I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 607 On-site modification

Chapter 607 On-site modification
Zhou Yun was curious about which company in the United States wanted Xu Caiqin to be in charge of the film purchase business in Asia.

It's just that neither Jiang Xin nor Xu Caiqin said anything, and it's hard for her to ask.

"Is there no platform in the United States for "Chen Yin" to buy the copyright?" Xu Caiqin asked suddenly.

Jiang Xin said: "Someone came to contact me, but the price offered was too low, so I rejected it."

A suspenseful drama like "Chen Yin", because its themes are popular all over the world, so it is generally not worrying about selling - especially like "Chen Yin", where the director is a famous director and the leading actor is a famous actor - and Well, Zhou Yun is no longer a rookie in the United States.

Of course, Jiang Xin refused to sell it cheaply.

In the evening, when Zhou Yun returned to the hotel, Song Chi would stay here with her for one night and leave tomorrow morning.

Before falling asleep, Zhou Yun was still thinking about some things, and did not fall asleep for a long time.

Song Chi fell asleep quickly, and soon fell asleep.

When Zhou Yun came to his senses, Song Chi had already fallen asleep.

She lightly got out of bed and went to the bathroom, and was going to sleep when she came back from the bathroom.



Yu Chu vomited again.

She leaned on the wall of the cubicle with one hand and covered her neckline with the other. She retched for a long time and only spit out some acid water.

The pregnancy reaction was greater than she had imagined, which made her frequently leave the work site.

Yu Chu's heart was full of apologies.

Although many people didn't say anything, they already had expressions of impatience on their faces, and they looked at her as if they were saying why is this female artist so troublesome?

Because Yu Chu always had to go to the bathroom, the filming, which was expected to take two hours, dragged on to four and a half hours.

It was already eight o'clock in the evening when work was over.

"Sorry for wasting everyone's time." Yu Chu bowed to everyone.

The on-site director also said "nothing".

But Yu Chu could clearly feel the dissatisfaction on the faces of the others.

The off-duty time was postponed, and whoever changed it was dissatisfied.

Yu Chu felt sorry, but it didn't help. His physical reaction would not be shifted by his emotions.

She went to the bathroom, walked to the door, but heard the voices of two people from inside.

"Yu Chu went to the toilet so frequently today, what's wrong? Is there something wrong with her health?"

"I don't know, it feels like there's something wrong with my body, or else...God, can't it be pregnancy?"


"By the way, do you still remember Yingying? When she was pregnant, didn't she always like to go to the bathroom?"

"If you say that, it's true."

"Damn, who is Yu Chu's boyfriend now?"

"No? After she broke up with Yin Zhou, I haven't heard of her dating anyone else."

"It can't be Yin Zhou's?"

"How long has it been since they broke up? How could it be Yin Zhou's? You are also funny. Maybe you secretly fell in love with someone and got pregnant by accident?"

"Who knows? Well, anyway, the lives of these stars are getting more and more chaotic. If you don't do this business, you don't understand how disillusioned we are. Looking at the perfect people in front of the camera, they collapse as soon as they leave the camera. I can't believe these good-looking people."

"No, no, don't spoil our mood of seeing handsome guys because of them."


When Yu Chu heard what the two girls said in the toilet, he felt very uncomfortable, even a little annoyed and embarrassed.

But she couldn't say anything, after all, what people guessed was true.

She was still a little flustered.

She hasn't disclosed this matter to the public, but someone has already guessed it today. What if the news spreads outside?
Yu Chu frowned worriedly.

After she went back, she immediately went to Zhou Lan to discuss the matter.

Zhou Lan asked: "Are you and Yin Zhou planning to make it public?"

"He no longer intends to do this business. Even if he makes it public, it will only be blocked by Yue Hai again, and it will have no real impact on him." Yu Chu said, "He said he would follow me, but I haven't made up my mind yet."

"Then are you going to get married?" Zhou Lan asked again.

Yu Chu said, "He said he wanted to marry me."

"It's not him who said, it's you. Do you have any plans?" Zhou Lan asked.

Yu Chu hesitated.

"I'm afraid he wants to marry me because I'm pregnant with this child."

"Yu Chu, be sober. If it weren't for this child, the two of you wouldn't have to face this problem." Zhou Lan said, "Now is not the time for you to think about his mood and attitude. Now you have to think about yourself first." , you look into my eyes and tell me, if you marry him, would you like it?"

