I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 615 Press Conference

Chapter 615 Press Conference

"Sister, to tell you the truth, I really don't think "Being a Mother" will be a hit. This chapter Hongyu is said to be an actress, with a big celebrity, but think about it, how long has it been since she came out to film? In recent years, what has made everyone An impressive play?"

"I don't know what Song Chi is thinking. I invited Zhang Hongyu to act in this drama. It's another family ethics drama. If you look at the name, you won't have the desire to watch it. If you are an audience, you will appreciate it." Are you interested? Will you click in to see it?"

"Oh, come on, come on, if you insist on asking me to attend this press conference, I will go. Who wouldn't be happy to receive red envelopes? But I have to write a publicity report for them. How do I write it? Who wants to read it? Write Song Chi's first time as a boss and producer? Song Chi's fans are interested."

"Audiences are judged by appearances. If you are a big star, no matter how famous you are, if you don't act, who will care about you?"

The little apprentice complained one sentence after another.

Cao Ningning became impatient, raised her hand and slapped the table.

"You talk so much nonsense, what about chanting scriptures? Go, or not?"

Cao Ningning raised his eyebrows, his little apprentice didn't dare to say anything, but the impatient look on his face was still obvious.

Cao Ningning became angry when he saw him like that, "You are really good, you are kind enough to treat yourself like a donkey, this opportunity is not available to others if you want it, this is not the first time Song Chi has been a producer, but it is the first time he has been the main promoter of the company. The plays that came out were all other projects that he participated in before. This one was done by him from the very beginning. Can this feeling be the same? Someone sent us an invitation letter, and we need to give it a push. You said If this drama doesn’t become popular, it won’t be popular? Even if it’s not popular, let me ask you, do you still want to receive Song Chi’s invitation letter in the future? Do you want to get an interview opportunity for the drama he acts in the future? His company will do it in the future Get up, he has become a prince, and you go to be a pug and lick it?"

The little apprentice faltered for a while, unable to speak.

Cao Ningning's words were like pouring beans.

"Let me tell you, if it wasn't because my mother just got out of the hospital tomorrow, I really wouldn't be able to go. It's no wonder I'd give you this chance!" You are quite capable of chasing fame and fortune, why did you agree to accept you as an apprentice at the beginning?"

The little apprentice hurriedly admitted his mistake with a smile on his face: "Sister Ning, I was wrong, I know I was wrong, you don't remember the mistakes of villains, I will definitely handle this matter smoothly, and write the manuscript for him Slightly, the publicity is definitely in place!"

Cao Ningning squinted at him.

"Anyway, I'll break it down for you. I don't care if you really listen to it or fake it." She stood up and went to get her bag, "Let's go."

The little apprentice laughed along with him, and when Cao Ningning left, the smile on his face disappeared.

"Bah! It's a good chance!"


"Mother" press conference site.

"Who will come today?" The reporters were also discussing among themselves, asking each other for news, keeping their notebooks on their laps, waiting for the first time to publish the article and grab the headlines.

For experienced reporters, the manuscript has already been written before they arrive, and they are waiting to listen and revise it on the spot, so that they can send it out as soon as possible.

Sun Xi——is Cao Ningning's little apprentice. As the name suggests, he has a happy face. As soon as he enters the venue, he immediately makes friends with other people.

Soon, he chatted with several people.

"I said it in private. I think this show won't be popular. Zhang Hongyu hasn't acted for a long time. Now the audience doesn't know her. Apart from her, there are no other well-known actors. This show is obviously Song Chi's contribution to Zhang Hongyu The gift I gave was to invite her out of the mountain, so that’s probably what it is.” Someone said.

Sun Xi immediately picked up the conversation and said, "That's right, I think so too. At that time Zhang Hongyu came out for activities again, how many people wrote about her, but the number of views and discussions was not high, and it didn't meet expectations. Of course, this person is an actor. , is the actress, we have nothing to say, but now is not her era."

"What was Song Chi thinking when he asked her to come out to act? It was because there were not many suitable plays for her that she gradually retired."

"Who knows, but it can't be said that he has retired, but he is not very active."

