I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 612 The Paparazzi in the Hospital

Chapter 612 The Paparazzi in the Hospital

After a scene was filmed, Jiang Xin called Cut. He took off his earphones and was about to get up when he noticed Yu Sitian standing behind him. He said in surprise, "Sitian, you're here."

"Director." Yu Sitian smiled sweetly at Jiang Xin.

Jiang Xin nodded and said, "Sit down for a while, I'll go over and talk to them first."

Yu Sitian nodded obediently.

Jiang Xin strode to the shooting scene next door.

Zhou Yun has stood up and is moving his shoulders and neck.She had maintained the posture just now for too long, and she was a little sour.


Jiang Xin hugged her and said: "The acting is really good, but I still want a more gloomy scene."

"Gloomy?" Zhou Yun didn't react for a moment.

Jiang Xin said: "An evil thought of revenge grows in your heart, and you gradually immerse yourself in the pleasurable pleasure of revenge in the fantasy. The more relieved you become, the more gloomy you become."

Zhou Yun understood immediately, and asked, "I understand."

Jiang Xin directly asked all departments to prepare, and came to the second one.

Because Zhou Yun's condition must be preserved.

Jiang Xin returned to the monitoring screen, picked up the walkie-talkie: "Come on, start shooting."

The whole place went quiet.

Yu Sitian stood behind Jiang Xin again, watching Zhou Yun's performance on the screen.

She sat back in the position just now, her eyes were empty, a little dazed, and there was no change from before.

Yu Sitian was a little puzzled, thinking, since there is no change, why do you want to make a second one?
Could it be that Zhou Yun didn't understand what Jiang Xin meant?

But Yu Sitian didn't know what Jiang Xin said to Zhou Yun just now.

Suddenly, Zhou Yun's eyes changed.

From the expression of her facial features, there was no slight change, but Yu Sitian was keenly aware that Zhou Yun was still injured and weak before, but now she broke out a little cold and decisive.

There is no obvious expression change, but the difference is significant before and after.

This mirror-like change in performance made Yu Si's heart sink.

The so-called movie lens is nothing more than that.

Yu Sitian was a little dazed, she was amazed at the quality of the performance, Zhou Yun actually came as soon as he said it, without any pre-planning.

From the end of the last one to the start of this one, Jiang Xin went over and said a few words to her, and didn't let her brew any more emotions.

Yu Sitian was taken aback by Zhou Yun's speed.

If it were her, it might not be impossible to give such a performance, but it would take a long time to prepare and brew feelings.

"Okay, click, pass!"

Jiang Xin didn't even check and look back, so he just yelled.

Yu Sitian came back to her senses and applauded with everyone present.

It wasn't until this time that Jiang Xin had time to talk to Yu Sitian: "When did Sitian come?"

Yu Sitian smiled and said, "Director, I just came here too."

Jiang Xin said: "It's such a cold day, it's hard work."

Yu Sitian shook her head and said, "How hard is it? I have always wanted to cooperate with you. This time I finally have the opportunity, and I am willing to do it no matter how cold it is."

Among other things, Jiang Xin was very satisfied with Yu Sitian's attitude.

Speaking of it, many people may not believe it. There are many actors who refuse to act in a play because they feel that the shooting environment is too difficult and the weather is too bad during the shooting period.

Even if the play is a well-known director.

Among the actors, there are also those who fish for fish and do not seek to make progress.

Like all walks of life, many people in the actor's profession are also afraid of suffering.


At this time, Zhou Yun came over.

With a faint smile on her face, she took the initiative to greet Yu Sitian and said, "You're here."

Yu Sitian didn't know how to respond when she saw her former enemy.

But in Zhou Yun's smile as if nothing had happened between the two of them, Yu Sitian finally smiled and said, "Xiaoyun."

The tone of the two people is not very intimate, but it is not tit for tat.

This is enough.

Zhou Yun's idea is very simple, when filming together, don't be a monster, just finish the filming smoothly.

For this reason, she can be a false friend with Yu Sitian for a period of time.

She hoped Yu Sitian thought the same.

The next scene will be filming Jiang Yuzhen's solo part, she is preparing in another room, Jiang Xin said: "I'll go and see her, you can talk."

Zhou Yun and Yu Sitian had nothing to talk about, they looked at each other, and tacitly staggered each other's eyes.

It was the coldest time of the year, Zhou Yun put on his down jacket and sat down in his seat.

too cold.

