such words were beyond her control.

After all, no matter what dimension you look at at present, He Wenyun is not qualified to say "I admire you" to Zhou Yun.

These four words carry a little bit of praise from the elders to the juniors and high profile, and it is by no means what a person who looks weaker would say to a person who looks stronger.

But He Wenyun said it so openly, she didn't seem to take it seriously, and didn't think there was any problem with saying this.

Zhou Yun understood what He Wenyun meant by these words. She nodded and said, "I admire you too. There are too few scenes with your opponent in "Deep Sea". Moreover, the production team is in a hurry and there is no way to perform a show to the fullest. I hope that in the future Given the chance, we could actually do a rivalry."

He Wenyun nodded.

"Okay, let's make a deal."

Zhou Yun nodded with a smile.

The two got together and talked for a while. In this dinner party dominated by Europeans and Americans, the two of them were originally one of the few Asians tonight, and they were both newcomers who had recently attracted attention.

Many people's eyes lingered on the two of them.

Zhou Lan asked Zheng Xiaoju to take a picture of the two of them talking intimately.

If someone says on the Internet that two people are at odds, posting such a photo can naturally make a powerful counterattack.

 Today is not as much as yesterday's update, but it is also very fat.

  See you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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