I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 601 Who is your child's father

Chapter 601 Who is your child's father

Elizabeth's party was drawing to a close, and people left one after another.

Of course, some people didn't intend to leave, and fell asleep directly on the sofa.

After seeing off her couple and friends, Elizabeth was about to enter the door when she saw Daniel and He Wenyun coming from the gravel path on the right.

Under the night, Daniel and He Wenyun were still chatting and laughing, the laughter was very sweet, as if communicating to the depths of the soul.

The laughter reached Elizabeth's ears, and it was immediately harsh.

Elizabeth stood at the door, did not enter the door for a while, but stood here, waiting for them to come.

"Hi, Elizabeth." When He Wenyun saw Elizabeth, she showed a brighter smile, beckoned, walked over, and said, "Your boyfriend is so cute."

Elizabeth was a little surprised by He Wenyun's reaction.

Elizabeth didn't know how to react for a moment.

At this time, Daniel said to Elizabeth: "Honey, guess who is chasing this lady."

Elizabeth glanced at Daniel suspiciously, and then at He Wenyun suspiciously.

These two people were so open and generous that she was too embarrassed to recall what she had guessed just now.

"Who?" Elizabeth asked.

"Leon Bruch." Daniel said to Elizabeth, "The point is, this Miss He still wants to reject him."

Elizabeth took a look at He Wenyun, and said to Daniel: "Daniel, what's so surprising about rejecting Leon Bruci?"

Daniel shrugged and said, "Well, I think differently than you think."

"Do you men always think that if we women like a man, it's either because of his power or his wealth?"

"Of course not." Daniel immediately denied it at this moment, and he denied it very simply, "I never thought so."

He Wenyun smiled and said, "You two couples, talk slowly, it's getting late, I have to go back."

Elizabeth nodded, but her eyes fell on the jacket on He Wenyun.

She recognizes that jacket.

She bought that jacket for Daniel.


Zhou Yun was about to leave.

This party made her feel out of place tonight.

This is not a relaxed and cozy party, in fact, the atmosphere tonight made her feel a little noisy.

It was too loud for her.

But she never found Elizabeth, and she felt that she had to say hello to Elizabeth before leaving.

Elizabeth did not come in, it was He Wenyun who came in.

"Hi, are you ready to leave?" Seeing Zhou Yun at the door, He Wenyun asked with a smile on her face.

Zhou Yun felt that the smile on He Wenyun's face was not the kind of ceremonial smile when he saw her, but the aftertaste of the happiness brought to her by something before.

"Well, it's getting late." Zhou Yun said, "What about you?"

The two of them came together, Zhou Yun didn't know if He Wenyun wanted to leave with her.

He Wenyun said: "I am also going to leave."

She didn't say she wanted to go with Zhou Yun, so Zhou Yun didn't ask He Wenyun if she wanted to go together.

"Then I'll go first." Zhou Yun said, "Do you know where Elizabeth is? I wanted to say hello to her, but I never found her."

"Elizabeth is at the door." He Wenyun said, "You can see her when you go out."

Zhou Yun walked to the hall and saw Elizabeth.

She was standing with Daniel.

The combination of handsome men and beautiful women makes this picture look beautiful and moving.

"Elizabeth, I'm going back." Zhou Yun said to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth nodded and said, "Okay, goodbye."

Elizabeth's attitude towards Zhou Yun was not as warm as it was at first.

Zhou Yun felt that Elizabeth was not in a very good mood now.

If the two are really friends, Zhou Yun should stay and chat with Elizabeth at this time.

But Zhou Yun knew that she and Elizabeth were not that familiar, nor did they have such a relationship, so he could only leave as if he hadn't seen her.

Zhou Lan and Zheng Xiaoju had already returned from shopping, and they were waiting for her in her room.

"Is the party tonight fun? Who's there?" Zhou Lan asked her first sentence.

Zhou Yun briefly talked about the people he met that night, and then focused on the things about Elizabeth, Daniel, Gertia, and Christina.

Zhou Lan showed a look of shock and said, "Is it so bloody?"

