Chapter 596 Video
"Chen Zian asked you to read the script?"

On the car back to the hotel, Zhou Lan looked at Zhou Yun in surprise, and at the same time there was a touch of surprise on his face.

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded, "Sister Lan, did I misunderstand what Director Chen meant?"

"No, that's what I understood. I don't want to explain it to others." Zhou Lan understood what Zhou Yun was asking, and said, "Since Director Chen Zian invited you to read the script, it is impossible for you to give him the script." Comments."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Maybe."

Zhou Lan: "If we can really cooperate with director Chen Zian, then we have a real chance to hit the Oscars."

"I don't even think about it." Zhou Yun shook his head, "Oscars still don't accept Asians that much. Actually, it's normal to think about it. Film awards like ours are basically not open to foreign actors. There are nationality requirements."

Zhou Lan said, "Let's make at least one nomination."

"Be normal, be normal." Zhou Yun said with a smile, "Don't worry about gains and losses because of Oscar."

"Tomorrow is the party organized by Elizabeth. What are you going to wear? Does their party have a theme?" Zhou Lan asked.

Zhou Yun said: "I didn't tell me there was any theme, I'll just wear it casually, there is no need to dress fancy, and there is no media to take pictures."

Zhou Lan: "But this kind of party will definitely have a lot of people posting group photos on their social platforms. If you don't look good or make everyone feel hot, it will cause ridicule. You must not wear it. It’s very plain, Europeans and Americans are more daring to wear than us, if you still dress plainly, you will look like a Cinderella in the photo, no matter how good-looking you are, you won’t be able to stand up to strange shots.”

Zhou Yun: "Understood."

"I don't know what will be at Elizabeth's party." Zhou Lan was still a little worried, "I'm really afraid that some people have political issues and position issues, but you don't know, in case you take a photo with someone without knowing it , if someone grabbed your pigtails and scolded you, saying that you still took a photo with someone when you knew the other party’s position, and using the photo to prove that you have a good relationship with that person, the consequences are also very serious.”

Zhou Yun said: "This is a situation beyond our control. If this situation really happens, we should directly explain the whole story clearly, and we should apologize. We will have a clear conscience."

Zhou Lan: "I have to ask the public relations team to make a plan. I'm always a little uneasy."

"Actually, Sister Lan, don't worry too much. We generally know which celebrities in the United States have such problems. I usually pay attention to these news, so basically there is no problem." Zhou Yun said, "And, I Not everyone would be willing to take a photo with him, it must be someone I know, I am not a souvenir doll, I have to take a photo with anyone."

"That's right, well, I won't worry about it." Zhou Lan said, "Go to bed early when I get back later, there is another shoot tomorrow morning."

"it is good."


Elizabeth Salem shook hands with others, and after getting into the car, she let out a tired sigh of relief.

"A little tired," she said.

Her boyfriend Daniel asked: "Elizabeth, I see you have been talking to those two Chinese actresses before the awards ceremony, why are you spending so much time on them?"

Daniel is handsome and tall, especially the facial features are very deep. This appearance has attracted much attention since his debut.

Elizabeth Theron glanced at him and said, "Didn't you be preparing to perform backstage at that time? How did you know about this? Gertia told you?"

Daniel smiled, shrugged his shoulders, and said, "You guessed it."

Elizabeth Theron said: "Gretia is prejudiced against Asians, don't listen to her telling you these things."

"But you're really warm to them, aren't you?" Daniel said, "and invited them to tomorrow's party?"

"Can't you?" Elizabeth Theron frowned directly, and asked, "What's the matter? Don't you like them just like Gertia?"

Daniel laughed and said, "Honey, I don't have this kind of prejudice. I'm just curious why you are so enthusiastic about those two strange girls. You are not usually a passionate girl."

Elizabeth Theron said: "You are wrong. I am not passionate about those two people. I just have a crush on Zhou Yun. Do you know that? She is Song Chi's girlfriend."

"Song Chi?" Daniel fell into deep thought when he heard the name. After thinking for a while, he realized, "Ah, that Chinese."

Elizabeth Theron nodded and said, "When I attended a film festival before, I was followed and harassed by a man, but at that time I didn't have bodyguards or assistants by my side. It was Song Chi who suddenly appeared and helped me drive him away."

"Oh, so it's him." Daniel nodded, put his right hand around Elizabeth Theron's shoulder, and said, "No wonder you are so enthusiastic about Zhou Yun."

"Otherwise? What are you worried about?" Elizabeth asked.

"What can I worry about," Daniel said.

There was a look of indifference on his face.

Elizabeth did not end her suspicions because of this.She knew Daniel, he usually never cared about the female friends around her, but asked so many questions today, it was so strange.

Did Gertia tell him something else?
Elizabeth felt a little suspicious.


When Spielberg was about to go home, he happened to meet Chen Zian who was also waiting for the car to come.

The location of the two people is relatively remote, there is no one else nearby, only the personal assistants of the two people.

"Hey, Chen." Spielberg greeted Chen Zian enthusiastically, and said, "Are you ready to go home?"

Chen Zian nodded.

His character is more restrained, not as enthusiastic and lively as Spielberg.

