I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 613 Encounter with Wei Heyun

Chapter 613 Encounter with Wei Heyun
After Zhou Yun and Jiang Yuzhen left the ward, they walked out of the hospital together, separated at the door, and got into their respective cars.

"Didn't you see the director?" Cao Jun, who was in charge of driving, asked, "Why so fast?"

"The director is sleeping, we didn't disturb him, we came out first." Zhou Yun said, "Cao Jun, I just have time this afternoon, why don't you go shopping with me? What gift to buy."

Cao Jun said yes, and immediately searched for nearby shopping malls, and drove Zhou Yun there.

Dark clouds weighed on the skyline, making the city look very depressed.

This is an old city, and Jiang Xin searched for a long time to find the filming location.

Unlike metropolises like BJ, this old city seems to be out of touch with the development of the times, and still retains the appearance of [-] years ago.

In the script of "Chen Yin", Chen Yin and her mother live in such a place.

Cao Jun went around the city, but couldn't find a suitable big shopping mall.

Zhou Yun had no choice but to give up.

"Forget it, let's go back to the hotel."

Cao Jun nodded.

"The place is too small, there is no big mall."

Zhou Yun looked out of the car window in a daze.

Because of the cold weather, there were basically no people on the road.

Zhou Yun's mind was empty, he didn't think about anything, when suddenly a figure flashed in front of his eyes.

She froze for a moment and came back to her senses.

"Brother Cao, you step aside for a moment."

Without further ado, Cao Jun turned on the lights and stepped aside.

"Xiaoyun, what's the matter?"

"I saw an acquaintance." Zhou Yun lowered the car window and shouted, "Wei Heyun!"

Five meters away, Wei Heyun was walking forward in a black cotton jacket with his neck curled up.

Hearing someone calling his name, Wei Heyun thought it was an auditory hallucination for a moment.

How could anyone know him in this remote city that doesn't shit?
It wasn't until he heard "Wei Heyun" again that Wei Heyun realized that it wasn't an auditory hallucination.

He stopped, turned around and looked around where the sound came from, and then saw Zhou Yun sticking out his head from the car window.

"Zhou Yun?" Wei Heyun opened his eyes wide in surprise, and smiled in surprise. He trotted to the side of the car and asked, "Why are you here?"

Zhou Yun said: "I just want to ask you, why are you here? I was filming here, and I went out for a stroll today, and suddenly saw you on the road, it was like seeing a ghost."

"Bah, bah, what are you talking about?" Wei Heyun spat immediately, "I'm here to see the scenery, and I'm strolling all over the street."

"Looking at the scene?" Zhou Yun frowned suspiciously, "What scene are you looking at?"

"Show me the scene of my next project." Wei Heyun said, "Brother Wei, I'm back in the rivers and lakes again."

Zhou Yun: "...What kind of movie are you planning to shoot?"

Wei Heyun directly opened the rear door, motioned Zhou Yun to move inside, and then sat on it.

"This time I fell in love with a suspenseful youth story, an online novel. I read it all night. It's really good." Wei Heyun said happily, "This novel is called "Youth Only Once", have you read it?"

"I haven't read it, but based on my understanding of online novels, the authors who dare to take this name are all heroes, aren't they afraid to hit the street?" Zhou Yun asked, "Is it famous?"

"It's not very famous, and I don't see many people commenting on it. I was also recommended by a friend. That friend knew that I was looking for a good story, and it was really well written." The novel was written well, which made him so excited, "I have already contacted the author and bought the right to adapt this novel, and now I have hired a screenwriter to write the script."

Zhou Yun asked: "I'm still writing the script, so I haven't found a director or actors yet?"

"The script hasn't been written yet, how can I find it?" Wei Heyun said, "I'm just a small workshop, and I'm not a big company. How can I fool someone with a concept."

Zhou Yun said: "Then do you have an idea? Let me tell you, now the schedules of famous directors and some famous actors are full in the next year. If you don't book the other party's schedule in advance, then you want to find someone else There is no schedule for acting."

Wei Heyun said: "Come on, where can I get a famous director and actor for this small team, at most it will be a brand new lineup."

