I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 597 Afternoon in New York

Chapter 597 Afternoon in New York

What to say?

It seems that there is always a group of people who think that their favorite star is Tianshan Snow Lotus, which is pure, beautiful and unsullied.

They are simple and cute, and they don't know how to plan for themselves, nor do they know how to plan and understand the world.

Zhou Yun once had a group of fans who thought of her that way.

But this state didn't seem to last long, and no one thought Zhou Yun was such a person anymore.

Maybe it's because Zhou Yun's rising speed is too fast, and her status has also risen too much. No one dares to easily think that a person with status and awards is innocent and pure.

Innocence and purity have always been the evaluation of the superior to the harmless inferior.

Maybe it's because Zhou Yun never showed this side in front of the public, even if he just gave an innocent expression.

Zhou Yun doesn't like to create such a human image, although such a harmless image of humans and animals will be easier to get everyone's favor.

It's just that good feelings are easy to get, but they are not real and difficult to maintain.

Later, Zhou Yun's career fans gradually increased.

More fans have seen a great hope, a hope that cannot be seen in other actors - Zhou Yun can become a legend.

There are always people who say that in this era, legends are extinct, and new legends can no longer emerge.

Zhou Yun, in this era of information explosion into fragments, has achieved achievements that many actors can't achieve in their lifetime with a destructive momentum.

She is still so young.

For such a person, she can be kind, but she must not be weak. She can be full of ambition, but she must not be without desires.

High level of English.

This is an attached label on Zhou Yun.

It is precisely a label that Zhou Yun must highlight.

Because she has a lot of endorsements by international big names and luxury goods, and her future movies will follow an international route. Therefore, a high level of English is not only a face-saving project for Zhou Yun, but also a signal to send out.

Nowadays, there are more and more young entertainers in the entertainment industry who are good at English, but these people are often idols from good families who grew up in a bilingual environment. They did not enter the entertainment industry to be actors.

People who are really on the road of actors do not have a bilingual environment because of their growth environment. They may be able to understand the script only by relying on their English classroom knowledge in junior high school, but it is difficult to express it in English.

Zhou Yun's English foundation is very good, but his oral English was actually only practiced in college.

There is no real opportunity to practice oral English in middle and high school.

In the United States these days, no matter where Zhou Yun goes, no matter what the occasion, her fluent English allows her to chat with everyone casually. In this respect, He Wenyun’s English is not as fluent as hers. He Wenyun's English is not as good as Zhou Yun's.

Many international brands like to cooperate with Zhou Yun, and there are also reasons for this.

Language allows these brands to communicate directly with Zhou Yun, and Zhou Yun can also directly participate in various international activities.

All in all, Zhou Lan is very aware of the importance of language for an actor who wants to go international, so she consciously and comprehensively strengthens Zhou Yun's image.

Especially when interviewed by foreign media, every time the other party asks whether to arrange for a translator or an editor who can understand Chinese to be present, Zhou Lan always answers very confidently.

"No, Zhou Yun's English is very good, she doesn't need a translator."

Because of Zhou Yun's relationship, Zhou Lan required Wang Jing, Yu Chu, Huang Zicheng, and Lu Zhongting to speak English, and specially arranged English classes for them to learn English and improve their level.

Zhou Lan often said: "In the future, we will take the international route. Others will not have a channel if they want to go. We have this channel. Whether it is filming or other cooperation, if you can communicate with people fluently in English, This widens the gap with other artists, you know?"

In fact, because of work, Zhou Lan does have some resources that other brokers cannot grasp.

Such as watching shows overseas, public welfare activities, brand activities, etc.

Many resources were sent to Zhou Lan for Zhou Yun at the beginning. Many of these resources were not used by Zhou Yun, but Zhou Lan would spare no effort to recommend other artists under his banner.

Like Wang Jing, he suffered from lack of masterpieces and reputation before, and was often unable to promote it, but after winning the best newcomer award, many opportunities in Zhou Lan's hands can be used.

