I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 594 Elizabeth Theron and Gloria Lawrence

Chapter 594 Elizabeth Theron and Gloria Lawrence

He Wenyun is a very proud person.

Regarding this point, Zhou Yun knew it when he first met He Wenyun.

If a person is proud of herself, it can be seen from her words and deeds.

Many people don't like to associate with such people, because they feel that such people are "difficult to deal with".

But Zhou Yun didn't dislike He Wenyun.

Zhou Yun thinks this is probably because she actually appreciates a person's pride, as long as this person's pride does not have a bad influence on the people around him.

Compared with self pride, it is better to give up on yourself.

Every time Zhou Yun meets someone like He Wenyun, he can't help but think this way.

What Zhou Yun didn't expect was that the dispute between her and Bruce was spread out.

In the second half, a well-known actress Elizabeth Theron greeted her under the recommendation of others, and blurted out: "Are you the one who quarreled with Bruce?"

Before Zhou Yun could react, Elizabeth Theron said happily, "I also had a fight with him."

Zhou Yun was very surprised, he didn't expect Elizabeth Theron would be so happy to say that she had quarreled with Bruce.

But Elizabeth Theron showed no scruples and said, "Bruce is very narrow-minded, you should pay attention, and don't be secretly hated by him."

Zhou Yun had no choice but to say yes with a smile, and then thanked the other party for the reminder.

Elizabeth Theron didn't take a serious look at Zhou Yun until this time, and said, "I heard that you are a very famous actress in China, aren't you?"

It's hard for Zhou Yun to say yes, and it's also hard to say no.

"Well," she said, "Of course, you also have a lot of fans in China, and they like you very much."

Elizabeth Theron said: "I went to China two years ago. That was when my movie was released in China. I really love the food in your country. There are so many delicious foods."

When it comes to food, Elizabeth Theron's eyes shine.This surprised Zhou Yun, who did not expect her to be such a proactive and enthusiastic person in private.

The two met for the first time, but Elizabeth Theron didn't just greet her perfunctorily, but chatted with her directly.

"Welcome to China again." Zhou Yun said, "If there is time and opportunity, I will take you to eat more delicious food."

Elizabeth Theron nodded: "Then let's talk about it."

Zhou Yun smiled.

"Hey, Elizabeth." At this time, another female star came over.

Zhou Yun also knew her, and the other party was also a well-known female star in the United States, named Gertia Lawrence.But unlike Elizabeth Theron, although Gertia Lawrence is also an actor, she is far less highly rated than Elizabeth Theron.

Elizabeth Theron has not acted in many films since her debut, but several of them are masterpieces of the Olympic Awards. Although she has not been nominated for the Olympic Awards, she has also been praised and favored by the entire film industry. She thinks that she will win an Oscar in the future Best Actress is a matter of time.

She not only acted in the art films "Eye" and "Mystery of Silence", but also acted in the well-known commercial blockbuster "Global" series, and has many fans all over the world.

Gertia Lawrence and Elizabeth Theron took two paths.She debuted as a child star and has always been under the spotlight.Since high school, her love affair has been the focus of attention and pursuit of the media all over the world, and she herself is also a rather fast-paced person. She often makes some jokes and becomes a joke and hot topic on the Internet all over the world.As an actress, she has basically never acted in a movie with a slightly better reputation, but she has loyal fans in street photography and fashion.Her popularity has grown along with her love affairs and her fashion presence, but it hasn't fed back into her career as an actress in the slightest.

Before Zhou Yun could speak, he heard Gertia Lawrence say to Elizabeth Salem: "Elizabeth, why are you talking to this Chinky? I still want to chat with you."

Although Gertia Lawrence didn't look at Zhou Yun the whole time, Zhou Yun could also hear Gertia Lawrence's attitude towards her from the discriminatory and insulting word Chinky.

Zhou Yun didn't show an embarrassed smile, but just gave Ge Diya a cold look, and said to Elizabeth Salem: "Elizabeth, since your friend came to see you, I will leave first."

Seeing Zhou Yun's indifferent expression and about to leave immediately, Elizabeth Salem understood that it was Gertia Lawrence's attitude that angered Zhou Yun.

She hurriedly called Zhou Yun and said, "Hey, Zhou, do you have time this Saturday night? I'm going to have a party at my house, can you come to it?"

Zhou Yun looked at Elizabeth Salem in surprise.

Elizabeth Theron gave her a friendly smile.

Zhou Yun saw Elizabeth Theron's sincere invitation from her eyes.

Gertia Lawrence suddenly shouted "What?" in surprise, and asked Elizabeth: "Hey, Elizabeth, why did you invite her to our party?"

