I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 605 Jiang Yuzhen's Request

Chapter 605 Jiang Yuzhen's Request
At noon, Song Chi was the host and invited the whole crew to dinner.

The place to eat was a well-known big restaurant. If it was another crew, Song Chi would not have invited the whole crew to eat in this kind of restaurant so generously.

No matter how much money you have, you can't afford to spend it like this.

The key is that most of the members of this crew are old acquaintances who have filmed "Questing the Heart" with him.

Everyone is naturally very happy.

Jiang Xin said: "If you have time, come and play a guest role in our drama?"

Song Chi nodded: "No problem."

In the drama directed by Jiang Xin, Song Chi doesn't have to worry about the guest star becoming a "special star", and he doesn't have to worry about the drama's peddling.

Back then, a celebrity was called by a friend to be a cameo, and after three days of filming, he became the third most important actor in the whole movie.

Song Chi and the others had to guard against this.

"What scene are you going to film next?" Jiang Yuzhen asked curiously.

"A disaster movie, "Jianyuntai"." Song Chi said, "I have never made a disaster movie before, this time I can finally do it."

"Who directed it?" Jiang Yuzhen asked.

"Left navigation."

"Ah, Xiao Zuo." Jiang Yuzhen showed a surprised expression, "Has he finally started to be his own director now?"

"Sister Yuzhen, have you worked with him before?"

"Well, I made a movie before, and he was the cameraman."

"There are quite a few photographers who turn into directors."

Jiang Xin said: "I also worked with this guy Zuo Hang once. He helped me as a photographer for the movie "Autumn Sun". He is a young man with his own ideas. director's thinking."

Song Chi smiled and said, "This is also his first time as a director."

"Huh?" Jiang Yuzhen said, "Did you ask him to make such a big-investment movie as a director for the first time?"

Song Chi: "Actually, "Jianyuntai" doesn't have a big investment, it's a low-budget disaster movie."

Jiang Yuzhen looked puzzled.

In many people's minds, disaster films are blockbuster special effects films, such as "2012" and "The Day After Tomorrow".

But there are also many low-budget disaster films with excellent productions, such as "Tunnel" in South Korea.

What Jiang Yuzhen wondered was how could an actor of Song Chi's level star in a low-budget disaster movie?

Song Chi said: "This is the script that my company received. I took a fancy to this script, so in this film co-produced with other companies, no other actors are willing to act, so I can only act."

Jiang Yuzhen couldn't laugh or cry.

"How can you risk yourself like this."

Song Chi shook his head and said, "I'm not risking my life, I really like this script."

"Xiao Song wants to use his own strength to open up more territory in domestic genre films." Jiang Xin said, "Nowadays in our country's movies, the box office blockbusters are either war themes or comedies, but disaster movies have been absent. I heard you also want to make a sci-fi movie?"

"Yes." Song Chi nodded, "But these are still plans."

Jiang Xin said: "I really admire him. He not only has an artistic vision, but also an industrial thinking. His eyes are not only focused on the three-acre land in front of him."

Song Chi smiled and said, "Director, I'm ashamed to praise me so much. I'm just a young man, so let's make a fuss while I'm young."

"You can't be casual, you are opening up a new territory." Jiang Xin said, "I am old, let alone jumping from the field of TV dramas to movies, just shooting a new subject, I feel nervous , I feel that it is a completely new world, and it is time for you to make troubles."

"Doesn't the director consider making a movie?" Zhou Yun said, "In fact, I almost wanted to ask you to be the director of a movie, but after getting in touch with you, I found that it is an unreliable project. Otherwise, I will contact you gone."

Jiang Xin said: "The movie is something from another world. I have been to the set of your movie. To be honest, my thinking is really different from yours. I watched them for a long time just to wait for a scene and a natural light. , I can't wait to go up and drive them away and shoot them myself. I think they are too lazy. I am already slow in filming TV dramas, but compared with them, I can run at a high speed. Of course, I also know That shot was worth the wait, the film itself is a visual art, but I'm already used to the thinking of the story."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "But if it's a story-based movie, you can definitely make it."

"Maybe, but this is a new thing, and I actually don't want to try it lightly." Jiang Xin said, "Although some people always say that the art of film is higher than the art of TV, I don't think so. I don't believe that TV series can't always be classics. Going on, I don't believe that the artistic value of TV series is lower than that of movies."

Zhou Yun said: "People who say this are because the production cost of TV series was lower than that of movies at that time, which seemed shoddy, and in order to expand the number of episodes, water was constantly injected, but now the production cost and production quality of TV series are not lower than ordinary ones. Didn’t you watch a popular web drama “The Hidden Corner” not long ago, and its entire audio-visual art has reached a very high position.”


