I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 595 Award Ceremony

Chapter 595 Award Ceremony
Once a person walks through a red carpet that seems to have attracted the attention of the whole world, it is difficult to let go of this feeling.

This feeling of being noticed seems to be addictive. Zhou Yun thought that she didn't care about appreciating it, but when she walked on the red carpet and stood in the photo zone waving to the photographers, the photographers just took pictures with a dull interest. She took a few photos. At this moment, she still felt a little uncomfortable.

Zhou Yun sighed in his heart: Zhou Yun, Zhou Yun, you always think that you are extraordinary and free from vulgarity, and you don't value fame and fortune, but in fact you still cannot escape vulgarity.

Zhou Yun comforted himself, this is New York, not her home stadium, and not many people know her. "Days" and "Behind the Scenes" are said to be very successful, but that is based on the fact that they are foreign language films and art films, rather than commercial success in an absolute sense.These European and American media may not know her, know her, and may not be interested in her.From their point of view, she has no stars, and the users of their media are not interested in her.

However, some people were a little surprised by Dior's attitude towards Zhou Yun after they knew that the Dior that Zhou Yun was wearing was customized.

After Zhou Yun walked into the backstage of the awards ceremony, he saw many stars that he had only seen in movies before.

There are many big stars, and there are several big bosses who have already become gods in Zhou Yun's heart.

Zhou Yun walked between them.

Zhou Lan met her, and took her to meet Shi Luoqi and Xue Qin.

Xue Qin is talking to director Spielberg.

Although Zhou Yun knew that he would see director Spielberg here, but when he saw him in person, he still had a very different mood.

Zhou Yun likes many directors, but not many directors he really admires.

Director Spielberg counts as one.

He's been very productive and he's been very consistent.

Zhou Yun likes his movies because no matter what the subject matter of his movies, they will never rest on their laurels and be completed in a satisfactory way. You can see his innovations and breakthroughs in certain aspects in each of his movies.

Moreover, he often shows a kind of humanistic philosophical thinking in his movies, which is actually rare in American movies.

When Spielberg saw Zhou Yun, he even took the initiative to call out "Yun". He smiled brightly and said, "I happened to talk to Xue Qin about you. I'm so glad to meet you. I watched "Days" and " "Behind the Scenes" these two movies, I want to get to know you."

Zhou Yun was a little flattered, hugged Spielberg, and said, "Hi Spielberg, I have always wanted to know you."

Spielberg smiled childishly and said, "That would be great."

Spielberg asked again: "I heard that you will make a Merlando movie next?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Yes."

"Then you will be in the United States for a while then? Or is this movie not being shot in the United States?" Spielberg asked.

Zhou Yun said: "I don't know yet, I haven't been notified."

"If you're going to be in the U.S. for a while, I'd like to invite you to visit my company," Spielberg said with a smile. "I love making friends with talented young actors."

Zhou Yun was even more flattered, not knowing why Director Spielberg was so enthusiastic about her.

"Okay, it's my honor. I will definitely visit when I have the chance. I wonder if I can exchange my mobile phone number with you?" Zhou Yun asked, "Or an email address."

In the past two days, she discovered that many people are actually using e-mail to communicate.

Director Spielberg readily nodded in agreement.

When director Spielberg was called away by others, Xue Qin said to Zhou Yun: "He told me just now that he liked your performance in the two films and wanted to find an opportunity to make a film with you."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Really?"

"Really." Xue Qin nodded, "otherwise, why would he invite you to visit his company? It's just that a big director like him has too many projects in his hand, and no one knows what he will mainly promote next. Which project is it? There may be hundreds of actors in Hollywood who he has expressed his desire to cooperate with."

Zhou Yun was not disappointed when he heard this huge number.

It's not surprising that an actor like her would be favored by the director.

But for a director like Spielberg, it's not surprising that he has thrown so many olive branches.

In the end, it still depends on the opportunity to see if there is a chance for cooperation.

"Will your next movie be shot in America?" Zhou Yun knew that Xue Qin's next movie would be an American movie.

Xue Qin nodded and said, "Yes."

