I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 614 Temporary Invitation

Chapter 614 Temporary Invitation

Instead of being angry, Wei Heyun smiled, and said happily, "As expected, you still understand me."

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes.

In the evening, the two had a light meal at a nearby restaurant.

A few small fry, taste good.

Wei Heyun asked: "What scene are you filming now?"

Zhou Yun: "You don't know? I thought you knew, the new play directed by Jiang Xin."

"Oh, Director Jiang." Wei Heyun said, "I don't know what kind of movie you're filming. Anyway, you're either in this crew or that crew. You shoot three or four movies a year, and I don't watch them all the time. Your news."

Zhou Yun: "You really don't care about your friend at all."

"Come on less." Wei Heyun said, "I don't accept this kind of moral kidnapping."

The two were arguing.

"Oh." Wei Heyun suddenly sighed again.

"Why are you sighing so well?" Zhou Yun asked.

Wei Heyun said: "Actually, it's the family that has been flying around recently. It's nothing. Don't ask, it's a long story."

"That can't be helped. You are a big family, and a big family means complicated relationships."

"Yes, it's quite complicated. I didn't care about it before, but in the past two years, because I started filming, many people began to make insinuations about whether I will also do film and television in the future."

Zhou Yun knew that many people in Wei Heyun's family were working in the film and television industry.

Thanks to the high position and authority of Wei Heyun and his elders, the people in their family can do this business smoothly.

If it wasn't for this reason, it would be impossible for Wei Heyun to start working as soon as he said he would, and start two dramas at the same time, no matter how many troubles there are in the middle, but from the project to the sale, When it came to the broadcast, there was no real force majeure factor that caused the project to fail.

You know, against such a big background, nine out of ten projects are yellow.

In terms of success rate, Wei Heyun's two plays were [-]% successful and [-]% profitable.

"Does your family not want you to do this job?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

"If I want to do this business, it will be a competition and a threat to some people." Wei Heyun explained.


"Forget it, don't talk about our family's mess, I'm not happy about it." Wei Heyun said, "Tell me about you, your boyfriend opened a film and television production company, and it became very prosperous. Don't you have the idea yourself?"

"I don't have one." Zhou Yun shook his head, "I don't have enough energy now. To be honest, it's not easy for me to run my own small studio properly, and my small studio is currently only me. As an artist, as for me, now I have no worries about food, clothing, and life, and the money I have earned has long been beyond my imagination. I don’t have that much desire for making money. I want to explore more now. The most important thing is the road of actor, I want to see what height I can reach on this road."


Wei Heyun nodded.

Zhou Yun smiled.

Wei Heyun said again: "You are really different from other female stars."

"Don't say that."

"I'm serious, you are really different from them." Wei Heyun said, "Basically, I have dealt with and known all the famous actresses, how many people can be as calm as you Seriously face up to your own desires."

"Haha." Zhou Yun said, "Why do you say that too? I don't think so myself."

"Don't you feel it? Many people were interviewed and asked why they wanted to be actors. One or two said that they love the art of acting. In fact, how many people really become actors because they love acting. In fact, They are not actors, they are stars, they are entertainers, many people want to be famous, to make money, to stand in the spotlight and receive the attention of thousands of people."

"You're just as mean as ever."

"I'm just stating a fact."

"Although part of the truth is true, you don't have to say that, because you will accidentally hurt the actress you really love." Zhou Yun said, "I don't like to say negative things about others in public because of this reason. Sometimes, No matter how careful we are, we will still accidentally hurt others.”

"I found that you are really afraid of affecting others, and you don't want to cause trouble for others."

"Maybe I have developed such a habit since I was a child." Zhou Yun smiled, "Wei Heyun, I grew up in a different environment from yours. Maybe you have always said something under the protection of your family background. You can do whatever you want, but I am different, I have to be cautious, because I don't have the capital of trial and error."

Wei Heyun looked at Zhou Yun and nodded twice.

"Until this time, I didn't feel that you also have a human weakness."