There is no air conditioning in the room.

Everyone is dressed thickly.

Zheng Xiaoju murmured to Liu Yun in a low voice: "Isn't it cold for Yu Sitian to wear so little?"

Yu Sitian really doesn't wear much.

She was wearing a thin windbreaker with two legs exposed.

It looks good, but it looks very warm.

Liu Yun said: "I just saw her assistant disassemble the baby warmer for her, and there must have been a lot of stickers on her body."

"No matter how many posts there are, it's still cold." Zheng Xiaoju shook her head, "It's too cold, I admire her."

When Zhou Yun heard Zheng Xiaoju's words, he raised his head curiously and glanced at Yu Sitian.

Someone has brought a chair for Yu Sitian so that she can sit down.

Her assistant was asking someone if there was a little sun.

Zhou Yun couldn't help lowering his head and smiling.

Zheng Xiaoju touched his stomach and said, "I'm hungry."

"What time is it?" Zhou Yun looked at the time, "It's already eleven o'clock."

"Yeah, my stomach is the bird that tells the time on time." Zheng Xiaoju laughed and raised his face, "Sister Xiaoyun, are you hungry? Xiaoyun has prepared hot porridge for you, do you want to eat some first?"

Zhou Yun is full of ups and downs every day, with a lot of emotional mobilization and a lot of consumption.

Liu Yun makes something every day and brings it with her in case Zhou Yun consumes too much and gets hungry.

Zhou Yun was indeed a little hungry.

She was either crying or arguing with Jiang Yuzhen all morning, her mind was empty.

"Will there be no more of my scenes later? After filming Sister Yuzhen's scene, dinner should be ready?" she asked.

Zheng Xiaoju said: "I don't know, if sister Yuzhen's filming goes well, there will be another scene with you in the future."

Zhou Yun estimated the time, but he really didn't know what the director planned.

She thought for a while and said, "Forget it, wait a minute, if the filming is fast, I will have lunch later, if the director plans to make another one later, it will be more convenient for me to be here."

If there is no show for her in the morning, she would rather go downstairs to the trailer and have some porridge first.

Suddenly, there was an exclamation from the next door, followed by a commotion.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Someone asked immediately.

Zhou Yun also looked up.

Many people ran out to see what was going on.

After a while, the news came.

"The director fell down."

Zhou Yun immediately stood up, "Director?"

Zhou Yun hurried over, not knowing what happened.

It was a mess outside, a lot of people were running back and forth, it looked like something serious had happened, and people were calling for an ambulance.

Zhou Yun's heart sank immediately, because she didn't know what happened. Judging from these signs, it seemed that the director was seriously injured.

At this time, several people suddenly came over with the director's arm.

"Leave a way, everyone make a way."

Zhou Yun hurriedly stepped aside.

Jiang Xin's face turned pale and lost all color.

Zhou Yun didn't go up to make trouble, but just watched nervously.

"Director!" Yu Sitian's voice suddenly came out, very clear, and he could hear it clearly even in the chaotic environment, "What's wrong with the director?"

Someone explained to her: "The director fell down."

Yu Sitian gasped, raised her hand to cover her mouth, full of shock.

The director was sent to the hospital for examination.

Filming was interrupted only temporarily.

Zhou Yun and others went downstairs to rest and eat in their respective trailers.

About an hour later, the producer informed everyone that they could go back to the hotel and rest, and that the afternoon scene would not be filmed.

Zhou Yun was worried about Jiang Xin's physical condition, so he went to the hospital first, and met Jiang Yuzhen who had the same idea at the entrance of the hospital.

Jiang Yuzhen asked, "You also came to see the director?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "I don't know what happened to the director."

Jiang Yuzhen sighed and said, "It shouldn't be a serious problem. I heard that there was a puddle of water on the ground. The director didn't pay attention and slipped and fell. But it happened that the place was relatively narrow and there were a lot of equipment. The director's waist hit a The side of the box."

Zhou Yun was taken aback when he heard this, and said, "No wonder I think the director needs two people to walk with him."

It is estimated that the waist can't straighten up.

The two looked at each other with a smile, shook their heads, and walked into the hospital together.

Jiang Yuzhen sighed helplessly, and said, "Originally, I still have a play in the future, but now it seems that I can only quickly turn that play down, and it must be postponed here."

