I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 606 New Opportunities

Chapter 606 New Opportunities
Zhou Yun doesn't actually know anyone from HBO, but there are indeed some people he does know who can ask them for help.

Zhou Yun nodded without thinking about it, and said to Jiang Yuzhen: "Sister Yuzhen, I see, I will send an email to a few friends later, and ask them to help me find out."

Jiang Yuzhen said, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "No trouble, just a small matter."

When Zhou Yun sent Jiang Yuzhen away, Song Chi happened to come back.

"Sister Yuzhen." Song Chi didn't expect to meet Jiang Yuzhen coming out of Zhou Yun's room and greeted her.

After Song Chi and Zhou Yun entered the room, he asked, "Why did she come to see you at noon? What's the matter?"

Zhou Yun briefly explained to Song Chi what Jiang Yuzhen came to find her just now.

Song Chi was a little surprised, and said, "What a coincidence."

"What's wrong?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi said: "The script Director Jiang asked me to watch was also given to him by a big platform in the United States, and he wanted to hire him as the director."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun was taken aback.

Song Chi said: "It's NF. They have taken a fancy to the theme of Chinese mythology and want to develop a fantasy drama based on Chinese mythology and broadcast it on NF."

NF is the world's largest webcasting platform, and every year, blockbusters appear in batches, and the number of viewers is also terrifying.

Song Chi introduced: "They want to find director Jiang to be the director, and director Jiang is also hesitating, so they want me to help read the script together."

"Has the script been written yet?"

"The first draft." Song Chi said, "The structure of the entire world view has already come out. Originally, they planned to find someone from the directors they had worked with in the past, but because this theme is a complete Chinese mythology theme, the few directors they targeted I don’t even want to accept this drama, because I’m afraid it will be ruined.”

Zhou Yun said, "No director dares to accept?"

"Yeah." Song Chi nodded, "So they had to go to China to find a director. Director Jiang Xin is our best TV director, so they found Director Jiang."

Zhou Yun asked: "Does Director Jiang want to shoot?"

"Although Director Jiang said he hasn't made up his mind yet, I think he wants to do this project." Song Chi said, "For Director Jiang, this is an opportunity to go out to the world."


"It's more difficult for TV dramas to go abroad than movies, especially to Europe and the United States." Song Chi said, "Thinking about it, I know how much temptation this is for Director Jiang."

At Jiang Xin's level, it has basically reached the top in China, and there is no room for further improvement.

He is already a famous director, and he is also a top director among the famous directors.

But in the environment of the Chinese TV drama industry, he has no channels to further expand his influence.

Chinese TV dramas generally only radiate in a few countries in Southeast Asia, but it is difficult to go a few steps further.

"Questioning the Heart" set off a huge upsurge in ratings and discussions in China, but it was unexpectedly cold after going overseas. This is a limitation of the subject matter and a limitation of the channel.

No overseas platform will invest a lot of publicity and distribution resources in Chinese dramas.

Because investing a lot of publicity and distribution resources cannot get corresponding rewards.

There is not a single work in Chinese-language dramas that has worldwide influence—although this cannot be used to evaluate the artistic achievements of Chinese-language dramas, anyone who makes content, or the main body, must have the ambition to conquer more audiences .

The original intention of most of the creations is to get more people's resonance.

"Then, if Director Jiang directs this drama, will you be cast?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi shook his head and said, "Director Jiang didn't talk to me about it, but if he asks me, I will act."

"So you finally suggested that Director Jiang could direct this drama, right?" Zhou Yun asked.

"Yeah." Song Chi nodded.

Zhou Yun thought to himself that Director Jiang Xin probably wanted to ask Song Chi to star in that drama.

If he didn't have this idea, the director probably wouldn't let Song Chi read the script.

This must be a big production, and the investment will not be small. NF's strategy in making film and television dramas in the past is basically to use famous directors and famous actors, and will not invite newcomers.

Facing such a project that has never been done before, director Jiang Xin felt a little uneasy. If Song Chi played the leading role, he would be able to relieve a lot of pressure.

After all, Song Chi had worked with him so many times, and the two of them were very familiar with each other.

What Zhou Yun is thinking is that if it is to create a fantasy drama based on Chinese mythology, there should be many characters in it.

She immediately thought that this might also be an opportunity for Wang Jing and Yu Chu.

But after thinking about it, Zhou Yun suddenly realized something.

How come the American film and television circles have recently begun to break ground on "Chinese elements"?

From the big-budget movie "Chinese Warrior" to this Chinese mythology fantasy drama, the subject matter has never been seen before.From a commercial point of view, American film and television production companies must produce film and television dramas with their cultural backgrounds, so as to attract more audiences.From other perspectives, their overall environment does not advocate filming Chinese stories.

In terms of political and cultural background, the two sides still have some direct conflicts.

Zhou Yun thought of his own "Slaying Song", and also thought of the witch character who came to Jiang Yuzhen.

Behind this... there must be some reason, right?

Forget about a single case, this happened one after another, as if there was an invisible hand behind to push the whole situation to change.

After Zhou Yun pondered for a long time, a figure suddenly appeared in his mind.