They ate and chatted. After lunch, Jiang Xin had a script he wanted to show Song Chi, and Zhou Yun went back to rest by himself.

Halfway through the nap, someone knocked on the door suddenly.

Knowing that it should be Song Chi, Zhou Yun went to open the door with sleepy eyes.

"Have you finished chatting with the director?" She opened the door as she asked, and after she finished speaking, she realized that the person who knocked on the door was not Song Chi.

"Zhou Yun, I have something to tell you." It was Jiang Yuzhen who came to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun looked at Jiang Yuzhen with some surprise, and said, "Sister Yuzhen, come in and say?"

"Yeah." Jiang Yuzhen nodded, seeing Zhou Yun's eyes were a little sleepy, and asked, "Did you take a nap just now?"


"Sorry to wake you up." Jiang Yuzhen said apologetically.

Zhou Yun smiled and waved his hands, and said, "I should have woken up too, or else I wouldn't be able to sleep at night."

Jiang Yuzhen followed Zhou Yun into the house and sat down.

Zhou Yun brought her a bottle of mineral water.

"Xiaoyun, I won't play around with you anymore. I want to ask your opinion on something." Jiang Yuzhen said directly, "Not long ago, I received an invitation for a TV series, but it's a special one. The problem is that its producer is an American company, and it’s an American drama, so I’m not sure whether to take it or not.”

Hearing what Jiang Yuzhen said, Zhou Yun hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Sister Yuzhen, would you like to introduce me more?"

"Well, that's what I mean too. I don't know much about the producers in the United States, so I want you to check it out for me." Jiang Yuzhen said, "This show is a fantasy production, and they asked me to play the role. It’s a witch, at first I thought they were looking for me to play the villain, but after listening to their introduction, I realized that it’s not the villain, otherwise I would definitely not accept it.”

Zhou Yun nodded.

"Which company is it? Where is this drama going to be broadcast?" Zhou Yun asked.

Jiang Yuzhen said: "It will be broadcast on their HBO and their network platforms."

Zhou Yun said: "Is this show produced by HBO?"

"Yes, if it wasn't for this, I wouldn't think about it. I'm already my age, so what's the trouble?" Jiang Yuzhen said, "But man, facing a situation that you have never seen in your career Given the opportunity, I still can’t help but want to try it.”

"Have the director and other actors made an appointment?" Zhou Yun asked.

In fact, if it is produced by HBO, the quality of the drama should be guaranteed, and it will not be that kind of shoddy drama.

So what is Jiang Yuzhen worried about?

Zhou Yun thought for a while.

"Sister Yuzhen, does this role burden you in some aspects?"

Jiang Yuzhen heaved a sigh of relief and nodded.

"That's right, this witch...she's a lesbian."

Zhou Yun immediately understood.

In fact, homosexual characters can be seen everywhere in European and American film and television dramas.

It's not surprising that this is in their film and television works.

But Jiang Yuzhen, as a senior Chinese actor, and an actor who has just won an official award, asking her to play such a role will easily have an impact on her current image, and even have a negative impact.

This is caused by differences in ideology and differences in cultural backgrounds.

Zhou Yun thought for a while and said: "Sister Yuzhen, because I have no similar experience, I may not be able to give you practical and useful advice, but if it were me, I would specifically look at the role and what kind of The content of the performance, I mean, is there a large-scale performance, or is it unacceptable to the cultural environment of our country, if it is possible, I will perform it, if there is a risk, I will give up."

Jiang Yuzhen nodded.

"I don't know what specific content I will play, I didn't get the script, they just gave me a summary and introduction." Jiang Yuzhen said, "They didn't just consider me as an actor for this role, I heard they I am also considering a Korean actress and an Indian actress. I have never encountered such a character who is a bit crazy but has a distinctive personality. In our film and television circle, there are very few such roles for us. Actress."

Zhou Yun said: "Aren't they willing to show you the script before you agree?"

Jiang Yuzhen nodded and said, "Yes, they said it was to prevent the script from leaking."

Zhou Yun sneered when he heard such a reason.

The major companies do protect the script, especially during the shooting stage, to prevent spoilers.But if you really want to find a certain actor to act, in order to convince this actor, why don't you show the script to the other party?
Zhou Yun thought for a while and said, "Sister Yuzhen, if the other party refuses to show you the script, I think it's better to be safe, in case there are some dangerous contents in the script..."

Jiang Yuzhen hesitated for a moment, and said, "Xiaoyun, do you know anyone in the United States? Can you help me find out?"

Zhou Yun understood that it turned out that Jiang Yuzhen was looking for her to ask her for this favor.

(End of this chapter)

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