Chapter 599
Gertia wore a dark golden skirt today, with the hem only reaching her thighs, wrapping her figure and outlining her sexy body lines, while also revealing a pair of long and straight legs.

Apart from other things, the fact that Gertia is so sought after by so many girls, and that she is regarded as an idol is also related to her good condition.

Seeing Zhou Yun approaching, Ge Diya immediately showed disgust.

Although Zhou Yun is already used to Getiya's attitude towards her, he has to admit that some people have a disgusting face, no matter how accustomed Zhou Yun is, he will still feel that Getiya It's normal to be beaten with a sack one day.

She couldn't help but wonder, is it true that no one in America hates Gertia?
Zhou Yun and Ge Diya passed each other.

She went into the bathroom, locked the door, and suddenly recalled the voice she heard at the door just now.

If that voice is Gertia's voice.

——What I asked you to prepare, are you ready?
——Tonight I must make a fool of her in front of everyone, so that everyone can see how slutty she is!
A question emerged from Zhou Yun's mind.

What did Gertia have someone prepare?
Who is Gertia planning to make a fool of herself in front of everyone?

In fact, there is no need to ask this question too much. Among the group of people tonight, there should be no one else Gertia hates the most except her.

Is Gertia planning to attack her?
Let her make a fool of herself in public?

Zhou Yun immediately became alert.

At the same time, there was a coldness in her eyes.

What is Gertia going to do?
What did she ask people to prepare?
In an instant, many possibilities emerged in Zhou Yun's mind.

But whatever it was, she was on extreme alert this evening, touching nothing and eating nothing.

When Zhou Yun came out of the bathroom, he couldn't see anything strange from her expression.

There is nothing wrong with it.

When Christina met her again, Christina said, "Where did you go just now? Elizabeth is looking for you."

"Really?" Zhou Yun said, "I went to the bathroom just now."

"Little Yun!" Elizabeth's voice came right away.

This beautiful girl appeared out of nowhere, held Zhou Yun's hand, and said, "Come on, let me introduce you to a friend of mine. She also likes your movie very much. I heard that you are here today." I want to meet you."

When Zhou Yun heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little bit of anticipation.

She is a black man with an extremely fit body, and the tights clearly outline her body lines, which is extremely sexy.

She is also very beautiful, with a godlike indifference in her eyes - even when she smiles, there is not much emotion in it.

"I'm Sedar." The black beauty stretched out her right hand and shook Zhou Yun's hand with an elegant gesture, "It's very nice to meet you, Zhou Yun."

"Hi, hello." Zhou Yun shook the other party's hand generously and said, "This is the first time I see you, you are so beautiful, especially your eyes, which are so breathtaking."

Sedar smiled slightly, "You too, the mysterious oriental beauty."

This is the code name given to Zhou Yun by the Hollywood circle.

Sedar is an actress nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. In the past two years, she has played an important role in a big-budget series and her fame has soared.

Before Zhou Yun came here, he didn't know that he could meet Sedar tonight.

This surprised her.

Sedar said to Zhou Yun: "I watched the movie "Behind the Scenes". You are very powerful in it, and you are the kind of woman I like."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Thank you, I also like the roles you played in the movies."

"Really?" The smile on Sedar's face deepened a little.

Elizabeth said: "Sedar, do you know who Zhou Yun's boyfriend is?"

Sedar showed a puzzled expression and asked, "Who is it?"

Only then did Elizabeth say, "Song Chi."

"What? Song Chi?" Sedar showed a surprised expression, and at the same time looked at Zhou Yun incredulously, "Are you Song Chi's girlfriend?"

Zhou Yun couldn't help feeling even more puzzled and strange.

Does Sedar even know Song Chi?

So Song Chi knew so many people internationally?
From Christina to Elizabeth to Sedar, these are some of the best young actresses.

They can be said to be at the top of the ranks of international actors.

Although Song Chi is the most well-known actor in the world among the younger generation of Chinese actors, he has basically never participated in major international productions, so his popularity is actually the same as that of Zhou Yun, with too much publicity and praise. It's actually not that big.

Zhou Yun didn't expect that all the actresses he met today knew Song Chi.

"I like your boyfriend so much!" Sedar suddenly changed his whole style, he was no longer as cold as before, and said: "He is so handsome, whether in the movie or in reality, he is full of Charm, how lucky you are."

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "It's his luck to have a girlfriend like me."

"Of course." Sedar said with a smile, "I was almost about to work with him on a movie, but he refused. I still haven't figured out why he refused."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun asked curiously, "What movie?"

"The "Artifact" series." Sedar said about his most famous and highest-grossing big production, "In this series, there was an Asian character that I wanted to ask him to play, but he rejected the role, and then he was cast. Changed the script and changed to another character, I thought I could work with him, it made me so depressed."

Zhou Yun didn't expect that the "Artifact" series had also approached Song Chi before.

