611 she came

If a person has worked in an industry for many years and says he doesn't have any feelings for him, it must be a lie.

Xu Caiqin has been in this industry for so long, Zhou Yun believes that Xu Caiqin must have feelings for this industry.

She said these words in the hope that Xu Caiqin could distinguish her feelings for Hong Kong TV from her feelings for the film and television industry.

Xu Caiqin has been staying at the TV station. On the one hand, it is because the foundation has been laid there for many years, and on the other hand, the people she knows and the feelings she has given are all there.

Therefore, by saying this, Zhou Yun hoped to stimulate Xu Caiqin from other aspects.

If Xu Caiqin really went to a bigger platform, why not help those old friends?

There are many production talents in the film and television industry in Hong Kong, but they are suffering from no market and no investment, so they gradually decline.

But in the current era of globalized streaming media, their group of people may not be able to usher in new opportunities.

Xu Caiqin chatted with Zhou Yun for a while, then left.

She still has a flight to catch.

As soon as Xu Caiqin left, Zheng Xiaoju said curiously: "Sister Xiaoyun, why did you persuade Xu Caiqin?"

Based on Zheng Xiaoju's understanding of Zhou Yun, Zhou Yun generally would not comment on other people's affairs, because Zhou Yun didn't want to appear to be "pointing fingers".

Zhou Yun said: "From a selfish point of view, I feel that Sister Caiqin actually wants others to persuade her. Sister Caiqin wants to hear others persuade her to go. Of course, this is just my feeling, it may not be true. What's more, if Sister Caiqin can seize this opportunity, it will be a good thing for our entire industry."

"Yeah." Zheng Xiaoju nodded.

Zhou Yun laughed immediately.

Although Zheng Xiaoju nodded, Zhou Yun could tell that Zheng Xiaoju didn't understand what she meant by the good things.

"Xiaoyu, what do you think is the biggest shortcoming of our Chinese film and television dramas?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zheng Xiaoju thought about it seriously, then shook his head.

Zhou Yun said: "In terms of influence, Chinese film and television dramas are still too few in the world, and their influence is not enough. In terms of the quality of film and television dramas themselves, except for the works of those big directors, the overall craftsmanship is still the same. To lag behind others, right?"

Zheng Xiaoju nodded immediately.

"When I was in school, I learned a principle in political class, go out and bring in." Zhou Yun said, "In this era, our goal may no longer be to learn from foreigners to control them, but to learn from others' best skills." Advanced technology, or in other words, through a larger market, our industry is forced to conform to international standards, do you think this is a good thing?"

Zheng Xiaoju nodded, half understanding, "It seems to be."

"Sister Caiqin can become such an interface." Zhou Yun said, "She understands our film and television drama production, and also understands the market. At the same time, she will also have first-line contact with important production links in Europe and America. During this process, A lot of information has been unblocked because of this. Sister Caiqin’s going there may not necessarily mean continuing to buy movies, even if she continues to buy movies, it’s the same, because a bridge has already been built.”

Zheng Xiaoju opened his mouth wide in surprise.

"Sister Xiaoyun, you think a lot. Before I heard you say this, I never thought that there are so many things."

Zhou Yun sighed.

"Actually, I feel more and more that I think too much, and I don't look like an actor at all."

Thinking too much will affect the innocence and purity of an actor.

Zheng Xiaoju shook his head like a rattle.

"Sister Xiaoyun, I watched you act on the spot today, and I feel that your acting skills have become more exquisite." Zheng Xiaoju said, "When I see you cry, I feel aggrieved."

In fact, Zhou Yun couldn't tell Zheng Xiaoju what he felt in his heart, because Zheng Xiaoju couldn't empathize with him.

"I'll sleep for a while, call me later." Zhou Yun said with a smile.

Zheng Xiaoju immediately went to find the blindfold for Zhou Yun.


At this time, a car also drove into the set and parked downstairs.

First, a man came down from the co-pilot's seat. He was wearing sunglasses, tall and strong, making people daunting.

He opened a large black umbrella, walked to the rear, opened the car door, and raised the umbrella above the car door.

Because this movie is starring Zhou Yun, there are always a lot of proxies and media around the filming set, wanting to get first-hand information.

Seeing such a posture, sensitive people know that there must be a big guy coming.

I just don't know if such a big coffee is a celebrity, if not a celebrity, it is of no value to them.

When people got off the car, everyone's cameras were aligned for the first time.

The person who came down was wearing a pair of shallow silver high-heeled shoes in the middle of winter, and above was a pair of the author's slender legs, which still had a pearly luster against the background of the drowsy weather.

Paparazzi who understand this immediately understand that this must be a female star.

Only female stars will also "make up" their legs.