Ge Diya looked disgusted and repelled towards Zhou Yun.

The people who were drinking and laughing around did not notice the unhappiness on their side.

Zhou Yun was really disgusted and annoyed by this Gertiya.

Elizabeth Salem seemed to be a little dissatisfied with Gertia's attitude at last, and said with a strong tone: "Gertia, this is my party."

Gertia said earlier, "Why did you invite her to our party?"

Elizabeth retorted: "It's my party."

Zhou Yun understood.

She smiled happily, and ignored Gertia who had an ugly face, and said, "Okay, if I have time on Saturday night, I will attend, but you may have to send me the address."

Elizabeth smiled and raised the phone in her hand.


"Gertia Lawrence is a very unqualified person." Zhou Lan said immediately after hearing what happened just now from Zhou Yun, "She was boycotted by many parents in the United States because she usually On social media, there are always swear words and share a lot of things that parents can't accept on the grounds of showing off their individuality."

Zhou Yun said: "It's not that she is lacking in quality. I don't know her well at all. She speaks Chinky. It is very obvious that she discriminates against us Asians."

Zhou Lan: "It's not surprising that she would behave like this. One of her ex-boyfriends was pried into a corner by a Korean."

"Ah?" Zhou Yun was taken aback, he didn't expect to hear this.

Zhou Lan said: "This is what I heard from others just now. Since that incident, Gertia has hated Asians. Of course, this is not a reason. I just tell you why she is like this. You Don't take her attitude to heart, and we won't have to deal with her in the future."


"It's a good thing that Elizabeth invited you to her party on Saturday night." Zhou Lan said, "I always hope that you can have your own social circle and circle of friends in the United States. Only in this way can you truly Integrate into it, instead of just entering the Hollywood world through a business-to-business approach. Now you have the movie "Killing Song" in your hand, and the starting point is higher than all newcomers who want to break into Hollywood. A famous actor like Elizabeth has the capital of equal communication, so if you can use this time to get acquainted with many core characters, it will be good for your future development, especially when it comes to the Oscars.”

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded and said, "I will."

"Mr. Smith told me just now that your performance in "Behind the Scenes" can be used to publicize the best actress. You may not be nominated for the Oscar for Best Actress in the end, but it will have a great influence on the spread of this movie. Effect and function." Zhou Lan said, "Of course, it will also have a great effect on improving your reputation, but it is difficult to rely on Pai Mengqi for this matter. This year Pai Mengqi has two awards in the best actress unit. A seed player who is the main pusher will no longer work for you in this unit."

Zhou Yun asked: "Does Smith mean that we should pay for public relations at our own expense?"

"That's what he meant. I don't think it's impossible to do this." Zhou Lan said, "It's just that you don't have time to participate in the public relations schedule, which is actually very disadvantageous. Basically, there are no young actors We didn’t participate in the public relations schedule when we were competing for the Olympic awards. If we spend money, the final result will be in vain. However, I listened to Smith’s words and thought of two points. The first point is that with the filming of the film And the release, the focus of your work will definitely be in the United States for a period of time in the future, so if you can take this opportunity to increase your popularity and let more people know you, it will be of great benefit to you. Whether it is film and television resources or business resources, the second point is that we will always compete for the Best Actress in the Olympic Awards in the future, so don't tell me you are not interested in this."

"I...of course it's impossible not to be interested, and I'm not a god." Zhou Yun said.

"But we are new here, and we don't really know the rules of the game." Zhou Lan said, "So, what I want more is to use this opportunity to understand the entire process of public relations for the Olympics and the rules of the game. When there is hope, we will not miss opportunities because we do not understand the rules."

Zhou Yun knew that Zhou Lan was right.

"Then what do you want to do, Miss Lan?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan said, "Give it a shot."

Zhou Yun understood Zhou Lan's thoughts.

"Sister Lan, I understand. I agree with you."

"Xiaoyun, it will cost a lot of money." Zhou Lan said a little embarrassedly, "Besides, Pai Mengqi will definitely not be willing to invest a lot, or even plan to invest at all, let alone Chengqian Entertainment."

Zhou Yun understood what Zhou Lan meant.

"Sister Lan, how much does it cost? Give me a plan and a final figure." Zhou Yun said, "Let me think about it first and give you an answer at the end, okay?"

Zhou Lan laughed, nodded, and said yes.

For the current Zhou Yun, there is no shortage of money at all. She has earned a lot of money in the past two years. Even if she quits now and leaves this industry, this money is enough for her to live a good life.

