Chapter 598
Elizabeth's residence in New York is a three-story mansion.

When Zhou Yun and the others arrived, they passed through a guard post first, and their invitation letters were checked and their personal information was confirmed before they were allowed to go in.

After passing through a tree-lined road about ten meters long, turn left, and the first goal is an ancient Roman-style circular fountain, with grass that seems to have been ironed on both sides.

Of course, the meadow is not turquoise now.

The car bypassed the fountain, then drove across the avenue in the middle of the lawn, and arrived at the door of the house.

The car stopped at the door.

Zhou Yun and He Wenyun got out of the car together.

There are people in suits and leather shoes at the door to guide them in.

When passing the hall, Zhou Yun could already hear the sound of music coming from inside.

When passing through a winding corridor, a lively hall suddenly appeared in front of it.

Many people are drinking and chatting inside, and some people are dancing to the music in the middle.

Zhou Yun saw a live band in front of the hall.

She didn't know anyone in that band, but judging from the melody of the music at the scene, it was a band with very familiar coordination.

The appearance of her and He Wenyun attracted some people's attention.

These people looked curiously at the two oriental women who appeared side by side, and they were two equally beautiful oriental women with their own styles.

Most of these people are unfamiliar faces.

Zhou Yun didn't want to stand there like a fool and be looked at like a monkey in a zoo.

She turned around and walked towards the long table where wine glasses and snacks were placed, and picked up a glass of champagne.

"Zhou Yun!" Suddenly someone came over and came to her side.

Zhou Yun turned around in surprise, and unexpectedly it was Christina, a Spanish actress who was very close to her.

Christina looked thinner and darker than the last time we met.

Zhou Yun opened his mouth in surprise, and said, "Christina, what a coincidence, so you are here today, I didn't even know it, what a surprise!"

Christina said with a smile: "I just finished filming my last film and I'm taking a break now, so I came here immediately when I received Elizabeth's invitation. I didn't expect to see you! What a coincidence! Dear, You are really popular now, I heard many people discussing you, saying that you are a mysterious oriental actress."

Zhou Yun frowned suspiciously: "Ah? Mysterious?"

Christina nodded and said: "You are not active in Hollywood, and the number of times you come here is seldom. Almost no one has communicated with you, so everyone says you are mysterious. In this regard, the He Wenyun who came with you is comparable You need to be more familiar with this place."

Zhou Yun laughed, "So that's what I meant, but I did come here for few activities before, and this is the first time for me to attend this kind of private party. If it wasn't for Elizabeth's invitation, I guess I wouldn't have either." opportunity to participate."

Christina took Zhou Yun's hand and said, "Elizabeth likes you very much. Before you came, I told many people that a Chinese actress she likes will come later. He said he wanted to introduce you to everyone, how did you meet her?"

Zhou Yun said: "I met her when I participated in an event before, and she was very enthusiastic."

"Enthusiasm?" Christina didn't seem to expect to hear this word from Zhou Yun's mouth, "She is not a very enthusiastic person, it seems that she really likes you, that's why she treats you differently manner."

What Christina said made Zhou Yun a little puzzled.

Is Elizabeth not warm to others?
Thinking about it carefully, Elizabeth's enthusiasm for herself does not seem to be fake and perfunctory.

Zhou Yun originally thought that Elizabeth herself had such a personality.

Christina said: "She is a very proud princess. She has always been with people she admires. If she is not someone she admires, she will never talk to her."

Zhou Yun and Christina were talking when suddenly Elizabeth walked towards them.

"Dear Xiaoyun, you're here!" Elizabeth welcomed Zhou Yun in a surprised tone, and at the same time opened her hands and hugged Zhou Yun warmly.

Zhou Yun sighed again, Elizabeth's enthusiasm is really not like a disguise at all.

"Hi, Elizabeth, thank you for inviting me to your party today." Zhou Yun said.

Suddenly, a handsome man came over.

"Honey, is this Zhou Yun you've been talking to me about?"

Zhou Yun raised his head and took a look at this man, at the first glance he felt that this man was not a law-abiding man, his eyes could discharge electricity.

"Daniel, let me introduce you, Zhou Yun, a Chinese actress." Elizabeth said to the man, "My good friend."

"I know, I don't know how many people have heard about it in the past two days." Daniel stared at Zhou Yun with very serious eyes, completely focused on Zhou Yun, and said, "Hello, I'm Daniel. "

Zhou Yun smiled, called Daniel, turned to Elizabeth and said, "Your boyfriend is very handsome."