"What's the theme?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

She also wanted to know what kind of films Xue Qin would shoot after filming "Words of Fallen Leaves" and "Behind the Scenes".

Xue Qin said, "It's a romance movie."

"Romance movies?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised, mainly because he couldn't imagine that Xue Qin would make a romance movie.

After Zhou Yun's previous contact with Xue Qin, Xue Qin is actually a person who prefers to research and shoot personal films.Whether it is "Words of Fallen Leaves" or "Behind the Scenes", they are actually facing the changes and challenges in her life from the perspective of a protagonist, as well as her thinking and changes in the process.

Zhou Yun didn't think Xue Qin would shoot a popcorn-style romance movie, but he didn't know what it would be like.

Xue Qin said: "Yes, it's Huanyu Productions. They found a script and contacted me. I read the script and think it's quite interesting."

"Then look forward to the early release of the movie." Zhou Yun said, "Remember to invite me to the premiere."

"Okay, of course." Xue Qin nodded.

Zhou Yun asked again: "Is there any plan to make a Chinese film after this film is finished?"

Xue Qin said: "I'm reading and writing scripts, but I don't have a plan yet. I won't make any plans until I have a script that satisfies me."

"Well." Zhou Yun took Xue Qin's arm and walked forward together, saying: "During the filming of "Words of Fallen Leaves" and "Behind the Scenes", I felt that I was in the excitement of creation every day. The script, if there is a suitable role for me, you can find me."

"En." Xue Qin nodded.

When the two first met, they were actually a little uncomfortable with each other.

Zhou Yun didn't like Xue Qin's youthfulness and high self-esteem.

Xue Qin didn't like Zhou Yun's star halo.

But in the end the two fulfill each other.

The success of "Behind the Scenes" made them all realize that it is actually a kind of luck for them to meet each other.

"Hi, Director Xue Qin, Xiaoyun." He Wenyun appeared in front of her. She was talking to a blond actor, and when she saw them out of the corner of her eye, she immediately waved her hand and said hello.

She said something to the blond actor and walked towards them.

She looked at Zhou Yun and said, "Your dress today is too beautiful! Is this specially made by Dior for you?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said yes.

He Wenyun said: "It's really beautiful. I think your look today will definitely be rated as the best red carpet look by people in the fashion circle."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Really? Will they still include us in the selection?"

"Of course, you are a female star recognized by Dior, how could they ignore you?" He Wenyun said, "Did those photographers ignore you? You don't need to worry about them, many of them are online media and self-media , only shoot big stars, just to increase the number of views, after "Killing Song" is released, they will chase you like an eagle catching a rabbit."

Zhou Yun laughed.

"The director is so beautiful today." He Wenyun said, "I met Director Xue twice before, but I didn't have a good conversation with Director Xue. There are too many people who talk to Director Xue."

Xue Qin said, "Are you talking about me?"

However, she didn't seem to be very interested in He Wenyun, and treated He Wenyun with the same attitude she had treated Zhou Yun at the beginning, and said, "I think this sentence is more suitable to describe you."

He Wenyun: "..."

For a moment she didn't know how to speak.

When He Wenyun met and greeted Xue Qin earlier, she never showed such a cold and repulsive attitude.

What's going on here?
He Wenyun looked at Zhou Yun in astonishment.

Zhou Yun didn't want He Wenyun to misunderstand that she had said something bad about He Wenyun to Xue Qin, so he said with a smile: "The director is still so straightforward, don't take Wen Yun to heart, she also talks to me in this style."

Xue Qin gave Zhou Yun a dissatisfied look, as if she was dissatisfied with Zhou Yun talking about her in front of others.

Zhou Yun smiled immediately, pulled Xue Qin's arm, and said, "However, He Wenyun likes you very much."

"Ah?" Xue Qin was taken aback.

He Wenyun knew that Zhou Yun was telling her the story, so she immediately said, "I like "Behind the Scenes" very much."

Xue Qin snorted, her attitude was still neither cold nor cold.

Zhou Yun felt that the scene was a bit awkward. She didn't know why Xue Qin had such an attitude towards He Wenyun.