"Think about it, you are beautiful, you have outstanding acting skills, you have a smooth journey, you are surprisingly lucky to win awards, and you have a boyfriend like Song Chi, and under all these, you are still a man who has high demands on yourself." , A perfect person with almost no moral flaws, you almost have no real shortcomings-but just now I suddenly felt that you have finally exposed, of course, it cannot be said to be shortcomings, but should be described as weaknesses."

"What?" Zhou Yun asked.

Wei Heyun said: "You seem to be able to face all your good and bad things calmly, admit your selfishness, and confess your desires. You are different from all other vain people, but you are a little different. Dare to mention and touch easily, that is your past. Every time you mention this, you will vaguely bring it over, but never talk about your past in detail. You just said that you have been cautious since you were a child, but why? It would be so without telling me.”

Zhou Yun suddenly panicked.

She didn't expect Wei Heyun to be so sensitive.

"However, don't worry, since you don't want to mention this matter, I won't ask you any more." Wei Heyun said, "I just want to tell you that in the eyes of caring people, some things may not be as well hidden as you imagined .”

Zhou Yun: "..."

At the end of this dinner, Zhou Yun really didn't like it.

Wei Heyun became sharper.

He hadn't been this sharp before.

After dinner, Zhou Yun asked Wei Heyun where he lived, and only then did he know that the hotels where the two lived were very close to each other, less than two hundred meters away.

Therefore, Zhou Yun first asked Cao Jun to send Wei Heyun over.

Before getting off the car, Wei Heyun said: "Zhou Yun, I will stay here for two more days. If you have nothing to do and want to hang out with someone, call me anytime."

"it is good."

Wei Heyun got off Zhou Yun's car.


"Crack! Kick!"

Lin Xiaomiao kept pressing the shutter of the camera in her hand.

Lao Huang on the side asked: "Xiao Miao, after following Zhou Yun for so long, it was hard to get a picture of her and Wei Heyun. Do you think the two of them really have an adulterous relationship? These two are not the first time It was photographed once."

"She and Wei Heyun are friends, and as you saw today, these two people obviously met on a temporary basis." Lin Xiaomiao said, "I don't think these two people seem to have any adultery, but we I also want to make a living, so let’s post a group of photos today, or I won’t be able to get the bonus.”

"How can it be, you gold medal entertainment reporter, didn't two teams contact you yesterday, wanting to hype up the scandal?"

"Then it's just a few bucks." Lin Xiaomiao said, "If you really want to make something, you have to photograph some real things, which are worth the money."


Zhou Yun called Song Chi at night and talked about how he happened to meet Wei Heyun who came here to see the scenery in the afternoon.

Song Chi said: "Let him make trouble if he wants to. Anyway, with the support of his family, we won't lose money."

"He's actually quite smart, but he was too careless in the past. If he had taken this as a career, with his family's contacts and ability, he might not be able to make a fortune." Zhou Yun felt sorry for Wei Heyun, "Of course, it's not too late for him to start now."

"Xiaoyun, since the filming is going to stop for the next two days, why don't you take the time to help me occupy a stage?" Song Chi said, "I have made a TV series before, "Mother" starring Hongyu, and I have already prepared it. It’s on the air, and we’re going to hold a press conference tomorrow, if you’re free, come to the press conference and help us promote it?”

"Okay, when?"

"The press conference is at [-]:[-] in the afternoon, are you OK? It's at BJ."

"Okay." Zhou Yun agreed, "But I don't know much about this show, and I don't know how to answer questions from reporters on the spot."

"We will discuss the issue in advance," Song Chi said.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun immediately went to tell Zhou Lan about it.

Zhou Lan said: "I see, I will ask the brand to send the clothes for the event directly to BJ, but when will "Chen Yin" resume filming?"

"I don't know, I haven't received the news yet." Zhou Yun said, "I think the director's injury is quite serious, and he may not be able to leave the hospital for a while."

"Ah?" Zhou Lan was a little worried, "Then what should I do? Wen Bing hopes that you can join the group for action training in January, and the filming of "Female Killer" will start in March."