"Huh? Why?"

"Less investment." Wei Heyun said, "Although my previous two dramas didn't lose money, they didn't make too much money. At least in the eyes of those platforms, the rate of return is not high. If you want to invest a lot, They are not willing to give me the green light. After all, I am a small studio. They still prefer big production companies that have long-term cooperation with them to do big projects. Isn’t it the same for you actors to choose scripts? No matter how good the script is, If the producer is unreliable, you will not accept it, and now I am an unreliable producer in their eyes."

Zhou Yun thought about it for a while, and found that it was really the case.

If another actor like Wei Heyun came to her to act, she would definitely be full of suspicions in all aspects.

This is not just something that can be smashed out with a paycheck.

"Of course, the platform has also spoken. If we can find first-line stars to act in this drama, they will reconsider the amount of investment and the rating of this drama." Wei Heyun said, "It's just very Difficult, if you really want to find a first-line star to agree to act in this drama, it is too difficult, who would not want to find them."

Zhou Yun asked curiously: "Isn't this drama suitable for me?"

"Of course it's not suitable. If it was suitable for you to play, I would have asked you to read the script." Wei Heyun said, "The protagonist of this play is a fourteen-year-old girl."

Zhou Yun understood as soon as he heard it.

"That's it."

Wei Heyun said: "That's right, so this little girl must only be able to find new actors, unless the script is changed, but if the script is changed, it will be boring."

"Do you need my help?" Zhou Yun asked, "Although I don't know what I can help."

"Of course you can help." Wei Heyun said, "If you are willing, read the script. If you think it is valuable, come and help me find a director and actors. You can say that this is a good script, which is a hundred times better than mine. Sentences work."

"Then I have to read the script before I can say that." Zhou Yun said.

Wei Heyun nodded: "Of course, I don't know your temper yet, you are like this, I have learned it before, don't worry, I have full confidence in this story."

"Come on, I'll talk about it when I read the script." Zhou Yun said, "But I also admire you. You have changed a lot. In such a cold day, I ran out alone to watch the scene. After writing it out, I started to see the scene.”

"That's right, I told the screenwriter that I hope this script can be produced within a month." Wei Heyun said, "A [-]-word novel can only be adapted into short episodes. If everything goes well, we will We hope to start filming in the beginning of next year.”

"What? Are you crazy? How can you be in such a hurry? It's almost the New Year's Eve. When the filming starts next year, how can it be so fast."

"I'm talking about the Spring Festival."

"That's too soon, too anxious."

"I can't help it. The background of the story is the background of early spring just after winter." Wei Heyun said, "If you don't shoot at this time, you have to postpone it until the next year."

"It's too difficult." Zhou Yun said, "Don't make a big bad movie then."

"It's okay, as long as the script comes out, talk to the director and actors."

"If you want to find a suitable actor, it's hard to say." Zhou Yun said, "You can't do things like this, it's too sloppy. If the script can come out in January, it will be moved to April or May at the earliest." Shooting is more suitable, and I feel a little anxious about this. You are looking for investment for the script, and people will vote if they say so? You look for the director, and the director will wait for you directly when there is no time? You are an actor, let alone new actors. What about the other actors, who are all picking their feet at home, just waiting for this movie of yours? Start filming without discussing the broadcasting platform? What should I do if I can’t sell it after the filming is over?”

Zhou Yun slammed Wei Heyun with crackling words.

Wei Heyun said: "You really don't eat fireworks in the world. How many movies do you think can start filming just as you said? Everything you said is just right? You are shooting big crews, not bad investment and not bad platforms. We pull a project, how can everything be just right, it would be good if we can make up a team."

"You are really..." Zhou Yun rolled his eyes at him, "Can't you try to do things as well as possible? Do you have to go in the direction of shoddy work?"

"Where do I get the money to do fine work?" Wei Heyun said, "If the investment is really hard to get, I will invest in it myself. Anyway, I invested a lot in the first two films myself, and I also made a lot of money."

