Chapter 608

Everyone said that Jiang Yuzhen is a good actor.

But there always seems to be a film between good actors and those who are particularly outstanding.

We are always moved by a good actor's performance, but after being moved, we forget about him and his performance.

And sometimes, a shot has been talked about for many years.

Therefore, it is often said that acting is to watch God enjoy the meal. Those who can do it will raise their heads and look at them for thousands of years. Those who can't do it will spend a lifetime of polishing. .

Jiang Yuzhen has always been self-aware.

She doesn't think she is the kind of actor who can catch the audience's eyes for thousands of years, otherwise she would have become popular long ago, so what are you waiting for now.

But cooperating with Jiang Xin in filming, he always has higher requirements.

Jiang Yuzhen also understood why Jiang Xin had such high demands.

In fact, Zhou Yun belongs to that kind of talented player. Even she herself doesn't know how to perform many moments in the picture.

And the mother-child relationship in "Chen Yin" occupies a very important part of this drama.

Jiang Xin wants to continue to dig deeper into this mother-child relationship, digging out more layers of richness.In many cases, actors are not capable enough, and no matter how much the director trains them, they will be powerless, but the two actors, Zhou Yun and Jiang Yuzhen, have the ability to dig out deeper things.

In the first scene, Jiang Xin handed over the main scene to Jiang Yuzhen.

When Jiang Yuzhen reappeared, her temperament changed slightly.

According to the original design, she should be irritable, angry, and deeply wrinkled by the suffering of life.

But now that she appeared on the stage, she suddenly became a little soft and charming, as if... the charm still exists.

People are still the irritable and angry, but not completely so.

If you say come directly, come directly.

The staff on site are ready.

Zhou Yun was already lying on the bed.

Jiang Xin yelled to start the machine.

Zhou Yun was lying on the bed when he heard rustling sounds outside.

It was Jiang Yuzhen who came back.

Sure enough, the next second, the door opened and Jiang Yuzhen walked in.

The two people are not in the same room, but the cameras are both on at the same time.

If another director were to shoot, the scene might be split into two scenes, one for Jiang Yuzhen entering the door, and one for Jiang Yuzhen entering the room to find Zhou Yun.

But Jiang Xin likes to be as authentic as possible.

Reality is the actor's reaction to every detail, which is targeted, rather than relying solely on acting.

For example, when Zhou Yun heard the sound of the door lock rattling outside, he subconsciously moved his eyes and glanced at the position of the door.

This is the reaction.

A person, unless he is a robot, relies on acting and always has flaws.

Jiang Xin likes this most instinctive reaction.

For example, after Zhou Yun glanced at the location of the door, a look of unfamiliarity and indifference subconsciously appeared on his expressionless, weak face, as well as a bit of disgust.

Behind the monitor, Jiang Xin looked at Zhou Yun in the camera. At this time, two cameras were shooting at Zhou Yun, one for a panoramic view and one for a close-up shot.

Zhou Yun's demeanor was captured.

Not missed.

This is also the ability of a director. A director who can capture can often dig out the best side of an actor.

For example, when Zhang Yimou filmed "The Love of the Hawthorn Tree", he shot Zhou Dongyu for three to five hours, and in the end he spent more than ten seconds of it.

If it is captured, the actor has aura, but if it is not captured, the actor is a piece of wood.

This is where the importance of directors to actors lies.

Jiang Yuzhen walked in.

She didn't knock.

"Are you feeling better?" Jiang Yuzhen asked, leaning on the door frame.

Zhou Yun hummed vaguely.

Jiang Yuzhen said, "Since I'm better, I'll get up and eat, and I'll buy you porridge."

Zhou Yun frowned slightly.

"You played cards all night again?"

Jiang Yuzhen nodded.

Zhou Yun took a deep breath and sat up from the bed with difficulty.

She rubbed her shoulders.

Jiang Yuzhen suddenly saw a red mark on Zhou Yun's neck.

Her face changed instantly.

She rushed to Zhou Yun like a tiger out of its cage, and grabbed Zhou Yun's collar.

(End of this chapter)

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