Zheng Xiaoju cheered and said, "Then, does it mean that Elizabeth and Gertia can no longer be friends?"

Zhou Yun shook his head, "I don't know what they will do in the future, but I don't know what this matter is like."

Zhou Lan said: "Anyway, Getiya offended Daniel and Christina with this trick. Even if Elizabeth wanted to forgive her, Daniel would not agree. What Getiya needs to consider most now is the information from Daniel and Christina. especially Daniel, he is a native American, and he has been in Hollywood for so many years, and he is in full swing, Gertia is afraid that he will suffer."

"That's great." Zheng Xiaoju said gloatingly, "This kind of person will be rewarded with evil."

Zhou Lan asked, "Xiao Yun, don't you actually think Elizabeth treats you particularly well?"

"Huh?" Zhou Yun glanced at Zhou Lan in surprise, "Sister Lan, what do you mean?"

Zhou Lan said: "I actually want to say that Elizabeth is not a passionate person who likes to make friends. I only heard about it recently. She is usually very proud, but she seems to be very fond of you."

Zhou Yun: "Are you worried that she will treat me unfaithfully? Sister Lan, is there anything in me worthy of mischief? I don't usually work in Hollywood."

"We don't know what she is thinking." Zhou Lan said, "I just thought so suddenly, let me remind you."

Zhou Yun himself hadn't thought about what Zhou Lan said.

Elizabeth is indeed more enthusiastic and close to her than to others, but no matter how you think about it, there seems to be no problem.

It can only be said that she is particularly in Elizabeth's eyes?
Zhou Yun doesn't want to use these negative and dark thoughts to judge others, to make others negative and dark.

If she does this, she will not be able to reap true feelings every day for the rest of her life.

Because it is very difficult to find another person in this world who absolutely cannot ask for her, and who likes her purely because she is Zhou Yun herself.

Zhou Yun did not expect such purity.

In the next few days, Zhou Yun was busy with work and did not meet Elizabeth and the others again.

On the major news websites in the United States, thanks to the efforts of Paimonchi and Merando, Zhou Yun's various activity inquiries and pictures frequently appeared in everyone's sight.

Zhou Yun's previous attack at the hotel was mentioned in almost every news report.

Because this incident is also Zhou Yun's most famous incident in the United States.

Zhou Kan's mailbox receives many business invitations every day.

What surprised Zhou Lan was that there were actually many invitations to offline events in the United States, and many of them were similar to the opening of restaurants and shopping malls.

As long as Zhou Yun plays for ten minutes, tens of thousands of dollars can be obtained.

Zhou Lan was feeling emotional while rejecting these invitations.

Zhou Yun doesn't go anywhere in China, let alone in the United States.

Zhou Lan set the tone for Zhou Yun, and Zhou Yun insisted on following the "high-tech" route abroad.

It means that Zhou Yun will not participate in non-high-level, elite, top-notch events.

This is also the route determined according to Zhou Yun's own situation.

Zhou Yun may not have widespread popularity, but she came to the United States with the title of the goddess of literary films and the top female star in China.

Invisibly, her compulsion is high.

Although the producers in Hollywood in the United States have a strong smell of copper, they never deny the artistic value of a true artist.

Zhou Yun took this route.

Whether she can really incorporate the commercial route into her second route in the future depends on her future skills.

A week after she arrived in the United States, the nominations for the three Sentinel Awards were announced. Zhou Yun was nominated for two of them for Best Actress, and there was another award that Zhou Yun had never heard of. Entered the second place in the best actress unit.

This is Zhou Lan's public relations began to take effect.

The so-called public relations is not to use money to buy the low-level judges, but to create momentum. On the one hand, more judges will pay attention to the movie "Behind the Scenes" and the actress Zhou Yun. How good is blowing Zhou Yun's acting skills, how shocking blowing Zhou Yun's performance is, similar to the "brainwashing" effect.

These are public relations effects that require a lot of money to achieve.

At the same time, Zhou Yun himself should try his best to appear in front of the judges who have the right to speak, so that they have a good impression of her and let her enter a certain "field of vision".