Yu Chu nodded, "Yes."

"Okay, that's it." Zhou Lan said, "I definitely hope that you can announce the marriage news, so that you don't have to hide the fact of having a child."


"But I want to tell you one thing in advance. The reason why many actresses in this industry do not disclose their relationships and marriage news is because everyone is afraid that they will be eliminated by the market if they get married and have children. It’s also a reality, when you become a mother, the producers won’t consider you to act as a young girl, especially in idol dramas and romance dramas, which are basically insulated from you.”

Yu Chu pursed his lips.

"But you are not yet old enough to stop acting in these themes. You are very young, which means that your subsequent filming will be greatly restricted." Zhou Lan said, "Unless one day you become so popular that Zhou Yun and At Ningyao's level, then you can really get rid of the influence of these life styles on your play."

Yu Chu took a deep breath and said, "Sister Lan, you also said that each of us is responsible for the choices we make, isn't it? When I decided to have this child, I was ready to pay for it." Prepared for a certain price."

Zhou Lan nodded: "It's best for you to have such an idea, so I don't need to tell you any more, I will adjust your next work plan for you, and you should go all out to prepare now Other than that, I will help you reduce some work and take a good rest."

Yu Chu nodded, and said, "But, Miss Lan, don't let me rest all the time. When I can make money, I still want to make a little more money. There are many places where I will use my money in the future."

"I know." Zhou Lan held Yu Chu's hand, "I dug you here, even if you are going to be a mother, I still count on you to go further and become a powerful actor, so no matter what happens in the future You don’t want to give up on this career, you know? I often tell other artists with me that we don’t fight for the day and night, and what we fight for is a long and steady stream. After you make your marriage and pregnancy news public, the environment you will face will definitely be There will be huge changes, and the jobs that come to you may be reduced by half, or even more, but don't be discouraged, and you won't be depressed, you know? This situation lasts for a year, two years, it is possible, but this stage It will always pass, relying on our efforts, we can definitely go higher and further."

Yu Chu understood that Zhou Lan was vaccinating himself in advance.

Pregnancy and childbirth are destined to be mixed blessings and sorrows for a woman.

No woman's work is immune to this incident.

The same is true for actresses in this regard... The only luck is that the actor industry cannot give more opportunities to male actors just because actresses will get pregnant.

This is an industry that needs women.

Yu Chu will be subjected to a lot of prejudice in the future. As a mother in her twenties, it is no longer possible for her to act in an idol drama, or an ancient puppet, or a fairy hero, those simple and beautiful girl characters Since then, I have no relationship with her.

However, Yu Chu believed that she could grit her teeth and wait for a new path.


"Chen Yin" officially started filming, the crew did not release any press releases, and started the filming in a low-key manner.

Zhou Yun plays a female college student in this play.

She herself is young, so she has no problem playing a female college student.

It's just that before the shooting of the first scene, a foreigner suddenly came to the set.

Zhou Yun had never seen him on the set before.

"who is he?"

Zhou Yun asked the crew.

"I don't know, Producer Chen brought it in personally."

Zhou Yun sat on a chair wearing slippers, glanced at the man several times, and then stopped.

She has already changed into the clothes she will wear later in the filming.

Very ordinary sweater and cotton trousers, a thin face as big as a palm, pale.

In the scene to be filmed later, she was seriously ill, but she had a fierce conflict with her mother.

Zhou Yun began to let himself into the state.

After a while, Jiang Yuzhen also came over with her makeup done.

Her chair was placed next to Zhou Yun.

After she sat down, she glanced at Zhou Yun, but did not greet her.

Zhou Yun did not greet her either.

This sense of confrontation deliberately created by two people is exactly what the scene that will be filmed later needs.

Zhou Yun habitually let himself get into the state before the official shooting, simulating in his mind how to act later.

At this time, Jiang Xin came over suddenly.

He clapped his hands, interrupted Zhou Yun's state of preparation, and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Zhou Yun opened his eyes and called out to the director.

Jiang Xin directly pulled a chair over and sat down in front of Zhou Yun and Jiang Yuzhen.

"Yuzhen, Xiaoyun, I'll talk to you two again."

