Chapter 609
"What's going on with you?" Jiang Yuzhen grabbed Zhou Yun's collar with such strength that Zhou Yun seemed to be lifted from the bed.

Zhou Yun's conditioned reflex usually pushed Jiang Yuzhen's hand away.

"Let go! You let go!"

Zhou Yun pushed Jiang Yuzhen away.

But the moment Jiang Yuzhen was pushed away, she froze for a second, and then burst into even more terrifying anger.

She suddenly rushed in front of Zhou Yun again, grabbed Zhou Yun's hair suddenly, and stared at Zhou Yun fiercely.

"Let go? You want me to let go?" She stared at Zhou Yun fiercely, "I tell you, Chen Yin, don't let me let go in your life, you were born by me!"

Zhou Yun's eyes were already red, tears streaming down his face.

While weeping, she looked at Jiang Yuzhen with hatred. Her hatred was not hidden at all, it was completely exposed and written on her face.

"Say, what's going on!" Jiang Yuzhen questioned.

She stretched out a finger and poked Zhou Yun's red mark, as if she wanted to destroy it, she poked it twice hard.

Zhou Yun was like a puppet who couldn't resist, his body trembling constantly when Jiang Yuzhen's fingers poked him.

Tears kept falling down like a thread.

"Mom—" she whispered softly.

But Jiang Yuzhen didn't seem to hear it, she was still poking Zhou Yun's body, "Say!"

"Mom—" Zhou Yun's lips trembled slightly, and he blocked it.

Jiang Yuzhen poked harder.

Zhou Yun sat on the bed as if numb, he could only block and dodge subconsciously.

Then, almost instantly, just when she thought she would continue to be wronged like this, she suddenly raised her head like a scarred little beast, glared at Jiang Yuzhen, and shouted: "Have you had enough?! What is this?" Don't you know? Why are you asking me?"

Jiang Yuzhen's movements stopped in mid-air, and she was completely stunned for a moment. She looked at Zhou Yun in shock, and the unbelievable reaction of a mother to her daughter was completely acted out.

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

Jiang Yuzhen asked with trembling lips.

Zhou Yun stared at Jiang Yuzhen in conflict.

"Why are you so unclean?" Jiang Yuzhen raised her hand and slapped Zhou Yun on the face.

The crisp sound echoed in the quiet studio.

Zhou Yun roared: "I'm already an adult! I can be responsible for my own affairs!"

Jiang Yuzhen tensed the veins on her forehead, and said in a low voice as if pressed from her throat, "You can't!"

Zhou Yun sneered.

Jiang Yuzhen slapped Zhou Yun again.

Zhou Yun shed a tear.

But there was no weakness in her eyes, she stared at Jiang Yuzhen stubbornly and stubbornly, refusing to give in or admit defeat.

Jiang Yuzhen's jaw line began to tremble.

Zhou Yun's eyes had already expressed the words in her heart clearly.

No matter how many times she slaps her, she will not give in.

Jiang Yuzhen stood up suddenly, Zhou Yun's body flinched instinctively.

But Jiang Yuzhen didn't do anything this time, turned around and walked out of Zhou Yun's room.


"Cut!" Jiang Xin took off his earphones, stood up, raised his hands, and applauded.

Zhou Yun and Jiang Yuzhen each turned their faces in the direction of no one to sort out their emotions.

This is often the case when filming an emotionally intense scene. The actors know that it is acting, but they can't just get away from their emotions.

Jiang Yuzhen returned to the room, and immediately asked Zhou Yun: "Xiaoyun, I didn't hurt you just now, did I?"

The few slaps just now, Jiang Yuzhen didn't use his position to slap.

Zhou Yun shook his head and said with a smile: "No, you play very well."

(End of this chapter)

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