Fortunately, Shi Luoqi came at this time.

Shi Luoqi wanted to take Xue Qin to meet someone, and took him away.

Zhou Yun and He Wenyun looked at each other and smiled.

"Xue Qin usually has this style, don't take it to heart, just get used to it."

He Wenyun nodded and said, "Geniuses are always a little eccentric, I understand."

"Will you go to the party after the awards ceremony?" She asked Zhou Yun again.

Zhou Yun said: "Yes, didn't you say that Director Chen Zi'an will attend the party? I want to meet him."

"Me too." He Wenyun nodded, "I've always wanted to get to know Director Chen Zian, but I never had a chance. Today I finally got to meet and get to know each other."

The people around them, like them, were eagerly communicating with those around them, laughing constantly.

Before the awards ceremony officially begins, such excitement is not unusual at all.

"Hi, Zhou Yun." Elizabeth Theron suddenly called out her name in surprise, walked over with her skirt in hand, and saw He Wenyun at the same time, "Hi, Wen Yun, you two are so beautiful today, I love you I envy your skin, it is fair and tender, without any blemishes."

Zhou Yun smiled at the enthusiastic Elizabeth and said, "Why, you are so beautiful today, like a fairy."

Elizabeth Theron is wearing a fairy-like fluffy gauze dress today, her makeup is also very delicate, her hair is tied in a round bun at the back, and her whole body is full of light.

She is going to present the award today.

"Elizabeth, where's your boyfriend?" He Wenyun suddenly blinked and asked, "Why isn't Daniel by your side?"

Elizabeth Theron said with a smile: "He is making the final preparations for the performance later. His performance is at the beginning of the ceremony. I can't disturb him at this time."

Zhou Yun didn't know Elizabeth Theron's boyfriend, nor did she know who her boyfriend was.

It seems that He Wenyun and Elizabeth Theron have known each other for a long time, and even the topic of boyfriend can be easily discussed.

He Wenyun said: "Will Daniel attend tomorrow's party?"

Elizabeth Theron nodded and said, "Of course."

She suddenly remembered something, looked at Zhou Yun, and said, "Zhou Yun, I heard that your boyfriend is Song Chi, isn't it?"

Zhou Yun didn't expect her to mention Song Chi.

"Do you know Song Chi?" Zhou Yun asked.

Elizabeth nodded, and said pleasantly: "I have met him several times at film festivals, and I have also seen his movies. He is so handsome. I thought about asking him to be my boyfriend before, no Thinking about it, I already have a girlfriend."

She looked helpless and disappointed.

Zhou Yun didn't expect Elizabeth to directly say that she had thought of Song Chi as her boyfriend before, and she was stunned.

Elizabeth laughed loudly and said, "Don't worry, since he already has a girlfriend and I have a boyfriend, I won't think of him again."

Zhou Yun heaved a sigh of relief.

Immediately, she laughed.

Elizabeth's frank character and way of speaking, although she was still a little uncomfortable, unexpectedly liked it.

While they were chatting with Elizabeth Theron, on the other side, Gertia was complaining angrily to Zhou Yun and He Wenyun with her companion.

"I really can't understand why Elizabeth is so close to those two Chinese. She and I are Americans!" Gertia said, "Don't you think these Chinese are annoying? I like them all. They came to Hollywood to compete with us for job opportunities, and these people are very unscrupulous, and they will do anything for the top position, which is too unfair to us, we have been growing up in this country and working hard in Hollywood."

Her companion knew that Gertia hated Asians, but in the current environment, she didn't want to be heard that she was racist - once this matter was exposed, it would still cause a lot of criticism and criticism.She is not Gertia, she doesn't have that much fame, and she doesn't have that many diehard fans, so she doesn't dare to take risks easily.

"Gerdia, why do you always care about their affairs?" Gerdia's companion said, "This is our home field, and most of them are people in our circle. We ignore them and treat them as if they don't exist." Well, isn't it?"

Gertia said angrily: "Seeing them here, I feel annoyed. I really don't understand why everyone is so concerned about this and that. Those Asians have small eyes and don't let them Someone said it."