Many awards ceremonies later sent invitation letters to Zhou Yun, asking her to attend.

Every event is interested in the fresh blood that just came out.

But Zhou Yun had no choice but to decline, because she was going back to China soon to join the filming team.

She couldn't stay on the American side for long.

When attending the second awards ceremony, Zhou Yun ran into Elizabeth again.

Elizabeth smiled and said, "Are you going back to China soon? I heard a lot of people complaining to me recently that you are hard to please."

Zhou Yun said helplessly: "I still have a film to start soon, I have to go back to filming."

Elizabeth: "I know, Shi Luoqi has explained this to many people."

"That would be great, I don't want to be mistaken for an arrogant person."

"How come, you have sufficiently convinced many people by your charm these days." Elizabeth said, "Even my agent said that you should actually stay in Hollywood to develop, your image and your language ability can make people You take your place here."

Zhou Yun: "I will come to America to film soon."

Elizabeth nodded and asked: "Remember to tell me when you come to New York and Los Angeles in the future, I like you very much, and we will keep in touch in the future."

Zhou Yun nodded and said yes.

"You can contact me anytime you come to China." Zhou Yun said, "China's transportation is very convenient now. No matter which city you go to, we can arrive there within a day."

Elizabeth was a little surprised, "Is it so convenient?"

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded with a smile.

In fact, for foreigners like Elizabeth, when they go to China, if they don't really have a long-distance trip, they often only go to one of the cities.

Elizabeth has never experienced China's transportation network.

When she attends an event, at most she takes an international flight and takes off and lands in BJ or Shanghai. When she has free time, she goes to the most famous scenic spots and checks in. That's about it.

On this day's awards ceremony, "Behind the Scenes" also failed.

The best foreign language film was won by a Danish film, which is also the most popular film in this year's best foreign language film unit.

Zhou Yun took a photo with Shi Luoqi, Xue Qin, You Jiang and the staff of Pimchi.

After this day, Zhou Yun will temporarily leave the promotion team of "Behind the Scenes".

Come back next time to see if the journey of "Behind the Scene" to the Olympics goes well, and whether "Behind the Scenes" is still on the way to the Olympics.

Zhou Yun completed his last job in the United States and embarked on a journey back to China.

Zhou Yun has frequently been on the hot searches in the past two weeks - she has had a lot of exposure in the past two weeks, and she has attended a lot of public events, which means that every different look of her will be noticed by the fashion industry, And every work related to the film will be paid attention to by the film industry.

And there are many people who pay attention to these two circles.

Therefore, in almost every public event, Zhou Yun will be on the hot search list and attract everyone's attention.

On the day she returned to China, many fans received the news and rushed to the airport to pick her up.

When Zhou Yun came out wearing sunglasses, he was caught in the eyes by an unknown number of flashlights.

Luckily I wore sunglasses.

These are Zhou Yun's inner lines.

She greeted everyone and smiled once or twice, but she didn't answer a word when faced with all kinds of questions from everyone.

Zhou Yun doesn't like the behavior of fans coming to see them off and pick them up - she's said this a long time ago.

This is a public place. If fans do this, it will actually affect the surrounding environment.Zhou Yun didn't like the feeling of being surrounded by people even more. Everyone was shouting her name.

But Zhou Yun has no position to stand up and accuse these fans of doing wrong. She knows that this is a way for them to express their love, and she also knows that no matter how many times she says it, it will not change the status quo.

Zhou Yunzai has never been optimistic about the relationship between idols and fans. Only naive people think that all fans will listen to idols.

Zhou Yun also doesn't think her fans will listen to her.

Sometimes, being able to play a leading role in a certain matter is already a thankful merit.

Zhou Lan and Zheng Xiaoju got into the car sent by the company directly, but Zhou Yun didn't.

Song Chi came to pick her up today.

Therefore, Zhou Yun separated from Zhou Lan and Zheng Xiaoju directly at the airport.

After Song Chi got out of the car, the first thing he did was to give Zhou Yun a hug, and then kiss her on the mouth.