But both of them are directors who are mainly active in the United States, and they often have the opportunity to meet each other.

Both of them have also visited each other's home, had dinner, and have a very good personal relationship.

"The actress named Zhou Yun you recommended to me is really beautiful." Spielberg said, "You really know what kind of actress I like."

"She has a mysterious aura about her." Chen Zian said, "Don't you just like to use such actresses? The movie you always wanted to make was put on hold because you couldn't find a suitable actress. When I watched "Days", I felt that she matched the actress you were looking for, and when I got to know her in person, I found that this feeling was even stronger."

Spielberg sighed and said, "I don't know if I want to do it or not."

"Have you lost interest?"

Spielberg shook his head and said, "It's not that I lost interest."

Chen Zian looked puzzled and looked at Spielberg in confusion.

The latter was stunned for a while, not knowing what suddenly came to his mind.

Chen Zian said, "Then do you still want her to read the script?"

Spielberg nodded and said, "Let her read the script first, and I'll think about it."

Chen Zian smiled and said, "You."

This sentence, he used Chinese.

Many people don't know that Chen Zian and Spielberg have such a good personal relationship.When Chen Zian first came to the United States to make movies, Spielberg himself called Chen Zian because he liked the movies Chen Zian made before, and told him that he liked his movies very much. If you need help, please feel free to contact us. this number.

It is conceivable that Chen Zian will encounter many problems when filming in a foreign country. During this process, Spielberg helped Chen Zian a lot and solved many troubles.

And after Chen Zian's movie was released, Spielberg even exerted his influence and recommended his movie to everyone.

Because of Spielberg's help, Chen Zian's development in Hollywood in the United States was much smoother than other foreign directors.

Spielberg said: "Xue Qin's "Behind the Scenes" was well filmed. Aren't you going to help her and help her get nominated for the best director?"

Chen Zi'an said: ""Behind the Scenes" is good, but it is a foreign language film. It is very difficult for Xue Qin to nominate the Oscar for Best Director with it. We should concentrate on the best foreign language film."

Spielberg nodded.

"Actually, I don't really like watching subtitles." He seemed rather emotional.

Chen Zian said: ""Behind the Scenes" has an English dubbed version."

"I don't like the dubbed version even more." Spielberg said directly, "Speaking of it, Zhou Yun's English is really good. It's rare to hear your Chinese actors speak English as well as her."

Chen Zian smiled slightly.

The car finally came.

The two said goodbye.


It was only when Zhou Yun returned to the hotel that he saw the news on Weibo.

Her fans are getting into a fight, and it's in full swing.

Zhou Yun actually doesn't like to see her fans fight with others.

Fighting with people on the Internet is the most meaningless behavior. If it is not for the purpose of expressing bad breath, Zhou Yun never encourages it.

Having experienced so many cyber storms, Zhou Yun no longer thinks that the Internet is a place where he can speak clearly.

Zhou Yun posted a Weibo, the content is: Do not argue or argue, silence is golden.

As soon as Zhou Yun's Weibo was posted, it immediately received likes and comments from many fans.

There is a row of "OK" below the comment area.

Her fans are still willing to listen to her.

This made Zhou Yun slightly relieved.

She put down her phone and went to wash up.

While washing up, thinking of Spielberg and Chen Zian talking to her, my heart felt warm.

Actors are like this. When they meet and talk with directors they admire and admire, they can't hold back their excitement.

Zhou Yun really wants to cooperate with Spielberg and Chen Zian to make a movie, and she wants to enter their movie world.But Zhou Yun also knew that it was difficult.

Before going to bed at night, Zhou Yun kept imagining the scene of filming with Spielberg and Director Chen Zian in his mind.

The picture that came to her mind was that she performed extremely well on the set and was appreciated by the directors.

At the back, Zhou Yun had to pat his face and said to himself: "What are you thinking about? Stop thinking about it and go to sleep."

In the end, she had a dream at night, dreaming that she was seriously exchanging her views on acting and movies with Director Chen Zian.

In the dream, she and Director Chen Zian became close friends with very compatible spirits.

After Zhou Yun woke up, he laughed and scolded himself for "thinking so beautifully" all his life.

Song Chi left her a message, saying: My "The Inaction" is finally finished, when will you come back?
Zhou Yun saw the message and immediately replied: I will not be back for more than a week, and I still have some schedules.

Song Chi actually replied after more than ten seconds, saying: That's okay, my next drama will not join the group until the beginning of next month, and we can still stay together for a few days.

In fact, Song Chi originally wanted to come to the United States to accompany Zhou Yun, but he still has two jobs in the future. One is to shoot endorsement advertisements, and the other is to attend commercial events for endorsement brands. It happens to be stuck in the middle, so he can only give up. The idea of ​​coming to the United States to meet Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun made a video call to Song Chi.

Song Chi seemed to be in a restaurant.

There were other voices all around.

Zhou Yun asked: "Are you eating with others?"

"Well, yes, I'm with Chunlin and Li Ge." Song Chi said, "I've been filming before, and I haven't made an appointment with them for a long time."