"Gerdia, please keep your voice down. There are so many people. If someone hears you say that and publish it on the Internet, someone will definitely attack you."

Gertia was still scruples after all, and didn't continue to complain.

But when she saw Elizabeth talking enthusiastically with Zhou Yun and He Wenyun, the unknown anger in her heart burst out again.

What a nuisance!

"Hey Gertia, why don't you look happy?" Bruce appeared beside her.

Seeing Bruce, Gertia immediately smiled.

Among the executives of the film and television company, there are many handsome men who can almost be actors, but Bruce is the most watched person among them.

Many people wonder why Bruce doesn't become a star. With his appearance and his resources in this industry, he can definitely debut as a star.

But after many years, after Bruce became the management team with real power in Paimuche, everyone began to praise him for his own ability.

Gertia likes Bruce. On the one hand, Bruce is handsome and attractive, and on the other hand, she has worked with Bruce.

She has made two films of Pai Munch, both of which are light comedies for chicks, and have a relatively poor reputation, but the salary and box office are satisfactory to both parties.

Both films, Bruce was in charge.

The relationship between Gertia and Bruce became so close.

For Gertia, Bruce is also someone she needs to maintain a good relationship with.

After all, if Gertia still wants to make a movie, Bruce, who has worked with him before, decides what kind of movie Pamonchi will ask her to act in in the future.

Gertia sighed and said: "Of course I am not happy. You would rather make a "Chinese Warrior" with Chinese as the protagonist than ask me to act in a movie. Bruce, how long have you not looked for me? ?”

"I remember I sent you two scripts two months ago," Bruce said.

"What kind of scripts are those? A rival in love who asks me to play the leading role, and a rival who asks me to show off my breasts for a large-scale shoot." Gertia said, "And, when did I get reduced to playing a supporting actress?"

There was no emotion on Bruce's face.

He smiled kindly and said, "Gerdia, it's not that I don't want to, it's just that you lost so much money in your last movie that no one else in the company dared to take risks on you. I only consider you a friend. That's why I still give you the script."

Gertia was speechless for a moment.

She had made a Di Cage movie before, it was a youth campus movie, and it was also a theme she often acted in, but it was a rare hit, and the final box office didn't even reach [-] million.

You know, Di Keqi paid her a salary of two million.

This pounce made the film companies in the industry begin to suspect that her box office appeal has declined, and her fans will not buy her account or buy tickets to enter the cinema.

Half a year has passed, and Gertia has not received a leading role.

This made her very unhappy.

But because she is still popular in the fashion field and is full of topics, so there is nothing to see in other aspects except this aspect. Everyone still thinks that she is a star with commercial value, but they can't call everyone into the movie theater.

Gertia was unwilling to give up acting.

In the entertainment industry in the United States, the chain of contempt also exists.

The status of a movie actor and a topic star are quite different.

Business endorsement and status in the fashion circle also have a lot to do with your own career development.

She is not a model, let alone an Internet celebrity, she became famous as an actress.

Gertia said to Bruce: "Bruce, can't you help me and help me make a movie like "Forever Love"? That movie sold [-] million dollars at the box office, and we will work together to make it A box office miracle, we can definitely do it."

Bruce seemed indifferent to Gertia's request.

He said: "Gerdia, this is not a question of whether I want to help you or not. I told you, the key is whether the company is willing to give the green light to your movie. Everyone has doubts about you now. I don't know if you still have Box office appeal, do you know what I mean? Now you can only play supporting roles, and no film company is willing to let you play the leading role."

Bruce's words were straightforward.

But such blunt words also made Gertia feel extremely annoyed.

"Bruce, if you're thinking about the box office, why did you cast that Chinese woman named He Wenyun as the heroine in "Chinese Warrior" who hasn't released a movie yet? It's a big investment. Aren't you afraid of losing money?"

"Of course we have done rigorous market research and estimation." Bruce kept smiling and said, "Actually, the movie "Chinese Warrior" is not a movie with stars as its selling point. , Why do we use Chinese actors? That is not a market for us.”