Zhou Yun clicked his tongue, gave Wei Heyun another look, thought for a while, and said, "Let me see if there is a schedule behind the director I know. You really should cooperate with a reliable person. The two crews got confused."

The old god Wei Heyun smiled on the ground, and said: "Let me tell you, as long as I have done these two plays now, no matter how bad their reputation is, my family is very happy. In their eyes, I am not so good at all." It's out of business."

"It's conceivable what kind of prodigal and rich young man you were before." Zhou Yun said.

Wei Heyun hummed twice.

"By the way, Yu Sitian is here too." Zhou Yun suddenly remembered this incident, and in front of Wei Heyun, he mentioned Yu Sitian, whom he had loved crazily, "She is filming this drama with me."

"Her?" Wei Heyun's mouth twitched, "She's here, it's none of my business, I don't like her anymore."

"Really?" Zhou Yun asked curiously, "You really don't like it?"

Wei Heyun said: "I really don't like it anymore."

Zhou Yun nodded: "Okay, then I won't say anything."

"Don't tell her that you met me." Wei Heyun urged.

"What did I tell her? It's not like you don't know that I don't have a good relationship with her." Zhou Yun pouted, "On the set we were only superficially friendly."

Wei Heyun said: "I'm very surprised that you said that you and her are filming the same film."

"I understand your surprise." Zhou Yun nodded, "But unless it really violates my bottom line and principles, I won't reject acting with someone just because I don't like her."

"Many actors have written their inability to cooperate with XX into their contracts."

"Some people want to do this, and some don't, it depends on personal choice." Zhou Yun said, "I don't want to bother the crew, nor do I want to trouble the producer and director because of these things. I told you, everyone can succeed. It is not easy to put together a complete crew of actors, and it is not easy to coordinate a dozen or so people."

Wei Heyun: "You are quite considerate of others. You have already reached this position. I thought you would have ignored these things long ago. After all, as long as you are willing, the entire crew will revolve around your wishes. Look at Wei Ruxue She doesn’t like the second male lead in the new drama, and it’s about to start, so I’ll change it if I say so.”

Zhou Yun frowned in disgust, and said, "This is what I dislike the most, don't you know?"

Wei Heyun nodded and said, "I know this is what you dislike the most, but people change."

"You still think I'm going to go bad, don't you?"

"I don't think you will change for the worse, but I have seen how many people lose their eyes in this environment."

"Then I ask you friends to remind me again and again, and warn me not to lose my eyes, not to be in a trance, and not to take myself too seriously."

Zhou Yun said: "I am willing to be a person who has a lot of shit, high requirements, and annoys many people, but I hope that all these things happen for a reason, for the good of the whole show, for the final effect, not for me. personal wishes."

Wei Heyun: "You are too good."

"Don't exaggerate these words. You are going to see the scenery in the afternoon, right? Is there a purpose? I have nothing to do in the afternoon anyway, so I will take a look with you."

Wei Heyun nodded and said, "Okay."

Zhou Yun and Wei Heyun shuttled through the streets and alleys, looking for the spots that Wei Heyun wanted to find.

The two have been chatting, one or the other.

"Then you don't plan to fall in love recently?" Zhou Yun asked Wei Heyun curiously.

"Talk about it, but there is no way." Wei Heyun said, "I want to find someone who matches me at a glance, but when everyone sees me, their eyes are shining brightly. Words, everyone knows who I am, even if they don’t know at the beginning, they will soon know from others. At first, they don’t want anything, and then they ask for this and that. It's too boring."

"You don't have to be so depressed. With your identity and family background, it's normal to be surrounded by such a group of people."

"It's just disappointment, and I can't say that I haven't met a few people who are interested, but in the end I was disappointed. This feeling of disappointment came to me again and again, and I didn't feel this way afterwards." Wei Wei He Yun said, "I know there must be girls in this world who don't care about everything about me, but I'm not in the mood to wait for her to appear."

"You are so old and angry, how old are you?" Zhou Yun said directly, "There are many, many girls you want to meet in the future, I don't believe it, you say you are not in the mood, you really can do it when you see it The heart is like still water."

(End of this chapter)

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