Zhou Yun said: "What are you doing in public?"

Song Chi smiled and said, "Whatever they do, it's not a secret relationship."

Song Chi became more and more salivating.

He loaded several of Zhou Yun's suitcases into the car.

"Get in the car first." He said.

Zhou Yun sat in the co-pilot.

Suddenly there is a flashing light in front of the right.

Zhou Yun saw a figure behind a column on the front right.

Probably paparazzi.

Zhou Yun was a little helpless, but he didn't bother to care.

They just took a picture of Song Chi driving her back, so it wasn't a big deal.

Song Chi got into the car and took Zhou Yun home.

It's been a long time since I saw each other, so I went straight to the bedroom first thing when I got home.

In the end, Zhou Yun pushed Song Chi's body away.


Song Chi smiled brightly and said, "To take a bath together?"

"Stop." Zhou Yun got up from the bed, got out of bed, and went straight to the bathroom barefoot, "You are not allowed to come in."

Song Chi lay sideways on the bed, looking at Zhou Yun's graceful figure, the smile never came down from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes kept chasing him.

After both of them had washed their bodies, Song Chi asked, "Are you hungry? Do you want to go out to eat something together?"

Zhou Yun said: "I'm too lazy to go out, so why not just eat something at home? Is there any food at home? I'll see what I can cook."

Song Chi said: "There doesn't seem to be anything at home. I don't usually eat at home. I always order takeaway. How about we order takeaway?"

"Okay, let's order Sichuan food." Zhou Yun said, "I've been abroad for two weeks, and now I want something spicy."

"it is good."

Song Chi was in charge of ordering takeout, Zhou Yun was in charge of...turning on the TV and sitting on the sofa.

"Is everything going well in America this time?"

He sat down, leaning against Zhou Yun, and his body got tired of being together again.

Zhou Yun hummed, and said, "I got to know Director Spielberg, and I also met Director Chen Zian. Director Chen also invited me to his studio to read the script."

"Really?" Song Chi said, "Director Chen asked you to act in a movie?"

"I thought it was at first, but it shouldn't be. Director Chen's next few films are not Chinese films." Zhou Yun said, "Also, Sister Luo Qi said that there are no Asian characters."

Song Chi: "Anyway, inviting you to watch the script must be because I have an interest in you, have a good impression of you, and want to cooperate."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded.

Song Chi: "However, Shi Luoqi sent me a script and wanted me to act."

"Huh? Who is the director?"

"The director hasn't been decided yet, first ask me if I'm interested, and if I want to act." Song Chi said, "I haven't made up my mind yet."

"Is the script normal?"

"No, it's just that the script is a sci-fi theme, and the shooting time is relatively long. It is estimated to take four months."

Four months of shooting is indeed a long time for a film.

Zhou Yun knew where Song Chi's worries were.

If Song Chi wanted to act in this movie, including the preparation time before and after and the spare time, the first half of the year would be taken up.

Zhou Yun asked: "I can't help you with this, you can only make your own choice."

"You may not be able to stay out of it. I heard Shi Luoqi say that there is a character in this movie, and Shi Luoqi wants to invite you to play it." Song Chi said, "But there are not so many scenes, and the filming will be finished in about a month."

Zhou Yun said, "Sister Luo Qi didn't tell me."

"The project has not been formally approved, so of course she won't tell you." Song Chi said, "I told her that I want to participate in the production of this film, but she still has some doubts."

Zhou Yun knew that Song Chi wanted his company to be in charge of part of the film's production.


Song Chi's company used to mainly focus on the production of TV dramas. In terms of movies, Song Chi's company has no experience in producing such a large project.

It is normal for Shi Luoqi to have doubts.

Zhou Yun said: "If she wants to invite you, she must let your company join the game."

"Yes." Song Chi nodded, "This movie requires too much energy from me, and I need to get more reports."

Zhou Yun: "I guess Sister Luo Qi would rather give you more salary, or share it."

"Which movie do I not get paid for?" Song Chi smiled, "Shi Luoqi has been in this industry for so long, she knows it."

