I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 610 The wider landscape

Chapter 610 The wider landscape
Zhou Yun's feeling just now was particularly shocking——

Jiang Yuzhen, she did a great job.

Just now, while she was fully invested in her emotions, she was able to retract and release freely, instead of roaring from beginning to end, with a particularly distinct sense of hierarchy.

Zhou Yun's own performance basically followed Jiang Yuzhen's lead.

Jiang Yuzhen is in charge of this performance.

Originally, Zhou Yun didn't think that Jiang Yuzhen would act with emotion, but Jiang Yuzhen's aura just now was too strong, which directly pulled her into the character state, and she acted based on her reaction.

Therefore, she was a little uneasy, not knowing how she performed in the scene just now?
Will it get out of control?

Zhou Yun got off the bed, walked behind Director Jiang Xin, and asked, "Director, is that one OK?"

Jiang Xin nodded and said, "Yes."

"Is it really possible?" Zhou Yun was a little uneasy, always feeling that he was taken away by Jiang Yuzhen just now, and the state he performed might not be accurate.

But Jiang Xin saw what Zhou Yun was worried about at a glance, and said, "No problem, you all performed well in that one just now."

He called out the one just now, and showed Jiang Yuzhen and Zhou Yun a look.

"The scene you played just now was good because it happened suddenly, and there was a sense of conflict." Jiang Xin said, "I specifically told Yuzhen not to tell you in advance, so you have the real Sudden feeling, I am actually not particularly in favor of actors rehearsing many times, we are not acting in a drama, film and television drama is a lens language, picture art, close-ups are aimed at your face, and every emotion of yours is exposed to the camera In front, so many times, we are chasing that moment that can’t be met.”

Zhou Yun suddenly understood.

Jiang Xin thinks that she and Jiang Yuzhen are both very good at acting. After a few plays, he basically knows how the other party will act and what he will look like. No matter how good the acting is, there is no sudden feeling.

It will be exposed in the lens screen.

Sure enough, Jiang Xin is still the director who controls the details.

Zhou Yun laughed, nodded, and said, "Okay, that's good."


The foreigner who came to the scene was called Richard.

Richard came to meet Jiang Xin today. He is a purchaser of a streaming media company and is interested in "Chen Yin", so he came to the set to meet Jiang Xin. He also wanted to see the shooting scene with his own eyes.

For experienced purchasers like Richard, they often rely more on the judgment of people and the entire project than data and stars.

Whether the filming scene is professional or not, and whether the entire project team runs smoothly are all important factors.

Richard has seen a lot of performances, and because he has seen a lot, his eyes have become picky.

What kind of scene have you never seen?

I have seen all the scenes of Oscar winners and actresses.

Richard knew that the heroine of this show was the top actress in China, but to his surprise, he did not expect that the supporting roles that acted with the heroine today would perform so well.

When changing scenes in the middle, Jiang Xin walked towards him.

"Richard, how do you feel today?" Although Jiang Xin was asking Richard, his tone seemed to be full of confidence in these two scenes.

"The two actresses in your play are amazing," Richard said.

"They are all actresses I have worked with," Jiang Xin said, "and they are also among the best actresses in China."

Richard is very appreciative.

"I have only watched Zhou Yun act. She portrayed two completely different women in "Days" and "Behind the Scenes". A female image that has never been the same." Richard said, "If this is a movie, maybe it is aimed at Zhou Yun, and the world's movie circles will have expectations for this movie."

"Why can't a TV series?" Jiang Xin said, "You are the world's largest purchaser of streaming media. If you can use the best resources to promote this TV series, it may not be impossible to produce world-class content. Influence."

"Jiang Xin, I know you are a very proud director, but TV dramas and movies are different, and I can't make any decisions." Richard spread his hands helplessly, "If possible, I am very willing to give The best promotional resources for the drama arrangement. I have known you for so long and have cooperated with you several times. I am very assured of your talent, but how we WTT will arrange this drama is not up to me. I can only say You promise, I will highly recommend this show."