"I heard that Song Chi has made several dramas with middle-aged and elderly people as the first protagonists. It's rare, but I think he thinks too well and thinks that his appeal can drive the ratings. Let's not care about what the outside world says. What kind of shit and bad movies? Speaking of it, these movies that they scolded the most are the most profitable. Which investor invests in a movie for word of mouth? The platform also wants to make money. What do you want to do? Art, but someone has to pay for art.”

"Oh, forget it, Song Chi is willing to do this, and I admire him too. I hope he won't pay too much."


Before the press conference started, a group of reporters began to sing bad news.

One can imagine the attitude and evaluation of this drama in the industry.

Zhou Yun was also on the way here, afraid that she didn't know too much about this drama, so she hurried to make up her homework, only then did she realize that this drama was not as highly anticipated as she had imagined.

Why is this so?
Zhou Yun searched for this drama on the Internet platform, and read everyone's comments, and roughly understood it.

One is that this theme is not of interest to everyone. It tells the story of a mother who is a policeman and her child. Although there are suspenseful cases in the middle, the focus of the story still falls on the family relationship and the shortcomings of the parents. This kind of story is in the Recently it has been declining.

Second, Zhang Hongyu is not favored by the market.Public opinion has been emphasizing the value of middle-aged and elderly actresses, calling on producers to give them more opportunities, but when it comes to the market, the few TV dramas with middle-aged and elderly women as the protagonists all have poor ratings. Not even topical.

Song Chi's play is really besieged on all sides.

Some people hope that the drama "Being a Mother" can stand out from the encirclement and open a hole.Some people are pessimistic, thinking that Song Chi is losing money and making money.

Zhou Yun would feel angry for Song Chi when he saw such comments later.

What does Song Chi need to earn?
He himself is serious about acting, so he needs to devote so much energy to earn this kind of shouting?
But Zhou Yun knew that Song Chi was doing something amazing.He is doing subjects that the mainstream market is afraid to do, and sending talented actors who are not optimistic about the mainstream market.

Zhou Yun admired Song Chi from the bottom of his heart.

But the news she saw also made Zhou Yun more aware that the prospect of "Being a Mother" may be more blurred than she expected.

She thought to herself, after finally being able to produce this drama, it will be broadcast soon, and during this broadcast period, she must do her best to let more people know about this drama.

She believes that the drama "Being a Mother" will definitely not be bad.

A script that could be favored by Song Chi, and a drama that could invite Zhang Hongyu to star in it, would definitely not be bad.

Since it's not bad, it's time to find a point where we can do a good job of publicity.

Zhou Yun thought so, and began to think about how to do the promotion of this drama.

Suddenly, Zheng Xiaoju gasped.

"Sister Xiaoyun, something happened!"

Zhou Yun came back to his senses and asked, "What's wrong?"

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Didn't you meet Wei Heyun yesterday? Someone took a picture of you and Wei Heyun parting at the entrance of the hotel and posted it. It is estimated that it will attract everyone's attention soon."

"Wei Heyun?" Zhou Yun frowned subconsciously.

Why didn't I post it sooner or later? I just posted these photos when the press conference was about to start.

Zhou Yun was not worried about rumors about his affair with Wei Heyun, as she and Wei Heyun had been photographed not once or twice.

But what worries her is that the press conference of "Being a Mother" will be held later. When this news breaks out at this time, when she appears on the stage, all the reporters in the audience must be paying attention to this matter. No one will Let's pay attention to the drama "Being a Mother" again.

No, it cannot be allowed to become like this.

Zhou Yun said to Zheng Xiaoju: "Today's press conference, I can't show up."

She sighed and had to ask a friend for help.

Zhou Yun opened his address book.

The first call came through.

"Wen Xi, are you free now? Are you in BJ?"


"Is Xiaoyun here?" Song Chi asked.

"I contacted him in ten minutes and said he was on his way." Song Chi's assistant Zhang Cong replied, and at the same time gave Song Chi a somewhat uneasy look, "However, Brother Chi, a piece of news broke just now."

"What news?" Song Chi asked.

He has been chatting with friends who came to the press conference today to help the platform just now, and he hasn't paid attention to the news on the Internet.

"Someone took a picture of Miss Xiaoyun and Wei Heyun sitting in the same car last night, and it went viral. This time, they didn't hype their relationship, but many netizens are still talking about it, saying that Miss Xiaoyun ..." Zhang Cong did not continue.