In fact, Zhou Yun understood Song Chi's actions.

Almost all the actors in the circle who have reached the height of Song Chi either concentrate on being an actor and become an artist, or they are like Song Chi and start their own film company, invest in their favorite movies, and form a family of their own.

"Do you value the production experience of science fiction films?" Zhou Yun asked, "Do you want to take this opportunity to learn the production experience of such films from the American company?"

"Yes." Song Chi nodded, "In fact, our domestic sci-fi films have not yet been industrialized on a large scale. I may not be able to produce that kind of large-scale sci-fi blockbuster, but mid-to-low-cost sci-fi films like "Arrival" I think it is an area that I can try to conquer next."

Zhou Yun nodded.

"It's true. There are many soft sci-fi movies abroad, but we haven't developed them in China." Zhou Yun said, "The scripts of sci-fi movies I received here are basically similar to "My Robot Girlfriend." "This kind of soft science fiction is still soft science fiction in soft science fiction, and there is no real science fiction book."

Song Chi said: "In fact, science fiction has attracted more and more attention these years. There are still a group of writers writing science fiction in our country, and there are more upstream sources. I guess we will wait for an opportunity in the future. The subject of science fiction films It will gradually become popular, and if we already have the experience of making science fiction films in that outlet, we can ride the wind."

"Do you want to make a sci-fi movie yourself?" Zhou Yun asked suddenly.

Song Chi thought for a while and said, "I have watched a lot of sci-fi movies since I was a child, from "Star Wars" to "Terminator". I do have a sci-fi dream in my heart."

"I'll just say it." Zhou Yun showed an expression of "as expected".

Song Chi asked, "What about you?"

"I'm actually not that keen on science fiction films. Of course, I quite like watching the "Mad Max" series, but strictly speaking, I don't think they are science fiction films, but more like adventure films." Zhou Yun After pondering for a moment, "Well, in fact, science fiction films are the concept of science fiction added to different genres."

Song Chi: "You are right in saying that."

"I watched a movie called "Annihilation" not long ago, it was amazing, and I didn't understand what it was talking about." Zhou Yun said with a smile, "But there is a science fiction novel, I don't know if you have read it, " "Heir to the Star", it has three parts, it is very good-looking, and it is very shocking, shocking and moving, it is the kind of shocking and moving that a long time brings you."

Song Chi said, "Then I'll take a look, I haven't seen it."

"Unfortunately, "Successor to the Star" has not been made into a movie." Zhou Yun said, "If it can be made into a movie and let everyone see it in theaters, it must be very shocking."

After a while, the takeaway arrived.


Zhou Lan returned home, took a shower, took a nap in bed, and was woken up by Yu Chu's phone call.

Zhou Lan saw Yu Chu's name flashing on the phone screen and connected the call.


Yu Chu said, "Sister Lan, I need your help."

Zhou Lan's drowsiness was instantly expelled. She sat up suddenly from the bed and asked, "What's wrong? Tell me."

Yu Chu said: "I was photographed for an obstetrical examination."

"Obstetrical examination?" Zhou Lan's pupils trembled, and he almost didn't recover.

"Don't tell me you're pregnant!"

Yu Chu said: "Sister Lan, I'm sorry, I didn't tell you before, and I didn't think that I was really pregnant."

"..." Before falling asleep, Zhou Lan was still immersed in the satisfaction and fighting spirit that this trip to the United States brought her, thinking that when she woke up, she would show her strength and bring her artists to the world. Going to the international arena and becoming a big international star, but the phone call was like pouring a basin of cold water on her head, and it made her feel chilled.

Zhou Lan took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and said, "Where are you now? Tell me where you are, and I'll come over to find you right away. Also, when did you go to the hospital, and what was the obstetrics and gynecology examination? You? You sort out all the details, not a single detail is missing."

While explaining to Yu Chu, Zhou Lan got out of bed and dressed quickly.

Yu Chu sent her the address as Zhou Lan ordered.

Zhou Lan tidied up, and when he was going out, he remembered and asked, "Who is your child's father?"


(End of this chapter)

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