Chapter 603
Zhou Yun couldn't help but laugh at Jiang Xin's words.

It turns out that Director Jiang has been disturbed by these voices all the time.

That's right, the more successful and famous a person is, the more tired he will be.

It is better to turn away at the top than to go downhill in full view.

Jiang Xin said: "However, I heard that your "Behind the Scenes" is hitting this year's Oscars? I heard it's quite interesting?"

"Everyone's goal is to get nominations." Zhou Yun said, "The most popular foreign language film this year is the Danish one. We, "Behind the Scenes" are now trying to get a few more nominations."

Jiang Xin asked: "I see that you have been promoting there before, don't you need to go later?"

"They are still over there, I will come back to film first." Zhou Yun said, "Isn't there still "Chen Yin" waiting for me to film."

Jiang Xin smiled.

"I see. It seems that our show is holding you back."

"Director, don't say that, I am looking forward to this cooperation with you. After filming "Ask the Heart", I have filmed several more films, and I have my own insights and ideas in performance, but I feel that I have fallen into a bottleneck. My performance feels a bit routine." Zhou Yun said, "I hope you can adjust it for me to see where the problem lies."

Jiang Xin said: "How come? Your acting skills are already recognized."

"But I know it myself, I haven't yet." Zhou Yun said, "I have to have self-knowledge."

Jiang Xin carefully observed the expression on Zhou Yun's face, and saw that her expression was serious, not modest, so she realized that Zhou Yun really thought that there was a problem with his performance.

Jiang Xin pondered for a moment and said: "I haven't seen your performance live, but in fact, it is not uncommon to have such a predicament. All good actors will face such problems periodically, and feel that they are tired of acting. No matter what kind of role you play, you will slowly lose your passion and creative vitality. In fact, it’s the same with me as a director. For a while, I started three films in a row, basically without a break in between. As time goes by, the more torture I feel, especially the mental torture."

"Is it because I filmed one movie after another, I didn't have time to let myself go, and fell into exhaustion and burnout?"

"Not necessarily, I can't say that's the case. Many actors make seven or eight films a year, and it doesn't mean that they can't act. They act in the same way and have no emotion." It varies from person to person, you are Zhou Yun, you should be as comfortable as possible, you have to find a state that makes you feel comfortable."

Zhou Yun was deeply moved by Jiang Xin's words.

If such confusion and problems were shared with others, they would definitely preach to her seriously, such as actors should overcome XX or other words, but Director Jiang Xin would say, "You have to find a way to make yourself feel comfortable. status".

Director Jiang Xin has never been a director who relies on his majesty to suppress actors and force them to listen to him.

On the set of "Ask the Heart", director Jiang Xin likes to chat with the actors and characters.He seldom teaches you how to act, but separates the characters from you, tells you the things inside the characters, so that you can really understand those things.

On the day "Chen Yin" was officially announced, almost all entertainment bloggers forwarded the news.

Director Jiang Xin, starring Zhou Yun, and other well-known actors such as Jiang Yuzhen, Wen Yuling, Yu Sitian, Xie Pinyuan, Cheng Shenlu, Huang Zicheng, Jin Lin, Chen Jing, etc.

This cast lineup is simply shining.

Zhou Yun himself was surprised.

There are many actors who play the leading roles alone in other dramas, and they are willing to play supporting roles in this drama.

Think about it, it's because of Director Jiang Xin.

Most of these well-known actors came for Jiang Xin's name.

As long as it is an actor in a TV series, who wouldn't want to act in a play directed by Jiang Xin?

But to Zhou Yun's surprise, Yu Sitian actually agreed to act in this play as a supporting role for her.

Zhou Yun originally thought that an arrogant person like Yu Sitian would never bow her head to play a supporting role for her.

Zhou Yun was astonished.

However, after Zhou Yun was surprised, he didn't say anything.

Although she doesn't like Yu Sitian, she doesn't like it so much that she doesn't want to act in the same play with Yu Sitian.

To be honest, they had filmed the movie "Warm Little Pony" together before, although in this movie, the two of them didn't play each other, and they had never even met each other.

Zhou Yun was the first to join the group.

She wanted to go over the script from beginning to end with director Jiang Xin again earlier.

The TV series "Chen Yin" tells the story of a young girl who was accidentally suspected of murdering her college classmate and had to cooperate with the police to investigate the matter.

Zhou Yun felt scalp numb after reading the script.

Because the role of Chen Yin is too bitter, almost every episode's script does not see light-like suffering.

The environment she was in and the people she faced showed almost no kindness.

Both her mother and her classmates showed her the cruelest side.

Chen Yin wanted to do his best to prove his innocence in this situation.

After his scalp went numb, Zhou Yun felt trembling and excited again.