Song Chi wanted to know what those netizens were talking about.

His eyes sank.

Zhang Cong said: "There will be so many reporters in the audience later, I am worried that Miss Xiaoyun will be besieged by those reporters after she takes the stage."

Song Chi pondered for a moment and said, "Leave this matter to me, and I will handle it."

At this time, Zhou Yun appeared.

She walked in with her team, which attracted the attention of many people backstage.

"Song Chi."

"Xiao Yun."

The two looked at each other and knew that the other knew about it.

Zhou Yun showed a helpless expression, and said: "It's too unfortunate, I won't be able to go on stage later, otherwise those reporters will besiege me, and they will definitely overwhelm the host."

Song Chi nodded and said, "I think so too. When you get off the stage, it's like setting a target for them. I don't want you to be mobbed just to help me stand on this stage."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun said, "I invited some friends over."

"Huh?" Song Chi was taken aback.

Zhou Yun said: "The incident happened suddenly, many people couldn't catch up, but fortunately Wen Xi and Gu Huaichun are here, they are on their way here, I know this press conference is very important, I promised you, but now I can't go on stage anymore, so I ask them to help me stand on the stage and promote it."

Song Chi didn't expect Zhou Yun to get her two friends to come to help in a short period of time.

No matter how much love he had for Zhou Yun, he couldn't help but be moved at this moment.He can never take other people's contributions for granted, even if this person is the woman he loves.

"I love you." Song Chi hugged Zhou Yun and kissed her on the mouth.

Zheng Xiaoju let out a sigh.

Song Chi glanced at her with a smile.

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Brother Chi, so many people are watching, it's too boring."

Song Chi patted Zheng Xiaoju on the head, "You're the only one who talks too much."

It will take time for Wen Xi and Gu Huaichun to rush over.

Of course, the press conference can only start on time.

Zhou Yun is in the background.

Twenty minutes later, Zheng Xiaoju came in with the urgently delivered clothes from other brands. These were the clothes that Zhou Yun personally borrowed from the person in charge of a cooperating high-end luxury brand just now, and prepared for Wen Xi and Gu Huaichun.

Wen Xi and Gu Huaichun hurried over to help her stand on the platform, but she couldn't let people scribble on the scene.

Both of them are the most popular celebrity entertainers nowadays, one is an actor and the other is a model, and they are both linked to the fashion circle, so they must not be too simple.

In the eyes of fashion circles, simplicity is a sin.

"Sister Xiaoyun, I've checked all the clothes." Zheng Xiaoju asked, "I've put them in the lounge, and when Sister Wenxi and Brother Xiaogu come, they can be changed directly."

"Well, if people bring their own clothes, don't mention it. If they don't bring you." Zhou Yun reminded.


"Fortunately, the three of us often cooperate with this brand, and they are easy to talk to." Zhou Yun heaved a sigh of relief, "If we meet someone who is hard to talk to, we will definitely not be able to borrow this clothes."

"Sister Xiaoyun, you are now the star they want to work with, how could they not agree?"

"Don't say that, even if I don't cooperate with them, their names are famous, and my cooperation with them is just icing on the cake for them."

At the front desk, Song Chi had already brought the actors of "Being a Mother" to the stage.

The reporters were a little surprised when they saw the actors present today.

What, Zhang Hongyu didn't show up?
What's happening here?
So besides Song Chi, there is no celebrity today?
The reporters became agitated and heated discussions continued.

Song Chi calmly pressed his hand, controlled the scene with a few words, and connected Zhang Hongyu on the spot.

Zhang Hongyu's face appeared on the big screen at the scene.

"My friends from the press, I'm sorry, but I really can't leave because I'm filming, so I can only meet you in this way." Zhang Hongyu apologized to everyone, "Welcome to the release of our "Mother" Yes, this is a very enjoyable work for me, I hope everyone can help us promote it!"

Song Chi held the microphone and said, "If you have any questions that you want to interview Sister Hongyu, we can just raise our hands, because Sister Hongyu's time is relatively tight, so let's ask three friends from the reporter to ask questions. "

The reporters who came to the scene immediately raised their hands.

Song Chi hesitated for a while, pretending, and ordered the babysitter that had been booked in advance.


(End of this chapter)

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