Chapter 602 New Play
Zhou Yun parked the car, hurried into the elevator, went all the way to the door of Yu Chu's house, and rang the doorbell.

After a few seconds, Zhou Lan came over and opened the door.

The first second Zhou Yun and her looked into each other's eyes, Zhou Lan knew what Zhou Yun wanted to ask.

Zhou Lan replied: "Yin Zhou's."

"..." Zhou Yun said "Sure enough" in his heart.

Not surprising at all.

Yu Chu had been in love with Yin Zhou for a while, but after Yue Hai intervened to obstruct it, the two broke up.

But Zhou Yun always felt that these two people were disconnected, and they had never really broken off.

Yin Zhou has already decided to quit the circle now, but at this time he is blessed with a son.

Zhou Yun asked, "Does Yin Zhou know about this?"

Zhou Lan shook his head and said, "No, Yu Chu said not to tell him yet, she doesn't want him to know."

Zhou Yun frowned and asked, "Could it be that she wants to hide it from Yin Zhou? Why?"

"I guess I don't want to add trouble to Yin Zhou at this time." Zhou Lan said, "You also know about Yin Zhou's father."

Zhou Yun: "But it's not a trivial matter, a child, Yin Zhou is the father of the child, no matter what, you can't hide it from him."

"I don't think Yu Chu wants to hide it from him all the time, but he hasn't made up his mind yet." Zhou Lan sighed, "Yu Chu may not have made up his mind whether to have this child."

"How is she now?" Zhou Yun put on his slippers and walked in with Zhou Lan.

Zhou Lan said: "She is sleeping. She didn't sleep well last night."

"Then what should we do now?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan said: "Let me do her work first. Anyway, Yin Zhou must know about this matter, otherwise no decision can be made. No matter whether to keep this child or not, I can't tell Yin Zhou later. .”

"I think so too." Zhou Yun nodded.

Because Yu Chu was sleeping in the room, Zhou Yun didn't go in to disturb her, and sat on the sofa with Zhou Lan to discuss how to deal with this matter.

"Either, keep this child, or, don't keep this child."

Zhou Lan said: "If you don't keep this child, the follow-up is actually simple and not complicated. If you keep this child, you will face many problems. First, are Yin Zhou and Yu Chujie married? Second, if two people If you don’t get married, who will take care of this child? Third, should this matter be kept secret or made public?”

This matter is a mess when you think about it, and there will be a lot of trouble in the future.

However, Zhou Yun knew that although it was troublesome, he had to face it.

Especially for Yin Zhou and Yu Chu, they had to face it.

An hour later, Yu Chu came out of the room.

Seeing Zhou Yun, she called out "Xiaoyun".

Zhou Yun walked over and hugged Yu Chu.

"How about it?"

"People are dumb." Yu Chu smiled helplessly, and said, "I never expected to encounter such a thing."

Zhou Yun asked: "Have you decided whether you should tell Yin Zhou about this?"

Yu Chu nodded: "I definitely want to tell him, but I didn't think of when to tell him."

"Then let me ask you, if you were to marry Yin Zhou now, would you be willing?"

Yu Chu fell into distress.

"I haven't thought about it."

Zhou Yun asked again: "Then... do you want to stay with this child?"

"Of course I have to stay." Yu Chu said firmly and without hesitation, "No matter what, I will give birth to it."

"But, Chuchu, you have to think clearly, after this child is born, it will be a lifetime thing, are you ready?" Zhou Lan said, "After the child is born, you can't regret it, and you still have to One thing to be clear about, if you don't plan to marry Yin Zhou, you will have a child, and if you want to marry another man in the future, the difficulty will increase a lot."

Yu Chu nodded and said, "I know, I know the problems I might encounter, but Sister Lan, it's life, I can already feel it breathing in my stomach, I can't knock it out, If I do this, I will regret it for the rest of my life."