Sure enough, the moment her face was revealed under the umbrella, all the cameras pointed at her started shooting.

Yu Sitian.

In the twelfth lunar month of winter, the temperature is so low that birds don't want to stay outside.

The proxy shooters and paparazzi squatted outside, eating hard food.

But being able to photograph Yu Sitian, I didn't squat in vain all day.

Yu Sitian used to be a floret in movies. Before Zhou Yunhengkong was born, no matter how much money the producers threw at her, she would not let go and act in TV dramas, maintaining her style and fame.

But Zhou Yun turned out to be born, and it dealt a dimensionality reduction blow to actresses of the same age in both the fields of film and TV series.

Yu Sitian's status in the film field instantly lost its original brilliance - after all, she did not have many masterpieces in the film field, and she did not have a role that left a deep impression on everyone.

Yu Sitian had to transform and took over the filming of a TV series.

She is a very smart actress, although a bit arrogant, but clearly aware of her strengths and weaknesses.

She didn't plunge into youth idol dramas-nine out of ten scripts with this kind of theme make people feel thunderous.

She took over the filming of the family portrait drama "Dragon Teng", in which she played a character very close to her own personality.

The show started airing at the end of last month. It was silent at first, but as the plot progressed, it gradually gained the attention of more and more viewers with the help of word of mouth.

The role of Yu Sitian has also been liked by many people.

She played a hot-tempered but very innocent little girl in the play. This kind of character is pure and kind, and it is easy to be loved by the audience. Yu Sitian's acting skills have been tempered by so many movies. There is no problem with such a role. Arrogance and arrogance are their true colors.

Therefore, Yu Sitian's popularity has finally begun to show a little substantive trend under the "false high" for many years.

After Yu Sitian got out of the car, she noticed that many cameras were shooting around her. She frowned and said a little irritably, "Where did I go, where did they follow?"

The assistant followed Yu Sitian, and said with a smile, "It's not because Sitian you are so popular now."

The assistant's words made Yu Sitian's irritable expression suddenly happy again.

But Yu Sitian didn't seem to want to appear to be particularly happy, as if she was very happy because of this popularity.

"Well, I don't care if I'm popular or not. I'm satisfied if everyone likes the role I play." Yu Sitian said to his assistant, "This time I want to film with Zhou Yun, you must help I'll keep an eye on her, she's not a good person, if she does something bad, I can't guard against it."

"Sitian, don't worry, I will pay attention." The assistant said loyally, "I will handle everything."

Yu Sidian nodded: "With you, I can rest assured."

She walks into the set.

This is an old building with no elevator.

Yu Sitian was out of breath even climbing the stairs.

"Why didn't you set up a scene?" Yu Sitian panted impatiently, "It's hard for me to climb such a high floor."

"The director likes real shots. He searched for several places, and Cai found this scene." The assistant explained, "I think now, it is the director who pays attention to the details that can make a good movie, Sitian you Do you still remember? When "Dragon Teng" was filming, many people thought that the director was too fussy about the details and was impatient, even if a cup was too new, but now the audience praises the details of "Dragon Teng" well done, It has texture and has a good reputation, and a director who doesn't pay attention to such details will not have a high level of grasp of quality."

Yu Sitian smiled and said, "You are more professional than me when you talk about these things now."

"How is that possible!" The assistant quickly shook his head, "I just learn and sell now."

Yu Sitian: "I don't know if Zhou Yun and Jiang Yuzhen's filming went well or not."

She said, and came to the shooting scene.

Because it is a real shot, a lot of equipment had to find a way to fit in this cramped building.

Director Jiang Xin was not in the house where the actors actually filmed, but next door.

The crew also rented the next door and used it as a studio.

Director Jiang Xin was sitting behind the monitor screen, wearing earphones, looking at the monitor screen seriously.

It should be filming.

Yu Sitian walked carefully behind Jiang Xin.

Jiang Xin didn't notice that someone came over at all, and was engrossed in looking at the screen.

Yu Sitian was able to see what was on the screen.

Zhou Yun was hugging his knees, sitting on the bed, looking out the window expressionlessly.

A ray of light hit her face, clearly showing the tear stains on her face—they had all dried up.

Yu Sitian couldn't hear any sound and could only see the picture.

But this picture is like a needle, piercing Yu Sitian's heart directly.

Yu Sitian was eager to watch with the feeling that maybe Zhou Yun's acting was not very good.

Who knew that this scene by Zhou Yun would perform at this level again.

Yu Sitian never felt that her acting skills were worse than Zhou Yun's, but she couldn't deny that Zhou Yun's acting skills were really good.

She is a little jealous.

She was unaware of her jealousy.

(End of this chapter)

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