Gertia had nothing to say.

Bruce blocked everything she could say in his throat.

Gertia's mood was even worse, and she was out of breath.


After the awards ceremony officially started, Zhou Yun was already seated.

"Behind the Scenes" was shortlisted for Best Foreign Language Film and Best Supporting Actor -- You Jiang was the best supporting actor.Although he is a proper leading actor in this movie, in order to increase You Jiang's chances of being nominated, Pai Mengqi specially enrolled him in the supporting actor department to increase his chances of being selected.As it turned out, the strategy worked.

This is also the reason why You Jiang will attend tonight no matter what.

He wears a custom mask that attracts attention wherever he goes.

After the awards ceremony started, his mask was hung up and ridiculed by the host.

Zhou Yun sat quietly in his seat throughout the whole process, and there was no camera shooting at her, and basically no other people's eyes swept past her.

It's rare to be quiet.

It was not until the announcement of the results of the best foreign language film that Zhou Yun was cue once by the director Spielberg who presented the awards. Director Spielberg said that because of the best foreign language film unit, he was able to see so many outstanding films every year. Moreover, I was able to meet many outstanding and talented newcomers, including Ms. Zhou Yun who starred in "Behind the Scenes".

When Spielberg directed this cue, everyone's eyes began to search for Zhou Yunlai.

Zhou Yun guessed that maybe she would appear in the live broadcast?
But she didn't notice any camera lens pointing at her either.

She kept reminding herself to relax a little and keep a calm smile.

Finally, the best foreign language film result was announced, not "Behind the Scenes".

The winning crew celebrated with joy, and the producer and director took the stage to accept the award.

Seeing them so happily on the podium, Zhou Yun felt a little bit lost in her heart.

While applauding the award-winning film, she also paid attention to the expressions of Xue Qin and Shi Luoqi.

They couldn't see any loss on their faces. Of course, at this time, no matter how lost they were, they didn't want to show it.

When it came time to announce the best supporting actor, Zhou Yun felt nervous and looked forward to Mr. You Jiang again.

However, the result fell by the wayside again.

In fact, for the foreign language film "Behind the Scenes", it is not easy to be nominated.

Zhou Yun turned to You Jiang who was sitting beside her and said, "Mr. You, you will always be the best actor in my heart."

At this moment, You Jiang actually turned his head and said humorously: "Isn't it Song Chi?"

Zhou Yun couldn't help but laugh.

"Mr. You, stop making fun of me."

The two were talking and laughing.

But the two of them didn't know that during the live TV broadcast, the scene of them talking and laughing happened to be cut.

Maybe the director wanted to capture the expressions of the other losers after announcing the winner of the Best Supporting Actor, just in time to capture the scene of Zhou Yun and You Jiang talking and laughing - they thought that at this time, the camera must be aimed The winners will not aim at them, so there is no camouflage. Instead, they show a kind of freedom in the camera.

The Chinese viewers who were watching the live broadcast through some channels quickly recorded the screen and posted it on domestic social networking sites, with the accompanying text: Look at the super stable mentality of our country's actor and actress. After announcing that the winner of the award is not themselves, You Jiang and Zhou Yun talked and laughed happily, without any loss.

At this time, many people in China are on the subway going to work at this time, when they are officially swiping their phones.

This animation quickly spread all over the Internet.

And it became popular, of course, not only because of the two people's "calm and calm" and "laughing and lively", but because Zhou Yun looked at You Jiang's charming smile and You Jiang's appearance after wearing a small mask.

Many people don't know about You Jiang's attack in the United States, nor about Zhou Yun's trip to the United States to participate in this awards ceremony, and they don't even know that "Behind the Scenes" is now representing the Chinese film awards season in the United States.

This animation brings everyone's attention to "Behind the Scenes".

——Did it hurt the face of those who said that Zhou Yun was not popular in the United States?Can your master attend the New York Film Critics Circle awards ceremony?Can your master be mentioned in public by director Spielberg as a talented newcomer?Can your master walk the red carpet in Dior's special custom?