Zhou Lan pushed Wang Jing's information to the other party, and one of them, "Ling Jun Award, one of the three most authoritative film awards in China, Best Newcomer Award", can make her stand out.

The more high-end the event is, the more interested it is in the style of the invited artists.

Zhou Lan made a distinction between Lu Zhongting and Huang Zicheng.Based on the personalities and hobbies of the two people, she created an image for Lu Zhongting with the keywords of "fitness, sports, sunshine", and for Huang Zicheng with the keywords of "clean, refreshing, forest style". image.Such a distinction can alleviate resource conflicts between the two to a certain extent.

Like Lu Zhongting, because he is an athlete, his business resources mainly focus on sports, youth, self-discipline and other elements, while Huang Zicheng’s business resources are more biased towards brands that focus on knowledge, literature and art. .

Since there was no other work in the afternoon except for an interview, and there were still several hours before going to Elizabeth's party, Zhou Lan dragged Zhou Yun and Zheng Xiaoju to drink coffee near the hotel and talk about the studio by the way.

According to Zhou Lan, Zhou Yun is also the boss of this studio, so in the future, Zhou Yun also needs to participate in the decision-making process of this studio.

"The current contracts of Xiaojing and the others are still in Chengqian Entertainment, and I don't plan to transfer their contracts to the studio with the company." Zhou Lan said, "On the one hand, the company won't agree, especially now that Xiaojing Both Jing and Xiaochu are popular. Among the actresses signed by the company, the most popular and most powerful actresses are under my control. I guess they all want to put them under the hands of others, let alone agree to take them. On the other hand, their transfer is not good for their development. They are still very dependent on the company in many aspects, especially the film and television and fashion resources. External competition and incentives do not rely on The power of the company cannot compete for many things.”

Zhou Yun nodded.

"In the company's current structure of female artists, you, Xiaoyun, are the champion alone, followed by Xiao Jing and Xu Siyao in the second echelon, and Jin Lin and Lin Miaoyi led by Xiao Chu and Chen Wei'an in the third echelon." Zhou Lan said, " I’m talking about female artists under the age of [-], I won’t talk about those seniors, they are not at the same level as you for comparison.”

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Xu Siyao's previous filming with Xin Zhike, "Promise You Half City Misty Rain" has started broadcasting."

"Huh?" Zhou Lan and Zhou Yun were both taken aback.

"It started broadcasting yesterday." Zheng Xiaoju said, "But it happened that the dynamic picture of you and Teacher You Jiang, Miss Xiaoyun, was very popular on the Internet, and not many people paid attention to this drama."

Zhou Lan said: "Come on, what does it have to do with Xiaoyun if anyone pays attention to her drama? Now is not the era when all the media only pay attention to one thing. There are so many people and so many hot searched push positions , Could it be that Xiaoyun's being the number one in the trending search is delaying her being the second in the trending search?"

Zheng Xiaoju nodded and said, "That's what I said, but Xu Siyao's fans said that we deliberately suppressed Xu Siyao's new drama."

"It's a group of people who can't figure things out, so don't bother with them," Zhou Lan said.

Zhou Yun: "However, didn't Zheng Xiaoju's drama just finished filming? Why did it go online?"

"What else is there? When I was preparing this show, I was aiming at making a quick buck, and Xu Siyao picked it up to fill the schedule." Zhou Lan said, "The cost is not high, and the pressure to pay back is small, even if it is a rough production It will also not affect Yuehai.com’s ability to make money.”

Zhou Yun: "Is it also broadcasting on Yuehai Web?"

"It was originally a self-produced play by Yuehai.com." Zhou Lan said, "Otherwise, why would Xin Zhike play the leading role?"

"I don't think Xu Siyao is suitable for this drama." Zheng Xiaoju suddenly said, "Watching her play an innocent and lively girl, no matter how you look at it, you find it weird?"

"Huh? You also went to see her play?" Zhou Lan asked.