Elizabeth smiled and said, "Your boyfriend Song Chi is also very handsome."

The two women smiled tacitly.

Elizabeth looked at Christina at this time and asked, "Did you know each other before?"

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded and said, "We met at the film festival before, and I didn't expect to meet her at your party today. What a coincidence, it turns out that you are also friends."

Elizabeth said, "Christina and I made a movie together before, haven't you seen it?"

Zhou Yun really hadn't seen it, so he was a little embarrassed.

"What's your name? I'll do my homework when I get back." Zhou Yun used a popular saying in China.

But Elizabeth and Christina obviously didn't know what "make up homework" meant, and they showed a blank and puzzled expression at the same time.

"What do you mean by homework?" Elizabeth asked.

Zhou Yun had no choice but to explain it in layman's terms.

Elizabeth showed a suddenly realized expression, "So that's what it means."

At this time, a new guest appeared.

Elizabeth said to Zhou Yun: "I'm going to greet others, you play for a while, and I'll take you to meet my friends later."

Zhou Yun nodded and said yes, "You do your work first."

Elizabeth went first.

Daniel stayed where he was, his eyes still fixed on Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun didn't like this man's gaze very much, so he asked directly: "Daniel, don't you need to go with Elizabeth to greet the guests?"

With a smile on the corner of Daniel's mouth, he said, "No, what's more, with a beautiful woman like you here, how could I be willing to leave."

When Zhou Yun heard this, he was immediately disgusted.

She looked at Daniel and said, "You should bring your chivalry to Elizabeth."

Daniel was taken aback.

He didn't seem to have thought that Zhou Yun would give her such a nail directly.

Zhou Yun said: "Although you are very handsome, I don't like your style, bye."

After she finished speaking, she waved her hand, turned and left.

"Hey, Zhou Yun." Daniel suddenly stopped her.

Zhou Yun stopped, turned around, looked at Daniel, and asked him what else he needed to do.

Daniel said, "Stay away from Elizabeth."

"Why?" Zhou Yun asked directly.

Daniel's attitude seemed to have changed in an instant. As for why his attitude changed from expressing covetousness to Zhou Yun to expressing hostility towards Zhou Yun in an instant, Zhou Yun had no way of knowing the reason behind it.

Daniel shrugged lazily and said, "After all, this is not your Chinese territory. If you appear next to Elizabeth, she will also be alienated by people who hate you."

Zhou Yun sneered.

"Are you talking about Gertia?"

Daniel smiled colder and said, "What is Gertia?"

Zhou Yun couldn't help being stunned.

If Daniel didn't mean Gertia, what did he mean?
Zhou Yun looked at Daniel's expression hesitantly, wanting to see more things from it.

Daniel didn't seem to intend to talk to her any more, so he turned around and went to chat and joke with others.

Zhou Yun fell into deep thought.

Seeing this, Christina comforted Zhou Yun: "Don't take what he said to heart. Daniel has always spoken out of his head, and everyone doesn't like him very much."

Zhou Yun asked: "But he is Elizabeth's boyfriend, why does Elizabeth like him?"

Christina shrugged nonchalantly.

Zhou Yun quickly put what Daniel said behind him.

No matter how wrong what he said, she was invited by Elizabeth tonight, and she didn't come here uninvited. She wanted to feel this atmosphere well.

But soon Zhou Yun realized that he might have underestimated the so-called "party".

To be precise, the stories that happened at the parties in the original American TV series are not entirely fictional and exaggerated.

When Zhou Yun went to the bathroom, he passed a corridor, only to meet a man and a woman doing that kind of thing directly in an unsecured room.

She was literally taken aback.

This kind of performance art basically does not appear at this time in China.

She hurried to find the bathroom.

Suddenly, she heard a voice.

"What I asked you to prepare, are you ready?"

The sound came from the bathroom.

As soon as Zhou Yun heard that there was someone inside, he immediately put down his hand knocking on the door.

She folded her hands on her chest, waiting for the person inside to come out.

The people inside didn't know if they were on the phone or what was going on, and continued to talk: "Tonight I must make her look ugly in front of everyone, so that everyone can see how slutty she is!"

Zhou Yun frowned subconsciously when he heard this.

Who are the people here?What do you want to do?
At this time, the sound of flushing water came from inside.

Zhou Yun immediately took a few steps back to the back of the corner. After hearing the sound of the door opening inside, she waited for a second before pretending to have just walked over. She walked across the corner and met the person who came out of the toilet. right.

But Zhou Yun did not expect that this person turned out to be Ge Diya.

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(End of this chapter)

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