I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 600 Relationships

Chapter 600 Relationships
"Elizabeth, you actually did something to me?!"

Gertia glared at Elizabeth.

Elizabeth sneered and said, "Gerdia, you should know that when you decide to do this, I can't let you go."

Gertia glared at Daniel and Christina angrily, and said, "Elizabeth, I just don't want them to continue to deceive you. I have seen them embrace and kiss with my own eyes."

Christina retorted angrily, "You're talking nonsense!"

However, the expression on Elizabeth's face was indifferent, as if she was not at all moved by Gertia's words.

"Gerdia, I don't trust you anymore." Elizabeth said, "You have lost my trust in you."

"Elizabeth, give me a chance." Gertia said angrily, "I know I shouldn't do this, but I really just don't want to see these two continue to deceive you."

"Is that so?" said Elizabeth. "Aren't you deceiving me by what you just did?"

Gertia's face turned pale instantly.

She seemed to realize something, realized that no matter what she said, it was impossible to get Elizabeth's forgiveness tonight.

Gertia gritted her teeth.

At this moment, the sound of the music downstairs seemed to drift away.

Zhou Yun regretted coming upstairs and witnessed this scene.

Although it seemed that Elizabeth gained the upper hand in this scene, Zhou Yun felt that Elizabeth probably didn't want many people to know about it.

Not even her and Saidar.

Elizabeth said: "Gerdia, you know my principle, you can leave now."

Gertia still wanted to struggle and wanted to say something.

But when she met Elizabeth's eyes, all the words she wanted to say were blocked in her throat by Elizabeth's completely emotionless eyes.

Elizabeth doesn't like being deceived, especially hates being betrayed.

Gertia finally swallowed all the words and went down the stairs.

Elizabeth didn't look at Daniel and Christina until Gertia went downstairs.

"Is what she just said true?" Elizabeth asked.

Christina quickly said: "Of course it's not true, Elizabeth, don't trust Gertia, she deliberately deceived me because I got the movie "Atonement" and she failed."

Elizabeth: "I didn't ask you, Daniel, tell me, is what Gertia said true?"

Daniel said, "Baby, are you doubting my love for you?"

"I just need you to answer me, is what Gertia said just now true or false?" Elizabeth asked persistently.

Daniel: "Fake, of course it's fake, I only love you alone."

Elizabeth didn't seem to believe it.

She said: "Then why didn't you tell me immediately after you knew what Gertia wanted to do? Instead, you hid here with Christina and waited for us to show up?"

Daniel said: "If I told you in advance, Gertia would not admit it, and she would argue that it was just a prank."

"Did you arrange those two people in that room?" Elizabeth asked.

Daniel nodded.

"They needed a bed, so I pointed them to a place, don't worry, I'll have the room cleaned up."

"Daniel, I thought we trusted each other." Elizabeth said, "I'm disappointed that you didn't tell me immediately after you knew what Gertia would do."

A look of regret flashed across Daniel's face.

He seemed about to say something, but hesitated and said nothing.

Zhou Yun felt that he should not stay here any longer.

"Elizabeth, I'd better go downstairs first." She said directly, "I think you need a space where you can have a good talk with Daniel."

Elizabeth shook her head and said, "No need, I'll go down with you, there are still many guests down here."

"Elizabeth." Daniel seemed to have noticed something, and held back.

Elizabeth said, "Daniel, let's talk about it after tonight."

Zhou Yun saw a look of exhaustion on Elizabeth's beautiful face.

She and Christina exchanged glances.

The look in Christina's eyes meant very clearly that she was tricked by Gertia.

Zhou Yun didn't know the reason behind this incident, so he could only give her a consoling look first.

The episode that happened on the second floor did not affect the joy and liveliness on the first floor.

After Zhou Yun went downstairs, he saw several pairs of men and women who were lingering together.

They hugged and kissed like no one else, and their movements were natural, without the slightest flinching.

Gertia had already left, but her departure did not have any impact on the party.


Not long after Zhou Yun returned to the first floor, Christina came to find him.

"Oh, I'm really going to be wronged to death. Now even if Elizabeth doesn't believe what Gertia said, she still has a grudge against me." Christina was quite annoyed and complained to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun said: "Christina, how did you know that Gertia will harm you tonight?"

"Daniel came straight to me and said," Christina said.

"Did you know Daniel very well before?"

"We've known each other for a long time," Christina said. "I often play with him and Elizabeth."

"Then after he came to you, didn't you think about telling Elizabeth about it?"

"No, I just want to catch the current situation and make Gertia have nothing to say." Christina said, "Her trick is too insidious, and she actually wants to design for everyone to see me having sex with Daniel, if she succeeds , I guess it's going to go viral on the Internet, she just wants me to be hated by everyone, to be dropped by the studio, and she's jealous that I beat her and won the "Atonement" opportunity."

Zhou Yun asked: "Do you and Gertiya have deep conflicts because of "Atonement"?"

"She's a must for this movie," says Christina, "but I'm a better fit for the role."

"I heard that Gertia hasn't had the chance to play the leading role for a long time. Where does she have the confidence that she will win "Atonement"?" Zhou Yun asked.

Christina said: "Because the director of this movie has worked with her before."

Zhou Yun: "Just because of this, does she think this movie is hers?"

Christina frowned, looked at Zhou Yun dissatisfied, and asked, "Do you think I'm lying?"

Zhou Yun shook his head, "No, Christina, I just want to clarify things. Only in this way can I truly wash away your impression in Elizabeth's heart."


After He Wenyun took a group photo with a group of people, the smile hadn't faded from her face when she saw a handsome man walking down the stairs with some depression, instead of walking into the crowd, he walked outside the house.