"Spy on the enemy's situation." Zheng Xiaoju said.

Zhou Lan laughed and said, "You are really enough."

Zheng Xiaoju looked at her suspiciously and asked, "Don't you need it?"

Zhou Lan said: "There is no need for her to be stared at by us anymore. No matter what she does, it is impossible to affect your sister Xiaoyun."

"Really?" Zheng Xiaoju said, "But Xu Siyao has done so many excessive things before, and sometimes I can't help wondering what she is doing recently, wondering if this person is unlucky, if she is unlucky If so, I'll be happy."

Both Zhou Lan and Zhou Yun were a little surprised.

Neither of them thought that Zheng Xiaoju would have such an idea.

Zheng Xiaoju showed an embarrassed expression, and asked, "Is it not good for me to be like this?"

"No." Zhou Lan immediately shook his head and denied, "It's just that I may have taken it lightly."

"Take it lightly?" Zheng Xiaoju looked at Zhou Lan in surprise.

Zhou Lan said: "I really don't put Xu Siyao in my eyes anymore. No matter what she does, I don't care, because she is no longer Xiaoyun's competitor. She is no longer worthy of being Xiaoyun's partner." competitor."

"That's how it is said..." Zheng Xiaoju hesitated and faltered.

"But what she will do has nothing to do with whether she is qualified to be Xiaoyun's competitor, right?" Zhou Lan said, "I just thought of this just now, even if she has no hope of surpassing Xiaoyun in her life Yun, it doesn't prevent her from seeing Xiaoyun as a thorn in her side, staring at him firmly and not letting go."

Zheng Xiaoju nodded with a smile.

"Yes, that's what I think, but what I think more is that for a person like Xu Siyao, she should fall hard to relieve her anger. She was popular with Miss Xiaoyun before, not only I am not grateful, and I have dealt with Xiaoyun several times, I am not happy to see her have good things happen, so she has a new drama, I can't help but watch it, and pray that the drama will be bad, no People like it."

"The idea of ​​a small sentence is normal, and I often have such thoughts." Zhou Lan said, "It's just that I don't know when such thoughts will be realized, so I don't think so many times, so as not to add to my burden. Anxiety. Moreover, for an actor like Xu Siyao who has come this far, it is unrealistic if you want her to stumble and never become an actress. No matter how much we don’t like her, we must admit that she is now a well-known actress. , an actor who is popular and has fans, so these factors have already made it difficult for her to stop acting."

"That's right, there are always bad movies like "Promise You Half a City of Misty Rain" looking for her to act in." Zheng Xiaoju added.

Zhou Yun did not expect Zhou Lan and Zheng Xiaoju to have such a deep dislike for Xu Siyao.

She thought it was just her own.

Zhou Yun said: "Maybe everyone will meet one or two people like Xu Siyao in their work. It's not uncommon, but it just so happens that I met Xu Siyao."

Zhou Lan said: "It's true to say that, if you met Xu Siyao, I met Yu Jiangxing."

"Yu Jiangxing?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised when he heard the name, and said, "Isn't Yu Jiangxing He Yong's cousin? He also troubles you usually?"

"That's more than just adding to the block, it's very blocking." Zhou Lan said, "This person sticks to me like a dog's skin plaster. Whatever I do, he will do. He will stare at anyone I see, and I will contact them. He will never let go of some business."

"It sounds like he is staring at you to grab resources." Zhou Yun said, "but why should he? He is He Yong's cousin, and many resources of Chengqian Entertainment can be used by him. He is so keen to grab your hand." What are the resources on the Internet for?"

"It's not because there is another Chen Wei'an competing with him." Zhou Lan said, "The resources here are often not owned by the company, so it is easier to grab them."

Zhou Yun: "I can't understand."

"Anyway, this person is very annoying, but because of He Yong's relationship, I can't retaliate too much against him." Zhou Lan said, "If there is another person, I will definitely try my best to drive this person out of the company. "

"But Xu Siyao's manager is him?" Zhou Yun suddenly remembered.