But that doesn't mean she doesn't care about money, spending it however it pleases.

That night, Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan didn't leave until early in the morning.

The streets of New York in November are freezing cold on the soles of your feet.

Zhou Yun wrapped a thick overcoat around his skirt, but this overcoat couldn't resist the cold well.

While waiting for the car to come, Zhou Yun moved his feet back and forth to warm up his body.

Some people left one after another, and some people's cars hadn't arrived yet, so they went back indoors to wait for their cars.

Suddenly, an exasperated voice came from behind.

"What the hell is Elizabeth thinking? It's not enough for her to ask for one, but she wants to ask for two!"

It was Gertia's voice.

Zhou Yun was standing near the front corner, Ge Diya didn't see her immediately.

It wasn't until Zhou Yun turned his head to look at her that Ge Diya recognized that the person standing on the side of the road waiting for the bus was Zhou Yun whom she hated very much.

Gertia rolled her eyes directly.

Zhou Yun didn't show off his temper and directly quarreled with others, she just looked at the other party indifferently, without saying a word, but her expression fully expressed her attitude.

Gertia's assistant is a young girl wearing black-rimmed glasses.

She said to Gertia: "Gertia, is Elizabeth deliberately against you?"


"She knows you don't like Asians, but she insists on inviting Asians to the party you're going to, doesn't she?" the assistant said, "If she really regarded you as a friend, she definitely wouldn't do that. "

Gertia gave her assistant a cold look, and said, "Pei Qi, you don't need to provoke the friendship between me and Elizabeth."

The assistant named Pei Qi turned pale.

Zhou Yun didn't expect to see a scene outside, so he couldn't help laughing.

But her smile seemed to irritate Gertia, maybe it made Gertia feel embarrassed.

Gertia suddenly said bitterly: "What are you laughing at? Bitch?"

Zhou Yun looked at her in shock.

If it is said that Ge Diya has never attacked Zhou Yun directly before, this "bitch" is a formal declaration of war.

Zhou Yun looked into Ge Diya's eyes, and said, "A bitch calls a bitch as soon as he opens his mouth."

Zheng Xiaoju didn't expect Zhou Yun to push back directly with one mouthful, and he pushed back so directly, without leaving any leeway.

But on the other hand, Zheng Xiaoju felt that Zhou Yun's words were particularly comforting.

It was!
Who does this Gertia think she is?Just open your mouth and call Miss Xiaoyun a bitch?

Zheng Xiaoju was furious when he heard these two words.

Her English is not good enough for that, otherwise, she would definitely spit out lotus flowers immediately.

Ge Diya didn't seem to have expected that Zhou Yun would fight back so forcefully. While she was unceasingly surprised, she also felt annoyed immediately.

From her point of view, she was a world-famous female star, but this woman from Asia didn't take her seriously at all? !

At this moment, the car that came to pick up Zhou Yun drove over.

Headlights come on.

The car stopped in front of Zhou Yun and the others.

Zheng Xiaoju swiftly stepped forward and opened the car door, and said to Zhou Yun: "Sister Xiaoyun, let's not have the same knowledge as this kind of person, let's go back first."

Zhou Yun also didn't want to have a conflict with Ge Diya in this kind of place, so he nodded and got into the car with his head bowed.

Ge Diya watched the car carrying Zhou Yun drive away, and asked the assistant very annoyed: "When will our car come?"

The assistant said, "I'll be there soon."

Gertia was furious: "I'm so mad!"


Friday night is the New York Film Critics Circle Awards.

Zhou Yun was invited to participate as the leading actor of "Behind the Scenes".

In fact, because of "Behind the Scenes", Zhou Yun was invited to almost every awards ceremony.

It's just that Zhou Yun was far away in China before, so he didn't participate in it.

This is Zhou Yun's first official appearance at the Outpost Awards Ceremony for the Olympics.

This time Zhou Yun did not wear VX, but cooperated with Dior, whom he had been communicating with before.

This made Zheng Xiaowen a little unhappy.

But neither Zhou Yun nor Zhou Lan compromised because Zheng Xiaowen was unhappy.

With Zhou Yun's pace getting faster and faster, it is bound to be impossible for her to always wear only VX's clothes on any occasion in the future, even if it is a close partnership.

This will affect many aspects of Zhou Yun.

In fact, Zheng Xiaowen is not ignorant of this point, she just hopes that such a moment will come as late as possible.

Of course, Zhou Lan didn't make Zheng Xiaowen too uneasy. She promised Zheng Xiaowen that Zhou Yun would still wear VX's custom made clothes for the next awards ceremony.

This time Dior gave Zhou Yun a set of customization.