In the past, it was because of Jiang Yuzhen's time that she had to give priority to filming all of Jiang Yuzhen's scenes.

Now that director Jiang Xin is injured, the crew must stop filming for a few days.

But Zhou Yun and Jiang Yuzhen didn't expect that there would be paparazzi in the hospital after hearing the news.

They pretended to be visiting patients and wandered around the inpatient building, looking for the ward where Jiang Xin was.

Although Jiang Xin is a director, he is also a very well-known director.

He was injured and hospitalized, and this news will attract a lot of attention.

When the paparazzi saw Zhou Yun and Jiang Yuzhen appearing together, they immediately took a few photos, and then rushed up, scrambling to ask them questions.

"Mr. Jiang, Zhou Yun, we have received news that director Jiang Xin was injured on the set and is currently hospitalized in this hospital. Are you here to visit him?"

Surrounded by paparazzi unexpectedly, Zhou Yun and Jiang Yuzhen froze in place for a while, unable to react for a while.

Jiang Yuzhen came to her senses and said first, "Can you ask the crew about this? Xiaoyun and I didn't come to visit Director Jiang Xin, we just came to visit a friend."

Jiang Yuzhen denied the fact that they came to visit Jiang Xin.

Zhou Yun followed Jiang Yuzhen and said, "Please keep quiet, this is a public place, don't disturb others."

The paparazzi didn't believe what they said at all, they smiled and said, "Don't hide it, we have already received the news, and there are photos of Director Jiang being carried out by your crew."

Zhou Yun and Jiang Yuzhen looked at each other.

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Really? Please help protect the director's privacy, okay?"

The paparazzi looked at each other.

Zhou Yun said: "You also took pictures of sister Yuzhen and I coming to the hospital. Now that we're on business, just post the news of our visit to the hospital, and don't post anything else."

She clasped her palms together and made a please gesture.

The paparazzi laughed and said, "We also have to make a living."

"Isn't the picture of me and sister Yuzhen not enough for you to eat?" Zhou Yun said with a smile.

Someone sighed and said, "It's alright, alright, since you've said so, then let's do it."

The other paparazzi looked at each other and nodded.

Zhou Yun smiled sweetly and compared his heart to them, "Thank you."

Zhou Yun and Jiang Yuzhen walked forward for a certain distance, Jiang Yuzhen looked back, mainly to see if the paparazzi had followed.

To Jiang Yuzhen's surprise, none of the paparazzi followed and actually left.

"They actually left." Jiang Yuzhen said, "Are you familiar with them?"

Zhou Yun smiled and said: "I'm not familiar with it. In fact, many times, our circle has also demonized them. They just do this business for a living. As long as it's not a relatively private matter, they can shoot as long as they want." Let them shoot, didn't stop them, didn't have any conflict with them."

Jiang Yuzhen was a little surprised, and said, "You are really amazing. This is the first time I have seen an artist who can live in harmony with paparazzi."

"Be considerate of each other." Zhou Yun said, "Except for a few people who have gone too far, most of them are ordinary people. They need news, and we need exposure. It can be discussed, of course, if you encounter some particularly bad quality, then there is no way."

Jiang Yuzhen nodded and said: "Xiaoyun, my impression of you has changed again. I really think you are a very mature little girl. My child really needs to learn from you in the future. I don't have you at your age. So mature."

Jiang Yuzhen was full of praise for Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun quickly shook his hand and said, "Sister Yuzhen, stop praising me like that, I'm not as good as you say."

"I'm not joking with you, you really surprised me, you kid." Jiang Yuzhen gave her a thumbs up, "I have to learn from you."

Zhou Yun quickly waved his hand.

The two came to the ward where Jiang Xin was.

Jiang Xin was lying on the bed, and his assistant was sitting next to him.

Seeing Zhou Yun and Jiang Yuzhen push the door in, the assistant stood up, greeted them, and said, "The director is asleep."

Zhou Yun and Jiang Yuzhen looked at the director lying on the hospital bed, who was sleeping soundly with his eyes closed.

He also worked hard during this time.

Zhou Yun handed over the fruit basket and nutritional products in his hand, and asked in a low voice, "How's the test result?"

"It's nothing serious, but the waist is flashing. I guess I have to rest in bed today." The assistant said.

Jiang Yuzhen also handed over what she had brought.

"Oh, what a pain to him," she said. "Since the director is resting, we won't bother."

The assistant nods.

(End of this chapter)

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