Zhou Yun said: "Explain to Wen Bing, I will call him, besides, you don't have to be in the group to do the movement training, please invite the martial arts instructor to take me to practice here, can't you? "

Zhou Lan said: "Let me communicate with them first, ah, what a headache, time is really tight, by the way, tomorrow is the day when the Berlin Film Festival will announce the film list, it is said that "Words of Fallen Leaves" will be shortlisted, but it has not been confirmed yet. Which unit was shortlisted."

"Berlin Film Festival?"

"Yeah, "Words of Fallen Leaves" has been waiting for news from here." Zhou Lan said, "But regardless of whether "Words of Fallen Leaves" is shortlisted or not, you have to participate in the red carpet of the opening ceremony this time, Jin Ling Jewelry sponsored this year's event, and you, as a spokesperson, need to be present."


"I hope "Chen Yin" can be filmed smoothly, otherwise the impact will be a bit big." Zhou Lan said, "There is still a lot of work ahead, and in a few days, the American Golden Globe Awards will also announce the nomination list."

"Huh? Golden Globes?"

"Yeah, "Behind the Scenes" has great hopes of being nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film, and we are also doing our best to nominate you for Best Actress in PR."

"Is there any hope?"

"Judging from the current situation, there is not much hope." Zhou Lan said, "We entered the game too late, and we have indeed received a lot of rejection. Many people will rely on a foreign language film to give you public relations. The Best Actress felt unrealistic and unwilling to support us, alas."

"It's reasonable and normal." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan hummed.

"However, Xiaoyun, if "Words of Fallen Leaves" is really shortlisted for the main competition of the Berlin International Film Festival tomorrow, will you go to the press conference of "Mother" to overwhelm the host?" Zhou Lan reminded.

Zhou Yun thought about it and hesitated.

It would be fine if the first protagonist of "Being a Mother" is a man, but this drama is built around Zhang Hongyu. Zhang Hongyu, a veteran actress, is the proper first protagonist.

If Zhou Yun appeared at the press conference and it coincided with the Berlin International Film Festival announcing the list of shortlisted films, it would really easily lead to the consequences of overwhelming the guests.

Zhou Yun thought about it seriously.

The play was produced by Song Chi's company.

Song Chi had never offered to ask her to help with publicity before, but this time he heard that she happened to be on "holiday", so he took advantage of the opportunity to invite her.

From the perspective of publicity, if she attends the press conference, more people will pay attention to the press conference, and it will also attract more people to pay attention to the drama "Being a Mother".

But from Zhang Hongyu's point of view, she should be the first protagonist in tomorrow's press conference.

Zhou Yun called Song Chi back and told him his concerns.

Song Chi said: "The problem you are worried about is actually not a problem. Sister Hongyu can't come. She is filming another movie, so there is no way to come over."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun was taken aback.

Zhang Hongyu is the highlight of "Being a Mother", but she couldn't attend the press conference of "Being a Mother".

Zhou Yun was surprised.

She suddenly realized why Song Chi suddenly invited her to participate.

If she was filming in "Chen Yin", even if Zhang Hongyu couldn't come, Song Chi wouldn't say that.It was also because Zhou Yun happened to be free that Song Chi invited her to the platform.

Zhou Yun said, "Alright then, I'll fly over tomorrow morning."


In this matter, Song Chi was also a little annoyed, but there was nothing he could do.

As an actor, Song Chi was able to understand Zhang Hongyu's involuntary behavior.

It's just that it will be broadcast soon, and this press conference is of key significance to the announcement of the drama "Mother".

Zhang Hongyu couldn't attend, and Song Chi could only find a way to support the attention of this press conference.

"Being a Mother" was a drama he tailored for Zhang Hongyu at the beginning. Although the investment was not large, it was not small. Zhang Hongyu's salary alone was tens of millions.

Of course, Song Chi didn't want to see this drama hit the street in the end, and no one cares about it.

After receiving the invitation, many media will ask which celebrities will attend the press conference.

And which stars are present determines which level of reporters they send to the press conference.

It is inevitable for Song Chi to attend, but apart from him, the other actors in "Being a Mother" are not well-known, and there are too few stars, so the follow-up will basically not raise any topic.

Song Chi was slightly relieved that Zhou Yun could come over.

(End of this chapter)

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