"If this is the case, then contact Yin Zhou." Zhou Lan said, "He is the father of the child, and he has the right to know about it, but have you ever thought about Yin Zhou's attitude? Yin Zhou would be willing to do so To be a father at a young age?"

Yu Chu didn't speak.

Zhou Lan said again: "Liu Qingqing's child is hers and her former boyfriend, but the other party refuses to be a father at such a young age, so he has to bear these responsibilities, so he broke up with Liu Qingqing, Liu Qingqing You insisted on giving birth to the child yourself, and now you are a single mother, you are aware of her situation, and these may be problems you will encounter."

Yu Chu said: "No, no, Yin Zhou is not the kind of irresponsible person, he will definitely take on the responsibility of being a father."

Yu Chu's tone was full of confidence in Yin Zhou.

Zhou Yun also doesn't think Yin Zhou is the kind of person who refuses to take responsibility, but this kind of thing is too big, and no one knows what this person's choice will be until the time when he needs to be responsible.

Zhou Yun didn't dare to make a guarantee on this matter, thinking that Yin Zhou would definitely take responsibility.

This kid was not what they planned, it was an accident.

Yu Chu said: "Sister Lan, Xiaoyun, let me tell Yin Zhou about this matter. Whether he is willing to admit this child or not, it doesn't affect me to give birth to this child."

Yu Chu was very firm.

Hearing what Yu Chu said, Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan could only support her.


After leaving Yu Chu's house, Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan looked at each other and smiled bitterly in the elevator.

Zhou Lan asked, "What attitude do you think Yin Zhou will have?"

"I don't know." Zhou Yun shook his head, "Yin Zhou's financial pressure is already high. If this child is born, there will be more expenses."

"Yu Chu's own income is more than enough to support this child. The key is Yin Zhou's willingness to accept being a father." Zhou Lan sighed as he spoke, "In all fairness, it would be better if I were replaced by Yin Zhou. When I was suddenly told that I had a child, my first reaction was definitely to say no."

Zhou Yun: "Ah? Sister Lan, would you react like this?"

"Suddenly there is a person in your life who has been in constant contact with you all your life. If it were you, would you accept it?"


"It's too scary." Zhou Lan said.

"Hearing you say that, there is a point."

"More than a little bit." Zhou Lan stepped out of the elevator and asked, "Did you drive here?"


"Then I won't see you off." Zhou Lan yawned, "I'll go back and catch up on sleep. I ran over last night and didn't have a good rest."

"Thank you." Zhou Yun said to Zhou Lan, "Go back and rest, I'll come back to accompany her later."


Zhou Yun returned home and told Song Chi about it.

Song Chi stared at Zhou Yun dumbfounded, and asked, "Is it true?"

Zhou Yun: "Really."

"This..." Song Chi was dumbfounded.

Zhou Yun suddenly thought of the question Zhou Lan asked her, so she took it out and asked Song Chi, "If I suddenly told you that I was pregnant at this time, how would you react?"

Song Chi's eyes widened in shock: "Are you pregnant too?"

"No! I just want to ask, if I suddenly tell you that I'm pregnant, will you be happy?"

"Of course I would be happy if it was you." Song Chi said.

"What if it's your ex-girlfriend?" Zhou Yun asked again.

Song Chi: "... Impossible? Could it be possible to fertilize out of thin air?"

Zhou Yun: "..."

Zhou Yun said: "I mean, if you broke up with someone, after a while, and suddenly that person told you that she was pregnant, how would you react?"

Song Chi blinked, lost in thought, and didn't speak for a long time.

Well, Zhou Yun no longer needs to listen to Song Chi's own answer.

"I just want to know how Yin Zhou will react." Zhou Yun sat down, "If Yin Zhou refuses to accept, then Chu Chu can only raise this child by herself?"

She was lost in thought.

Song Chi sat down next to Zhou Yun, and hugged her into his arms.

"Don't always think of the worst."

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "I'm just used to presupposing the worst outcome, so that when it really happens, I won't be too surprised."

Song Chi said, "Haven't you and Yin Zhou known each other for a long time? You don't know what kind of person he is?"