She was a little surprised.

Song Chi had never heard of this.

And it's not just her, Song Chi has never talked about this matter in front of the media.

If it were another actor, even if he didn’t act in "Artifact", he would definitely publicize this matter--to form an impression that even blockbusters such as the "Artifact" series came to him, too high on himself worth.

Of course Song Chi didn't need to do this.

It's just that he didn't mention it from the beginning to the end, which still surprised Zhou Yun.

Sedar asked, "Does he not like acting abroad?"

Zhou Yun thought for a while, shook his head, and said: "No, Sedar, maybe he really doesn't have time, he is the top actor in China, many people ask him to film, his schedule has been very tight, he just finished filming One movie, and next month I'm going to make another movie."

Sedar was a little surprised.

"But, this is "Artifact"." Sedar said, "doesn't it appeal to him at all?"

Zhou Yun said: "He is not the kind of actor who pursues blockbuster movies."

"I know, he is a very talented actor, but..." Sedar wanted to say something, but he didn't say it for a long time.

Zhou Yun knew what she wanted to express.

In the world of actors, in fact, no matter whether they are Chinese or foreign, it is difficult to say that they do not pursue fame and let audiences all over the world know themselves.

Song Chi is not the kind of saint who doesn't covet fame and fortune.

It's just that Zhou Yun couldn't explain Song Chi's intentions to Sedar.

If Song Chi is not the top actor in China, but a representative of young actors, he may have already stepped into a Hollywood blockbuster, playing an important supporting role next to the protagonist, and starting his own globalization route.

But Song Chi has this mark on him, so he can't become a supporting role in a Hollywood blockbuster with such an identity.

Zhou Yun understood Song Chi's thoughts.

Therefore, if "Killing Song" did not give her the role of the first protagonist, she would not choose to take this movie.

She understood Song Chi, supported him, and was more willing to walk on the same road as Song Chi.

At the same time, she also understood that Song Chi was actually in a more difficult situation than her.

In any case, the current film and television environment has not really achieved equality between men and women.

Under the background of the general environment, actresses often don't bear the core part.

Therefore, a big production like "Killing Song" will be given to Zhou Yun, even though this is already a very rare opportunity.

However, in a big production like this, if the first protagonist is a male, the possibility of setting him as an Asian is even lower.

Because in this Hollywood environment, Asian male actors are in a marginal position.

Being a woman can represent diversity, and being a man is often harder.

Zhou Yun said to Sedar: "I will convey your thoughts to Song Chi. I think Song Chi is also very willing to cooperate with an excellent actress like you. If there is a good opportunity in the future, I can facilitate a cooperation."

Sedar nodded.

"I also want to cooperate with Song Chi." Elizabeth suddenly interrupted them and said, "But Song Chi has never been to foreign countries to film, we all thought he was unwilling to make English films."

Zhou Yun: "No, it's just that his schedule is relatively tight and it's hard to spare time."

"Oh." Elizabeth nodded, and said, "You have too few famous actors in China. Everyone seems to be looking for a few of you to act. No wonder your schedule is very tight."

Zhou Yun didn't expect Elizabeth to understand in this way.

Zhou Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

But it is understandable for Elizabeth to understand it this way. From her point of view, there are indeed not many famous Chinese actors in the world.

Especially young actors.

Zhou Yun felt that Zhou Lan's internationalization route was right. In any case, no matter what other people did, Wang Jing and the others could indeed take the internationalization route.

They don't have the burden of Song Chi, and they can choose roles according to their own strength and ideas, regardless of the protagonist or supporting role.

Be it a movie or a play.

Zhou Yun smiled and chatted with them about their favorite Chinese movies.

At this time, Gertia came.

As if she had forgotten her disgust and resistance towards Zhou Yun, she joined them with a smile on her face and asked, "What are you three talking about? Are you smiling so happily?"

Zhou Yun fell silent the moment he saw Ge Diya.

When Elizabeth saw her, the smile on her face faded by two points, and she said, "We are talking about Chinese movies, Gertia, aren't you playing with Qiqi and the others? Why don't you play with them?"

Ge Diya said: "They are discussing to sing a song together later, I am not interested in singing, so I came to you."

Sedar smiled and said, "I remember you liked singing, why aren't you interested this time?"

"Singing with Qiqi and the others is not fun." Ge Diya said, "What's the matter? You know Zhou Yun, a new friend, so you don't want to play with me?"

"Of course not, it's just that we don't want you to say some inappropriate words again." Elizabeth directly "reminded" and "warned" Gertia.

Ge Diya twitched her lips and said, "Elizabeth, I've already figured it out. It wasn't Zhou Yun who took him away. Why should I be angry with Zhou Yun because of that woman? Zhou Yun, I apologize to you. The front is mine. Bad attitude, I shouldn't use such an excessive attitude to satirize you and hurt you, please forgive me."