She was surprised by the conjectures that popped up in her head, but felt that it was not impossible.


In the afternoon, when Zhou Yun was continuing to rehearse with Jiang Yuzhen, Xu Caiqin suddenly appeared.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised when he saw her, because before that, she didn't know that Xu Caiqin would come.

"Sister Caiqin!" Zhou Yun's eyes lit up in surprise, looking at this sister whom he met when filming "Deep Sea"——she is the purchasing director of Hong Kong TV Station, and purchased the broadcast of "Deep Sea" in Hong Kong. Quan, at that time, the two of them said that they would have dinner together again if they had the opportunity, but they have been busy until now, and neither of them had this meal.

Zhou Yun and Xu Caiqin chatted very well last time.

Xu Caiqin hugged Zhou Yun and said, "Little beauty, we finally meet again."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Beauty, we finally meet again."

"I'm here to see Director Jiang." Xu Caiqin took the initiative to explain why she appeared here, "I didn't know you were here, otherwise I would have told you in advance, didn't you say that you haven't turned it on yet? Why did you join the group ?”

"It's rehearsal." Zhou Yun explained, "Sister Caiqin, you've taken a fancy to my drama, do you want to talk about cooperation?"

"Yes." Xu Caiqin nodded.

Zhou Yun: "I guessed right."

"I'm always the first to pay attention to the drama you star in. If it's a suitable theme, I will definitely buy it for myself." Xu Caiqin said with a smile.

Zhou Yun nodded, showing a happy smile, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Sister Caiqin doesn't have an appointment tonight, does she? Shall I treat you to dinner?"

"I guess I will have dinner with Director Jiang tonight, and Director Jiang will invite you to come too, right?" Xu Caiqin said.

"it is good."

At this time, director Jiang Xin appeared.

He and Xu Caiqin seemed to be old acquaintances, and when they met, they greeted each other with a smile, "Come on, let's chat in my office."

Xu Caiqin nodded.

After they left, Jiang Yuzhen came to ask Zhou Yun: "Xiao Yun, who was that woman just now?"

Zhou Yun introduced Xu Caiqin's identity.

Jiang Yuzhen lost interest as soon as she heard that it was a film buyer from Hong Kong, and didn't ask any more questions.

The two continued to rehearse.

In the evening, Jiang Xin did his best to invite Xu Caiqin to dinner, and invited Zhou Yun, Jiang Yuzhen, and Song Chi together.

"Caiqin is an old friend of mine. She has known me for almost twenty years." Jiang Xin said, "Many of my dramas are aired in Hong Kong, and she has contributed a lot behind the scenes."

"Why are we still talking about this?" Xu Caiqin said with a smile, "But this time I was shocked when I heard that you were going to shoot suspense themes. I also suggested to you before that you can shoot suspense or crime. Subject matter, you don't want to."

"At that time, I didn't dare to try such a subject that I hadn't filmed before." Jiang Xin said, "Besides, our mainland TV stations didn't show much suspense dramas at that time."

It's still a matter of the market.

At the dinner table, two people mainly chat about old things.

Zhou Yun heard many stories.

Jiang Xin said suddenly: "By the way, I heard from others before that there is a company in the United States that wants to recruit you to be a film buyer in Asia. Is there such a thing?"

Xu Caiqin was taken aback, and then laughed, "Jiang Xin, why are your ears still so sensitive? I never told anyone about this, and you even knew about it."

Jiang Xin smiled, "I said earlier, that place in Hong Kong is too small, with your ability to be a director of film purchasing in a TV station, Qu Cai."

"Oh, after staying for so many years, I already have feelings."

"It's one thing to have feelings, but do you really plan to stay there until you retire?" Jiang Xin asked.

Xu Caiqin shut her mouth tightly and did not speak.

Zhou Yun actually talked about this issue with Xu Caiqin before.

It seems that Zhou Yun is not the only one who feels that Xu Caiqin is a little inferior to the TV station in Hong Kong.

The TV drama industry over there has declined. No matter how capable Xu Caiqin is, she is just an Olympian who won the first place in the provincial sports meeting. This first place is very meaningless.

Zhou Yun said: "If Sister Caiqin agrees to the invitation of the American company, will she be in charge of the entire Asian market?"

Xu Caiqin sighed, shook her head, and said: "Actually not. They have several target candidates, and they are contacting and investigating at the same time. I am in contact with them, and I don't know what their final decision will be. Now I am considering whether to go or not." It's too early, let's wait until someone really throws an olive branch to me."

Xu Caiqin's tone sounded like she didn't really think that the other party would really fancy her.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand why Xu Caiqin is not confident, and it has something to do with the market she was in charge of before.

Xu Caiqin is only responsible for the business of a TV station in Hong Kong. Her long-term experience is her advantage, but her disadvantage is that she does not have a larger market to test her work performance.

Naturally, the performance of a drama in Hong Kong cannot be compared with that in the Mainland, and the market is not of the same order.

At the same time, Korean dramas have become more and more influential around the world in the past few years. They concentrate on making Korean-style romantic dramas. Long before "Squid Game", they have already gained a group of regular audiences in Europe and the United States through the Korean wave.

(End of this chapter)

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