"The Yin Zhou I know is only the side I know. When Liu Qingqing fell in love with her little boyfriend, wasn't it also in an environment that everyone was not optimistic about? People who have pledged each other still escape from the mountain of reality, Liu Qingqing had to give birth to this child by herself."

"Don't be so pessimistic about everyone because of Liu Qingqing." Song Chi gently stroked Zhou Yun's black hair and said, "At least I won't."

"That's because you love me now."

"I will always love you."

"When every couple first falls in love, they think their love will last forever."

"Don't you believe me?" Song Chi asked in a low voice with a smile.

Zhou Yun said: "I believe in you, I just don't really believe in eternity, eternity itself does not exist."

Song Chi kissed behind Zhou Yun's sensitive ear, "It has always existed with me."

Zhou Yun felt a little itchy, and hurriedly hid back.

But Song Chi took advantage of the victory and pursued, refusing to let go.

Another frolic.


How many people have promised Zhou Yun forever, promised each other forever?

The faces of those people have faded from Zhou Yun's memory.

Zhou Yun has never been hurt by a pure relationship between a man and a woman, but by nature he dare not believe [-]% in illusory love.

She knew it was there, but she also knew it was elusive, not even a sculpture.

Love is just a wind. When the wind blows, the whole world is singing the song of the wind, but after it dies without a problem, you can't even catch its trace.

What Zhou Yun covets is the sweetness and happiness of being with Song Chi at this moment. Of course, she greedily hopes that such sweetness and happiness can last.

However, things are unpredictable.

She's just used to presupposing the worst outcome, so that when it does happen, she won't be too surprised.


Although Yu Chu was pregnant, he still had to continue working on the job he took over.

Can't jump up and down, but fortunately, her next job doesn't involve intense exercise.

Zhou Yun waited for several days before asking her again, but she still didn't talk to Yin Zhou.

Yu Chu said: "I've been busy recently, so I don't have time to talk to him about it."

Zhou Yun didn't expose the truth that she had been afraid to confess to Yin Zhou for a long time.

No matter how confident Yu Chu said at the beginning, he still didn't dare to be [-]% sure that Yin Zhou would definitely be willing to be the father of this child.

Facts are facts, attitudes are attitudes.

Of course, there was something even more troublesome for Yu Chu now.

When she signed with Chengqian Entertainment, Zhou Lan accepted several plays for her, and they were already lined up for later schedules.

But now that Yu Chu is pregnant suddenly, after five or six months, her belly will be very visible, and she can't hide it with modeling. What should I do?
The movie must not be filmed.

Or people are willing to delay the shooting for Yu Chu, but this is also very difficult to do. The other actors and staff have been found in advance, and the sudden rescheduling is too difficult to coordinate with a large group of people, which is extremely difficult.

Either Yu Chu could only resign as soon as possible to give the crew time to find a backup actress.

Zhou Lan held two meetings with his team, and went to check the tone of several crews, and finally decided to resign from two of the plays.

There is only one movie left, and the filming will start next month. Yu Chu's body shape has not changed much.

Of course, this matter also made the two production crews very annoyed. It would be difficult for any production team to temporarily change the protagonist.

In order to compensate the two crews, Zhou Lan used his personal connections and contacted many agents. After going through the needles, one of the dramas finally found Meng Ran as a substitute. This is a later story.

All in all, because of Yu Chu's sudden pregnancy, many work plans were affected and had to be readjusted.

Zhou Yun suddenly thought of himself.

If you really want to have a baby in the future, you really need to make a plan, otherwise, too many things will be delayed.

The news of Yu Chu's pregnancy finally leaked out.

Until this time, Yu Chu hadn't talked to Yin Zhou yet.

Zhou Lan said to Yu Chu solemnly: "Chuchu, if you don't tell Yin Zhou about this, he might hear about your pregnancy from someone else."

It wasn't until this time that Yu Chu gritted his teeth and called Yin Zhou.