Zhou Yun's fans just breathed a sigh of relief.

To what extent was Zhou Yun hacked the day the cast of "Chinese Warrior" was officially announced?

Even after the official announcement of "The Song of Killing", a group of black people continued to step on Zhou Yun with "How can "The Song of Killing" compare with "Chinese Warrior"".

Zhou Yun's fans made this topic and entry extremely popular, just like celebrating a festival, so that everyone can see it.

On the contrary, Zhou Yun's opponent and Heizi were not very happy anymore.

Of course they didn't stop there, and fought back a lot.

——Not even nominated for Best Actress?Do you want to go to the awards ceremony?

——It’s just an award ceremony of the Film Critics Association, so it deserves such a big fanfare?Gotta go to the Oscars.

——What time is it, are you still playing the trick of worshiping foreigners?
The first two voices, Zhou Yun's fans are really hard to refute, and indeed the facts are not much to brag about.

But a third voice?
Oh, sorry.

——Are we fawning on foreigners?Zhou Yun is the big actress who won the Aoki Award, Lingjun Award and Tiansi Award within a year. You turn a blind eye and say that Zhou Yun's acting skills are poor, but he is just lucky. Blind as you are, of course you can only see xenophobia, not xenophobia. It is seen that she represents the active figure of Chinese filmmakers in the international film industry.


There is a hustle and bustle on the domestic Internet, as if another big war is coming.

Zhou Yun, who was at the award ceremony, didn't know it, but was just waiting for the end of the award ceremony.

"Behind the Scenes" has zero gains, but its appearance in this awards ceremony is already a success-it has successfully broken the barriers of foreign language films in the American film industry.

After the awards ceremony, they went to the after party together.

Zhou Yun mainly went for Director Chen Zian.

Director Chen Zian did not attend the awards ceremony, but said he would attend the party.

As a great director who has achieved the highest achievement in the international film industry, Chen Zian should be the object that every Chinese filmmaker wants to cooperate with.

Zhou Yun had met and talked with Director Chen Zian before, but that was all, and he was very unfamiliar.

Of course, Zhou Yun still hopes that director Chen Zian can remember herself, and it is best to have a suitable role in the future, so that she can be remembered.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Director Chen Zian is willing to use her, she is willing to act without paying the film.

The party was more lively than the awards ceremony, because the environment was private and there were no cameras filming. The celebrities who had maintained a good image at the awards ceremony just now started drinking, laughing, and revealing their private sides.

Zhou Yun directly followed Director Shi Luoqi to meet several directors and producers.

Shi Luoqi wanted to introduce her to the American film industry.

Most of the people were still very kind and expressed their love for her.

Regardless of whether they have actually watched "Behind the Scene" or faked "Behind the Scene", they at least said in person that they liked Zhou Yun's performance in the movie and looked forward to her future works.

When Director Chen Zian appeared, he got the attention of many people.

Even in the American film industry, Chen Zian is also well-known.

He has made several American movies and is also a frequent visitor to the Oscars.

Because there were too many people surrounding and talking to Chen Zian, it was difficult for Zhou Yun to go up and talk to him for a while.

It was Chen Zian who took the initiative to come over after seeing her and said, "Xiaoyun, we meet again."

Someone nearby took a photo with a cell phone.

Zhou Lan is also taking pictures to record this scene.

Zhou Yun said, "Director Chen, long time no see."

Chen Zian said: "Today Shi Luoqi told me that you will come, so I want to come to meet you, I heard that you are going back to China to film soon?"

"Well, the schedule of the drama I accepted before has been fixed, and it will start in December. I can't delay it." Zhou Yun explained.

Chen Zian nodded, looked into Zhou Yun's eyes, and said, "Are you free later, I want to show you a script."

Zhou Yun's heartbeat accelerated instantly, and he couldn't even hide his feelings.

What does Chen Zian's words mean, she is not a fool, she immediately realized it, she just felt astonished, surprised, and unbelievable.

No one doesn't want to act in Chen Zian's movie.


Zhou Yun has not interviewed all the actors, but she is so sure about this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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