Because this role is very challenging, this kind of emotional opening and closing, the crying scene that filled the audience, and the ray of light chiseled in it...

Zhou Yun is looking forward to playing this role.

Jiang Xin took her to see several main shooting scenes, mainly the house where she lived with her mother, the school campus, and the secret cabin where she and the character played by Chen Jing.

"We don't have a lot of content in this drama. I originally wanted to shoot it in sequence, but after trying to arrange it, it's still unrealistic." Jiang Xin said to Zhou Yun, "I will concentrate first and put you and Jiang Yuzhen together. The rivalry between the two was filmed."

"Are you focusing on the scenes between me and Sister Yuzhen?" Zhou Yun was a little shocked.

Jiang Yuzhen plays her mother in the play, and the two have a lot of rivalry scenes, and the emotional ups and downs are very high.

Jiang Xin said: "Yes, she doesn't give us much time, and there are other scenes to be filmed later, so we have to focus on finishing her scenes first."

Zhou Yun understood.

"Okay, I have no problem here."

Since Jiang Yuzhen won the award for "Ask the Heart", she has immediately become a favorite in the eyes of major producers.

To a certain extent, Jiang Yuzhen is no less popular than Zhou Yun in the TV drama circle. There is only one heroine in each drama, but there are many supporting actresses in each drama.

Jiang Yu is now the best time for audiences, and everyone is willing to invite her to play a role in their own plays.

This is the case in the film and television industry. Once a blockbuster drama comes out, the actors of this drama will become the meat and potatoes for other crews to compete for.

That night, Jiang Yuzhen joined the team and checked into the hotel.

In the beginning, only her and Jiang Yuzhen's scenes were filmed, and none of the other actors joined the group.

Zhou Yun took the initiative to say hello to Jiang Yuzhen.

Jiang Yuzhen didn't wear makeup, was very plainly dressed, and was taking medicine.

Standing at the door, Zhou Yun was surprised to see her taking medicine, and asked, "Sister Yuzhen, are you feeling unwell?"

Jiang Yuzhen explained: "Oh, no, this is just to supplement nutrition. This person is old, and he is too busy recently, so I have to eat something and supplement myself, otherwise I won't be able to keep up with so many scenes in the future."

Zhou Yun: "Don't work too hard."

"How can it be? They are just old friends in the circle. If you ask me to help, I can't help." Jiang Yuzhen waved his hand, looked at Zhou Yun, smiled brightly, and said, "I've been watching Oh, your news, I went shopping in the United States not long ago."

Zhou Yun sat down next to Jiang Yuzhen, nodded, and said, "I just came back from the United States not long ago."

"Why didn't you come back with an award?" Jiang Yuzhen said.

Zhou Yun laughed: "I will fight for it next time."

Jiang Yuzhen nodded and said, "That's reasonable. You represent the best actress in China now. You can't be like those people on the Internet who say that just getting a nomination is enough. Why should we Chinese actresses get nominations?" One nomination is enough, if you want to win, you can win an award!"

Jiang Yuzhen encouraged Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun knew that this was Jiang Yuzhen's way of expressing her concern and love for her.

"Thank you, Miss Yuzhen."

"It's just a coincidence that I just filmed the last film with Song Chi, and this film is filmed with you again. After "Questing the Heart", I always hang around with you." Jiang Yuzhen said with a smile, "By the way, why didn't I see you?" Song Chi? You entered the group today, but he didn't come with you?"

"He has a job today and will come tomorrow." Zhou Yun said.

"I said." Jiang Yuzhen nodded, "I see that you rarely get along with each other, and he hasn't been filming recently."

"Oh, we are both too busy." Zhou Yun said helplessly, "Sometimes I wonder if we spend too much time on work."

"When you are young, don't you spend a lot of time on work, but on dating?" Jiang Yuzhen said. This is more important, if you stick together all day, it will be easy to get annoyed."

Zhou Yun smiled.

Jiang Yuzhen: "Don't laugh, I'm serious, when two people are together, the most fear is that they will be bored."


"Of course it doesn't matter how much you and Xiao Song get together, but as it is now, you go to accompany him, and he comes to accompany you. It's not true that you won't see each other for several months. That's good." Jiang Yuzhen said, "I have watched you two young people for a long time, and you are both reliable young people without so many tricks. Such a good opportunity was wasted, especially now that you two have reached a height that no one else has reached, what a pity if you get discouraged at this time? If I have the talent and opportunity like you, I will Try your best to see how high you can go.”

Zhou Yun understood what Jiang Yuzhen meant.

"Sister Yuzhen, I understand." Zhou Yun smiled, "I will work hard, and you should pay more attention to me and remind me."

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(End of this chapter)

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