The latter has gone home.

The call lasted half an hour.

Yu Chu had always been leading the conversation.

Yin Zhou, you don't need to be burdened. I know this child was an accident and it was not in our plan. I just think I have to tell you about this. I also know that you must be working hard and tired now. No Don't worry about taking extra energy into this matter, I will take care of this child myself...

Yu Chu's words were dense and fast.

She didn't even realize that when she babbled so much, but didn't dare to give Yin Zhou a chance to interrupt, she was actually afraid of hearing Yin Zhou's impatient refusal and Yin Zhou's indifferent voice .

In the end, Yu Chu really had nothing to say, nothing to say.

On the phone, Yin Zhou asked, "Have you finished?"

"I'm done."

"Well, now I can talk." Yin Zhou seemed to have a helpless smile before saying, "I will wait with you for the birth of this child, and I think my dad will also be happy to know that he will be born." News from Grandpa."

Yu Chu burst into tears.

She didn't dare to let Yin Zhou notice that she was crying, and she didn't make any sound at all.

No one is willing to be as strong as putting all their eggs in one basket. Only when there is no one to rely on and keep warm, will they force themselves to go into the wind and rain and hold their heads high. If possible, of course, I hope there is someone by my side, and this person is holding an umbrella.

After knowing Yin Zhou's response, Zhou Yun also heaved a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Yin Zhou is still the same Yin Zhou, gentle and firm.

But Gu Huaichun's reaction was the biggest among all of them.

"What? You two are going to be parents? So suddenly?"

Gu Huaichun specially organized a group, just the four of them, to question Yin Zhou and Yu Chu in the group.

Yin Zhou responded in the group: I accidentally overtook another car on a curve, please come on.

Gu Huaichun sent an emoji, it was a villain rolling on the ground.

Gu Huaichun said: Then I must be godfather.

Zhou Yun then claimed the identity of a godmother.

Yu Chu asked: You are godfather and Xiaoyun is godmother, so what is Song Chi?
The group fell silent.

Zhou Yun smiled and showed Song Chi the screenshot.

Song Chihui: I am godfather and his father.

Zhou Yun was overjoyed.

But her relaxed days are not long, and she will join the filming of "Chen Yin" soon.

Cooperating with director Jiang Xin again, it has long been known to the entire showbiz circle.

Everyone thinks that this drama will be the king of the drama next year, and if they join forces, they will either be popular or fail.

Zhou Yun knows what kind of public opinion will be caused by her cooperation with director Jiang Xin again-obviously, this drama is more expected than "Under Dress" and "Deep Sea", because this drama is very likely to be another A landmark work.

Just like the previous "Ask the Heart".

The word-of-mouth of "Question Heart" is so good. It has been broadcast for so long, and the real-time broadcast data is still at the forefront.

You can often see people recommending and discussing this drama on major social platforms.

Zhou Yun also knows that it is actually more difficult to achieve great fame.

People watch this show with high expectations, and it is often more difficult to be satisfied.

"There's a lot of pressure." Zhou Yun couldn't help laughing and saying with emotion when he was having dinner with Jiang Xin, "When I filmed "Under Dress" and "Deep Sea", everyone would say that this drama will definitely be popular, but Not saying that this drama will become a classic, but after the news of "Chen Yin" got out, everyone thought it was another classic and would definitely be able to reproduce the legend of "Questing the Heart", alas."

Jiang Xin said: "It's a good thing, there is pressure to be motivated."

"Director, don't you feel uncomfortable when the voices of so many people around you are buzzing in your ears?" Zhou Yun said, "Although I often tell myself not to be influenced by the sounds of the outside world, I still can't completely Block out those voices."

"How can a person be immune to the influence of external voices." Jiang Xin said, "Even at my age, it is still unavoidable. There is no way but to accept it, and then do the balance by yourself. All the scenes are shot like this. Yes, everyone will have expectations, and they all count on your movie to become a hit and become a classic, in fact, how is it possible."

(End of this chapter)

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