She knew that man was Elizabeth's boyfriend Daniel.

"Daniel." He Wenyun called him.

Daniel looked back.

He Wenyun walked up to Daniel and asked, "Are you leaving now?"

Daniel said, "I'm going out to catch my breath."

He Wenyun laughed and said, "What a coincidence, I also want to go out to catch my breath, so let's go together."

Daniel's eyes flickered a little.

But he ended up saying nothing.

It was very cold outside.

However, He Wenyun didn't put on a layer of thick clothes before going out, and was shivered by the cold wind.

She put her arms around her shoulders.

Seeing this, Daniel took off his heavy jacket, handed it to He Wenyun, and said, "Put it on."

He Wenyun didn't refuse, and directly put on his jacket.

"It's cold tonight."

With his hands in his jeans pockets, Daniel asked, "Did you enjoy the party tonight?"

He Wenyun said: "I can't say I like it, but I can't say I don't like it. I didn't come here to play. I don't know many people here, and I can't hang out with them."

"Then why did you come here?" Daniel looked at her in surprise and asked.

He Wenyun smiled lightly and said, "Because I know you will definitely be there."

Daniel glanced at her in surprise.

The meaning revealed in He Wenyun's words made him somewhat unexpected.

"You..." Daniel hesitated to speak.

He Wenyun suddenly realized that what she just said was ambiguous, she quickly shook her hand and said, "Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that, I just wanted to say, I have something to ask for your help."

"Help?" Daniel felt that his heart that was a little hot just now cooled down a little bit.

Was it just asking him for help?
At this time, He Wenyun said: "I heard that you and Leon Bruci are good friends?"

"Leon?" Daniel looked at her in surprise and asked, "Do you know Leon?"

Leon Bruci is not an actor, not even from the entertainment industry, but he is indeed his good friend, so he was surprised to hear Leon Bruci's name from He Wenyun's mouth.

"He is pursuing me and wants me to be his girlfriend. I have clearly rejected him several times, but he is still entangled." He Wenyun said, "So I want you to help me talk to him, please Don't pester me any more."

Daniel looked at He Wenyun in astonishment.

What He Wenyun asked him to do was really unexpected to him.

"Do you know what Leon's family does?"

The implication is that Daniel felt that it was a disadvantage for He Wenyun to reject Leon.

He Wenyun said: "I know, but, Daniel, I don't value these things."

Daniel said: "A lot of women want to be favored by members of the Bluch family."

"But I am not among those women." He Wenyun said, "One of our Chinese actresses once said a word, which I appreciate very much. We don't need to marry into a rich family, we are rich ourselves."

Daniel was even more surprised.

But if you observe carefully, you can find that Daniel has an interest in He Wenyun in his eyes.

Even Daniel himself may not have realized it.

"Are all your Chinese actresses so rich?"

"Of course." He Wenyun said, "Our market is no smaller than yours."

Daniel smiled and said, "But you don't know the heritage of the Bluch family."

"There are many wealthy families in China." He Wenyun smiled lightly, "There are also many rich people like Leon who pursue me."

Daniel: "You are a very proud woman."

"If you're not proud, why would you come to America to film?" He Wenyun said, "Daniel, although you are not as obvious as Gertia, you actually look down on us foreigners, right?"

Daniel immediately raised his hands and said very innocently: "I swear, I have absolutely no, I absolutely support that all men are created equal."

He Wenyun smiled and said: "You don't need to admit it, but I don't mind this matter as much as you think, Daniel, I know you are not as casual and unruly as you appear on the surface, I always think you are One of the most underrated young male actors in America, maybe your American film companies think you are only suitable for playing big handsome guys, appearing in big commercial productions and making female audiences scream, or appearing in romantic movies and making everyone addicted In the fantasy of falling in love with you, but I have watched many of your movies, you are actually very pursuing yourself, no matter how clichéd the characters are, you are also giving them your understanding and creation."

Daniel froze.

He never expected to hear such words from a Chinese woman.

Daniel and Elizabeth are famous couples in Hollywood.

Because both of them are very famous and big stars.But the situation of Daniel and Elizabeth is different.Elizabeth has been discovered her talent and talent early on, and she has become the heroine of many great directors by virtue of her unique charm.Although Daniel is handsome, he has not had the luck of Elizabeth, and has never met a producer or director who believes that he can act in an art film.Everyone who came to him came for his appearance and star aura.

Almost every movie starring Daniel shows his upper body.

There is no other reason. According to the survey of the film company, many female audiences love to see him show his flesh on the screen.

Sexy and handsome.

This is the label on Daniel.

However, He Wenyun said that he was an aspiring actor among all the voices——Daniel was a little stunned and dazed, so that he was stunned for a long time before saying, "Do you think so?"

"Isn't it?" He Wenyun looked at Daniel very firmly, "Your charm is far more than just your body and your face."


Zhou Yun stood resting by the window, but he didn't expect to see Daniel and He Wenyun walking outside the window.

Of course, a walk for two is nothing, it's just a lonely man and a widow, which inevitably arouses people's daydreams.

What made Zhou Yun even more unbelievable was Daniel. Just fifteen minutes ago, he was thrown into a tantrum by Elizabeth because he didn't explain clearly to Christina, and now he is with He Wenyun again?
Is Daniel short-sighted, or what?

Zhou Yun found it even more paradoxical that the two women who appeared next to Daniel knew her.

In such an environment, it was difficult for Zhou Yun to find a few people who knew him, and there were only a few of them, all of whom had unclear relationships with Daniel...

(End of this chapter)

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