Zhou Yun and Jiang Yuzhen immediately looked at Jiang Xin attentively, waiting for Jiang Xin to speak.

Jiang Xin said: "That's right, both of you are actors who can act, and the scene to be filmed later is also the specialty of the two of you. Both of you are very good at filming rival scenes and emotional tension. Actors in very big plays, but I hope you two can not act too rigidly, you two should act according to the usual way, you will never go wrong, but this is too boring, let's do something Different."

Zhou Yun was taken aback for a moment, a bit unable to understand Director Jiang Xin's thoughts.

During the rehearsal before, director Jiang Xin never said that, why did director Jiang Xin suddenly ask them to change their acting when the filming officially started today?
Temporary assault?
Jiang Yuzhen frowned, and asked, "Director, how do we act?"

Jiang Xin said: "The meaning of acting in a different way is to throw away all the design you just made for this scene."

Jiang Yuzhen: "Huh?"

Jiang Xin said: "Later, we will be filming the scene where the two of you quarrel, right? Xiaoyun is sitting on the bed because of a serious illness, and Yuzhen is because you lost money at the poker table, so you are very upset , Take the daughter out, this scene is completely based on the confrontation relationship between mother and daughter, but this is a special life-like relationship, and the relationship between mother and daughter who has a bad relationship is basically like this, just pick a scene similar to All the plays are performed like this, aren't they?"

Jiang Yuzhen did not answer with a sullen face.

But in fact this is the default.

"I was thinking about it just now. We can actually continue to dig into this mother-daughter relationship." Jiang Xin said, "Our drama itself is a suspense drama, and as for the role of Chen Yin, we all know that she is a An extremely insecure person, a large part of the reason is related to her family, that is, her parents. Her father died early, and the mother who has an important influence on her is the mother played by Yuzhen. If this mother is just a very Ordinary, one-sided and bad mother, how could she cause such a deep black hole in Chen Yin's heart? I always feel that there is something missing in between, so I have been thinking about this matter, and I just thought about it Come to think of it, if the mother you play, Yuzhen, has been blaming in her heart that it is because of the existence of this daughter that she has delayed your happiness for the rest of your life, and you have a morbid hatred and disgust for your daughter, then everything in the script Conflict, is there a deeper contradiction?"

Jiang Yuzhen frowned instantly.

"Director, this is unreasonable." She immediately said, "No mother would hate her child, just because her existence delayed my happiness for the rest of my life? I can't remarry because of her? This is too strange."

"Let's assume such a situation, think about it, your husband died, and then you have another person you want to be with, you fall in love with this person, and he also makes you come out of the pain of losing your father, Regain happiness, but this person is unwilling to be with you anymore because of Chen Yin's existence. He thinks Chen Yin is a burden, and he tells you to either follow him or break up. You may give up your child, and you choose to break up painfully as a matter of course, but after that person leaves, you always review whether your choice is right, because you really love that man and you can't let go. But your daughter needs your care, you can only force yourself to forget about it, and because Chen is weak and sick, you have to sacrifice a lot to take care of her, how much hard work does it take for a single mother to raise a child? Your daughter is getting bigger and bigger, and she has a taciturn and paranoid personality, and she is increasingly resisting your control over her. At this time, you feel frustrated, annoyed, and even feel that your efforts have been let down. The more you love your Daughter, the more you are irritated by her, at this time, the pain of happiness that you gave up for her at the beginning also erupts, so your attitude towards Chen Yin becomes complicated, even a little disgusted, of course, not the kind of thorough, spontaneous inner disgust..."

Zhou Yun sat on the sidelines and listened to Jiang Xin explain his thoughts to Jiang Yuzhen, and these contents also entered her mind, entering into the established role relationship.

More abundant.

Zhou Yun imagined the changes in the image of the mother played by Jiang Yuzhen in his mind, and suddenly became a little excited.

Jiang Xin's adjustments made the image of Jiang Yuzhen in her imagination more vivid—it was no longer just a grumpy, morally flawed, mother image that can be seen everywhere, and among them, there was a kind of Complicated, love-hate, and even jealous relationships.

Jiang Yuzhen sighed deeply.

"I knew that acting in your role would never be easy." After she sighed, she said, "I know, give me some time to digest, and come directly later."

(End of this chapter)

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