Zhou Lan shook his head, smiled, and said, "Xu Siyao doesn't like him, and he doesn't like Xu Siyao either. I heard that Xu Siyao will be replaced by Chen Wei'an soon."

"Didn't Chen Wei'an take Lin Miaoyi and Jin Lin with him? He still has the energy to take Xu Siyao?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

Zhou Lan said: "Who knows, I guess they won't get along very well. Both Lin Miaoyi and Jin Lin have bad tempers. It's just that Yu Jiangxing really doesn't want to take Xu Siyao with him. You know, Xu Siyao thinks that Yu Jiangxing is incapable, and Yu Jiangxing thinks that Xu Siyao has no brains, and the two of them openly quarreled several times in the company."

"Both of them are amazing."

"Let me say, Xu Siyao might as well dig out a capable agent from outside to take her." Zhou Lan said, "Otherwise, who doesn't know about her past troubles? Who is willing to take her with sincerity? Chen Wei'an now agrees to take her with her." In the future, she might be afraid that she will become the second Yu Jiangxing, and she will not be able to do her best."

Zhou Yun said, "Yes."

In this way, Xu Siyao really didn't have a good choice of agent in the company.

Zhou Yun thought of himself again.

She and Zhou Lan have gone through so many adjustments before they got to this point. The two of them have reached a certain balance.

There is no natural fit between an artist and an agent, and no one knows how much it will take to reach the right place where it will come naturally.

Three people drinking coffee in the afternoon in New York.

It's cold outside, but warm inside.

There are quite a few people in the cafe, basically all of them are European and American, and there seem to be only three Asians.

But the people around them did not cast surprised or puzzled eyes on them. It should be that Asians are not uncommon in big cities like New York now.

After drinking the coffee, Zhou Yun was ready to go back to the hotel to rest, ready to go to Elizabeth's party.

The place where the party was held was not far away, at Elizabeth's house in New York.

Zhou Lan decided to take Zheng Xiaoju and Liu Yun to go shopping in New York and do some shopping. Only Cao Jun and bodyguards accompanied Zhou Yun there, and Cao Jun didn't need to drive. Zhou Lan hired a driver here, mainly because he was afraid that Cao Jun would mess with him. I don't know the traffic rules on the US side.

When he was about to go out, Zhou Lan suddenly received a call from He Wenyun.

"When are you going to leave?" He Wenyun said, "Can I come with you?"

Zhou Yun has nothing to do.

"Yes, where are you? Shall I pick you up?"

He Wenyun said: "Okay, I will send you the hotel I stayed in later."

Therefore, Zhou Yun went to He Wenyun's place first to pick her up.

He Wenyun saw another man sitting in the co-pilot. She had seen him when filming "Deep Sea" and knew that he was Zhou Yun's bodyguard and driver. She was a little surprised.

"Do you still have bodyguards?"

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded, "I'm afraid of accidents."

He Wenyun: "That's right, I remembered, you were sneaked into the hotel last time in Los Angeles, right?"

Zhou Yun nodded: "Yes."

He Wenyun said: "It's really frightening. I have never encountered such a thing. I can't imagine that if I encountered such a thing, I would have the courage like you. I admire you so much."

"There's nothing to admire, it's all about survival instinct," Zhou Yun said.

He Wenyun laughed and said: "That's also very powerful. I feel that if I encountered such a thing, I would be stunned, at a loss, and didn't know what to do."

"How could it be?" Zhou Yun didn't think He Wenyun had that kind of personality.

To some extent, Zhou Yun even felt that He Wenyun was a bit like her.

The same ambition, the same persistence and stubbornness towards what you want.

Zhou Yun has always been curious about He Wenyun's attitude towards her, especially this time when he met in the United States, Zhou Yun felt even more strongly that there should be some other meaning hidden in He Wenyun's attitude towards her.

What exactly is it?
Zhou Yun has yet to discover what it is.

(End of this chapter)

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