This also fully shows that Dior attaches great importance to Zhou Yun.

This actually has a lot to do with Zhou Yun's position in the Chinese market.

Many celebrities are very popular and have many fans in the domestic market, but they are not welcomed by the rich.

One of the biggest differences between Zhou Yun and other celebrities is that she is a serious and talented student, a top student who took the college entrance examination route and entered University A with high scores.

At the same time, she holds a lot of prizes in her hand, and with her representative works, no matter how many people are jealous, they must admit that her professional ability can be played.

In fact, rich people often particularly mind and care about concepts such as "style" and "quality".

They may not understand these concepts, but they must be emphasizing these concepts to highlight their own style and quality.

Zhou Yun speaks for the brand, and her spokesperson image will reflect the image of the brand.

This is why the spokesmen hired by many high-end luxury brands in the past two years have caused a lot of ridicule. The main reason is that everyone feels that the image of the spokesmen has lowered the image of the brand. At the same time, the loyal customers of these brands also feel that the style has been lowered. .

Zhou Yun's endorsement of VX in the past two years has made a very remarkable achievement, that is, her endorsement can not only make a splash in the ordinary ready-made clothing market, but also has a strong ability to carry goods in the high-end luxury segment. Rich people recognize Zhou Yun.

The latter six words are enough for Dior.

In such a big market as China, who wouldn't want to find the best person to be the spokesperson.

Dior communicated with Zhou Yun about the custom-made dress a long time ago, and on Thursday, they arranged for someone to send it to Zhou Yun for the last fitting.

Zhou Lan saw this enthusiastic gesture and smiled in his heart.

The commercial value of stars is most directly reflected in the attitude of these brands.

Very realistic and direct.

Zhou Lan was also angry when she knew Getiya's attitude towards Zhou Yun, but the way she wanted to relieve her anger was that one day in the future, Zhou Yun would gain a greater reputation than her Getiya in the world, so that Getiya would also be more famous. Can only look up to her.

On Friday, after accepting an interview in the morning, Zhou Lan took Zhou Yun to dinner with a producer in the United States.

This producer is also a senior producer. Although Zhou Yun has never heard of his name before, he is familiar with many of the films he has produced.

The producer met Zhou Lan at the business dinner that day. He proposed to have a meal with Zhou Yun. Zhou Lan thought about it and agreed.

This lunch didn't say anything substantive. Everyone chatted about movies together, then chatted about gossip, and ended amicably.

In the afternoon, Zhou Yun took a nap, then went for a full-body skin care, and then began to make up and do styling, preparing to attend the awards ceremony.

While putting on makeup, Zhou Lan held the guest list in his hand and introduced it to Zhou Yun one by one.

An occasion like this evening must be a big social situation.

If you don't figure out the person, you won't know how to say hello when the time comes.

Zhou Yun did not expect to hear the names of Gertia and Elizabeth again.

They will also be present.

Zhou Lan said: "Both of them are in the limelight this year, I guess you will see them on many occasions and activities in the future."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded, "It's okay."

But what Zhou Yun didn't expect was that You Jiang would also be present tonight and walk the red carpet with the crew of "Behind the Scenes".

"Has Teacher You Jiang been discharged from the hospital?"

"It's probably not better yet, but he can't wait any longer." Zhou Lan said, "If he continues to stay in the hospital, he will miss a lot of activities. He certainly doesn't want to see these opportunities go away."

"Ms. You is very hardworking."

"Yes." Zhou Lan nodded, "Say, how about I poach Teacher You?"

"Dig it here?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised, "Do you want to dig Teacher You to Chengqian Entertainment?"

"Of course not, what I mean is, I'm going to sign Mr. You's film management contract." Zhou Lan said, "There is no actor of Mr. You's age and type among the actors I am in charge of. The focus and direction of his work are also consistent with Mr. You's direction, his current agency can't help him too much, especially in movies, on the contrary, I can."

Although Zhou Yun was surprised for a moment, but after thinking about it carefully, he also felt that what Zhou Lan said made sense.

If Zhou Lan were to be in charge of Mr. You Jiang's film agency contract, they have common interests and career direction, and there is a lot of room for cooperation.

"Then you might as well find a chance to ask Mr. You to see if he is interested." Zhou Yun said, "Mr. You may not be willing, and his company may not be willing either."

"It's all negotiable." Zhou Lan said, "Besides, his company is also making money lying down. I pushed Mr. You up, and his other income will follow suit. Their company has a little brain. think seriously."

Zhou Yun nodded when he heard what Zhou Lan said, and heard that Zhou Lan went by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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