Ma Chunlin and Li Ge didn't know if they heard something, but suddenly they approached, and two other faces appeared on the screen.

"Hi!" The two greeted her with smiles.

Zhou Yun covered his face for the rest of his life, "Wait a minute, I just woke up, my hair hasn't been combed, my face hasn't been washed, my face is unkempt!"

Li Ge said: "It still looks beautiful! Big beauty!"

Zhou Yun: "Really?"

"Of course it is true," Li Ge said.

Song Chi pushed Li Ge's head aside and said, "You two get out of the way, I'm talking to my wife, you two don't interrupt."

Li Ge and Ma Chunlin immediately complained that he wanted a wife and not a brother.

When Zhou Yun heard the word "daughter-in-law", his cheeks turned red, and he even felt a little hot.

Excuse me.

She rarely heard Song Chi call her that.

Song Chi chased those two away and looked at her again.

His eyes are very bright, and the exhausted look he had when he was filming the crew of "The Inaction" was gone.

"Do you have work in the morning?" Song Chi asked.

Zhou Yun had already sat up, leaning against the head of the bed, she nodded, and said, "There is a shoot, sister Lan arranged a lot of work for me."

"Don't be too busy."

"Well, it's hard to come to the United States, and it's one thing to do an extra job." Zhou Yun said, "It's just that I'm really tired recently and need a little vacation."

"After you came back from the United States, do you have time to rest?" Song Chi asked, "I remember you are going to film "Chen Yin" directed by Jiang Xin next month?"

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded, "After the filming of "Chen Yin", I want to take a break, I want to find a place to live for a few days, isolated from the outside world, and don't care about anything."

"Well, it will be much more comfortable to let yourself go this way." Song Chi sighed, "But I can't accompany you."

"I know, it's okay." Zhou Yun said, "Hurry up and pay back the debt you owed."

If it hadn't been for Song Chi's sudden broken bone before, which delayed a lot of work, Song Chi wouldn't have to be so busy now, joining the group one after another.

Song Chi smiled and said, "When I finish filming this movie, I can rest for a while. It should be around March and April. How about we go abroad together for a while?"

"Okay." Zhou Yun opened his eyes wide in surprise, "Do you really have time? That's great!"

"One week can still be spared." Song Chi said, "Let's go to Japan, or where?"

Zhou Yun: "It's fine in Japan or Europe. Find a place with few people, preferably with a natural environment. We can live in a homestay, and we don't need to visit scenic spots. We can just take a normal vacation."

As Zhou Yun spoke, he became excited.

Song Chi: "That's fine, I'll arrange the itinerary."


At this time, someone knocked on Zhou Yun's door.

It should be Zheng Xiaoju who reminded her to get up.

Zhou Yun said: "Xiaoju, I'm up, I'll come out later."

Zheng Xiaoju said outside the door: "Okay."

Song Chi asked, "Are you going out?"

"Not yet, Xiaoju reminded me to get up, she was afraid that I would have slept through." Zhou Yun said, "It's still early, and I can rest for a while, but, do you want to have dinner with Chunlin and the others? Should I hang up first?" Right? You eat first, we'll talk later."

"Yeah." Song Chi nodded and said, "Then I'll hang up first."


Zhou Yun smiled sweetly.

She was filled with joy when she saw Song Chi.

I like it more and more.

Zhou Yun got out of bed, opened the door and went out.

Zheng Xiaoju was sitting on the sofa blow-drying her hair, she just washed her hair.

Zhou Yun asked, "Where is Sister Lan?"

"Sister Lan is still cleaning up." Zheng Xiaoju said, "Sister Xiaoyun, were you videoing Brother Chi just now?"

"Huh? How do you know?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

Zheng Xiaoju said: "I heard the voices of the two of you when I knocked on the door. If it wasn't for the video, you wouldn't be able to turn on the voice."

Zhou Yun nodded, "Brother Chi, "The Inaction" has finished, and now I'm having dinner with my friends, I'm envious."

She stretched, "I'm still working here crying haha."

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Sister Xiaoyun, Brother Chi can only rest for a few days. He has a lot of schedules ahead, I have seen them all."

"Have you seen them all?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised.

Zheng Xiaoju said: "We will communicate with each other, try to arrange your working time and rest time together, Sister Lan ordered so."

Only then did Zhou Yun realize that they had done so much.

She couldn't help being a little moved.

"Nice to have you."

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Sister Xiaoyun, let's go down and have breakfast, I'm hungry."

"it is good."

Zheng Xiaoju happily turned off the hair dryer and went to change clothes.

They met Zhou Lan at the restaurant, had breakfast together, and then set off for the studio to shoot.

Today's shooting is a public welfare event initiated by a magazine. Zhou Yun will shoot a full English promotional video of "Caring for Autistic Patients" after completing the normal character shooting.

Zhou Yun's English level is very good, so when Zhou Lan helps her connect with all parties, she will also take on jobs that require English from time to time, so that everyone can maintain this impression-Zhou Yun's English level is very good, It is very good for future international cooperation and maintaining Zhou Yun's public image.

People who are knowledgeable and can speak a second language are always more appreciated.

(End of this chapter)

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