Zhou Yun stared at Ge Diya who suddenly apologized in astonishment, but the phrase "Nothing to be courteous—either adultery or robbery" appeared in his mind.

"Gerdia, are you sincere?" Zhou Yun asked directly.

Gertia nodded, "Of course I mean it."

Zhou Yun smiled.

"If you are sincere, of course I can accept your apology."

In other words, if she doesn't mean it, she won't accept it.

Zhou Yun didn't believe that Ge Diya was sincere.

So, Gertia wanted to make her lower her guard by showing her kindness, and then use something to make her look ugly in front of everyone?
Zhou Yun had a bright smile on his face, and his heart became more guarded.

A woman like Gertia is a bit like a snake.

Zhou Yun could only stay away.

This is not her home field either, and she cannot deal with her in many ways like in China.

Therefore, no matter how much Gertia talked and laughed with them, Zhou Yun always protected the wine glass in his hand, preventing it from being touched by others.

She was really afraid of being drugged.

Who knows what monsters and ghosts are lurking at this party.

Gertia suddenly said to Elizabeth: "Elizabeth, why haven't you seen Daniel tonight?"

Elizabeth said, "Him?"

A puzzled look appeared on her face.After Getiya's reminder, she also realized that Daniel had indeed not appeared for a long time.

Gertia said: "Really, he is today's host, and he didn't even entertain the guests, and went to rest secretly by himself."

Elizabeth took out her mobile phone and called Daniel, but no one answered the call.

"What's wrong? Didn't he answer the phone?"

Elizabeth said: "Maybe the music was too loud, so he didn't hear the phone ring."

"Didn't he always keep his mobile phone in his hand and never leave it?" Gertia said.

"Qiqi!" Gertia suddenly grabbed a pink-haired woman passing in front of them, and asked, "Did you see Daniel?"

The pink-haired woman named Kiki said: "Daniel? I saw him talking with Christina on the second floor."

"Christina?" Gertia frowned.

Elizabeth suddenly thought of something, turned around and walked towards the stairs.

"Elizabeth!" Gertia shouted, and immediately chased after her.

Zhou Yun and Sedar looked at each other.

Sedar said, "Let's go and see, too."

A bad premonition emerged in Zhou Yun's heart.

She followed Elizabeth and the others upstairs, and saw Elizabeth opening the door from room to room until she reached the room at the end of the corridor.

They could hear faint groans coming from the room through the door.

Zhou Yun instantly understood what was going on inside.

She glanced at Elizabeth in surprise.

I saw Elizabeth's face was ugly, even a little pale.

Gertia looked at Elizabeth with a look of surprise on her face: "Elizabeth, this...can't be...Elizabeth, why don't we wait and don't go in?"

Zhou Yun frowned and glanced at Ge Diya.

Gertia herself may not even have noticed that a triumphant and vicious smile appeared on her feigned nervousness and disbelief at this moment.

Elizabeth put her hand on the doorknob without hesitation, pushed it down, and opened the door.

The voice came out more roughly.

Then the man realized that the door had been opened, he glanced back, stopped immediately, grabbed the blanket to cover the key position of himself and the person under him, looked at them with a panicked expression.

"What are you doing?"

This is a strange man.

Zhou Yun met Daniel and knew that he was not Daniel.

And the person under him was also a brown woman, not Christina.

Zhou Yun's heart fell back in an instant.

Elizabeth hurriedly closed the door.

Gertia had an unbelievable expression on her face: "Why are they?"

"What, Gertia, are you surprised to see that it's not the two of us inside?" Suddenly, Daniel and Christina walked over from nowhere and stood behind them.

"Daniel?" Elizabeth saw Daniel and Christina appearing together, showing a puzzled and puzzled look.

She didn't understand what the situation was like now.

Gertia looked at them in shock, with an unexpected expression on her face.

"What the hell is going on?" Elizabeth asked Daniel and Christina.

Daniel sneered and said, "I'm going to ask your good sister Gertia, she prepared something, she asked someone to put it in the cups of Christina and me, and tricked us to the second floor."

A look of disbelief suddenly appeared on Elizabeth's face, and she turned to look at Gertia.

"Gerdia, what's going on?" She suppressed her anger and asked.

Gertia immediately shook her head and said, "I don't know what Daniel is talking about! I don't know what's going on?"

"Really?" Daniel took out his mobile phone and did some manipulations. Suddenly, Elizabeth's and Gertia's mobile phones rang at the same time.

Elizabeth and Gertia picked up their phones and clicked on them. It was Daniel who sent them a screenshot.

The moment Gertia saw the screenshot, her face turned pale.

Elizabeth glared at Gertia angrily.

Gertia raised her head uneasily and said, "Elizabeth, listen to me—"

Elizabeth slapped Gertia directly in the face.

Gertia screamed.

(End of this chapter)

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