Jiang Xin: "Okay."

"So, are you willing to sell us the broadcasting rights?" Richard asked with bright eyes.

Jiang Xin said: "Richard, I need you WTT to show more sincerity. This drama has a wide audience market in Asia, no matter the subject matter or the starring cast. You just follow the past this time. I will not agree to the same bargaining chips."

Richard said helplessly: "Jiang Xin, I have already offered better conditions that we can give."

"Not long ago, NF offered $10 more per episode than you, but I also rejected it." Jiang Xin said, "If it wasn't because I have known you for so long, I wouldn't have told you about it. "

Richard looked surprised.


Richard did not expect that NF would offer such a high price to Jiang Xin.

He never thought that Jiang Xin would lie to him about this matter.

Many people will lie when negotiating and pull the banner of a tiger, but Jiang Xin is not such a person.


Zhou Yun and Jiang Yuzhen tacitly stopped talking, laughing and chatting together.

They want to reduce a little intimacy.

For this reason, Zhou Yun basically went to the trailer to rest after filming a scene, and didn't stay on the set very much.

The main reason is that the environment on the set also made her feel depressed.

None of the scenes she filmed in this house made her happy.

After filming two scenes in a row, Zhou Yun kept crying, shedding tears, and his emotions were aroused. When he got back to the trailer, he was completely out of spirit, and sat on the chair lazily, not speaking.

Zheng Xiaoju saw that Zhou Yun was in low spirits and didn't want to talk, so he asked, "Sister Xiaoyun, do you want to play some soft music? Soothe your spirit."

Zhou Yun nodded.

Zheng Xiaoju turned on the stereo.

Music fills the air.

Zhou Yun slowly regained his spirit amidst the soft music.

She consumes herself a lot in filming.

Some actors are very powerful. One second they were still crying in the scene, and the next second they came out, chatting and laughing with their opponent actors.

Zhou Yun still can't do this. When he comes out of the play, he can't quickly get out of the acting state, especially the crying scene.

She closed her eyes and thought.

At noon, the crew arranged a box lunch.

Zhou Yun sat on his trailer and ate his boxed lunch.

Xu Caiqin suddenly came to her.

"Xiaoyun." Xu Caiqin said, "I'm going back to Hong Kong later, before I leave, I'll say hello to you."

Zhou Yun quickly put down his chopsticks, and left his seat slightly, "Sister Caiqin, have you had lunch yet?"

"I had something to eat." Xu Caiqin nodded, "you can eat, don't worry about me, I just want to talk to you again before I leave, and I don't usually have the chance to meet you."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "I always wanted to meet Sister Caiqin when I went to Hong Kong and ask you to take me to eat delicious food, but I never found the opportunity."

"Well, the main reason is that the performing arts industry in Hong Kong is also in a downturn, so there is no chance to invite you over here." Xu Caiqin said.

Zhou Yun remembered the conversation at the dinner table last night.

She said: "Sister Caiqin, director Jiang said last night that a bigger platform is inviting you. Actually, I really want to say that if you go to a bigger platform, you can do more things."

Xu Caiqin: "Don't try to persuade me, I know what I'm doing."

Zhou Yun shook his head: "Sister Caiqin, if I didn't feel your love for this industry, I wouldn't say it, but I have been in touch with you and chatted with you a few times, and I can feel your love for the film and television industry. Love your work, and your past achievements give you a lot of fulfillment, don't you?"

Xu Caiqin smiled and nodded, "I don't deny it."

"If an old giant ship is doomed to be unable to move forward, why not accept the invitation of another giant ship and embark on a new journey?" Zhou Yun said, "I believe that neither I nor Jiang Dao are actually the same. I would like to see an experienced captain guarding an aging giant ship, and if you can take the helm of the new giant ship, you can continue to open up a wider territory on the ocean, and you can also let your previous giant ship sailors, and enjoy the wider scenery together."

(End of this chapter)

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